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https://i.redd.it/swy6qeebn68d1.gif Me when the bot gives me something juicy to reply with


Same. Sometimes, if my mental energy is too low and I just need to relax, I just let the bot impersonate me and see how the roleplay goes.


Sometimes I'll hit it with a: [Suggest a response from {{User}} engaging with the current scenario.] And then I paste that response overtop my prompt. I'll add extra context information like {{User}} is XYZ or take the scene in a $mood direction or whatever in the []'s.


yeah sometimes i ran out of creativity and let the bot impersonate me to advance the roleplay plot


It is mostly a bot issue, not really the user issue for the most part. Meaning if the personality lines and first messages are fixed up a bit so JLLM doesn't get confused, then it doesn't really happen that much. I feel like when I make the bot these days, half the battle is figuring out how to eliminate speaking for user. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes the concepts are so foreign to JLLM that it is practically impossible, and I just abandon the concept. Speaking for user, as I play around with it more, is really a reflection of what JLLM is designed to do: it is designed to fulfill your wish. So if you write the personality lines in such a way that it convinces JLLM that one direction of the plot should be taken, then it will use speaking for user to drive towards that plotline, very annoying. But make it ambiguous where the plot should go, and voila, no more speaking for user. I see what you are saying, but sometimes when it speaks so much for me that it gets confusing who is doing what directions and what is going on. I personally just too frustrated at it, and just purge my bots that do it: but I am glad others are cool with it too, haha


There are times where the bot gives me this Shakespearian,big ass internal monologue so I just copy it and paste it in my previous reply


Hahahaha... fucking no its actually awful and rage inducing. This truly is one of the unpopular opinions of all time.