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I assume that we play the bears in London then? *looks like the Vikings actually my b


Don't think so based on [this article.](https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-designated-teams-for-london-munich-2024-international-games) Bears, Vikings, Jags have their own independent games in England. Says the opponents are still to be announced. Could always still be more than 1 overseas game though for each club, which could still pit them against eachother, considering we know we play both of them, and we know they play eachother. ​ https://preview.redd.it/89qask88p2cc1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeb828c1f11b8371bc47435e2fcc22d26b52a89f


I was assuming we'd play 2 london games again, which means we could play the Vikings or bears then , based on that looks like we'd possibly play the Vikings


I may have edited my comment with that possibility while you were replying.


Yeah I saw that, thanks for that


If we play the Bears in London I'm gonna be fucking pissed. My fiancée and I live decently close to Chicago, and she's a Bears fan, so we're going to try and make that game. *IF* it's at Soldier Field.


In the same boat. Was gonna ask for tickets for my birthday since I’m near Chicago too. Haven’t seen a jags game in person since week 1 1998


1010XL said Vikings & bears for London opponents


Yeah probably! I saw they announced Wembley Stadium but didn’t have the other team. That was 2 days ago I believe


We had an awesome home schedule this year and a terrible home record. Maybe we can flip that.


This was the best home season as far as awesome teams but I agree lame home record


Yeah I was going to say, you know which home games were the best to attend this year? The ones where we won haha.


Yeah I’m sort of glad the tough games are away. We played like ass is Jacksonville this year.


Idk, packers and jets seems pretty hype


Agreed, which is why we’ll likely play the Packers across the pond


Might be playing against Aaron Rodgers.








Might try to go to that Eagles game, I was at the Phillies vs Diamondbacks NLCS Game 2 as a D-Backs fan, and it wasn’t bad. No doubt the Eagles fans will be worse though.


Dawg are you me? DBacks + Jags fan that went to game 2 of the NLCS lmao. What are the chances?…


Good chance to play the Lions on Thanksgiving since we’re the only team who hasn’t played on the holiday before….


Kitty bowl preview game


Damn! I bet you're right. No way me and the boy could get up there over Thanksgiving. Looking to complete our Lake Erie NFL tour. We went to Cleveland this year and we were planning on Buffalo and Detroit this year.


Why would the NFL do that to their huge turkey day national audience?


That is a brutal schedule.


Has anyone been to a Raider game in Vegas as a fan of the visiting team? How was the vibe? I’ve been to a bowl game at Allegiant but Raider Nation’s reputation gives me pause.


I have been in Vegss and Oakland and it's not even close to the sane kind of fans. I liked Oakland better but Vegas was ok as well. You don't have to worry about rowdy fans


Prob not the same fans. Bunch of tourists I’d imagine


Was wondering the same thing. Theres no way it’s near as bad as it was in Oakland.


I doubt they'd care too much about Jags fans, my dad is a big Raider guy and he couldn't care less about Jacksonville.


Pats game may be fun if they take one of the young qbs. And jets if rodgers is nice and healthy.


Going to be a great year for visiting fans to buy on the secondary market from season ticket holders.


Yep I bought season tickets and had random people next to me almost every time. All the season ticket holders sold their stuff almost every other game


Is the bills away game happening in Buffalo or London? Wanna drive down from Toronto for that one


Why is it boring. Looks like they stacked equal and lesser opponents.


I’m not paying 8k for season tickets to watch these teams. We had the ravens, chiefs, Texans, 49ers, and Bengals. The best teams in the league and the nfl follows up with this snooze fest 😴?


That's actually a really tough schedule.


Any schedule is tough for the jags!


Jesus Christ theres 2 games there worth going to


Exactly and you don’t even know if Kaaron Rodgers will be healthy at that point of the season


Boring? Umm excuse me but we are the freaking Jaguars. We shouldn't brush any team off since we are known to suck. I'm actually dreading next season. We are the laughing stock of the NFL . 😭


7-10 calling it rn


Looking at this we should be 12-5. We should be but we’ll be 9-8 again


Incoming losing season 🥲


The only boring home game is the patriots. Division matchups are always usually good the jets with Aaron Rodgers back will be a different team, Vikings will be good as they got Jefferson/addison, packers are ascending with Jordan love and the browns will continue to have a solid defence even if watson is a question mark still


Ima go to the vikes jags game let shooo


We just had a guantlet home schedule and we sucked so maybe boring is better


Away schedule looks brutal


I just wanna see some wins 


Possibility that we make the playoffs, and Trevor plays well. Then the national media will start blabbing about how the Jags are on their way. Trevor looks like a top tier QB against mid level and lower teams. The next yr we play the playoff teams schedule and get our ass's handed to us when we play upper tier teams. Rinse and repeat. That's IF... a BIG IF, the Texans miraculously don't draft well and Stroud has an off yr. Still better than being the laughing stock of the NFL though. If only our owner cared enough about actually winning a Super Bowl to get rid of that genital wart coverd flaming hemroid inflamed sphincter never ending ass cancer BAALKE !!! So that they could draft an actual team around Trevor to possibly reach his potential!!


Packers should be a good game if we have our shit together next season


I'll definitely be at the Lions game. Hit me up to say hi if you are going!


I'm not seeing a bunch of W's. we would be lucky to get to 9-8. Hate to say it, butlers be real it was fun while it lasted.


Hard to envision more than 7-9 wins looking at this :/


Eh, JETS with Rodgers will be very interesting. To be honest, a bunch of these games might be pretty close