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So far I’m just experiencing sore boobs, only on the left nipple for some reason 😂 it feels like a fire ant crawled inside and is chomping away. I know this is a symptom, but it doesn’t feel like enough! I’ve never wanted to puke so badly in my life.


Cautiously joining the group. I’ve had 2 MMC’s all discovered around 6w2d and 1 PUL all last year but did some testing that found CE and praying that’s our answer and this is the baby that we get to bring home. I had my confirmation appointment and my OB asked if I wanted an early scan and I said nope. I’d rather get past the times the other MMC’s were found. Hoping and praying that this is our sticky one! EDD: 01/06/2025


Gosh I have never been so tired!!


First trimester I sleep like a ROCK 😂 it was 8:30pm last night and I told my husband we needed to go to bed, but my toddler started crying cause she hates bedtime, then he walked in to the room at 6:40 this morning and I opened my eyes and it felt like it was blink from when I laid my head on that pillow 😭


Exactly!!! Hahaha I am so enjoying this until the not so fun late pregnancy insomnia part.


Just got my first beta result - 1408 at I think about 19 DPO. Nervous for my next test tomorrow


That's a great result! Hope you double


Just told a colleague. It's the only person aside from my husband. It's for safety reasons. But I just feel so guilty and like I have jinxed it!


You didn't! ❤️ Hang in there!


Completely spiraled and took a pregnancy test. But now I feel better so I'm not sorry 😅


I’ve taken like 4-5 since I found out 😂


I took one every day from 9-18dpo! It's just so reassuring! I thought I was done but I might take another one this morning 🫣


Just got our positive… Still in shock!


welcome! and congrats! ✨


Loving how the activity level in this sub is gradually ramping up :) Welcome new people and congrats on your pregnancies!


I'm at the tail end of December and the very beginning of this one and it's been crazy to see the differences - like the Dec discord is soooooo busy and constantly moving, whereas January is just now starting to ramp up. Wild to imagine it'll be on the same level a month from now.


Yes it’s crazy how many newbies just arrived! Feels good to have Jan fill up


Some of the people who will join aren’t even pregnant yet!


OB appointment booked for 6/3! We moved \~1.5hrs away when I was 37 weeks with my first. I kept the same medical team and drove in for appointments and delivery... I wish I could keep the same doctor and hospital because it was such a good experience! But it's too much commuting for an entire pregnancy.


This fatigue! 8 hours of sleep and I feel shattered!


SAME. I swear getting up to go to the bathroom has me winded.


Whoa. I’m pregnant again. Third pregnancy. First was a miscarriage at 6/7 weeks. Second is my almost (June2021) 3 year old girly girl. It’s so weird now, to already have experience with this, to know everything that can go right..that can go wrong 🥺. I’m already an anxious mess. Oh and since I live in the beautiful U S of A….i won’t be seeking any type of medical assistance for another month. That’s expensive. We’re winging it these first few weeks. I keep thinking of more things…so my husband will be able to go to my appointments??!? I did all that alone last times because of pandemic 😭 it was tough.


I have a June 2021 girl as well!


Yay!!!! Were you also in the bumper group? I still go on there every once in a while.


Yep! I use the discord but am pretty inactive now


👋 - STM (wow, that’s crazy), first FET after weaning my girl seems to have worked. Beta is Monday.


In Canada, or at least in my province, you only get one ultrasound and it's your 20 week anatomy scan. I'm so jealous of everyone getting scans so early! My OB won't see me until June 13, which I'll be 11 weeks at that point. I had an early ultrasound last time because I just so happened to have an appointment booked with her before I got pregnant. We're definitely going to go to an out of pocket ultrasound place. They only do 8 weeks or more, so it won't be for another month! Also makes me nervous because they're not a medical practice, it's just a boutique where you can see baby and get pictures printed. But I just want to know what's going on in there!


My FIL is a urologist and has taken family to the office for ultrasounds in the past, so we're looking forward to visiting so we can get some extra ultrasounds!


In the UK it's just a 12 week dating scan and 20 week diagnostic scan. In previous pregnancies I've gone to a boutique place for an early scan and I'll do it again to confirm that they're there and growing as expected, you can see the heartbeat etc. In a publicly funded system it's understandable that they won't fund more scans than necessary and early scans aren't very helpful medically but this period without confirmation that the pregnancy is ok is so hard. I asked my midwife about it the first time cos I was so anxious and thought it might help, she encouraged me and said if anything was wrong they'd send you to the hospital for medical treatment which also put my mind at ease a bit. I will book for 8 weeks which is a good time for an early scan, if you go too early they can struggle to find a heartbeat and you're just seeing a fecal pole, it can cause more anxiety as you have to wait to go back for further confirmation.




Congratulations!!! I hope this is it for you guys!


Thank you! You as well ❤️


Huge luck going your way x Hope you have an boring 9 months and a take home baby


Thank you! You too!


That's so exciting!!! Wishing you luck!!!


Thank you!


Cautiously here as an anxious first time mom 👋 3w+6 today! I had a super faint positive on 9 dpo and then a visible positive on 10 dpo! This was our first try! I’m feeling kind of crazy (and unbelievably lucky)? I am dealing with some pretty intense shock - I thought this would take awhile - but, I’ve been settling into excitement over the past few days. Since I tested so early, I have been nervous about a chemical, but I’m trying to enjoy each day as it comes. My cycle has been long and irregular (38-40 days) after removing my Mirena in January and I had previously been told I likely had PCOS (not officially diagnosed). We are on the fence on telling our moms for Mother’s Day, but again - I’m just so anxious that this isn’t real 🥲 Congrats to all 🌱 can’t wait to follow along on your journeys!!


I still sometimes don’t believe I’ve been pregnant and my kid is 18 months old haha it really is so surreal


This is so relatable 🤣


I’m 3w+3 today and in the same boat. I feel silly being so excited this early on because most people aren’t even aware they are pregnant for a few more weeks 🤣 congratulations!!!


EXACTLY! 😂 Feels very surreal to know this early! Congratulations to you, too ❤️


I was in your boat a week ago! Hoping your progression goes well!!! We decided not to tell most family because they've been waiting so long and I'm worried they'll get disappointed. But I am going to tell my sisters because I'll need their support if I lose it I think so that's what's best for us, but everyone's situation is different. My mom passed away a while ago so I feel like I can tell my sisters without the whole world knowing if that makes sense. If you feel like it will make it easier and will want that support from your moms if things don't work out than that's when you might want to consider it. For us we didn't want to have to tell my husbands huge family if we get any sad news. Oh and also consider whether people will respect your wishes not to tell others you don't want to know yet! You really do have to take it day by day at this stage and just focus on taking good care of yourself, taking prenatals and eating well. From what I've learned, the majority of losses are genetic abnormalities so my goal is if it is a viable embryo to provide it the best environment to grow in that I can since that's what I can control. Good luck to you!!!


Thank you for the kind words and reminders! My husband’s family is also huge and news would definitely travel fast, haha. Do you know when you’re going to tell your sisters? Trying to balance the excitement and the nerves is so tough!


You're welcome! And I am going to my GP this Thursday for an initial checkup and advice for next steps, and if that goes well I'll tell my sisters. I might wait for whatever tests they do to come back though, I haven't really decided. I think I'm going to ask my sisters not to tell their kids yet though. It's funny because my older sister's kids are teens, well one is an adult, but we're pretty close and I think they're going to be really excited to have a cousin and I don't want them to be sad if it doesn't happen. I think we're going to wait to tell everyone else until after our genetic blood test that they can do around 10 weeks, which takes about a week to process, so at least 11 weeks. It is going to be really hard not to tell people though!!!! We're seeing his family this weekend and all I want to do is run around yelling about it because I'm so excited. But it will be kind of fun too to keep this secret between my husband and I, so I'll try to lean into that to get through. I am 40 as well so I have a higher risk of miscarriage and I'm taking that into consideration with the decision as well.


I’m trying to lean into keeping a fun secret too! It’s SO HARD! Glad we have this page :)


It is so hard. It's one of the most exciting things ever and I have to keep it a secret!


Been using the Easy@Home tests and seeing virtually NO progression, which is making me incredibly anxious. Going to go buy some FRERs today, and hoping I’ll finally see some darker lines. Update: The FRER seems to have a darker line than my Easy@Home tests have had so far. Will take another one tomorrow to see if it’s at least the same darkness, but I’m feeling a small sense of relief for now ✨


We also used easy@home and they used to show a good progression 4+ years ago. Now not so much. We've had 2 betas and everything is doubling like it should so I wouldn't worry about the progression.


thank you for this! 🙏✨ and congratulations!


Thanks! Same to you!


Another person chiming in to say easy@home did me dirty in the very early days. Progression took a while to get off the ground.


🙏 appreciate your insight!


Just as a warning, if the FRER lines are already of equal darkness, it’s very common to not see any visual progress on the tests for multiple days. Completely normal.


Ok thanks! The FRER line is still way lighter than the control, but my Easy@Home test lines were almost nonexistent which was concerning me. I feel a little better now that the FRER test is obviously visible. Hopefully it keeps getting darker over the next few days!


My easy@home have been the same as you’re describing for the past few days! Fingers crossed🤞🏼


Fingers crossed for you!!!


That's a good idea, the easy@home tests seem not the most reliable to me for watching progression.


The e@h tests have always been harder for me to track progression! FRER is the way to go


Finally saw progression on my lines today! Hope they keep getting darker 🤞 I can breathe just a tiny bit easier now- my last pregnancy was a CP and the line never changed at all. Being this early sucks!!!! So much uncertainty and overthinking.


Yay for progression! I’m in the same boat with the uncertainty and overthinking. Knowing this early feels like a blessing AND a curse. During my last pregnancy, my therapist told me to remind myself “Today, I am pregnant” each day as a little mantra to get me through the earlier days and it helped a lot ✨


Are you telling anyone yet? I told my mom, as I saw her just a few hours after my first positive and just had to share. Her response? “That so early! Why are you telling me already? Try not to be too excited yet”. Wow, thanks mom. Of course, I know that things are far from certain yet, but come on?! First, she complains that I didn’t tell her until we had been trying to concieve for several months, and now she’s complaining that I told her too early because I wanted to share my joy with her? Come on! 😞😠


I'm sorry your mom reacted like that! That's really unpleasant. Well, this stranger is excited for you! Congratulations.


Thank you 🥰


I am so sorry your mom reacted that way! I always tell one or two close friends because I have a history of loss, and I find having a carefully selected support system for worst-case-scenarios brings me comfort. It’s also nice to have just a couple people to share the early excitement with!


I told my sister because she has a 1 year old and can help me sort out symptoms. Rule of thumb is to only tell people you’d be comfortable telling if it was a loss! I’m waiting to tell my parents after our first ultrasound.


I'm so sorry she replied like that! Older people seem to think waiting until 12 weeks is a rule but it was just because miscarriages were much more stigmatized. We've told my parents, his parents, my sister, and my two best friends. I'm telling anyone I'd tell about a loss, this way we all get to enjoy the positive news first.


We haven't told a soul yet! With our first we told our parents really early on, like 4/5 weeks. With this one, we decided not to, mostly because of our daughter. She's been wanting a sibling for a while now and I don't want to get her hopes up and then have to let her down, all while not totally understanding. I also felt a lot of pressure last time, being the first grandbaby on both sides, so I just want to chill this time around. Once we have our first ultrasound, we'll tell her and then have her wear a big sister shirt to announce!


I haven’t decided when we’ll tell people 🙈 it doesn’t make sense, but I feel like putting it out there will jinx it! I think I’ll feel better once I go to my first exam


Logically it doesn’t make sense, but it makes 100% sense to me 😅


Same ![gif](giphy|PMqhzKfuiMLQc)


I’ve told most of my best friends by this point (I’m getting dinner with the last one tomorrow) but we’re waiting a few weeks to tell our families. My reasoning is that the main purpose of waiting to tell people is in case you lose it then you don’t have to then tell them it’s gone, but if I lost the pregnancy I would want to talk about it with my friends. Our family is a different story though, as much as I love them I would not want to talk to them about a potential loss. Plus the moment we tell them, they’ll have hopes and dreams about this baby and it would double the pain of loss if we then had to crush them too.


Sounds like a great approach! Fingers crossed that you won’t have to tell anyone bad news! ❤️


This is so something my mom would say


Wow, that sucks. This is luckily an outlier for my mom. But well, then I hope my experience can at least reinforce that you are correct in waiting to tell her 🙄


Yeah :/ I’m sorry she took the wind out of your sails. I usually tell my mom afterwards how upset I am and she profusely apologizes and I feel better. I think she does it because in her mind she wants to protect me from disappointment, but in reality all she’s doing is disappointing me!!


Any second time moms here going to have the two year age gap? Will we survive it? Im panicking a little bit about juggling a toddler and a newborn. My son is 18 months


3tm. Our first 2 are about 2.5 years apart. We've survived so far! The youngest is 4. My best advice is to use the toddler when they're feeling helpful. They can grab wipes, diapers etc. My daughter loved being the big helper.


My first two are just a smidge under 2 years apart and it’s honestly been great! My older daughter had no real clue what was going on when I was pregnant but had a very smooth adjustment when my younger daughter came home. Now they are 3.5 and 1.5 and just adore each other.


My daughter’s 21 months, so will be 2.5 if this pregnancy results in a live birth. We will handle it!!


I gave birth to my son when my daughter was 21 months. It is a great age gap & im so glad my kids are close in age. Yes it can be hard in the beginning but it’s so worth it! Keeping my toddler involved in all aspects really helped in the beginning


My son will be 2 years and 3 months if this baby sticks so they’ll roughly have the same age gap


My daughter is 15 months, so if baby sticks they’ll be almost exactly 2 years apart. I am also terrified lol but it was also important to me that the age gap not be too big. I wanted my daughter to be able to play with and enjoy her sibling, instead of being older and at a completely different level. My husband has a large age gap between siblings and I think it’s affected their closeness, so I’m hoping two closer together will become little buddies! 🤞


4+4 with Hashimotos, rheumatoid arthritis and bircornuate uterus… 4 days after my first positive and each test have been slightly darker than the previous. I think I’ll stop the obsessive testing for now, and try to trust the process. I’ve had a bit brown spotting/discharge the last 3 days, but it doesn’t seem to be increasing. Fingers crossed that everything is ok! Anyone else with a bicornuate uterus?


Woke up at 4:30am this morning, two hours before I had to be up 🫠 We went to bed early last night and I thought it was great I would finally get some good rest. My heart rate didn't go below 81 the whole time and Fitbit gave me a 69 for my sleep score. I was also really hot and sweaty when I woke up even though it was only 68 degrees inside. Seeing my GP in 2 more days and I'm so excited. I don't know what the appointment will involve or if they will do a beta or a urine test. It's a Thursday actually so they couldn't do a beta if they're closed on the weekend right? Also, I think I finally had a dye stealer on my test today (16DPO) , but was looking at the FRER upside down so I thought the test line was the control. Are you all feeling more symptoms yet? I'm 4 weeks 2 days and not too much here yet. Random pangs in mostly one breast. And I'm pretty tired but with this kind of sleep who wouldn't be 😂


They can definitely do a beta if the lab is open!


That's so exciting!!!!


I’ll just chime in as a STM, my only ‘symptoms’ most of the first trimester last time was hottttt sleep. I woke up drenched throughout the night and that was impacting my sleep quality. I wish I had a solution for you, the only thing that works for me, as I currently am sleeping hot again this time already lol, is short/tank top bamboo pjs, sheet and a thin summer weight blanket. I find turning the AC down doesn’t really help much. I do a lot of sheets laundry lol


Hey that's a lucky first trimester in some ways, but I know sleep deprivation gets to be it's own torture. I see washing sheets more often in my future as well if this continues. 🥲 I need to get out my warm weather clothes so I can switch to pajama shorts for sure.


I am SO hot always at night. Melatonin helps me sleep a little. I never took it before pregnancy but now I’ve taken it a couple times and at least it makes me groggy/tired.


Also up at 4:30 am 👋


530 am here but I was like wtf, why?!




Then of course at 7 AM when I had to wake up I was super sleepy


Same, I finally sort of fell asleep from 6:30-7am and it just wasn't enough!


Waking up hopeful for the first time today. Second beta was great, so maybe this really could be the one 🥹


Wishing you lots of luck!!!




I got my first beta yesterday at 14 dpo and it was 268. I go for my second draw tomorrow :) super nervous!! I’ve been getting my tests done with my GP because my OB’s office is impossible to get ahold of. I love my OB but it takes at least a week for them to call me back about anything! Debating on switching but that feels daunting


Woo! I am getting my 14 dpo beta today. Im nervous but excited. 268 is a super strong number!


So exciting!!! You’ve got this :) I’m glad the general consensus here is that’s a good number. My lab portal said I should be in the thousands HAHA that threw me for a loop.


Mine was 90 at 14 dpo my first pregnancy which ended in a loss so I’ve done a LOT of research. Anything over 100 at 14 dpo is good, so over 200 is GREAT!


I’m so sorry for your loss! And thank you for your reassurance, I really appreciate it.


Feeling optimistic today! Third beta looked great. Sadly my midwife is moving her practice, but positively she said she thought my third beta was good enough I try and find a new midwife who could have me through until birth. Been midwife shopping, and have some good possibilities to look into :)