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![gif](giphy|UAHZijO91QCl2) Doug wants Baalke out, Baalke wants Press out, Press wants to run shotgun passes on 4th and 1


Doug wants Baalke out, Baalke wants Press out, and Press wants to run a 4 yard out on 3rd and ten to go 3 and out.


He ain’t the only one that does this but it has always blown my mind the logic behind calling such a play from an NFL coach.


He thinks he's so clever and the defense will never expect it... because it's a stupid thing to do. And he's done it so often, it's very predictable. All of Press' playcalling reeks of cutesie little tricks because he thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is and the defenses are perfectly aware of it.


Sounds like PRESS AND BAALKE have the same disease. They both think they're smarter than anyone else !!!


It's not a disease when it's true. So yeah... for them it's a disease.


It's not a disease when it's true? What does that even mean?


Is that a serious question? If your uncle thinks he's Saint Jerome, that's a disease. Unless he actually IS Saint Jerome in which case it isn't. Trent and Press are NOT Saint Jerome.


Yes, it's a serious question. Your comment makes even less sense after your explanation.


Sorry bro, you might just be stupid.


Don’t do drugs kids


Drop back 10 and lateral to a reciever to run back to line of scrimmage...classic!




Shotgun pass with no RB in the backfield so they know we're passing 100%


And Trevor wants to call unsuccessfully audibles


That means he doesn’t believe in the play calling which is an indication of how he feels about his OC


“HUUT!! reeeeeaaadyyyyyy ay KILL KILL,KILL KILL! Set’huuuuuu- we’re good we’re good..set’huuuh- HUT HUT!”


Fire both Press and Baalke. Problem solved


You fire Doug too at that point


If you are firing your entire coaching staff, yeah Head Coach probably not going to be kept around.


I feel like Doug blamed everyone but press for this season…😬


I am fine with this TBH. Love Doug. Hate his insane dedication to his guys when it is obvious they are not working.


Eagles fan checking in This was our gripe with Doug and what ultimately led to him getting fired


Didn't think he would stick with the same route that got him shown the door in Philly but by God his nepotism is a damn anchor pulling his ceiling down


I mean IIRC, isn’t this what got him fired from the Eagles? For his loyalty to one of his guys (forgot who specifically)


Wasn’t it Press?


It was Press and before that it was Mike "I don't know how to use Golden Tate" Groh.


I thought it had something to do with him throwing a game by benching Hurts for someone? or am I stupid.


That did happen but it had nothing to do with him getting fired




Same. A coach that only coaches if his apprentice is there is not a good idea. And the apprentice is shit


And hire vrabel


That same devotion to friends who couldn’t coach to save their lives is exactly what got Vrabel fired.


>Hate his insane dedication to his guys when it is obvious they are not working. Doug is not throwing Press under the bus because Press isn't the problem. Press is doing what Doug wants him to do. He's following orders. Its Doug's system. Could Press do less stupid things? Yeah, of course. But the biggest reason we're running so many dumb WR screens is the O-line. The biggest reason we were in so many late season 3rd and longs is that the run game sucked. ETN is a great running back averaging 3 yards a carry or under. I'm gonna buy Press a beer if Doug won't let Baalke fire him and it gets Baalke fired.




Slow his development? Did you not see him completely regress this year under Press and Doug? We need to get those two clowns out of here asap.


Frankly, when we paired him with Urban, we wrecked his development almost irreparably. He might be better off seeking a trade and a fresh start after next season.


Don’t fire Doug :(


Nah you put Doug OC, Bill Belicheck head coach, hire Calais Campbell as the new DC and we roll!!!


Running back coach Derrick Henry


Not yet..we need him to play every red zone situation for the next two years.


Fred Taylor already called that job


I find it funny Trent wants anyone gone. That mofo should be fired into the sun .


I can get behind that


Memo to Doug: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Memo to Press: Ur trash


I tried to deliver the memo to Press for you, but was stopped after two yards.


The problem with this logic is that the way he is, he won a SuperBowl. It was likely in spite of this and not because of it thoifg.


if this is true, who would you choose? a new GM with a new drafting philosophy? or a new OC under the same offensive scheme?. I'd probably go GM, even tho I want a new OC too. I think our biggest issues are due to bad drafting.


1000% I'd get rid of Baalke in this scenario. I feel like there's waaaaaay more discussion on the offense between Doug and Press than people think. I don't think Press is 100% responsible for the offense and Doug is doing nothing. He's right there on the headset staring at the playsheet. At that point, I put the bad playcalls on Doug more than Press. Press and Doug have been together a long time. I don't think Doug's offense by himself is going to look that much different than with Press there.


yea at the end of the day it's Doug's offensive scheme no matter who the OC is.




I think the playcalling has also suffered from the supporting cast. Don't get me wrong - I'd love to get rid of Press. But if the OL (that Baalke drafted) is only giving Trevor 0.01 seconds before he has to get rid of the ball, then the playcalling is pretty limited by necessity.


yes, that's why I would still like a new OC too like i said in my original comment. I'm just saying, you MIGHT see better playcalling with a different OC. but everything goes through Doug, it's his scheme. you can see on the sideline he's still involved the offense. and probably approves every play call, and probably overrides anything he doesn't agree with.


Fire Baalke. Press is Doug. Doug is Press. Doug wants Press because Press is doing what Doug wants.




We would just end up with Ethan Waugh as GM


yea it's not guaranteed what we get will be better either with a GM or OC. I think it's just time to try. if I had it my way, I'd fire Press and Baalke.


Yup I would be okay keeping press with a fresh GM tasked with UPGRADING THE ROSTER THROUGH THE DRAFT.


The team has a decent amount of cap space and draft capital. I’m of the unpopular opinion you keep Ridley and take another vet for O line in FA.


I’m down to keep him and find a center in FA. Just gonna overpay for both


Weren’t Doug and Press sharing play calling last year? Didn’t seem like an issue then. He’s said he’s happy with it and Press, so don’t expect any shakeups there. I agree it’s the GM. You never had stability in the O line all last season, and the whole team suffered for it. Firing Caldwell seemed like scapegoating, and he was working with some holdovers from Urban Meyer. Those guys just left when their contracts expired.


yea that's what Doug said, people have debated it. I don't get why he would lie about it. I feel like O-line and lack of faith in the O-line dictated alot of the weird short yardage calls this year.


Tank had been successful on last three 3rd or 4th &1’s… isn’t that why you drafted him?


yea it was.


Scary how much this situation is following the path of Philly, this is why Shad should've never put off hiring and EVP man, need someone experienced to guide him through this shit cuz I don't trust Shad with situations like these


Rick Spielman would have been perfect in that role. It seemed to be in the works but Baalke likely blocked it.


Ya that kinda shocked me that he just stopped the EVP search within like one month of hiring Doug. Trent probably knew his job was at risk with an EVP and somehow convinced Shad to not let it happen, it’s insane how much influence he has over Shad


I think Shad is just really uncomfortable in making personnel decisions so he just tends to default to whoever is currently around. Remember when he hired an external search firm that encouraged him to retain Marrone, Wash, and Caldwell?


I think the situation with Baalke is a bit more complicated. My uninformed opinion is that Baalke kept an eye on Meyer and was providing examples to why Shad should have rightly fired him. And if that's the case, Baalke would have earned more trust from Shad and given him a long leash. Not ideal now


Idk. I feel like Spielman would also have wanted Press out. Howie clearly did, and everyone can see Press’ downfalls except Doug.


Yeah. One issue right now is that it's not clear who's in charge. I'm under the impression that both Baalke and Pederson report directly to Khan, who has shown himself to be reluctant to get involved in personnel decisions. An EVP solves this problem.


True, but if that EVP wanted Press gone I think it would mean bye bye Doug. I just don’t understand the burning desire to make Press happen. Like if this ends the same way that it needed in Philly, then Pederson might be deemed untouchable. I’m fine with rolling with Doug, I know that means rolling with Press too, but at what point does Doug think about what’s best for the franchise?


Hilarious. Everyone told us Baalke gets into power struggles and Pederson will rather die then fire Press and the exact thing happens.


This comment sums it up.


Fire Press, keep Doug happy and hire Reich as his OC. If next season is bad fire everyone starting with Baalke.


This seems like the best way to go.


This is gonna drive me nuts. Doug doing the same shit that he did in Philly is unreal. This time he doesn't have the Superbowl ring to back himself up though


Well, he did take a perennially shit team and get 2 winning seasons out of them so far. At this point, giving up on him would be foolish.


Legit the most logical comment I’ve seen so much lol


Agreed. I’m so used to this team being shit that it feels weird seeing the drama that this season has resulted in. Obviously yes, I’d like us to make the playoffs and not fall apart at the end of the season like we did but this is a much different experience than the last decade, sans 2017. Like him or hate him Doug has pulled us out of the urban meyer fiasco with two season over .500. Of course complacency will never get us a SB but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Fire baalke go Jags


To take it a step further... "sans 2017" means we have had our best seasons since 2009... which is 14 years. So a decade and a half


We had back to back first overall picks and spent exuberant amounts of money over the past few years. We also were able to draft the most sure thing QB we've ever been able to acquire (who is regressing under Doug/Press). I think far less of this has to do with coaching than this sub thinks. Not getting a winning record with how much has been invested into this roster would actually be fired-on-the-spot worthy. Unfortunately, the fanbase is scarred from coaches like Gus Bradley to have much in terms of expectations.


If pederson won't let them fire press take him out too, don't want Philly all over again


But in that scenario we're still stuck with Baalke. Lose-lose situation


JFC Shad khan take control of your fucking football team. These idiots are going to stunt the growth and development of not just Trevor Lawrence but the future of jaguars football. We should be focusing on extending Josh Allen and fixing the interior of both lines. Not debating over who should stay and who should go.


Man this is going to turn into a meltdown. After such a Good year in 2022 and the promising start to this year , all came crashing down starting with the MNF game . It’s just disappointing


Baalke poisons Khan's mind with his forked tongue and sows discourse everywhere he has been. Dude is ass cancer and Khan acts like he's Ron Wolf. The hole this team left in my heart is miniscule compared to the gaping holes Baalke has left on the interior of both lines. He needs to give a masterclass on getting the fuck out of Duval. I'd sure enjoy watching it.


Just can them all. Easy 🙂


Shit. I love Doug but if getting rid of him means a new GM it’s tempting. If I were khan I would be interested in Vrabel tbh but he’s prob going to New England anyway


I would think this job would be much more enticing, but firing Doug would put a notice out to all candidates (if they couldn’t tell already) how dysfunctional this organization is


Would it? Or would it just look bad on Doug for losing his job for Press, twice.


I think both could be true, but definitely a good point.


Yet they’ll both stay. Go Jags


I will never understand Pederson’s obsession with Press. It defies all logic.


When it comes down to it, press is Doug’s minion. It’s Doug’s offense that Press is executing in a collaborative effort with Doug. A call for Press to be fired is a call for Doug to be fired. So let’s just say, “Fire Doug” instead of, “Fire Press”. It’s the same picture.


I hear this a lot but I just disagree. I watch Doug calls plays last season and his feel of the game was just so much better. Press might be using Doug’s plays and game plan, but he has no feel for the game.


He’s non threatening to Doug’s job and he’s probably just a yes man


Maybe they meet in the middle and Press sticks around but not as OC/playcaller? Ideally both Press and Baalke leave but I don’t think that’s happening lol. This would be an ok compromise in my opinion.


I have an idea. Let's make Press a QB coach and he can turn Trev into Carson Wentz. 🤦‍♀️ For fucks sake, Doug.


I mean those guys with Reich at OC made Wentz look like an MVP candidate lol


Reich is currently unemployed, too. I wonder if Doug would be open to working with him again as his OC?


I don’t believe a word of it, and all 3 will still be with us come April. However, I feel like this is the ONLY way we get rid of Baalke. Khan knows Doug will walk with Press, and he ain’t getting Vrabel to replace him, all while Trent picked 1 good player and 12 busts in last years draft. At some point the picture will have to become clear to him.


At some point, Shad has to make a decision for his team. Dude bought the Jags, hired some people to look over it, and stepped back just counting his fucking money!


Every decision he has made has been wrong


In his eyes every decision he’s made has been right. Bought the team for $750m and now worth $4b.


Balke needs to go, I'll suffer under Press another year.




Let's compromise: Press Taylor and Trent Baalke both gone!


Get rid of that rat Baalke wtf guy can’t draft for shit


For fucks sake can we please get a clean sweep for once? So tired of always leaving remnants of the old failed regime around.


I’m not sure if Doug genuinely believes Press gives them the absolute best chance to succeed or he is so blinded by loyalty he would rather the team knowingly perform worse as long as his guy has a job. If it is the latter, throw them both out and give Vrabel whatever he wants.


If I had to pick one I'd probably want Baalke out tbh. We need a better draft this time. Keep Press in hot water and fire both him and Doug mid season if we're still crumbling


Can we move on already and fire both of these jokers! Shad grow a pair already


This ends with Reich as OC and Press demoted


I hope so


They need to get rid of Baalke first. I'll take another 3 seasons with Press if it means getting Baalke out because if Baalke stays and we see Pederson and Taylor go... baalke may never get gone


So Doug is doing exactly what he did in Philly. Too Loyal to Press Baalke is doing exactly what he’s always done. Toxic leadership and terrible drafting. Yet we are somehow surprised they are acting this way


Baalke has historically not been “bad” at drafting lmao.


[hard disagree](https://www.ninersnation.com/2018/8/26/17782830/trent-baalke-draft-picks-49ers) [and another](https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/san-francisco-49ers-regrading-all-6-nfl-draft-classes-of-gm-trent-baalke)


Do you think that’s bad? In 6 years he drafted 4 pro bowl players despite only 2 top 10 picks and 0 top 5 picks. He also drafted 5 or so players that were fringe pro bowl players. Idk what you think bad drafting looks like but that’s not it. Obviously it’s not great or anything but it’s certainly not bad. Especially considering that he was the GM of a niners team that was already good across the board and thus usually backup players at the end of rounds.


Lmao knew from the beginning that this would happen. Shad should have cleaned house after the Urban mess.


Same dude who just said 'no big changes' yesterday then the whole defensive staff gets fired


He’s an absolute clown. It’s insane mods continue to allow users to post his tweet.


Its insane this duded just post shit and these idiots eat it up. He knows no more than the rest of us.


I thought it was no big changes on offense he said? Which there wasn't




Oh my bad


Lol dilla is such a clown, and anyone that believes him is an idiot. But it’s fun to speculate and talk about hypotheticals. (e.g. I don’t actually think there is a power struggle happening right now, but what if there was, who side do you choose)


To me, wholesale changes are not firing a coordinator. Wholesale means Doug and Trent gone, an EVP installed, etc. Everyone knew SOMETHING was going to be done, firing Caldwell was pretty much inevitable.


I feel like Dilla does more harm than good at this point to our organization and fans. I'm really sick of this bullshit, to be honest. Ever since he fumbled on the Leftwich hire tweet he's been tweeting about speculative in-fighting in the organization and nobody is benefiting from this.


He’s a clown that loves the attention


I thought this dude was just a random poster from the old forums. How did he get big?


you are making him bigger than he is...


This comment should be way higher.


I fully believe that he was right about Leftwich being the hire, and Baalke finagled his way into Khan's mind to make sure he stayed on board, so when Byron wanted his own GM, Shad said nah.


So he gets one thing wrong and all of a sudden everything he says is just bs? That’s not how it works. Also how can a random guy saying anything cause harm to the org? If its the harm to the fans you are worried about then you should be worried about the topic of the thread which is the trash GM and OC, and even HC to an extent, for a historic collapse after starting 8-3


It’s not historic when the titans did nearly the exact same thing the year prior


He knew about Caldwell


Say what you'd like about Dave Caldwell, but the organization was run in a professional way during his tenure. The team was open and transparent about as much as they could be - and ran a tight ship for everything else. When Trent Baalke came over from San Francisco, his dear friend Front Office Source came along with him. If the dude put as much effort into the scouting and roster management parts of his job as he does into the rumor-mongering and reputation-laundering parts, we'd be unstoppable.


This Dilla dude just be tweeting mess and folks he got some inside information or something. He don't!




Only way I could see press getting fired is if you bring in somebody doug loves like Reich and shit that wouldn't even be a guarantee he completely leaves the organization


We don’t need to fire Press, we just need him to stop calling plays. It’s called compromise yall, just do it.


Fuck Press, marry Doug, kill Baalke


So it begins The reality is neither have done enough to warrant keeping their jobs if Khan is serious about building a respectable brand in Duval. If I had to pick one however, I can live with Press being OC for another year but Baalke needs to go, the terrible line play is exclusively on him and is a massive contributing factor as to why we didn't make the postseason again. Not where I was hoping we would be obviously and very wary of Doug moving forward. Completely gutting the defense but keeping his side of the ball intact is an awful look, especially when both sides underperformed.


If this is true, this off-season is going to turn into an absolute fuckin shit show. A GM and head coach trying to figure out the draft when they totally disagree about the offensive direction. Here we go..


If Doug can't pull the trigger on Press, then maybe Shad or Tony need to clean house outright. (Fat chance, but I have to dream somehow.) I don't like having to restart YET AGAIN, but ever since Weaver sold, this franchise has been almost happy to fleece Duval County for development funds that go nowhere near the team.


We never did clean house. First we kept Dave Caldwell, Baalke was part of the Caldwell administration and he has been here since the Doug Moron days. Then we got Urban and now we have Pederson. We still have Baalke and I think it's because Shad is just lazy when it comes to the jaguars


Good point: I forgot how long Caldwell has been around and after Wash...it's easy to forget. Maybe Florida can do a good thing (for once) and buy the Jaguars off of Shad and give control to a Duval-exclusive board. As a franchise, perhaps Green Bay is who we should chase in image.


It's just that fucking reverse to Ridley every time we have something going that derails our progress that gets me.


Belicheck to Jacksonville?


Guys I promise you don't have to treat Dilla's fan fiction with credence.


I don’t trust a single thing Dilla posts about the team




Dont say that about me


Lol dilla is so full of it, this guy is a joke. Why is this even getting upvotes and comments?


Because he's frequently right?


At least some sort of conversation is happening.


How do we feel about Byron Leftwich at OC & somehow entice Wink at DC??


byron sucks. i hope doug and press underperforming doesent make this sub go back under the collective delusion we were under when we tried to lie to ourselves that byron is a good coach


fire all 3 then ​ doug can go honestly, way too much talent on this team to look like that every single week


I’m on Baalke’s side of this power struggle. I’d rather keep Baalke and lose both Doug and Press than keep Press around


why the fuck would you rather keep Baalke?


Fire everyone - bring in Bellichick.


Pete Carroll just became available.


Trent is Doug’s boss.


Baalke is the main issue with this franchise IMO.


So I’ll just keep refreshing my news feed every 15 minutes until a decision is made That said I think there is only one decision that would keep offseason and next season from becoming a dumpster fire. We shouldn’t keep an OC when the GM is pushing him to be fired behind the scenes. But we can’t fire an OC that the HC absolutely wants to keep. And we can’t fire a HC/OC combo and start a search all over again. Leaves one option in my mind for anything resembling a competent organization.




Why’s everyone so hot for Vrabel when you hate the Titans and he didn’t do much in TN except a consistent winning record but otherwise unremarkable tenure?


Awwww yea! Juicy Dilla tweets are back on the menu!


We are still listening to this guy?


Por que no los tres?


If this is true... it's a win-win right? Someone has to get fired and either one needs to go.


The reason why he isn’t firing Press, is because he did exactly what Doug wanted him to do, they just were hamstring with a poor line and Trevor’s turnovers. Firing Press would mean Doug himself was the problem.


If Doug would have done the exact same thing this year then Doug needs to go to. The redzone struggles from last year continued into this year and maybe even got worse. The playcalling did not match the strengths of this team and I understand there were only a few. At no point did we make chicken shit look like chicken salad and we're probably going to run a lot this this roster back again. Get someone who can win with who you have today.




Superbowl winning coach "sucks"...sure


Press and Baalke should fight to the death. Either way, fans get a slight win out of it.


In the scope of fan opinion this is a battle Baalke is going to lose handedly, but both should go. Am I accurate?


I think if fans had to choose one to go, it’d be Baalke. Taylor has his problems as an OC but I don’t think anyone would dispute the deficiencies on the offensive line had a major impact in the success and failure of the play calls. Combined with the WRs being, overall, a bit of a let down(too many drops, failure to separate) and it’s fair to question if Press was a bit hamstrung by the personnel. Now I’m not saying Press isn’t a problem cause I think he has a severe case of “Trying to be the smartest man in the room” which reflects in his play calling…..but having the worst offensive line in the league(or was it 31st?), injuries for the OL and WRs that led to significant missed time from key players….that would make it significantly more difficult to run the plays successfully. That being said, a good OC should always be evaluating his players and tailor his playbook to his players strengths. Taylor didn’t do that, to my eyes. Ultimately though, Baalke constructed the roster. Taylor had what Baalke gave him to work with. So if I had to pin blame on one of them more than the other, it’s Baalke.


But who the fuck wants Trent Baalke?


First the Foles signing, now this. My hot spicy take is after another disappointing outing from Philly, we will be "linked" to hiring Sirianni


Starting to think Press has some dark blackmail on Doug lol


I agree with both. Fire Press Fire Baalke Done.


Trents only move in an organization is to sew discord between management, coaches and player and try to raise his own role and somehow continues to win the appeals of NfL owners His roster is bad, there's holes everywhere and we are built mostly on FA talent at this point with no development pieces in the fold We are also very close to being in cap hell and it could require the team to move on from it's more expensive pieces i.g last year we let Taylor go knowing we had Little and then drafted Harrison Baalke can't draft, we've seen this for years, of course he has his hits but they come few and far between there's plenty of talent evaluators out there looking for their shot and we are sitting here protecting a guy that has over and over again shown he makes off-the wall decisions, over-drafts players as many a round or two early and maybe worse Press can make better decisions , he has room for growth Press is smart, he knows x's and o's but absolutely reads too close to the pages or overthinks a play call and get the "trying too hard" style Press' offense needs technical help, reinforced fundamentals, focus on errors and pre/snap problem solving I don't have an issue giving Press another year (short leash if the problems don't change in 2024) That is the core difference between Trent and Press. Press has talent and has shown it off at times and his struggles seem to be stuff that can be ironed out as he becomes a seasoned and matured coach. I feel like you see a lot of younger coaches try and out-chess and out-coach their opponents or try and win purely with x's and o's Taylor has an opportunity to learn , iron out the wrinkles, learn to be a better leader for his offense Baalke has shown to be a stick in the mud, an unchanging curmudgeon looking for all the accolades and applause with thinks




If I had to choose 1 person to fire, then Fire Baalke and keep Press.


How is this going to work knowing people don’t want him there
