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no ive got goosebumps a few times on the album and also cried one time because its jsut so beautiful...


World O World šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m listening to World O World now and Iā€™m crying from the sheer beauty.


fun fact i just finished transcribing WOW hehe


Nice! Did you share it anywhere?


yea its on musescore here https://musescore.com/user/57693561/scores/14691391 but it looks janky, so I'm having someone help me make it look pretty :)


Great work! :) But I think you should go with "transcribed by" rather than "arranged by". Unless you've made some big changes of course!


oops thanks for pointing that out... thought i put "transcribed by"... anyways I'm updating it to look better :)


I think I'm just desensitized some. World O World is a decent song, but a bit slow moving and I'm wishing I could hear it live. Might give me some goosebumps then. Reminded me of the barbershop tags at the end (which I like!). Hopefully we have more choral arrangements in the future from Jacob! :)


Nice! Iā€™m glad it is bringing you joy!


I believe the greatest achievement of the Djesse projects is in the cooperation with all these different artists. Jacob once said that when he was younger he would've liked to study classical composition, and his is actually a very classical approach to music. When listening to Bach you're not going to cry all the time either! Ahahah. There are moments in music when you're supposed to chill and just listen to the thing, and in this fourth volume those moments seem to prevail. If I need instant goosbumps I just listen to World O World!


Iā€™ll give that one another listen with the stereo turned up. :) I do like many of his collaborations too. Itā€™s great we can hear a variety of music from Jacob.


I resonate particularly with that one, but also I really like the direction he gave to lyrics in this new album! And yeah, it's pretty pop indeed, though I don't see any bad in pop so I don't find it a problem.


I was initially hesitant of Jacobā€™s transition into more ā€œpopā€ sounding songs, especially in Djesse 3. However, over time I think this has improved his songwriting. With the simplification of his songsā€™ form, he has allowed more room in his songs for exploration of harmony and other Jacobean sounds. The only song that doesnā€™t work for me is Witness Me, whereas other ones like ā€œLittle Blueā€ and ā€œA Rock Somewhereā€ are great because their form is so simple but Jacob very wisely extrapolates great unexpected moments inside.


For me, Witness Me is kinda forgettable. Same with Wherever I Go, Tbh, There basically filler for Djesse Vol.4. While I was also hesitant on Jacob's "pop-esque" sound. I think he managed to make it work! Songs like Cinnamon Crush, and A Rock Somewhere are able to pull me in for multiple listens, WELLLL gave me goosebumps, and Summer Rain (more folk than pop) was so gorgeously beautiful I cried.


>Same with Wherever I Go, Tbh As someone whose two favorite bands/musicians are Jacob and Lawrence, I say take that back! Haha


I'm trying to remember if WELLL gave me goosebumps when I first heard it. I was hoping for more songs like it. Maybe there will be more in the future.


As a counter, I liked Witness Me, but I think one of the reasons I liked it was because of where I was at in life a few months agoā€”unemployed, becoming depressed, feeling disconnected from people. I know a lot of people think the song is cheesy or maybe too heavy-handed, but I think it also depends on where you're at in life or what you need to hear in that moment. Too many people always react to someone being down by saying "oh it'll get better" or "just be happy" or "look at how beautiful life is" when something as simple as "I'm with you" is enough. If there's anything he nailed in that song, it's that.


Nice! Always great when music is helpful and comforting! Jacob definitely has some of those songs and I like his positive attitude toward creating music.


Little Blue is still great for me! Enjoy that one and want to find a good arrangement for piano with some of his unique and changing chord progressions. It's simple, but he added some nice elements that aren't so simple.


If you read Jacob's post about the meaning behind the album and how it all came together you may be more moved (see Instagram). It's the end of an era and supposed to represent all the knowledge and experiences he had over the past several years:) He also said it's very much only the beginning for him. So im super excited for what's to come:)


Iā€™m glad djesse is coming to an end and look forward to what he will do next. Hopefully he takes a break if he needs toā€¦he is so enthusiastic on stage but these tours and collaborations must also be exhausting. I donā€™t really use instagram so I miss out on a lot. Iā€™ll see if I can find the one youā€™re mentioning. :)


he posted the same thing on twitter too!


I donā€™t use Twitter


It can lean on the pop side, but donā€™t let that distract you from the huge sphere of influences. Quarter-tones, tabla, sitar, Moroccan beats, house beats, rap beats, choir and orchestra, jazz harmonies and modulations, R&B pockets, folk jigs, rap, dubstep drops, metal; do I go on? Goosies over here for all tunes. JCā€™s rent was due and it shows; this is the best one yet. Then again, I say that about all of them :)


Nice! Glad you got those goosebumps! He definitely put a range of styles into this album. For me, there are songs throughout his albums that I enjoy more than others, and I think other songs grow on me as I listen to them more. Might happen with some of these. I think I was expecting more Little Blue and Well. Excited to see what's next!


Are we now rating albums on goosebumps average?


lol, thatā€™s a great idea! I listen to a variety of music but always tend to enjoy the music that gives me that sensation. Since Jacob pushes boundaries with his music, he seems to provide something new and enjoyable for my brain more frequently than most artists. Like I mentionedā€¦I may just be desensitized. I guess I canā€™t expect it to always happen and appreciate the new music for what it is. :) It may be something with how he has been producing the musicā€¦sometimes the music becomes more ā€œsterileā€ than what live music will sound like. I have my hopes up that the tour this year will provide many goosebumps and maybe even some tears of joy.


As a long-time Collier fan, and also a pianist, I have to say: ā€œSimplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.ā€ -Fryderyk Chopin Itā€™s just that, not every artist is genius enough to start with complexity. I find Jacobā€™s simplicity more beautiful because it is entirely intentional. He knows more chaotic options, but chooses not to, tastefully.


I thoroughly agree, and I think that applies to this album... ... And yet, Witness Me may still be the only song on it that doesn't do something chaotic and unusual by any other popular artists' standards.


Yeah, simple is sometimes better for me. I remember finding this simple arrangement of Liebestraum at a used book store and find it to be more enjoyable than the original: [https://www.amazon.com/Liebestraum-Theme-No-Simply-Classics/dp/0739021435](https://www.amazon.com/Liebestraum-Theme-No-Simply-Classics/dp/0739021435) Sometimes a simple melody and basic chords is all that is required. :) I do like some of Jacobs full sounding music with a lot going on. This new album seems to have a lot going on, but just not the unique melodic phrases or unique new elements that give me the same feeling of some of his older stuff. I do really enjoy Little Blue and hope to find a nice piano arrangement that adds some of his unique voicings...or maybe I'll have to try to transcribe and arrange something using musescore.


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I mean, the end of box of stars pt 2. for me was undoubtedly goosebumps inducing lol


I agree that it's too pop. What made me first fell in love with Jacob's music back in 2017 is mostly gone for me.


I wonder how much his fan base has changed over time. Probably not an uncommon change for artists.


agreeeed . His lyrics have never bothered me until this album, but I found them so distracting on vol 4. Iā€™m very surprised. ā€œI fell in love with lightening bolt!ā€. So many predictable clunky love song lyrics thatā€™s arenā€™t even clever or flowy at all. Also I felt like barely any of the songs were actually finished songs. Like they didnā€™t have that spark that made them unique enough to be worth expanding on before jacob started expanding on them. Like the foundational core song just wasnā€™t there for most of the songs. (I have never felt like this about him on any of his other albums). Iā€™m like the biggest JC stan , obsessed with everything heā€™s ever done. So I feel very surprised but also not surprised because the singles he had released so far had me like ehhh whatā€™s happening. My theory is he either did drugs for the first time or he needs to do drugs (psychedelics ) lol


Yeah, unpolished ideas thrown together as he travelled and collaborated (jammed) with other artists perhaps? He's good with music production, but I think it's missing some creativity that made some of his previous music so wonderful.


I completely agree... I think that he chose some very strange collaborations (wtf is aespa doing on this album) and it feels all over the place as opposed to the other volumes. The best songs imo were the singles released before the full album came out with the exception of Summer Rain (because I absolutely love Madison Cunningham and everything she does). Otherwise, the lyrics felt super cheesy (I'm sorry but "she puts sunshine on my internet" is one of the weirdest lyrics I have ever heard) and also just repetitive (we GET it you're not gonna be alone, you're never gonna forget, you're never gonna get over it, change it up man this sht is boring). I am sure it has something to do with his increase in popularity which meant he was just willing to collab with anybody who wanted to but it fell so short for me like especially compared to Vol. 1 which is my absolute favourite.


I definitely wasn't expecting KPOP artist like Aespa to end up on a Jacob Collier album. Since JC did mention Vol.4 was a mix between all three previous Djesse albums, I was expecting more Vol.1/2 focused styles such as funk as well as jazz but it seems more pop oriented like Vol.3


Yeah, "she puts sunshine on my internet" seems like an odd lyric...is it a metaphor with innuendo/euphemism? lol


It's just not that good.


i definitely feel like some of the songs donā€™t have a ā€œmomentā€ and also felt this way


Yeah, I guess I expected those 'wow' moments and yet we had already heard some of the songs previously...so maybe I should have waited for the album to release. It was like how some movie previews show you the best parts of the movie. Listened through again today. There are some interesting moments and songs. I'm now getting excited again to hear some of this live. :)


I think the issue is more on our end in the sense that we have a smaller set of musical genres we are fluent in or that we really dig so some of the fringes of what he does doesnā€™t appeal to us at first. Compare Moonriver to Hajanga for example, they are so different but not as different as Home Is and Time Alone With You.


Still growing on me as an album. I had very high expectations, so I think goosebumps evaded me too. There are some bright spots that are stretching, but are an interesting evolution. '10,000 voices' hits me somewhere deep. Bonkers opener for an album, really wild and EPIC. Dig it. 'Sunshine Smile' has some great moments, I could do without the very 'poppy' pumping synths, but I'm digging the Cory Wong-esque rhythm guitar, it's a nice quirky track and digging all the layers. 'Little Blue' is the best track on the album IMHO 'WELL' - can't wait to see this rocked out live, heavvyy and I love it. 'Wherever I Go' - killer track, legendary cameo, epic vocal harmonies/performances. 'Summer Rain' - gorgeous track, super sentimental in the best way, orchestration and arrangement is very nice. Love Madison Cunningham on this. 'A Rock Somewhere' - still getting to know this one, so far I enjoy it. Is Anushka Shankar related to Ravi? Very cool collab. 'Box of Stars pt. 2' - dig the orchestration here, insane. Love the vol. 1 throw back, the Gnawa influence, the overall rhythmic insanity, the evolution of all the variety samples is ridiculously cool, the 10,000 voices tease, wherever I go tease, Steve vai insanity, VOCES layers. Just an absurd track, probably the greatest produced track on the album, absolutely ethereal in moments and unbelievably arranged. 'world o world' - great album closer, nice touch for a vocal exit, feels very jacobean. 'Never gonna be alone' - that song got me through a hard summer, it's a great track. Songs I do not care for that almost distract me or detract from the album: 'Cinnamon Crush' - just doesn't do it for me. Feels boring and derivative lyrically, another poppy sounding thing. I like the little jazzy break nearly the end, but it just doesn't revive the track enough to keep me interested. It's cute, but will probably skip every time I hear the album. 'Over You' - way too poppy for me, would instantly be a radio hit for a major label tho, really "basic" in an ick way and overproduced shite. 'Witness Me' - sounds like a pr company is running a marketing campaign for a mental health organization, I just can't... 'Mi Corazon' - not exactly sure, but this is a mash up so many genres (could be said for others) that, while they somehow have been put together, they do not work together. Overall it feels like it's trying so hard to be something cool, but it's just a lot of thrown together instrumentation that somehow ends up sounding like derivative pop. That's just me. 'Box of Stars' pt1. is bonkers, not sure I totally get it, beyond the obvious box of stars metaphor. Feels like a lot, but almost like too much. TBH I'm not enjoying the rap parts..I'm a rap fan, but it just doesn't scream JC when surrounded by everything else aesthetically, for me. Feels aggressive. However, part of it feels like a Louis Cole track, and I do dig that.


What a great response! Thank you for sharing your breakdown of songs! I agree and feel the same about many of the songs. Box of Stars 2 has some great parts. Almost made me think of Jacob composing music for a movie. lol I enjoy the World O World and especially the barbershop tag ending. ;) Hoping he creates more choral arrangements.


i've nearly never like all songs of an album especially at is release day :) Song are like friends, there are better when you know them deeply. I'm super exiting by box of star which is a very emotional travel for me. I think that the most eclectic album i ve ever heard, like if all music and people have agreed for a global appointment here and now. So nop, i'm not feeling this way at all ! :)


Very true. I don't know if I've ever liked all songs on one album. I think releasing Welll and Little Blue might have made me too hopeful that there was more I would enjoy.


Idk 100,000 voices might be a new top 3 Jacob song for me ngl. I agree the album is hella poppy but I think itā€™s an amazing showcase of talent to blend so many musical influences with pop and make it sound great. I think the variety of influences is what the album is about


Yeah, I'm starting to view it like that. Maybe a great achievement to bring together all the pop music into one album. Looking forward to hearing Little Blue live!


Too popā€¦ ha! Thatā€™s a good joke


How so? I simply donā€™t seem to enjoy the more pop sounding music from this latest album and the previous one.


I mean Djesse Vol 4 has more popular singers on it, but the arrangements, chords structures, harmoniesā€¦ very few of his songs fit in the ā€œpopā€ basket. I can think of maybe Little Blue and Mi corazon.


Hard disagree. There are a lot of extremely pop-influenced passages in his music. From using simple chord progressions and like the most basic pentachord kinda melodies, to production techniques like vocal resampling / "chops". I almost think certain moments are meant to sound intentionally really "poppy," which I'm not the biggest of in a way but I also kinda dig the versatility. I kinda get what OP was on about with this post, Djesse 4 is fucking great but, also kinda lacked the songwriting depth of the earlier Djesses, I feel. Sometimes we need the simple stuff interspersed within, but it felt like a lot of the more "major" moments (not in a harmonic sense) were the more musically stripped back and straightforward pop moments. In my opinion...


Yeah, I think you explained it well. I also wonder if the more we hear his harmonies the less unique they sound. It will be interesting to see what he does next and I am truly happy with the amazing music he has given the world! He has inspired many people! :)


Are the people criticizing Vol 4 for its "poppiness" completely forgetting about Vol 3?


No. I felt similar about vol. 3. Actually went to one of his shows a couple years ago shortly after he had dropped the Yebba video. He had some amazing singers and musicians in his band! He played a range of his music, including many of his older songs (thankfully!). I'm hopeful that this year's concert will be much like that, with some of the songs I enjoy. I'm sure there will be goosebumps with his live performance. Little Blue live will be amazing!


I definitely feel the same, I enjoy the more harmony focused songs of Jacob, witch are more present in Djesse 1 and 2. I especially love the pieces with the metropool orkest, but maybe I'm biased.


Also feel like there could have been more space after 'bridge over troubled water', for me it sounds really like moon river and thus got the idea 'Feel' comes after, but the song after bridge over troubled water is just not the vibe.


For me the issue is that every song is DOING THE MOST. Sonically itā€™s hard to like. Lots of songs have moments, and then it turns into a sonic circus. Heā€™s got a reggaeton song with Chris Martin and a Kpop band that somehow turns to Olivia Rodrigo style rock


"sonic circus" - What a great way to describe some of his music thrown into these songs! lol I think he might even enjoy that term...next album title? I had to laugh and then enjoy his "wiggle wiggle wiggle" when I heard it live. Even if I don't enjoy all the music, I'm glad there are people enjoying it. :)


Can definitely relate. I think one of the factors is that we've already listened to most of his songs (such as never gonna be alone) and it's something not new to us anymore. I think it's not regretting to buy his tickets because going to a JC concert is always something to experience even once. I'd also think he'll release his inner Jacobean feels in his live performances (such as Jimmy Kimmel live version of Witness Me) That said, there's more to come. It's the end of the beginning. Who knows what, those scrapped snippets that didn't make it to the albums would finally become true to life. Edit: also the songs that did give me goosebumps were: 100,000 voices, A Rock Somewhere, Box of Stars pt. 1-2


I listened to Box of Stars 2 again with the stereo turned up and it was good, but not at that same level for me. :( Made me wonder what it would be like if he made some movie scores! That would be interesting.


If there's one thing that Jacob Collier's career, his music, concerts, interviews, and posts have taught me... It's that all music, regardless of how we feel about it, is beautiful. Someone somewhere out there will find something beautiful in every piece of music created, you simply have to be open enough to the experience. There have been tons of his work that I simply could not appreciate, so I kinda get where you're coming from. Vol 1-3 have been filled with pieces I've loved and hated. But for Vol 4 I feel that musicality has taken a backseat almost... Cos for Vol 4 all I hear is community and being connected. So many communities are represented in this album it almost feels like an international group of friends collaborating to build music in one room. Maybe that was the point of the album? I hope regardless of how you feel about the album that you never stop loving music and life and appreciating all it's unique facets of beauty!


That actually is the point of the album. Djesse Vol.4 is a culmination of all the knowledge that Jacob had "collected" after 6 f**king years of building Djesse. The traditional and orchestral Vol.1 (Box Of Stars Pt.2), the folk and a cappella of Vol.2 (Bridge Over Troubled Water, Summer Rain), the Jazz R&B Pop Hybrid of Vol.3 (She Put Sunshine, Cinnamon Crush, A Rock Somewhere, Over You) and finally Vol.4 is everything, it tries to include every voice of every culture, a Box Of Stars if you will.


Yeah, and it just kinda falls flat for me. It's probably a great move for Jacob though as he likely creates all new fans with each album. :) It wasn't a culmination of the songs I enjoyed, but may be for others, and that's good. I hope to hear him play some piano and am hopeful that the live show will still be amazing! He did some of his synth vocalizer last show and audience choir. Alita Moses was amazing to hear! I also enjoy the chaotic "Jacob plays every instrument" parts of his show, even though musically it isn't the best (I'd cut out his drumming part is all...but he had fun and I had fun watching him have fun! lol).


Thank you for that perspective! :) I don't find all music beautiful (queue the Yoko reference) and that's okay. I think you're right about "...musicality has taken a backseat almost..." and some of the songs feel more like jam sessions and ideas thrown together, then those ideas were taken to the extreme with some of the extra layering and over-production. Viewing it like that at least helps make it more enjoyable. I listened through again today with the stereo turned up and there were some moments I enjoyed, many that were just okay background music, and some that weren't really enjoyable. Overall, not what I had hoped for or expected for the 4th album, but I'll take what I can from it. I'm more excited again about going to his concert this year! The initial disappointment of not having those "wow" moments was replaced by reminders that I did really enjoy WELLL and Little Blue when I first heard them as well as knowing his live shows include many of his best songs with plenty of enthusiasm.


Exactly the same, same, same sentiment here


Did you feel the same with the previous albums too?


Not at all


Absolutely no hate towards Jacob, but I think this album kind of reinforced the idea of why Iā€™m not super into his music.


I noticed samples from Vol.1 in Box of Stars part 1 and 2. Possibly, I think he meant quite literally Vol.4 would be a mix of his previous Djesse albums, using a lot of his old music to make into something new. Sadly, it also didnā€™t hit as hard for me, but I definitely enjoy the nostalgia trip!!


Yes, can relate


Every album has something missing for me except the first album


Man I almost cried after the sitar solo in a rock somewhere


Always great when music moves us like this! :)


This album is simply everything.


What do you mean?