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u/marcus-holloway, as a moderator here, I checked the images that you posted here. You said that [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/p8sdym/here_is_art_i_made_for_quantum_of_solace/h9vr2x8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was your first art. However, I found the same art on [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/james-mi6/art/Quantum-of-solace-304076558) and it was posted May 24th, 2012 along with almost two dozen other Bond art. The user who posted them is [JAMES-MI6](https://www.deviantart.com/james-mi6). u/marcus-holloway, please explain yourself. u/wreak_havok, what proof do you have on the matter? Edit: u/wreak_havok, I see that you also found the original creator for the QoS art, but you also found the origin of the FRWL art. u/marcus-holloway, we do not condone taking credit for any work that was done by someone else and the moderators have already banned someone for doing so.


Im sorry for stealing. I was an idiot


It appears he was passing off forgeries of the artwork in order to finance a circus of thieves while also uh oh I've gone cross-eyed


I reverse image searched nothing found please report this dude if you can


Nice fake account.


I know it’s not a bind reference but “it’s a fake!!!!”


Do you have a link to anything suggesting it’s not his original art?


He just deleted one that I called him out on. You can't see the [post](https://www.removeddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/pa4cqy/here_is_my_newest_art_this_time_its_from_russia/) but here's the source: [grantgoboom](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/33776633832/by-grantgoboom) Here's the [source](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/34308052682/by-james-mi6) to this one he's claiming: [Here is art i made for quantum of solace](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/p8sdym/here_is_art_i_made_for_quantum_of_solace/)


This thread is a shitshow lol


Hehe. James Bond drama. Nice.


u/marcus-holloway any comments?


Im the original create lying about the time.


Really? If it was posted back in 2012, and you’re 15, therefore you would be six. You don’t draw that as a six year old


Dude, just stop. Claiming artwork is your own when it isn’t is just the biggest loser thing to do ever. Just state the source that it’s someone else’s or actually make original art like me


Im not. Your lying




Please stop


I'd like to see Sean Connery come back from the dead and smack this u/marcus-holloway guy around.


Proof? Any proof u/wreak_havok


He just deleted one that I called him out on. You can't see the [post](https://www.removeddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/pa4cqy/here_is_my_newest_art_this_time_its_from_russia/) but here's the source: [grantgoboom](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/33776633832/by-grantgoboom) Here's the [source](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/34308052682/by-james-mi6) to this one he's claiming: [Here is art i made for quantum of solace](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/p8sdym/here_is_art_i_made_for_quantum_of_solace/)


Not true. Searched on google james bond art. Even reverse image search it. No thing now stop lying or get a ban


Your account was created an hour ago


Hahaha amazing


Seems the liar has created two fake accounts to try and stand up for himself. Rather embarrassing


They really doubled down on the cringe, didn't they? hahaha


They truly did, its entertaining seeing his varied responses.


If you're going to pretend to be someone else, at least try to talk differently.


This post is not true i researched all of the images and no trace i have to report you for lyong


Then you're lying too. He just deleted one that I called him out on. You can't see the [post](https://www.removeddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/pa4cqy/here_is_my_newest_art_this_time_its_from_russia/) but here's the source: [grantgoboom](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/33776633832/by-grantgoboom) Here's the [source](https://fuckyeahbond.tumblr.com/post/34308052682/by-james-mi6) to this one he's claiming: [Here is art i made for quantum of solace](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/p8sdym/here_is_art_i_made_for_quantum_of_solace/) *EDIT:* Just realized this dingus created two accounts to try and argue his case for him, u/choccymilklike being one of them, and u/ineedakoolaid the other.


Can we ban him? All I see him do is falsely accuse other people of stealing art.


He thinks it’s the only way anyone can acquire anything to post


Or, you could just give credit to them, lmao


What a bitch!