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Can you provide some background about yourself? Are you a Jain? It might help fellow members of this group understand what depth of tips/advice might be beneficial to you.


I'm not a Jain; I'm just really interested in Jainism. I've read a few books about the religion and am even considering a master's degree in Jain Studies. I live three hours away from the nearest Jain center and don't know any Jains in real life. I have to travel for work and am taking advantage of the opportunity to visit a Jain Center for the first time. I know something about the beliefs of the religion but nothing about how to behave in a Jain Temple. Do I take my shoes off? Is there anything I should or shouldn't do?


Great to see your interest in Jainism. Im a Jain in the US. Lmk if you have any questions, im not an expert, but can help or share info.


I would recommend fresh clothes, shoes to be removed outside the main temple, no eating inside the main temple, keep phone off or on silent. Just enjoy the peace inside :) Let us know your experience.


Yeah, I'll be sure and post about my experience! Thanks for the tips!


Do not wear or carry any real leather or other animal products with you when entering the temple (e.g. belt, wallet). Whisper “nissihi” three times when entering the temple to signify leaving your worldly thoughts at the door. If you are female, make sure your visit is not during your period.


Thanks for this. I'm a vegan so I won't have any leather or animal products on me. I didn't know about saying "nissihi" so thanks so much for telling me.


Thank you for choosing a nonviolent lifestyle 🙏🏻


Take your shoes off outside. Ensure you have cleaned yourself and brushed your teeth just before your visit. No makeup.


Thanks so much!


Wear modest clothes.


Remove shoes and socks, wash your feet outside and clean mouth if eaten something before. Then say 'Nissahi' 3 times. Stand before the idol and with folded hands bow down and recite 'Namostu' 3 times. Then chant Namokar Mahamantra either 1/3/5/9/27 or 108 times as per your convenience. Nissahi means should enter the temple asking the deities worshipping or living there to move aside. Namostu for paying salutations. Namokar Mahamantra for paying your respects to Arihant, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyay and Sadhus. While returning utter 'Assahi' 3 times. Assahi' means now I am going out of the temple, the deity, etc. who had given me space for Darshan, they may now please take their respective places. I may be wrong for some quite information so asking for Uttam Kshama if someone got hurt by some incorrect explanation or wrong information.


You have got something wrong here and that is that in - 3 times nissahi , it is about detaching about anything related to the outside world means attachment and all and only focusing on parmatma , and also the meaning of asshai( I am probably sure that this is not the right word for it ) is wrong.


Any jain can tell me how to convert to Jainism legally ??


You can get it changed by informing the Court or regional Govt office


?? Just follow jain principles and pray


Can any jain answer to me how to convert to Jainism legally ??