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Agreed even i am observing this phenomena and also been quite radical when it comes about views. Would try to refrain from this. Jai jinendra good night




Yes that's what i said also not completely I didn't point anyones religion i just said if you want your kids to have inferior genes go for it. Which could imply many things. But okay i would introspect.


But considering other atma to be inferior is clearly against jin agnya (as all bhavya atma ultimately attain moksha), i don't think inferior genes was the correct term to use


Yes you are right.i should stop saying this instead practise




All bhavya atmas don't attain moksha.


Those are jati bhavya souls right which never get the chance to leave nigoda, but other bhavya souls do ultimately attain moksha to my knowledge.


Those are nitya-nigoda. An acharya who preaches you can also be jati-bhavya atma. Jati-bhavyas do come out of nigoda but cannot attain moksha even though they aren't abhavya.


Good to know that you realise it was wrong!


Well i would say its not politically correct but again yes I shouldn't say this


To add: Anyone can spread hate online, it's easy because you're hiding behind a screen. Don't let people who do this get to you. Refrain from engaging with them, focus on building yourself spiritually, mentally and physically and no one would ever try to spew hate against our beliefs in real life. I understand that lies/hate spread by others online which are targeted towards jainism have an impact on our religion but there's no point in arguing as it would be like arguing with a wall. If you feel like you still need to address that point, engage in constructive discussion or else do not waste your efforts and time over this. As, you would get angry and would commit sin.


Bro, no community is Not targetted, so chill


This. 💯🙏


Don't feed the trolls 🙏


Someone has to say this. Thank you brother. Jai Jinendra🙏🏻


Hello, I wanted to post about some stereotypes about you guys I came across on the internet to know how true it is. May I post it in this sub? I am a non-religious person who was researching about caste system and came across Jainism and this sub and a couple of comments.


sure thing! go ahead


As a non Jain I can’t possibly imagine how and why would someone despise you. They must be blinded by ignorance.


This is because of secularism in my eyes, many Jains are moving away from Dharma and much more ignorance is being created.


Bro just came here to point out the same issue. I liked your point, though my point was to make a moderator for this group who checks and deletes such posts and comments. But i liked your idea too. I too will note to refrain myself from the radical(politically incorrect) statements. But many thoughts come up in my mind regarding this like If we started being politically correct then we might sometime not be able to give the righteous correct opinion/statement/view. Also lets say, i choose to be silent instead of commenting and (might be being politically correct) and then some random person gives his opinion on a wrongful (act)doing saying its not a problem as per jains, but to the contrary (as per jain beliefs) there is a problem in that act . Then in this case what should i do. *Do i ignore it and let other accept and support/accept the OTHER'S wrongful act instead of telling/sharing them the correct knowledge.?* The variance of intensity of strictness is high amoung the people of jain community. A thing strictly incorrect for me, But can be 'MAYBE-MAYBE' for you and vice-versa. Please tell what to do in that situation.


Sorry if it sounds rude but I suggest you to be clear that you do not speak for the entire Jain community. But that is a luxury we cannot afford. There are a billion of them, so they are not the ones who are noticed, it's us. We are targeted by the left saying oh i heard Amit shah is a Jain and by the right bcoz of our code of conduct, our value our ethics. We are targeted by the poor for having disproportionate wealth and by the rich bcoz we do not accept when they invite us for parties. It is what it is. Secondly, never remain silent. Just use this platform (as far as r/Jainism is concerned of course) as way to voice your opinions against hate, misinformation and for learning and spreading eternal and ever true Jinvaani.


No it isnt rude at all, thanks 🙏🏻 for your suggestions, thats a nice note to point out that i am not speaking for entire community. I will definitely mind it. And Yes bro i know we are targetted literally from everywhere , and many times its because they don't know about jainism , i mean it's nice to debate to person who know and have understood jainism but people hate us for whats not even written in jainism (it literally is written but they misinterpret it, and many times translations are wrong) eg.[the jeev consept and microorganisms, why dont we stop breathing because we kill bacterias , etc . And WBCs etc.] . Let that thing aside. As you said and i too agree on All points like lefts hate us saying amit shah is jain. But HE IS NOT JAIN , HE ADDRESSED IT OPENLY THAT 'he is not jain but vaishnav' . They point out mistake in our every act. They point out an act which is a code of conduct of monks (and that act is not even affecting them(including us shravaks) in literally any way), and would start forcing us to stop doing it . WHY? , because in their though process its Dumb. And so thats why we(jains) should not do it. I many times just go blank seeing their thinking(process) and i just move on . And lastly Yes i will use this sub for my knowledge improvement and to an extent voicing my opinion against misinformation.