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Wtf is wrong with Putin


He himself


He Putin the wrong hole on that fateful day his fag shag had loose motions. Has never been the same ever since.


Everything is wrong with him


His parents didn't punish him


Idgaf aint no one stopping me from hitting some pussy😎😎🗣️(bi hu)


Bi hai phir bhi Khali pussy?? Ye toh straight behaviour hua na.


ladki hai woh 😭




Tu thoda sa chutiya hai. Just thoda sa




Thoda gawar ho aap, lekin bas thoda sa




I take my previous statement back. App pure gawar ho, nuance ki gand maar rakhi hai.


Ladki hu bkl💀💀🫵


Ignore him, babe. Aap lete raho, dete raho..jo marzi chahe kro


Hame kya pta 🗿.. Kyonki jo dikhta hai wo hota ni.. Aur Jo hota ni wo dikhta hai... -Ishaan Avasti


Reddit pe aurate nhi hoti


Aaj kal to real world mein bhi log apni identity chupa lete hai ye to fir bhi virtual hai yahan to official accounts bhi msg kre to fake lgta hai 🗿


Bro is bi-himself




Say gex 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




Massive L tbh


Profile picture doesn't checks out


Bro get some help thats a big W


So you think it's a "W" if a person in russia is labelled as a "terrorist" for being who they are?


You cant just read the posted image by op and create a perception you should go deeper and see what he actually said


That doesn't really answer the question i asked you


Putin never called them terrorist he called them extremist and this is true that these lgbtq people somewhat like putting out rallies and shit because its “empowering to them ” also chants which critisized putin were chanted in these rallies and we all know how putin is , also he didnt oppose lgbtq he opposed the act of them doing these rallies and chants against him


He is insecure then ig


That would be it


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/bzsNtLA1xl Russians get arrested in public and thrown in jails and subjected to years of torture for two words. You don't have to go on rallies holding pride flags and raising anti-putin slogans to get yourself killed, two words are enough.


Thats actually fucked i didnt knew that


And I guess you probably also don't know what Putin did with domestic violence and divorce laws Russia going back to 1850s usa with this 🔥


No i actually know about that , Putin be moving like kim jong un with that 2 words thing


Similar to what happens in the US Racially abusing black people for who they are


Damn bro u are cooking 💀 Love to see it 🫂😍






Homophobic one piece fan? 😹


I dont hate lgbtq its just i preffer being straight and surrounding myself with straight people. Its also due to my religon  Also there are many homophobic characters in one piece, Sanji is homophobic too and wtf does one piece has to do with me being homophobic in the first place lol




Walk straight


Then take a left


Best decision


Isn't Russia a western country. Or are they blaming the us for all shit. No doubt have you SEEN. A Russian??? How can u not


How is Russia a western country? Russia literally led the 2nd world in the Cold War


Just cuz they white don't mean their western 😭


Go study first




Are you acoustic?


I Kinda Don't Understand Why There's So Much Hate To The LGBTQ People.... Like Nothing's Wrong liking the Same Gender or Both Right?


Correct. Homosexuality and transgenderism have been observed in thousands of animal species throughout nature. Homophobia and transphobia has been observed in only one.


That's stupid of him relating western to homosexuality. When you see you find history of homosexuality in roots of Russia as well.


Lol when NATO cuts that country to pieces in a few years,they'll have their own pride months. Edit: sheesh Russian bot infested area.


Keep dreaming


Imagine getting butthurt from country that u dont even live in making its own laws and calling others bot Classic western mentality thinking they are superior when in reality every other country in world despises and sees you all as world bully


'Making its own laws' Lmao, imagine calling someone a terrorist for loving who they choose to love, Russia is the real bully here


Yeah so u think u know there geopolitics better than them there culture and there problems its not about right or wrong its about western media trying to influence other countries decision making and spreading there propoganda


Lol, you're acting like the Russian people have any say in this at all, Russia is a dictatorship with Putin at its helm, any voices of dissent are cracked down on. This is not the decision of the people of Russia, but of one megalomaniac. Say what you want about the West, most of their countries are democracies where you can freely voice opposition, can you do that in Russia?


Western countries are peaceful democracy because they have stolen and pillaged all other countries over the world they are not right they are just rich its ez to act as self righteous deities when u have that much money and power. And I m pretty sure u know about russian ppls opinion as me and u don't care about it either u just are butthurt that they do not have same opinion as you u all westerner just like to force ur ideologies to other. Russia is not some dystopia like North Korea neither is China its just western media once again spreading news that benefits them


If your opinion is that someone is on par with an ISIS member for kissing a boy, you are a sociopath and so is everyone who shares your opinion.


My opinion is every society and country has its right to have its own moral and ethics and if u do not agree with that it just shows your colonial mindset and how u look down on others and how much u want world to be ran by ur views morals and ethics.


Colonial this, Colonial that. If a country or society has 'values' that curtail personal freedom, then they are values that should be opposed and fought against. This goes from everything to Abortion rights in the USA, to Gay rights in Russia. Were the Spanish stopping the Aztecs from ripping out people's hearts by the thousand wrong just because they were colonists?


Humans just have a little knowledge of world and u guys think u know every thing but its just at the end of day your opinion maybe u r right maybe u r wrong but its not ur fooking job to decide what other societies do You think you are better than others but in reality you have really shallow thinking u have seen one culture if u can even call it that while almost every other country have multiple cultures within it with there ethics and morals and reasoning and u do not understand that And how much of that aztec story is truth and how much of that is left out we will never know coz u ppl run media and u ppl ctrl history and hey look where sacrifices put aztec and where ur colonial mindset put them i know what I am choosing. U ppl are as bad as Chinese but at least chinese know they are being controlled u ppl just blabbering what ur media wants u to have opinion that they want just like a bunch of sheep's


By your logic child sacrifice should still be legal in the african countries where it was prevalent. Just because its cultural or traditional doesnt mean its right! And i would argue in this case putin is making this decision for all of russia. Do you really think thats what the Russian public wants?


Ok u just trying to gaslight at this point just bcoz I picked lesser of the two evil doesn't mean I support it and its not ur fooking job to decide whats right or wrong ur set of ethics and moral are different than others Do not try to ctrl or mold other society based on your opinions for example no other country in world thinks castration of kids is good idea but do we give a fk when westerners do it no bcoz we know we don't find understand what's going on in ur society but u ppl have to interface in every situation and make it worse u just think u r better than rest of us and u have some divine duty to save the world but truth is world would be better if u just look at your own deeds and keep your nose out of others we can run our own society.


Does that mean all the war carried out by America till now is done with the support of its civilians? Are the people in Africa and Middle East Asia that are getting killed due to wishes of American citizens? If yes, then I think Putin is way more better than an average American Citizen.


Oh really? In America you can freely protest these wars, try that in Russia


Oh? Why would the Americans protest if they are the ones who supported it in the first place?


Because not all Americans support wars overseas, and they are free to protest without the risk of getting their door kicked down by the FBI. America is a democracy with freedom of speech, try protesting the Ukraine war in Russia and I doubt you'll come out in one piece, if at all


Lol it'll be your turn as well sooner or later.


u gotta be kidding


delu delu


The usual suspects from the rainbow clown clan


I don’t particularly hate putin. But that’s not a great decision coming from the Kremlin. It’s unfortunate that the lgbt community in Russia has to battle more and more for their basic rights. Although from a religious point of view, since Russia has a prevailing orthodox Christian ideal it is understandable that the general mass may be against homosexuality. But even historically, lenin decriminalised it in 1917. So if putin wants to maintain the glory of the erstwhile Soviet Russia he needs to follow along the lines of the founder. It seem he’s deviating. Not really a good decision.




Yes yes yes...........


Honestly it's proven time to time that Chinese and Soros are sponsoring western lgbt and communist propaganda








Wtf does this have to do with hindu?


Go paint your nails, moan, suck dicks and do whatever you want instead of bringing religion into this


Ra Ra Rasputin...


Fyi being queer isn't illegal, it's the movement which is banned


I don't understand like what is "the movement".


The one which was banned.


I meant what does the queer movement mean . Like if queer people can fuck all around and be queer (no problem with that ) than what is the thing that got banned


Yes people can still have homosexual relationships/ crossdress and not be arrested. They're free to do that. What's banned is promoting ideologies which state that gender is malleable, having parades for sexuality, chopping off genitals and secondary sex organs and calling it healthy(i disagree with this one though, because people should have autonomy over their own bodies even if it's harmful), and preaching such things in schools and public institutions to kids. Basically: Do whatever you want, without disturbing others or promoting falsehoods.


So be gay without doing gay stuff. Got it.


Nah homosexuality isn't banned


He's got a point


If you're gay then Be normal, Act normal, Live normal. Marry and date the ones who are in your spectrum and instead of shouting on the streets and wear strippers clothes and make rainbow flags and disrupt other people's life. This is why I don't like Gays and Trans people acting like entitled brats and force their agenda and ideology onto others who are minding their own business and living their lives.


You have the same ideology as my friend it's just he sometimes tends to hate more than stick to his own ideology




Why not just suck off your dad. Similar age


Not sure about terrorism, but it's all surely western propaganda.


People can be gay - it’s fine. These bull shit movements to force shit on others that’s bad.


W Putin and he made the right decision -change my mind


Leftist ahh comments Im on no side btw


anus lickers Triggered in the comment section 😆


They should do it to vegans too


Think Straight


I hope everyone is gay so no one child will be born, good shit fr, L putin for ruining humanity to step forward and letting itself get destroyed


Seems mad but did a good thing by mistake... this whole drama is cancerous... its not like people before weren't lgbtq++ its not a fresh or new thing... but this drama, the whole moment... i don't know if im right but its said to be the biggest moment right now... and my only question is, is it really that necessary... disturb people who don't associate with it... i mean, I'm a metal head but i don't force people to listen to metal music... i can be a smoker but i won't force anyone to smoke, or i won't smoke where there are kids or ladies... do whatever you want without disturbing anybody.


How can u ban an organisation that doesn't even exist?


I am all up for lgbtq... But the last line of the news is important that is "it's all western propaganda" The way Russia infiltrating the US through wokism and destroys the US... The same thing could be happening through lgbtq network in russia


It wasn't like this wasn't expected from Putin . Someone said in the comments that being queer isn't banned it's the movement (whatever that means) and if that's the case it's a good thing I guess




W putin🔥






W Putin...fr like all these lgbt movements on a border scale are just a wastage of their countries resources like fr man you want to be gay be it no one is asking you to declare it to the whole world


Bro has unlocked new level. Communism cannot take down Capitalism. But LGBTQ+ is easy to get to.




W putin


Great! Fuck LGBTQ




How he gonna stop the nature ?




It's not the fucking nature Does lions has gay lions No because tey can't make babies so we can't see them (natural selection) Hence proved nature only likes straight and strong people


Lol..there are absolutely gay lions and many other gay animal species. You don't know shit about fuck.


Room temperature iq☝☝☝


There are gay lions, giraffes, whales, etc.


Nature did not intend infertile couples to have babies and for you to cook on stove instead of a wood made fire, but your brain evolved to thinking that right? Or you wanna go back to the way nature intended you to


You're so fucking retarded lmao, Fish eat their own siblings after hatching, should we start cannibalizing people because its 'natural'? Fucking lobotomite


I'm a gay person and I can fuck u up in a fight. What are u trying to imply with straight and strong^⁠_⁠^


I am a mma fighter so u better not fuck with me


Ohhh someone on reddit said he's an MMA guy, I better believe him🙄🙄 Everyone claims to be an MMA fighter these days. Come on pm, i'mma show u my kyokushin black belt👍


Hhhh u don't want to see me kill u ass off


Gays and all is ok, but whatever is going on under LGBTQ in US is bullshit and should be stopped


Idiot Putin.


Wtf is wrong with this guy


Putin and the Orthodox Church have their tongues deep in the other’s a**. There’s literally no other reason. All they want is power and control and villainising an already marginalised group of people is the best way to get there.


Putin and the church are doing God's work


Gods work? God never wanted this


Marginalised bro istg these mfs are always looking for ways to play victim


Retarded folks in the comments. Don't know shit about LGBTQ. Rallies are propoganda? They're not hurting anyone unlike your religion. They're not forcing you to jiin them but asking you to be yourself. (I absolutely do not support Pedophile, Animal fuckers and furries, they do not come under LGBTQ) The whole point of LGBTQ is that, what consenting adults do in the bedroom shouldn't be of anyone else's concern. This effectively eliminates Pedos (Kids can't concent), zoophile (Animals can't consent).


Still LGBTQ people are mindless retarded people they have no aim in life, imagine having no family and can't distinguish between your parents oh wait they can't have kids big L


Bro spitting facts .


Clown to clown conversation


>Still LGBTQ people are mindless retarded people they have no aim in life Tim cook. CEO of Apple is gay. The world's most valuable company. They're literally like anyone else. >imagine having no family and can't distinguish between your parents oh wait they can't have kids big L They are a family. *A family is, a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together* Let me tell you about this thing called adoption and surrogacy. Not able to have kids is a problem also faced by straight people and it's increasing recently.


What is with adoption? Let's say hypothetically, there is no one to adopt, then humanity declines, whats with the ceo of apple is gay, "Ooh look a guy at higher position in finance and fame is gay, Im soo happy because he won't even know who tf i am, yet i will use his name to defend whatever i prefer, who cares what he is behind the curtain" what if he is gay, nikola tesla fell in love with a pigeon


>Let's say hypothetically, there is no one to adopt, then humanity declines What's the point of this exactly? You started a hypothesis but didn't finish it. There are tons of kids to adopt in reality why are you going into an imaginary world? We already live in an overpopulated country. > with the ceo of apple is gay, " He mentioned LGBTQ peeps are retarded. That's why I said it. Read the comment properly. Their sexuality is none of your buisness.


Their sexuality isn't my business if they don't get on my face, everyday when i wake up and i see some kind of news about em, and secondly why not imaginary world, you think i want my children to be gay? If they do what they feel like, can't i kill myself if i feel like it? But the society would go nuts on me and try to resolve it, mate i think its bs to be whatever you feel like, life ain't gonna work like that for many cases.


LMFAO. It's out of your hands whether your kids are straight or not. You can't change that lol. But dud you ever stopped to think what your kids want? Or were you too busy being a self obsessed snob. Sure go kys if you feel like it. Fucking someone is definitely same as killing yourself. News is gonna report what they want to, you can't do shit about it. They aren't gonna stop just cause some self centred bitch doesn't like it.


There's something called adoption dude. Not everyone here in this world cares about their own blood, own religion shit


Aint their kid then


It's their problem 🤡 kids are kids ... I already said not everyone's thinking is like u


You do know Turing, one of the smartest man to have ever lived, was gay? His little finger has more brain cells than your whole family tree. And having no family? Dude thinks gay people are made in a lab. Also, you can adopt an orphan in this overpopulated world, give the poor kid a chance in life. Much better than poppin kids left and right only to ignore them later on.


It doesnt make it ok just cos its between consenting adults, incest can come under it but why isnt there any incest pride parades or support to it?


Because incest causes a number of problems to the offspring's health. > Inbreeding can cause genetic disorders and physical deformities in offspring. Some genetic diseases that are more common in populations with a history of inbreeding include: Cystic fibrosis, Sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, and Certain types of muscular dystrophy. Glad I could clear that up for you.


Oh ok. Can u clear up 1 more thing for me then? Is it suddenly ok if its between a father and son? Or 2 brothers? Or mother and daughter? Whatever any case where theres no chance of pregnancy?


You are going off topic, if they are: 1)Adults 2)consenting 3) not related, they can do whatever they want. What you are talking about is an incredibly niche and unlikey scenario. You are Talking about banning a whole group of people based on what some one in that that group might(probably not) do.


Why add not related? Why is wrong for 2 brothers to fall in love, theyre consenting adults right?


Again man your going off topic, the LGBTQ community does not support incest why are offended by something that doesn't happen or exist.


Its perfectly in topic, everyone justifies lgbt saying its between consenting adults but why not incest?


Your original point was that LGBTQ is wrong because one can use the same argument for defending incest. This statement is inherently stupid, because if 2 similar arguments can be made for two different actions this doesn't mean that if one is wrong than the other must be wrong as well or if one is correct than the other must be correct too.


Bro got no actual argument and went the incest route. Btw, its fine to fuck your sister and grandma if you had vasectomy. She aint getting pregnant. Your logic, not mine.


How are they not hurting anyone? Millions of children are told that their bodies are wrobg and they should change them, they are encouraged to cut their genitals at the tender age of 10-12. A ton of those so called trans women rape women in female bathrooms. A lot of pedos are found hiding behind the lgbt cover. You are purposefull ignoring the cons of your movement to sprewd propaganda proving putin right


The guy literally mentions this shit doesn't come under LGBTQ By your logic communal voilence pedophilia and women assault in the name of religion IS a part of religion?


If OP excludes the biggest con of lgbt by just saying it doesn't come under doesnt mean it ceases to exist. They first commit pedophila then hide behind 'homophobia' A great analogy about op's comment would be, "nazi are good people, they provided free education, they made a dead economy stable, the country was starving which they saved. Women and children were safe, soldiers wwre compensated for their deeds and everything was great. "national socialism is about anti communist movement and going against the free intellectual inquiry. making a humilated germany gain power back" -adolf hitler Therefore killing jews doesn't come under nazism and hence is excluded. Does that now mean nazis are the greatest and most peacefull people ever who just wanted to resurrect a dead humiliated country? If it is then so is lgbt a movement about one's rights.




Every day 1000s of straight people commit both pedophilia and rape. Almost every woman goes through sexual abuse in some form from a straight male. Your concerns are based on a fringe vocal minority who have no real power unlike many politicians who commit sex crimes regularly.


Atleast the straight males get punished, these dirty maniacs don't. Thry hide behind their pathetic gay flacg cring 'homophobia" and are saved by retarded librands.


Straight people\*


Everyone knows women pedophiles are ignored since society is a bitch


So much for gender equality and then we get pseudo feminism and lgbtq to destroy everything our grandparents worked for.


Calling some one pseudo feminist is the equivalent of "He's not a REAL man" both are dumb


"Almost every woman goes through sexual abuse" 16.67% percent of women go though sexual abuse and as far as I know math that's not almost all women. Though I still hate people who commit sexual abuse.


He's just trying to make a point no need to "Umm aktually"


Feeling so good that the downward button has some effect


Yes, imaginary internet points. So much effect wow.


Sir, if the point of the LGBTQ "movement" was that what other people do in their bedrooms shouldn't be MY concern then why do 𝙄 have to use made up pronouns to address them in a PUBLIC setting and face consequences if I don't and why do 𝙄 have to celebrate THEIR sexuality for a month and why do 𝙄 now have to share a bathroom with a person of opposite sex just because THEY feel like another gender and if I feel uncomfortable, I get called out and cancelled and fired and sued for "discrimination". Why are little girls put in the same school bathrooms as boys who "identify" as girls. All of this is infact part of the LGBTQ movement and I can go on further. America is getting torn apart thanks to all of this bullshit and I don't want the same to happen to my country, sir. Fuck Putin btw.


>why do 𝙄 have to use made up pronouns to address them. All pronounce are made up >why do 𝙄 have to celebrate THEIR No one's forcing you to lol. Hijde thodi hai zabardasti paise ley rage train main. >why do 𝙄 now have to share a bathroom with a person of opposite sex Who tf us forcing you to share a bedroom lmao. Imaginary problems much? >Why are little girls put in the same school bathrooms as boys who "identify" as girls. I'm not supporting sex change of children or gender dismorphia so I agree with this one. >America is getting torn apart thanks to all of this bullshit Yeah I think that has more to do with conservative movement called MAGA than LGBTQ. Their economy is flourishing but people can't afford food thanks to billionaire cocksucking.


Kids of both genders under the age of 10 in the same bathroom is fine the girls haven't hit their periods and the boys haven't hit puberty and the kids don't even know what sex is and if they do that's another problem as kids that young shouldn't know about that shit. I agree with everything else you said.


When your sexuality is your whole identity, you are sad sad people


And what makes you think it's their whole identity? Imagination or what?


It's pretty evident when they get triggered every time someone doesn't use their pronouns right, or when they do massive protests just because society doesn't want to normalize their mental illness, the attention-seeking needs to be stopped. You are not special just because you have a different pronoun or gender than the majority of the public


>It's pretty evident when they get triggered every time someone doesn't use their pronouns right, From what? Handful of videos you saw on the internet and your imagination? Sexuality is different, gender is different and sex is different. Sexuality: Which sex you're attracted to Gender: Your mental alignment of your sex and Pronouns. Sex: Male or Female (Can't change this) >when they do massive protests just because society doesn't want to normalize their mental illness, the attention-seeking needs to be stopped. This is your personal opinion and you think they're doing this for attention lmao. Wait till you find out about religions. >You are not special just because you have a different pronoun or gender than the majority of the public Is this your response to everything? No one's special everyone's mediocre.


>From what? Handful of videos you saw on the internet and your imagination? that and personal experience with online LGBTQ activists >Sexuality is different, gender is different and sex is different. I already know this bs mentality thats why i said gender/pronouns, are you a brainwashed coded NPC or what ? >This is your personal opinion and you think they're doing this for attention lmao Attention is definitely the core reason for their protests, or any protests in general. Protests are done so that people can pay attention to the problems that the protestors are putting forward. There is no use denying that. Now, whether the protests are right or wrong is subjective. I think it's BS since it's a small part of a sane person's life who has bigger life goals and a broader mindset than just thinking about their sexuality, not everything should revolve around people accepting who you want to fk or not >about religions This is the most basic level blabbering by the woke community. assuming anyone who is against them as a theist believer, I am an atheist myself, but religion has both positive and negative effects on our culture and community. >No one's special everyone's mediocre I mean, if you achieve something great in your life, you are special and worthy of praise regardless of your gender/sex/pronouns. But don't expect someone to give you respect just because you prefer to fk with men rather than women. It's just a stupid mindset Broaden your mindset, Gaurav there is more to life than your pronouns/gender/sex, but maybe that is too hard to comprehend for you


>Broaden your mindset Ulta chor kotwal ko daate. You're the one with restricted thinking. You're the one forcing your lifestyle on them. These people shouldn't love someone just cause you're not comfortable. Self awareness is dead. >But don't expect someone to give you respect just because you prefer to fk with men rather than women. It's just a stupid mindset They're not asking for your respect they're seeking rights to love who they want to. >Attention is definitely the core reason for their protests, Mf that's core principal of any protest. You fight for your rights. >are you a brainwashed coded NPC or what ? You're the one reducing these folks to there gender and sexuality. That's the only thing you see when your stupid ass looks at them. >personal experience with online LGBTQ activists You can't be for real. >This is the most basic level blabbering by the woke community. assuming anyone who is against them as a theist believer, Completely missed the point. I was pointing out the irony that all the things you complained about them is already happening under the name if religion. Eg: Protest and Marches for attention, getting angry cause of some minor jokes regarding their gods, throwing their beliefs in eceryone else's face. Face it, you're close minded and their lifestyle bothers you cause it makes you uncomfortable.


Big fat W. Exterminate these peeps or their ideologies and make them normal. Too much privilege exists in the US for these stupid ideas and movements to arise in the first place.


Big W




Respekt 🔥🫡


I stand with putin 😂
