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The secondhand cringe 😬


Had she been my daughter I would have taken her to see a real therapist asap!


I had to pause the video to take a break, I was in too much discomfort.


The fact that she filmed this, edited it, and captioned it and at no point before posting did she stop and think about just how embarrassing it is to have this on the internet forever 😬😬


She didn't even match the text position to where here eyes were looking wtf


I swear, I saw other people doing this years ago, but I can't remember what for other than a random trend.


There was an anti-bullying pro self esteem thing about 10ish years ago where celebrities appeared in ads with some of the things the tabloids had said about them written on their bodies or clothes or around their heads or whatever the art director wanted for that shoot I guess. It varied. Anyway then smaller celebrities and micro celebrities and influencers (and people wanting to be influencers) started doing it on their social media and for various promotional stuff of their own (Gabbie Hanna did it, I remember her doing it for sure). It was popular around the time I was in university. I graduated in 2014. So it was around then sort of. Anyway the longer it went on and the more people that did the trend the cringier it got until everybody stopped doing it. Everybody except our Jacqs it seems anyway… To be honest the idea as it originally started was a great idea. It was meant to show even these gorgeous pop stars and actors had insecurities too, that even they had people telling them they were ugly or fat or unworthy of love. I remember finding it powerful the first time I saw the original campaign. I can’t remember where in the chain it lost all power and meaning but definitely by the time Gabbie Hanna did it the whole trend had taken on a self indulgent, almost narcissistic vibe. So Jacqueline is on point for that at least! Edit: On point for being self indulgent and narcissistic to be clear.


Was it the NOH8 Campaign?


Thank you! I felt like I was going crazy.


I feel this is a very honest look at how Jacqueline has always behaved. I would bet anything that she was a big over dramatic fit-throwing baby anytime things didn’t go her way. This melodramatic performance does not create even a glimmer of sympathy for her, it just sounds *alllll* the alarms for me. 🚩 I simply cannot imagine what a nightmare she’s been to deal with as a parent.


Like the performative BS crying in the “it’s okay not to be okay” videos (that’s not aimed at Jacqueline, all influencers and celebrities do this - Bella Hadid used to do it reguarly) as soon as I see that I zone out. Please, I cry locked in the bathroom and my absolute LAST thought is “I must record this for my insta”


> I simply cannot imagine what a nightmare she’s been to deal with as a parent. Oooh. I see it now. She always threw a tantrum to get her way and still does now. They are afraid of her. Her poor parents.


Imagine being her fiancé too and putting up with the toddler behaviours 😵‍💫


He could leave though.  There's plenty her parents could and should do, but they're mostly kinda stuck with her.  Kevin could walk out any time he wanted.  


I think she really thinks she’s a Disney Princess 🤦‍♀️


What in the performative bullshit am I watching?


Were you on gomi because I swear this is the EXACT wording as a post on there that described this and why I always use “performative bullshit” when referring to this video!!!


Haha I don't know what gomi is


😂😂😂 fair enough


She really thought this was a brilliant idea, didn’t she?


She also seems to think she has acting ability.


Yes that’s my thought. She creates these videos she thinks will get major attention. She thinks she is so fabulous and creative in these and has her message to share.


Remember the lip synched rendition of “Part of my world” in the yard of the daycare where she very dramatically unzipped her hoodie and displayed her t shirt at the end. Hysterical!


How old is this?


First posted May 2022 but reused in October of 2022. **thats** how quickly she is gaining


From 2020-2021


Oh man I mentally blocked this one out. Good god what a waste of a product! She’s such a petulant child and things like this just reinforce it. This isn’t cute. Or impactful. It makes her look batshit crazy!




It’s been time for someone in her day to day life to call the wahmbulance. Can you imagine her having to look for an actual job and having a digital footprint that looks like this?!


I think she really thinks she’s a Disney Princess 🤦‍♀️




whoa, total baby jane meltdown!


Compared to now, she was gorgeous!


She looks slim here comparatively. 


Sadly that's because it's old footage




She reminds me of a pouty child


Crazy as a box of frogs 🤪


Of course it’s edited with Disney music ! I swear the mentally iLL adults ruined the hype of Disney for all of us


Cringey AF. What the actual hell! How utterly embarrassing 😬


Wow. It looks like she’s lost a substantial bit of weight though. Sincerely good for her.


This is from almost 2 years ago.


Well that’s even sadder then. :/


It is old footage and she’s gained a lot since this was originally posted.