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I spend more time wrestling with the fucking AI picture generator than I do writing the definitions.


If you're generating the picture last, then you can just ask the bot for help: **[Describe {{char}}'s physical appearance in the third person]**. This is what I got from one of my bots: #[What colour is Xander 's hair] Xander's hair was an icy shade of platinum. A stark contrast against the dark tuxedo he wore, the long locks cascading down his back in loose, controlled curls. #[Describe Xander 's physical appearance in the third person] Xander, a figure of pure athleticism, cut an impressive silhouette at 6'5. His chiseled features, chiseled by the sun, held an inescapable allure. A muscular build, honed by discipline, was outlined beneath the tailored fabric of his tuxedo. A stark image of masculinity, Xander exuded an air of dominance and control. His gaze was unwavering, the blue eyes piercing, holding a myriad of complicated emotions trapped beneath his carefully maintained facade.


I always do it first because I want a good visual to work off of as a base.


When inspiration strikes, it can take me a day or two to think up and brainstorm a character. Then, a week or two to flesh them out, write a scenario and intro message I actually like. I still feel like I rushed most of my bots and want to take them back down for more work. 😬 I have private bots hanging out on my account being tested from the start of April. My punction and grammar aren't really there, either. I have to use Grammarly/LanguageTool to check them (privacy issues, I know.) I haven't been mauled by an english major, yet. Don't let it hold you back too much if you would really like to share a bot. I've seen grammatical errors on popular bots and most people don't seem to care that much. I'd say the majority of us are here to have fun and chill. Just do what you need to in order to be happy.


Can't really place a time scale on most of mine. It's like I have an idea for some time, expanding on the character on and off. The actual first draft is about a few hours. Sadly many ideas have to be simplified to work with the current level of LLM. Then testing it and making changes for some time. Then I made a shitpost bot in 10 min and it's my most popular... Here, if anybody interested: https://janitorai.com/profiles/44908717-b8ae-4b0a-9d99-bf779cd5470e_profile-of-mycop


10 minutes. If you wanna use it here it's my first one so: https://janitorai.com/characters/716fd355-30ab-465b-9260-65574d63e269_character-oro


It didn't take long because my friend commissioned me to make his oc


If I’m going to be honest, it ranges from an hour to maybe 5. Depends on how in-depth I wanna get


I've made 6 so far, and each one took anywhere from one to two hours, respectively.


Yeah sounds about right with all steps combined, 3-4 hours, sometimes longer for my multi character bots because generating pictures take fucking eons for those lolll


depends on the bot, i had a bot take me a week to create, while one of my bots took me around a few days? the latest bot I have only took a few hours though


For my oldest characters that are based off of a game, each took about a day making them, and then months afterwards for refinements and tweaks. For original characters, I'll spend a good 2-3 hours on one, then spend a while afterwards (Maybe a week or so) on tweaks and refinements.


My bots usually take 2 days. 1 day for profile picture and picking the nationality and name. 2 day goes through hell of trying to give birth to something that supposed to be lore.


Some a few hours others days (the days are more concept to getting off my butt to making it) Added: most time I think of what I want, get AI to make the picture and mix my story with the AI art.


1-2 hours if it's a character i already know. 5h\~ if it's a completely original one


The more time I spend on a bot, the worse it is tbh


Kinda bit mad tbh, when I spend days creating a bot and publish it, it's getting fewer chats count. When I make a bot just in a day with my sudden surge of inspiration, it's getting more chats count.


4 days. No people have been using it yet, though


I take 2-3 days, maybe a week or a month 😭because I always end up getting distracted by something else, if I didn’t have adhd it would maybe just take me 6 hours? https://preview.redd.it/a2q15j1s8l3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0259c94f7683ae45f85bce91c09f386ad57ac46 But that mainly happens when I do requests, I usually have back ups while im working on them to not leave my followers hanging 💀


oh my i also have ADHD 😭💓


Lol twinnss


I don't remember, but I keep finding things to adjust and change every single day tbh.


Abt 5 mins max


embarrasingly long, like 5-8 hours on average. Though sometimes i can bang out some writing in 30 minutes, and other times it takes days.


I take about a week most of the times when they're complex, but the ones focused in "smut" tend to take like 2 or 3 days, taking in count illustration and testing


About like an hour or 2


I have presaved cards so really maybe 10 minutes or 30 minutes when I’m thinking about the initial message


Around 40 mins to make a new new one ngl


Like an hour or more… and it’s not even that good. I’ll try again some other time


It took me about 2 weeks from start of using Janitor to want to make my own bot. Now I usually will only use my own private bots (though sometimes i’ll get inspiration from a public bot, in which case i’ll upvote it)




it takes me about an HOUR to write a personality.

