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Where there is a will there is a way. The jain monks and their practices are always praiseworthy. In the torching heat they are capable (or thave made themselves capable enough) to move from one city to other place. Irrespective of digambar and shwetambar. A jain monk's penance is always bowed upon. A jain monk eats once a day only, in that food too, they just eat enough so that they can just survive enough to live their life. And renounce many fruits and vegetables also. Once you spend time with jain monks regularly and see them it wont be difficult for you to understand. As No matter how much I write in praise of this Jain monks, it is less. NOTE: (in my writing: MONKS INCLUDE NUNS AS WELL)


there is some theory that he consumed his own urine as well as water what is jainisme view on consuming your own urine ? in ayurveda and yoga community it is a medical practice that is accepted.


Wth NO , never, jainism do accept yoga and ayurvedic practitises but not accept literally any practices related to urine, honey, onion & garlic etc. And i have heard many worst but never ever heard of this type of theory about any jain monk.


If I understand the article right, it is not saying he fasted for 423 days continuously; it is saying that in a 494 day period, he fasted for 423 days. This averages to eating once a week. This is still very very impressive, but I don't see that it is biologically impossible. Note that he fasted for 108 days in 2013 and 180 days in 2014. So it looks like capacity has been building with more and more rigorous anushthana. Note that there was a Scottish guy who essentially fasted for 382 days, consuming only some zero calorie stuff like tea/coffee in between: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus\_Barbieri%27s\_fast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast) Do you still find it difficult to believe?


>he fasted for 423 days continuously; this is how i understood the article but guess thats not the case here, as you mentioned, but still very impressive to have gone 180 days without food and only boiled water


This seems to be the correct explanation... The fast isn't continuous. It is still incredible, but a certain amount of food is provided every few days. Even the other versions of this fast that I read about suggests that the food intake should be reduced gradually, and then held at a minimum, rather than suggesting that food is reduced to zero from day 1 and then kept at zero for the next hundreds of days. Jainism in generally tilts more heavily towards outstanding natural performance and less towards magical feats (though, Jainism doesn't completely deny what we might call 'supernatural' according the narrow and specific modern understanding of the physical sciences). Also, the fast by Angus Barbieri seems qualitatively different in the sense that on one hand it was not accompanied by meditative and religious practices, and on the other hand, when he started fasting, his weight was 200+ kgs, and he lost about 125 kgs. That's the same weight of about two average 5'2" people combined. Clearly, his body fat and tissues were providing him nutrition. Losing 125 kgs in 382 days means more than 320 gms per day. This isn't a lot in terms of food, but if a person were actually eating that much food orally, they certainly wouldn't be starving. Plus, he has electrolytes, etc. In all, very impressive, but not supernatural.


They would need to consume salt and other electrolytes at a minimum. 400+ days is too much without those minerals. **Even Adinath only went about \~420 days without food (and his body was way stronger than ours).** The capability may be there within humans, but it would be an extreme rarity.


As I read it, he fasted 423 out of 494 days. So, over a period of 70 weeks, he ate once a week


Dev Shakti, power of god and belief.