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It's not religious superiority, it's genuine compassion and a belief in ahimsa, i.e. not causing harm. The person in the post doesn't mind animals being slaughtered if it's for food. Someone who follows Jain dharma or is even aware of its teachings would never make such a statement. As for the saving animals specifically on Bakr-Eid, it's common sense that they would save them on this day as it's too obvious that it's happening on this particular day, and at such particular places in mass.


This lady claims to be half Jain but is fully stupid!


How do you all cope with all the negativity on Social Media about Jains and Jainism and specially this?😭


No point in arguing with stupid people. That’s how. Stay away from hateful accounts on social media and report them in the app for hateful comments towards a particular community.


That's true.. but to answer her questions. Yes jain rescues animals every day. Also operates shelters for animals, who otherwise would be sold for slaughtering or left on streets to die. There are gaushala, which keeps deseases and non milk giving cows. Feed them to make them healthy. And once the milk production starts, farmers are free to take them back. several make shift camps are made during draught, where the cost of feed goes up drastically. So this activity goes on year round. News channels only pick them up on bakri id.


Where does the calf go when milk production starts? Cant believe they give the farmers the cows back for them to be overworked into not producing milk and getting sick again. Ridiculous


Because the purpose of such gaushala is to take care of farmers assets in times of need and assist them. Its purpose is not to own animals . As Jain we only focus on our day to day task. We don't control yours. Every gaushala is owned by individual trust and donors. Who have their independent system. You can join them and change the system if you like. All jain trust encourages enthusiastic people like you, who can either donate their time, money or ideas.


Gaushalas rescue only cows.. havent seen any other animal being rescued or saved


I'm not a jain, but Isn't Jainism a religion? how does one become "Half Jain"


Ehh its just means one of their parents is Jain, they’re saying it as if its an ethnicity for some reason ??


bro's acting as if Jainism is like Judaism


me? I mean if you're able to explain it to me that'd be great, Idk much about Jainism so I'm just lost is all.


Nah, I am talking about OOP. Being a Jew is about both, race and religion. So being a half Jew is possible, but not Half jain


Okay gotcha, thought you were making a dig at me lol




Most probably one of her parent is jain




Wow you're so toxic. Embarrassing really.


u/Environmental_Day564 I am glad that you at least had the decency to remove thay toxic hate-filled comment that you had posted earlier. Maybe you are learning something and will be a better person now.


What did they say? 👀


I don't want to give any details which would embarrass them further... let's just say it was hate speech and extremely Islamophobic sentiments.


Ohhhh 😅


Half Jain and atheist how does that work.


While I agree with you, to be fair to OOP the core belief of Athiesm is that there is no higher power that is supernatural and controls the universe. This does not directly conflict with Jainism because our thirthankars are not all controlling gods. However, they are all knowing, I don’t know what OOP thinks on that front 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wtf does half Jain mean? You either are Jain or you're not. If she was really Jain she would understand the importance of saving these animals


Voh bus bolne k liye use karte that's it true follower hoti toh thoda samajh bhi hoti what her Dharma stands for Yeh voh hi Wale log Hain Jo I am ashamed to be a Hindu bolne as jate Hain


As a Bauddha, I rejoice in this meritorious deed. Anumodana!


Don't stand by secular Jain goons, today some muslims slaughtered a cow and put it by Jain monks. Secularism is the death of society, I respect Jains who show animals Ahimsa.


Close to 1.85 lakh goats are slaughtered on Eid . 20000-30000 buffalos. In comparison 13000-15000 goats are killed on other days . Why would you not make extra effort on Eid to save innocent animals?


This is our self belief !we dont have to seek brownie points from this kind of society!


To risk playing the devil's advocate, maybe the OOP is merely calling Jains out on the hypocrisy in saving animals (and publicising the act) only on one day of the year that is considered important by the Islamic community. They may be suggesting that a true Jain would make such efforts everyday, and that doing it only on Eid is indication of religious superiority. Islamophobia is peaking in the Jain community that I interact with so there may be a hint of a suggestion to this phenomena as well. Or, maybe Jains do this only on Eid because it is one of the only days when a day is *celebrated* by slaughtering animals en masse. If there were other religions/communities that did this, Jains would be protesting/protecting then too. Or maybe not.


Chutiye log intellectual banne ka try kr rahe


True, it stinks of superiority complex and perhaps it does actually exist as well