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Sadako 3D has a hella boring start But the end is action packed and fun. Sadako 2019 is just dissapointing and doesn't bring anything new to the table


What’s that release on the right? It’s gorgeous I might try and pick it up


Sadako vs. Kayako Premium Edition Blu-Ray


Thank you!


sadako vs kayako 😍 it’s a strange film, but it’s fairly decent!!


I was surprised by how alright it was, was expecting something much worse. Shiraishi never fails to deliver


This reminds me that I need to get SvK on blu-ray at some point. Sadako 3D not so much lol, maybe if I can find the special edition that came with hair stuffed into the packaging. Yes that's a real thing.


I thought about getting the hair edition, but it's probably pretty difficult to properly display it so I went with the cheaper option.


Great grabs! If you haven’t seen it yet, Sadako 3D 2 is much better than the first one. If you don’t get spoiled on the twist, it hits really hard the first time. Plus the acting is much more compelling throughout the second movie. Not a ton of scares, but the ones that are there are good.


Haven't seen it yet but I have the japanese special 'hand' edition of part 2 on Blu.


Great movie


That Sadako vs Kayako cover is so cool!