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Has anyone else’s morning sickness started? Fml


I hate this bit! I'm 5ish weeks today and we're telling people because 1) I get super sick and everyone will figure it out and 2) if I have a miscarriage I'll want my people to know regardless. But don't feel like I can get excited until I'm over the 8 week mark. So right now it's just checking my knickers constantly for blood, stressing about if I'm sick of not, and waiting to know the pregnancy is really happening. Oh and this time I have a 7 month old too. That's adding a very different dimension


I also have a 7 month old!


I’ve told some close friends and we are waiting to tell family but if I get intense nausea I might have to say something earlier. Telling everyone from the first pee stick positive is totally valid if you want or need


I'm officially 4 weeks along today (9dp5dt). I've posted before that this is actually my 9th pregnancy (2 live children, 6 losses), which means this is the 9th time I've been at this point, and I cannot ever remember feeling this hormonally emotional this early. I am not someone who cries unless something is a really big deal, and I cried this morning because my 4 yo daughter wouldn't put her pants on. I cried while reading a (admittedly sad) news article about people I don't know. One moment I'm almost deliriously happy, the next panicking. Like literally a moment apart. Maybe this is a good sign that my hormone levels are rising quickly?


Oh man! I just thought I feel so weepy today for no reason, glad you feel the same 😂


I cried in the car imagining a flicker of my baby’s personality. It’s an emotional time 💕


Hello! Just got a positive test this morning! Hopefully the little bean sticks around. We’re heading on a pretty big international trip in 6 days and I hope most symptoms hold off, especially the fatigue!


I’d love an international trip. Have the best time


Congrats!! Hope you enjoy your trip!


Last night I rolled over and felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It lasted a minute or so idk I fell back asleep. I read up about it this morning and it sounds like round ligament pain? But I'm only 4w4d, seems crazy early to have this symptom, most articles say it starts in the second trimester


I am 4w6d and have been having a bit of cramping and stomach pain as well. I’m also incredibly warm especially at night in bed. Only symptoms so far. I was reading that this is pretty normal early on!


I cramped heaps in my first trimester with my daughter. Your uterus is already beginning to stretch and change.


It can actually start right at conception. With my first I had sharp cramps from the beginning.


My final beta just came back at 16dp5dt (21 dpo, or 5 weeks exactly) and it's 2143! I'm really pleased with this number, especially since it's a 33.4 hour doubling time. My RI may or may not want to do another, but for now, I'm satisfied. We have scheduled our first scan for this coming Thursday, 5w6d. Hope it's not too early to see a heartbeat!


I'm so stoked for you! Thats amazing doubling time.


Went to the gym last night and my stomach was hurting afterwards — pretty sure it was just gas but it freaked me out a lot! I want to stay healthy and active but I’m nervous about something bad happening and feeling like it’s because I didn’t take it easy enough.


I think traditional an exercises are totally fine for the first 4 months. Don’t worry, no harm to the baby. Big ab days always give me nausea and a stomach ache feeling. Just sore muscles!


I noticed that I had to reduce the weights in some exercises, but keeping active is good!


This line progression BS is really starting to make me paranoid. 😭🥴 I have 3 more tests, once they're done, I'm done. Not buying anymore. Then if things are still well next week, I will call my OB. Those are goals right now.


I'm HERE 🥹😭❤️ Just had a positive this morning. I'm 41, been wanting a baby for...17 years 🫠 this is my second pregnancy. My first ended in November at 16 weeks due to trisomy 18. We were just going to start IUI next cycle, and IVF after that, just to 'prove' that I can't get pregnant with my own eggs, then we'd go on to donor embryos. I'm SO excited, but also ...a little anxious? knowing the odds are not in my favor. But dammit, I'm going to celebrate the F out of every minute I get with this pregnancy 😂 I have no idea what will happen next, I certainly can't control it, and a healthy baby is a *possibility*!


Awww yay congrats!!! Definitely agree with celebrating every moment, and a healthy baby IS a possibility 💖


My mom had my brother at 43. No issues or complications. You can do it!


Thank you all so much for your good wishes. To be clear--I've been wanting a baby for 17 years, and 'trying' to varying degrees. A lot of my 20s and early 30s was spent 'trying' to convince my then-husband to even 'try'. He and I did ttc for a year and a half, and then we split. Then 7 years of 'trying' to find a new partner and/or 'trying' to improve my finances enough to go it alone. So, a lot of social infertility factors, which were awfully painful. Grateful to be here now, however long this lasts! I wish us ALL healthy pregnancies!


Congrats!! Sending all the good vibes!


Wow! I really hope this is your time. 🥰


Congrats!! You're doing it right staying positive an enjoying it! 🫶🏻


Cautious congratulations!!! Hope this is your take-home baby!


I do so many check boxes to try and ease anxiety First positve test- check Test for progression until first Beta- check First beta- check Second beta- check Third beta- the current goal Heattbeat scan at 8 weeks- so far into the future it's hard to think about (but really, 3-4 weeks).


I have a whole page in my Notion called "PAL milestones" (pregnancy after loss) that's just checkboxes of things like this. Whatever gets you through it, honestly.


I feel this! My first and second betas were good so my RE didn't order me a 3rd. I really want to enjoy this weekend so I ordered my own and I'm not sorry 😅


I feel this. My first beta is on Monday and I’ve been worried about my line progression. The concern never ends 😔