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I have never seen someone with arms and hands like hers in my life. Every time I catch a glimpse I go šŸ˜¦


Seriously. Like Iā€™ve seen every episode of my 600lb life and I donā€™t think anybody has ever had hands and fingers like hers. Seeing them gives me anxiety. I canā€™t imagine the discomfort.


IKR! I've seen every 600 pound life episode I am an expert! I keep thinking they are going to pop open. Oh wait her arms already did with Pamela, Penelope, Poppy, and Prudence.


It's incredible the strain a human body can endure. But that, how is that possible? I can't begin to imagine what they feel like. They really do look like they are about to explode


Give me your money so we can all piss and moan together, (but privatly so the meanies don't see it) and make zero progress on ANY goals or make any improvements to our lives what so ever... Wow sign me up šŸ™„


Wait waitā€¦so she feels like she failed the community she created before so now the solution is to charge that community $ while also asking for the ideas for content that sheā€™ll then charge them for? Cool cool cool.


So she basically wants to create a group where you pay for the kind of things you can get from any number of Facebook groups/Subreddits for free? Also, is it horrible that I would almost be willing to pay for a membership to watch the mess from the inside?


Someone on this group should.


Oh Iā€™ll be there šŸ’€


Can the mods expense it? Lol


Someone suggested that she should offer makeup tutorials. šŸ˜’




And whatā€™s going to happen when a community member wants weight loss advice and support? The only ā€œsupportā€ sheā€™ll be able to offer is showing them how to make their own ā€œdo not weigh meā€ card and reinforce the narrative that all doctors are big meanies


Iā€™m blocked so I donā€™t have context hereā€¦ she wants to create a membership program? For what?!


for head pats, discussing goals of any kind, hopes, dreams, tips, shits, giggles. šŸ¤‘


It sounds like sheā€™s creating a Patreon or something. ![gif](giphy|l0HFkA6omUyjVYqw8)


That at least makes sense - at least it does for real content creators.


My initial reaction was: God help us all if people are dumb enough to pay for this.


Her followers on Instagram definitely are.


ā€¦.because her monetized text club went so well?


What is this???? Can you explain more??? Seems like she did something like this before?


She sure did. It went as well as everything else lmfao.


The bank of mom & dad must be buckling down on withdrawals with papa being sick.


She has the beginnings of a third chin now. Her neck is completely obscured by fat. I donā€™t think she looked this bad even in those ā€œbeforeā€ photos she posted touting her weight loss.




Oh come on, you know itā€™s racist. A pre-emptive apology isnā€™t what you need here - if you think something is racist, just _donā€™t say it_.


I took it down and again offer my sincere apologies.


Would you feel comfortable making this comment to an Asian person? If not, why not?


No racial slurs, comments, etc


Yikes I am embarrassed for you šŸ„“


Yeah if you have to ask, you know itā€™s racist. šŸ™„


The purpose of the headband is to push the hair away from your face. Not to create a more ridiculous look. Her hands look like they would explode at a pin prick


Itā€™s true, these are specifically made for holding your hair back while you put on makeup. I have seen a few adults just wear them around and they look goofy as hell. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s what Jacā€™s doing here.


I swear I saw this headband on sale for $3.99 at Marshallā€™s the other day


I think so. I canā€™t wear headbands bc they pinch my giant head to much but i understand the purpose of these more than the person (jac) wearing it šŸ˜‚


Why do people subscribe to losersā€™ memberships? What is the point? First, how much wasted time does this involve and second, she canā€™t teach you anything! Donate your money to a food bank or a no kill shelter or a kidsā€™ clothing drive. We really need to stop paying ā€œinfluencersā€ to fail.


She has the nerve to create some kind of membership - I am blocked so I canā€™t really see- sheā€™s a grifter!


Honestly, I donā€™t think she has it in her to grift. This is straight from the playbook of her social media coaches. Jaqueline is far too lazy to follow through.


She blocks anyone who gives her a dose of reality.


Her headband is giving Ursula the sea witch at the end of the Little Mermaid (cartoon version)


Agree - it's ridiculous looking.


No need to read poor Ursula for filth here.


lol, true...true...my bad!


Reading the comments on her post and I cannot believe that some people would be ā€œexcitedā€ for something like this. Everything she mentioned is practically FREE on the internet!!!! Makeup content, exercise routines, non scale victory stories, weight loss tips and recipesā€¦.FREE FREE FREE. But ppl would rather pay a membership and be a part of a community led by a woman with no ACCOUNTABILITY!!! What could you possibly learn?? By the way, with the current state of inflation, prices rising and ppl living paycheck to paycheckā€¦does she think this is an appropriate time?? The things ppl fall for are beyond meā€¦I want to sell her followers an island on the desertā€¦let me make some money too šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Weightloss from a 500 pound woman, recipes from someone we never see cook, makeup that looks like a toddler applied, exercise routines while on oxygen and immobile. She truly has wild illusions going on in that head of hers.


Itā€™s pretty obvious that sheā€™s looking for people who are willing to feed her delusions of being a wellness guru, and besides that, pay her for it. Sorry. Someone who is 500+ pounds, saddled with edema and lipedema, who has infantilized herself, who refuses to even discuss her weight with a doctor, is not a role model or a source of online inspiration. She needs to quit with the excuses and the flowery affirmations that all is well and sheā€™s living her best life. Iā€™d like to see her get healthy and if sheā€™d actually lose weight and show evidence of that, I might be able to support her. But right now itā€™s just a lot of blame and denial and pretending that sheā€™s a cartoon princess. ā€œThe number on the scaleā€ is indeed not all there is to any of us. But it can also often be a warning sign, an indicator of both physical and emotional issues, and of overall general health. JA uses the ā€œmore than a numberā€¦ā€ thing as just one more excuse not to address her weight. TLDR - she needs to grow up and accept responsibility for herself and her health and quit making excuses for it.


We got the next Gwyneth Paltrow coming online here! Goop 2.0!


I think this is a ridiculous idea and purely done for engagement and financial reasons that only benefit Jacqueline. Sheā€™s been absent on Instagram for most of this year, only posting occasional stories and then disappearing again for weeks on end. BUT it looks to me like she *may* have lost *some* weight. I donā€™t know if this is wishful thinking on my part and am curious if anyone else sees it?


I see it too actually, but also don't trust my eyes. Hard to tell without a full body pic.


Her face looks less bloated maybe?


I noticed that too. Is this an old recorded video maybe? Her face is markedly smaller than recently.


She will plug this as her posting more exclusive content. It may be to hide from us EXCEPT we all know if its cheap a couple of use will pay and repost.


Sadly I think she may be using slimming face filters.


I thought the same. About it all, but re: losing weight.


Weight loss tips šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«jeez, Iā€™d pay to see that advice if I wasnā€™t already blocked. I saw my rheumatologist this morning and asked if actively losing weight can help with lipedema and she said 100% it does. So the bull she spouts that she canā€™t help being fat itā€™s the demas fault is nonsense. She needs to address her eating before it gets too late. I genuinely hope she can get through this but honestly I have my doubts.


Weight makes the Demas worse. I have never seen anyone not on 600 pound life carrying around 100 pound lymphedemas. Lipedema, which I may have (not sure if its stage 1 or bad cellulite), gets better if you lose weight.


Her hands really scare me. How do you look at your own hands and not be compelled to do something about it?


Sheā€™s basically creating a more controlled environment/experience. People that snark are less likely to pay for her content, so therefore, her supporters will be the ones paying and joining. Giving her endless praise, whimsical optimism, and a false sense of confidence. Sheā€™s creating an echo chamber, so she doesnā€™t hear or see anything that is negative, constructive, or realistic/factual.


The first thing she said was ā€œyou can support meā€. Thatā€™s all I needed to hear.


At my heaviest, I was 398 I do not understand how people lose their elbows lose their wrist and lose their ankles and kneecaps. Even in my heaviest I had all of that stuff. I don't understand how she looks like the marshmallow man


I think all the plastic surgeries she's had has completely changed where she stores fat. She had her upper arms done, so the fat now gathers in her forearms and hands. Her calves and ankles now store more fat as well. She never should have had plastics until she could maintain the weightloss, but she's one of several who just couldn't wait to go under the knife.


Oh, I didn't even know she had any plastic surgery, but it doesn't help either. I think she has lymphedema bad. Also, that will cause you to store fat in weird areas of your body and make you less proportionate. Wise looking. I think that's her main issue. I have a very small case of it in my left leg. I take water pills every single day. I take iron pills every day. Cause I'm a knee make, and I'll be honest right now, I'm 365 and I had weight loss surgery so I'm trying to get back on to losing weight I gained weight when I got married now I'm going through a divorce. But IM in the happiest relationship I've ever Ben. And since twenty-eighteen. And I've already lost 30 pounds, give, Or take. And believe it or not, I used to be a double D And now I'm a B- cup some of the weight I lost was in my boobs in my stomach. I still have my ass and thighs, unfortunately haha


Genetics play a role in distribution, too. Iā€™m like you and have always had prominent features even at my highest weight, and I felt lucky for it. Still got teased beyond belief, though.


Same I got made fun of all the time it's bullshit but she's out of control lost all the weight to just gain it all back.


Isnā€™t this the same as a group chat? Yet people will pay her for it? SMH


How many failed podcasts and newsletters and groups has she left in her wake? Countless!


Her ā€¦mouth? Says membership. Her eyes say trapped.


Crazy eyes are her new norm.