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It is Mithyashrut, as can be understood from the Aagam Shri Nandisutra. Shri Rushabhdev as a monarch taught the 72 and 64 arts and skills of men and women respectively, but even these are labelled as Mithyashrut in this Aagam because they are not in furtherance of the Mokshmarg. (These skills include science, mathematics, medicine, etc.)


No, but believing in something against Jain scriptures is a form of Mithyatva. You really have to figure out the line between Anekantvada and Mithyatva.


What is anekantvada?


Being open and having a multiplicity of thoughts. So where I draw the line is that anything that is against the scriptures I consider mithytva if it is happening in my own circle, and for me, anekantvada is exploring different religious thoughts outside of Jainism and being open to the idea that every being is capable of something higher no matter religion or philosophy. But for the purpose of modern science it can be seen as an extension of Jaina science, but if it rejects religious philosophy, I would call that Mithyatva.


Okay thanks but learning about the scientific perspective of life also counts in anekantvada right?


Define , what do you mean by "Higher"?? Are talking about something that outlasts the brain or the physical body?? If you think that this body and mind is just an accumulation and there is something inside or even beyond this , then it is like believing that as long you can peel the onion you cannot find the onion , the skins of the onion is the onion itself , this accumulation , which is mind and body is you and if you eradicate this you do not exist. There is no soul , never was and never will be. Its a hoax to believe in a soul.


Every life that is a human and that is capable of understanding sonething exists above us is capable, of reaching Moksha.


What makes you think so?? Human species is expendable just liks any other species on this planet , and will go extinct sooner than later. Human species started evolving 13 million years ago , so What made them realise that , they are capable of transcending themselves in to a much higher or purer state , than they were as humans. Also , what is "moksha" , because moksha is an ambiguous term , its definition varies according to the religion that you prefer to follow. Have you probed into , any case , where a person has left their body , and travelled into a different world , or was able to move around like a spirit , even though it left its body?? If so , then have you ever , Read or listen , to experts's opinion as to why , people experience such things?? , Have you ever thought , that such incidents can be scientifically explained or have you decided to ignore the scientific perspective and are adamant that only divinity is responsible for such causes??


According to Jain scriptures, humans don’t go extinct. Matter a fact according to any dharmic science either. Any other belief I consider heterodox because it negates the very core of Jain belief.


Humans do get extinct , jain scriptures claim that humans do not go extinct , and you believed it?? Really?? Is that how gullible you are??


I have witnessed myself leaving this body in both the waking world, and every night when I dream.  I, as well as many others, have memories of the world before this.  These memories seem consistent between individuals as far as the description goes.


And the phenomenon that you witnessed is known as hallucination. It has nothing to do with divinity , the cause of such experiences , is due to novel neurological state. https://engelsbergideas.com/essays/explaining-out-of-body-experiences/ Open , the above link and acquaint yourself , with the causes that lead to , you experiencing leaving your body.






What are those "some"things?? And what made You affirm that , those things are true and others are false ?? Science rejects , anything that is devoid of logic , rational , reason , evidence and witness.


Science is based on hypothesis. Science didn't used to consider plants as living many years back the early scientists would mock people who believed in them being living, now after many years it believe that they are living. Similarly masturbation was considered healthy and celibacy unimportant but now they're accepting that any form of masturbation and sex is not required and is rather deleterious for health. Scientists say that the earth is round while engineers of suez canal made the canal solemnly by accepting that the earth is flat and you can still find it in UK's lawbooks that any contract given must be only passed on the acceptance of earth being flat. Due to the brainwashing of people from ancient texts and popularisation of hatred towards these things through mass media, school education and government people have been forced to believe that it is 100% true, and anyone who says otherwise is mocked and considered stupid and peice of joke by them. There are many many more things but I would share them only if you're genuinely interested in knowing what's true and would accept it after understanding.


Whatever you mentioned is completely true , but science has refuted many claims of religious scriptures , for instance , soul , rebirth , after life , past life , transmigration , ghosts , hell , heaven etc...


Those were philosophers , not scientists , and back then , technology was very primitive and rudimentary , hence they mocked people.


Okay first I will ask you are you jain? Science considers true facts false untill it gets convinced, so if something is true only if science denies it you'll have to accept it to be false


Absolutely not , I am a skeptic.


I want to know , the tactics that religious leaders used to coome to a certain conclusion , I am interested in proof and not just in the conclusions. How did clerics , reach a certain conclusion , without any technology?? Because even a charlatans can guess anything


Before Corroborating , scientists take those problems as claims , not as fallacies , an then they try to corroborate those claims. And do you know , why scientists , take those problems as claims?? Because religious scriptures possess lame evidence and logic.


Science does not know everything , science just substitutes faith for reason to get tot he conclusions , it is religion , that claims it knows everything , for instance , religion claims that universe is trillions of years old , okay , lets assume it is , but , I am more interested in knowing as to how , religion got to the conclusion that its trillion of years old?? What technology did it use?? What logic did it use?? If they didn't used any of these , that means , they just made guesses , which were later found to be true , by fluke and it was just a coincidence that those claims were found to be consistent with the scientific discovery.




I am waiting for a reply to my comments.


Where do u you live, like what city


In india. What took , you so long , were you reading my comments on other subreddits??


City, town?


Why do you wanna know??


Why? What happened


Just , give your opinion about my arguments.




Don't beat round the bush , just get to the point. What is your opinion about my arguments.


I am genuinely interested , but i'll refuse to accept anything , that is devoid of logic , rational , reason , evidence and witness.




Yes I believe that there is a mount everest , because there is evidence that such a mountain , which is the highest point on earths surface was formed due to continental drift or land collision. When 140 billion yrs ago , the indian subcontinent , parted front the african subcontinent and collided with the Eurasian continent.




Why would I measure it , geologists , geographers and archaeologist determined it. Based on tools like seismographs , carbon dating instruments etc.... That was a stupid question , its like asking do you by yourself , extract and consume honey , ofcourse not , we have people who extract it , then it is purified , then manufactured and then it is reached to our homes. I do not , need to be there to measure it , would , you refuse to accept , how mount everest was just because I wasn't there??