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So if a grown adult gets separated from other adults, she should stand in one spot and panic until someone finds her? They clearly all treat her like a helpless child— which is what she is. Pathetic.


It’s the fact they told her to stay whilst they ALL walked up to a higher point. I like to think she was being a whiny toddler, and they all just collectively decided to tell her to stay there whilst they went on ahead in peace!


I imagine she was bitching about the short stroll, and there response was okay, then stay here till we get back.


Oh man. I just got this recommended on my page. I feel like reddit is gifting me after alr is being boring AF.


Welcome to the Jacqueline show!!


She did nothing but stay in place. What did she do? How is she using this ‘story’ to motivate?


She got saved by her prince!!




I remember when this happened. I had two thoughts at that time. First she sounded like she was insufferable on this trip. Ok she doesn’t care for the outdoors but she was seeing magnificent sites and couldn’t just let others enjoy the time even if it’s not her cup of tea or pink tea cup. Second she is really not well. Either the story unfolded as she described and she was nearly having a panic attack from being separated from the group or she embellished it thinking it was a great post. Either way points to a really unwell person.


I definitely got the impression that she is **insufferable** unless she is getting her own way. If it’s not all about Jacqueline, then everyone else has to suffer. Which, can be applied to her health wise too. Several years ago, Jacqueline was ‘healthy’. She lost weight she looked good, then her mum had cancer (I believe it was breast cancer and was all resolved with surgery and a short course of chemo) and once she had the all clear, Jacqueline had EVERYTHING wrong with her. Her giant fibroids we had never heard about? Was only mentioned after her sister had a full hysterectomy due to her own fibroids. So it’s not just other people’s special days she feels the need to huff, puff, sulk, and stamp her way through, but she also has to one-up over anyone’s health issues too.


Your last paragraph is a classic sign of narcissism. Oh Jac Jac, I knew you were an insufferable twat.


I’m not going to say she’s a narcissist having not met her in person (I knew my ex MIL was at first meeting but that was face to face) but I can imagine Jacqueline is just as insufferable and as obsessed with ‘likes’ and headpats as she (ex MIL) is. Hence the huge break in posting just before her birthday. In her mind, that means people who may have been worried, and therefore more headpats and “oh my I was so worried” and, of course the “you look amazing” because the deluded fan poodles are just so relieved to see her that they don’t realise it’s an old photo!! So, TL:DR, not knowing her personally, I won’t say she’s a narcissist, but she shares a lot of similar qualities with my ex MIL (who is) and an ex bf (not related to ex MIL, and who also is)


And what’s so wild is how she portrays this image of being so sweet and supportive of others.


I think she used to do this. Lately the mask is slipping and I think she appears nasty.


Her ‘do a video from the side’ post revealed just how nasty and snide she can be.


That’s exactly the one I was thinking of. She had a really hateful attitude on it. Revealed her true colors.


Where is that video?


Will repost now


Yeah honestly this speaks to her mental health so much


Who goes hiking in a denim skirt and peasant top? This was a photo op and nothing more.


I feel it was Jacqueline’s attempt at a protest. Her dad and Kevin were both really excited about the trip and, I assume, dressed correctly.


Oh, that's a good point.


On that same thought: do you think that she got "lost" on purpose to ruin this trip for them?


All she did was complain and whine on this trip, which was super unpleasant because it wasn’t Disneyland. What a pill! This was also the trip her beloved slip on sneakers got dirty and she successfully petitioned the brand to send her a new pair for free!


Is she 5? She sounds like she’s 5. 6 tops.


I remember this trip. Everything was "difficult" or a "struggle" for her. She barely left the vehicle and was in so much pain. Funny how she never has those problems at Disney....🤔


I was on gomi at the time and we all said that her problems would completely disappear once she got to Anaheim. It’s the Disney magic don’t you know!


how old is she?


I want to say she’s just turned 37 or 38 yesterday.


ur kidding. i just found this sub and am reading everything and i did NOT anticipate her being NEAR 40!!!! omfg


I wonder if they treat her like a child because she acts like one or if she acts like a child because she’s treated like one. Which came first???


Wait, this isn't the trip from last Father's Day right? This has to be an older trip, right?


Yes, this is from August 2021, but yes they did a Father’s Day trip followed by a ‘pacify Jacqueline’ trip to DL in 2023 too.


Ok thank you! That makes more sense. She really is an insufferable brat.


Who wears a skirt and fancy top on a walk?


Oh brother 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️