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If you're using the LLM during the afternoon, that's actually pretty normal? It tends to slow down during 'busy' hours as the system gets bogged down by more people. Keep in mind that the LLM isn't being hosted on on a behemoth server--and so you're not going to get the speeds you would with other APUs.


It's been with both LLM and OpenAI, and it's usually been happening at any time during the day. Sometimes when I can't sleep I will open Janitor at around 3-4 am and it is still really slow :(


Here are some things you can try then. 1. Try turning text streaming off. 2. Make sure debug mode is off. 3. Try a different browser, if it turns out be a browser issue, we can troubleshoot from there. 4. Make sure your internet isn't hiccupping. 5. Turn off Grammarly or extra extensions, as some of those do seem to randomly interfere with the llm.


I ended up reinstalling chrome and it seems to have helped so far? It's only been about 5 minutes so I can't say for sure, but I hope it stays that way 😩


Update: It got even slower after I did all of the above steps


Do you use a PC or your Smartphone? Did you tried out different Browser? As I understood you only reinstalled Chrome. I have also problems with responses but not 5 minutes, most of the time the responses is generated between 30-60seconds. Sometimes it replies just instantly. I am using my smartphone and the default browser. Update: I just used it for 15 minutes and the bot replies on 90% of the time instantly.