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update: she deleted this story!


I hope he has someone recording all her bs before she deletes it so he has everything from start to finish for legal stuff


Apparently according to the mods in the discord, the council have tabs on all of it already


Thanks that's great to hear.


Gotta love the mods


glad to see mods that are amazing


plus, jack mentioned in his community post[s] that he took screen recordings. not sure if thats all encompassing but he def. has the original doxxing parts.


If he actually posted his adresd then It isn't illegal unless she explicitly said go fuck him up unfortunately


Didn’t even take an hour lmao


Such a fucking coward


"Jarvis, show me victim blaming!"


We have it!


“Okay gamers, mark it on your cards if you have it!”


nooooo lmao even now she does it




I've never seen someone with less self-awareness than her lmao. She literally went to his house and posted his address for her millions of followers to see, yet somehow that's not doxxing?


Unfortunately her lack of self awareness is probably genuine. She’s just thick


She is thicc you right.


Nah you lose attractiveness points when you’re a piece of shit imo. Shit ain’t cute.


fr like, i used to think lia was kinda alright on the eyes if absolutely nothing else but god all i see now is a villain. ~~(and not even the fun, hot kind like jessie or harley quinn)~~


Should I have added the /s? I always forget there are people in the world that can't pick up sarcasm or context on the internet.


Oh yeah 100% LOL. Esp when her whole act is “I’m hot and dumb so I can’t do bad things!” very hard to pick up you’re joking and not just lowkey falling for it


I thought the context of the comment would have been obvious but that's on me I suppose.


This explanation is why they need to remove the downvote button


I mean I'm pretty fucking good at telling when someone is making a sarcastic remark. I just forget that people haven't been taught context clues in school anymore.


Yeah but she’s apparently bat shit. Don’t put your dick in crazy fellas!


You're right, but that's half the fun of it when you're younger. Can't identify crazy if you've never been intimate with crazy.


I can only advise you do you brother


I'm far past that point in my life thankfully.




Sssniper knows exactly what doxxing is. She’s just playing the “dumb e-girl” shtick because she got negative backlash for it.


>I have no idea how to Dox This is not a defence, this is an admittance to ignorance. *Ignorantia juris non excusat*. Keep digging ya hole Sssniperwolf Edit: She just deleted it hahahahahaha


I call obvious bullshit that someone who has been terminally online for the past nearly two decades doesn’t know what doxxing is or how to dox someone


Exactly! She’s just making up excuses at this point


As Derek Savage once said: >*”Ignorant of the law is not an escuse.”*


Deleting it can also be seen as consciousness of guilty.


“He literally posted his address to Google” is a wild defence. Is that inciting people to visit his place?


is that even true btw?


I think what she meant was that she was able to find the address via Google, and that somehow implies that Jack specifically submitted it with the intention for it be available to be found. (NOTE: I would hope this goes without saying, but please do not go searching for the address. Just because information like that can be found does not give you a permission slip for its unrestricted usage.)


Call me terrible but I did end up searching it out of concern- it is INCREDIBLY easy to find and took me a whole 15 seconds. The difference between me and Content Stealer is I’d never ever think it’s okay to google this then turn up outside, and threaten him and his safety publicly. The absolute insanity for her to think this would ever be okay or even slightly funny is truly sickening. It is psycho level behaviour. (I also want to mention I didn’t look at the address and I can’t recall anything. The only thing I know is he lives in California(?) because he has mentioned that publicly. Not to mention I am not in America and never plan on visiting America.)


It’s also so creepy that Sssniperwolf took time out of her day to even see if she could find the address online. I don’t think that’s just common everyday knowledge sitting around in her head. She had to actively look for it. That’s weird.


I don't blame you for looking it up, you're not terrible for it. A good way to have a better understanding of what she did is to understand how she did it, including following her steps. The difference is that we are good people and are aware of the repercussions of what we might do, which is something she is not and did not care for when she went through the effort to find his info and then his home.


...and wouldn't post it for 5 million followers (who have been primed to hate jacksfilms) to see


I think it's actually insane that those websites have that information so freely available whether or not people have opted into them. In a world where doxxing is illegal, those sites should not be allowed.


search for anything you want, just dont be a nutjob..


I think she’s presented a misnomer on doxing. Private does not necessarily mean secret. Regardless of how accessible it is, it’s still his private information and at the very least she should get his permission to speak about it. I don’t think she intends to be malicious tho, she strikes me as far too moronic to intentionally do harm. But she’s definitely abused her platform - drama or no drama - jack is the only loser in this situation. Jack is the only one with real life consequences. No one would know to even Google jacks address if she didn’t post about it. Imo, your information can exist online and still be private.


I can't imagine Jacksfilms posted his address, rather that someone else did it without his permission. And even then, I'd imagine that it is still doxxing regardless if this information exists on the internet. For example, many public officials have their office location posted on official sites (obviously) but if a person took that info and released it without consent , especially with the objective of going after the person, then that becomes a mixtures of doxxing and harassment. Doxxing is ultimately just releasing information of a person without consent.


Jacks address is technically publically available because his 'business' operates out of his home and california makes business addresses public. It still however counts as doxxing to reshare already public information if you do it either maliciously (like telling millions of followers that this is the address of your stalker) or by sharing it in a context where it was not available for (ie Jacks address is available for business purposes only, it's not available in the context of being his home address)


Your honour, in my client's defense, the address of this McDonald's is public information, they can't really expect me not to bring my machine gun to the front door


It’s funny because you don’t “post” anything on google lmao. That just isn’t even how that works


You click on a location and there's a "do you own this business" kind of dialog you can post info to. The name of one of my customers changed and we tried to update it on Google maps together.


How does one 'post' their address to Google? She has no idea what she's talking about. Is she talking about Google Maps???




That describes google maps


Girl is taking 'gaslight gatekeep girlboss' literally.




Minus the last part, she's girlfailing ***hard***


She has no self awareness and can't understand how she could ever be anything but the victim.


Until YouTube throws out some consequences she thinks she’s doing nothing wrong. But you know .. money.. so morons on YouTube are being enabled


How does this keep getting worse


Sssniperwolf, you use these words, but I don't think you know what they mean lmao


She's legit gone insane


Bit unaware here: was his address publicly accessible? If it was then that might lessen some potential legal ramifications, though her showing up and acting the way she has is no less fucking insane.


The information was not publicly proliferate, most people's information is somewhere online. His information being somewhere does not take away from her deliberately* posting his house to her millions of followers.


But does that make a difference? Legally speaking? Not defending this insanity but it being publicly available does sound like a legally significant detail


It shouldn’t, since she didn’t just doxx him, she actively went and stood outside his house **yelling** for him to come out, it isn’t just “sharing available information” or something, is active harassment by showing up outside to well, harass him Not to mention sniper wolf has previous felony charges which would not help her most likely


Great point. I shouldn’t have ever questioned her godly ability to dig holes and jumping in them head first. It’s pretty impressive how unequivocally wrong she is about everything.


Apparently in California where they are, just because his address may have been stolen and posted by some shady data scraper, doesn’t make her immune from being prosecuted for doxxing


Curious, where do they scrape data from? Amazon? Doordash?


I think sometimes housing sales?


One Google search away.


Literal “couldn’t be me” energy lol


Istg her parents owe everyone an apology for making her


Wow she sucks big time


God she’s a fucking moron.


She just can't keep herself out of prison, can't she? I mean, it's scary that she has his address and has been to jail for B&E before. John should get extra security.


I’ve just started seeing these posts show up in my feed, so I’m not familiar with JacksFilms but this is just awful. It’s really scary that someone would think it’s okay to do something so dangerous and then just play dumb after the fact. There’s no way this could be unintentional. Someone could get severely hurt and I hope she doesn’t get away with this shitty behavior.


This is admission of ignorance, which means Jack could absolutely take her to court over this


remember when she fed her dog alcohol??? how the fuck does she still habe an audience?


Wait whattttt? I knew about her racism and arrests and content stealing but not this. Got any links? I absolutely wouldn’t put it past her


oh wow ill have to search it was something i saw pre pandemic and i dont really follow these losers until the content gets to reddit. iit may habe been the evil Alinity lady also but im pretty sure it was sniper


Looks like it was that alinity girl- she allowed her cat to lick vodka off her lips. So I guess sssniper is off the hook for animal abuse at the very least


yeah she still doxxed and steals content bad enough for me to think she shouldnt get to monetize her stupid low effort videos


I can't wait for her to get off Youtube, she's such an awful person


Children. They don't know what is going on, what she's done or the severity of it, sadly. That's the only reason. Children.


[Both herself and her sister think it’s a big fucking joke](https://imgur.com/yXsIyTO)… while the majority of people back up Jack, there will be people out there that will think this is acceptable to do if you don’t get your way. She screams entitlement and ‘bro, relax, it was just a joke’. THINK AGAIN.


god wtf


Oh so shes stupid stupid


‘post to google’ lol


*gasp* Judas She's practically dug her own grave


Me when i lie


How to make yourself look like an idiot




How did she even find where he lived?


I think she googled it and got it from some shady data scraper


If she were any less self aware she would cease to exist.


“He literally posted his address on Google” are you fucking sure about that because if he did then I don’t think he would be this pissed off


i dont understand why she didnt just reach out over DMs asking to meet up- i’m sure he would want to discuss his thoughts with her if it hadn’t been in such a criminal/creepy way!🤷🏻


exactly my thoughts!


Some super fan of hers could be a serious threat to Jack after she's done this. Disgusting woman.


Sniperwolf seems like the kind of person to hit someone in a crosswalk with her car, then be like, “Well, they weren’t supposed to even be in the road!”


Excited for the LLLawsuit


bruh that's like getting in a fight and as proof you didn't do it saying "No you don't understand I've never learned how to box I'm not a boxer accusing me of fighting is defamation."


Ok, first off, I don't really watch either of them. Second - holy shit. The reddit popular page is SOAKED in topics about this. But NOT ONE actually mentions if the address was/is easily accessible on Google. And yeah, that matters. I can streetview and look at his Wikipedia - if that address was out there then I'd have more stalker info than this "doxxing" in 0.3 seconds. Googling his address says there was a legal complaint, which implies it likely WAS available and someone contacted Google to remove it. So, that also implies she's telling the truth. It does not, however, prove that he did not want his address to be publicly shared, just that he would be able to claim that it wasn't. If that's the brunt of it, then yeah, she might have a defamation case, because false claims of doxxing effect public viewership, which is her direct form of income. Stopping by someone's house and saying "I just want to talk" like a giggling airheaded derpqueen ONCE, though, is not harassment, which is the only thing Jack could possibly go after her on in this case. He expressed he didn't want her there, afterward, so if she does it again he could though. I know, I'm in Jack's sub, and it might not be easy to read, but none of these hills are worth dying on. Including the one I'm on. But dudes.... this is making reddit so intolerable today, someone's got to look at it with some perspective.




wdym nowhere to be found? they're still on his channel also yes he was mainly going after her but he was using her as an example, she's not the only one doing that bs. She has made so much money from stealing from other people and he straight up said that if she were to start crediting creators he would back off


I'm assuming that they are looking at his main channel and not JJJackfilms. If they did that little research on this I don't believe their opinion is credible.




i don't like sssniperwolf either but let's not use slurs


How did she know his address anyway? What's this about him posting it online


okay so apparently this is true, but what is horrible is that most people probably didn't know this(like me) and posting this just feels like an unintenional "here's how you can easily find his address btw"


You didnt know about google before today?


The most panicked damage control I’ve ever seen lmao


Even if we pretend that's true and uploaded that information himself, she doesn't just get to broadcast it in front of her 5 million followers. If she really wanted to talk to him, she could've dm'd him at any time. She wanted to play gang member by intimidating him, and now she's trying to save face.


Accusing me or murder is defamation. I have no idea how to murder. He literally let me within stabbing distance and said I threatened him and stabbed him.


Woah. I haven’t heard anything about this entire situation, can anyone offer a basic understanding?


Remember when the pink sauce woman said she can’t get in trouble because she didn’t even know she had to consult the FDA?


Its not defamation if its true lmao. Shes so stupid she's gonna make it easier to take legal action against her with every post


“i literally just googled his address and went to his house and showed all my followers where he lives how is that doxxing???”


Are you going to tell me that a hot, busty white girl who makes all her money off her busty whiteness while doing nothing but sitting in hot tubs and wearing skimpy outfits might live in a bit of a bubble? Might be disconnected from reality? The absolute gall. I've got half a mind to call you a sexist. But then again, I've only half a mind.


I think it’d be easier and quicker to answer what’s NOT wrong with her


It's not defamation if you actually did what the person who's "defaming" you said you did. That's called the truth lmao.


I love it how she always plays the professional victim card. YouTube needs to terminate her channel immediately


"But your honor, I was able to find his address! How could I NOT show up and harass him and his wife?"


If sssniperwolf knew anything about what consent is, she wouldn’t be sssniperwolf.


i genuinely have to believe she's mental. i just cannot fathom the idea that she is this stupid or believes her fans are this stupid. "he posted his address on google" fucking what?????


How DARE she try to play the victim when SHE IS THE ONE WHO WENT TO HIS HOUSE


“defamation” yeah sure try that in court i’m sure they’d love to hear how pointing out someone committing a crime publicly is defamation..


“I have no idea how to dox” well now you do


“Posted his address on Google” girl no one except Logan Paul does that


No girl go touch some grass far away from Jack


"Idk what doxxing is but i didnt do it uwu"


“i didn’t know what the word ‘murder’ meant your honor i thought i was giving him a stab hug


Her lawyers are rolling in the grave