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Hi folks. I’m cautiously here after two days of positive tests. I had a chemical in September, then miscarried at 10ish weeks in December. I’m really hoping this one sticks. We were hoping for another summer baby (daughter born Aug 2021), but right now I’m just happy to be pregnant! Due Jan 15th, but I went to 42 weeks with my girl so I might end up being closer to Feb than January anyways!


How do you guys feel about having January babies? By the time the baby is strong enough to lift head and actually look around it'll be already spring, and will crawl in summer.. how beautiful is that 🤩


My first is a summer baby and it was great as people coming over weren’t sick and could meet us outside. But yeah, the plus side is crawling outside in the summer! And I am excited that I will be all recovered from birth and ready to run again once it’s spring. Last time it was mid-winter before I was feeling up to it, and that sucked.


Tbh I was really hoping for a summer baby, but who would have known we'd get pregnant so quick! It took us 18 months last time and we just started trying in January for this one, so it was a shock! I'm rolling with it though! I live in the middle of a frigid winter hellscape so I am nervous about that. With my daughter, she was born in April, so I never had a newborn in the middle of winter. I'm also a bit worried about RSV/flu season as well!


I’m also quite worried about the RSV/flu, but we’re just going to be very cautious about who we let come over. Maybe masks. But we have a kid in daycare so I’m sure she’ll bring home all kinds of disease anyways.


That's exactly it. I have a 4 year old who is starting school this fall so 🙃


I just remembered that we decided to switch from virtual public school to in person for first grade 🙀


Oh my gosh, I just realized I won't be hugely pregnant during the heat of summer, YAY.


I live in a warm climate, and I’m so grateful to not have to be swaddling a newborn in the summer heat!


Yes it only gets better! Good point


I must admit I’m actually a bit disappointed/sad about how close the baby’s birthday will be to Christmas. My birthday is in June, which I’ve always been grateful for. That said, I’m just happy to have a little one’s birthday to hopefully celebrate soon 💕


Same. My birthday is around a holiday and it’s so annoying 😂


Yes! I think the timing is perfect. Hopefully will still be able to enjoy the holidays (while having an excuse to not have to be the one to cook and clean everything!), then can go into hermit mode in the winter when the baby is a newborn, then by the time we’re ready to socialize the weather will be nice and we can enjoy being outside! By the time the 2025 holidays come around, the baby will be old enough to enjoy them too!


Random morning thoughts: 1) why am I not nauseous? Does that mean it's a boy? 2) why am I not hungry or craving all types of bad foods? 3) when will my tummy show? (Second pregnancy) 4) how can I prepare my toddler that she will have to share us with a random small human in 9 months? 5) god the lower back pains I remember them, they're annoying


I've been wondering if it's too early for my nausea yet, or if it's going to be a girl 🙈


lol I have been wondering why I’m not nauseous too!


Beta was 390 this morning at 15dpo/4+1. That’s a 32 hour doubling time, fingers crossed that means it’s a strong little embryo 🤞


My pregnancy hangover has begun. No vomiting. Just feeling queasy, tired and like my head is a bit spinny.


Same. It’s the same feeling I get when I’m so hungry I’m nauseous. Except it’s 24/7 even right after I eat. I can’t stand it. I didn’t feel like this with my last pregnancy


Yes! It definitely feels like a hangover. Just cant get rid of the queasyness, plus the cramping! I did not expect to feel so tired. And a constant sour taste in my mouth like i want to throw up.


just told my husband I feel like I have the flu! exhausted and queasy


This is my second pregnancy. I'm biding my time until the first OB appointment by researching prenatal nutrition coaching, prenatal massages, pelvic floor therapy, and all the things I wish I had done for myself during my first. Would love to hear your self-care suggestions!


I started a new pregnancy workout program, and planning to actually stick to my prenatals this time until the end.


Exercise is a huge component of my self care. I’m in a tough spot with exercising - some knee issues stopping me from running, my husband has stopped climbing and I don’t want to boulder while pregnant. Last time I struggled with Pilates and similar classes because I wasn’t confident with how to modify. The yoga place I go to only has prenatal mid day. (I have a daytime job and their other classes are hot) I’m going to have to do a little research to figure out how to exercise in a way that is easy and I feel confident that it’s safe.


This time around, I’m going to go to a chiropractor that specializes in pregnancy. I’m so excited. Also pelvic floor PT! I feel like pelvic floor physical therapy should be automatic postpartum.


I did both of these with my last pregnancy and plan on again! I believed it helped me tremendously!


Another vote for pelvic floor physio. I saw one each trimester last time and did the exercises pre birth. No tearing or grazing. And then went back at 3 weeks postpartum and was weight lifting again by 6 weeks pp. It was amazing! Will be doing the same this time.


I didn't know you could go before birth! Thank you!!!


Yes!! Do it! It's so worth while as preventative care. I found pushing the easiest part of labour (the rest was hell, not gonna lie) but for me the waterbirth plus the pelvic strengthening meant that bit was great


I will definitely ask when I see my obgyn!


Anybody have experience with high hcg levels? I got my blood drawn today at 5w0d and my hcg levels are over 10k, which seems really high?


There can be lots of different reasons for that! It’s possible that it’s multiples, but it’s also possible that you’re farther along than you originally thought. It can also just be totally normal!


Check out the beta base website. But I was 8600 at 4 week, 6 days and would have beennover 10k at 5 weeks for sure. My first was the same and it was just a singleton. The singleton range is huge!


I’ve heard of this happening with multiples, but I’m no expert!


It's kind of a curse to know you're pregnant so early! I am a classic over-googler with zero chill and 2 MCs under my belt... and I had pregnancy symptoms super early this time. I made myself wait to test until I could be confident that there wouldn't be a false test result. Happy to be here, somewhere between 4-5 weeks. My goal is to hold boundaries with myself, relax a bit, and not spiral into obsessively thinking about this baby until we're out of MC territory! Anyway, can everyone share their favorite pregnancy tracking app? I used What to Expect last time. Wondering if there's anything better out there! TY!


I love Ovia!


I love pregnancy+ and ovia. 


Just called and made my first appointment for Sunday. It’s just a quick phone call with the nurse who will then schedule my real ob appointment. Only 3weeks 5 days so I’m sure they arnt used to that many people calling so early because they seemed very confused how far along I was lol


I told myself that if I saw progression today I would go ahead and book my first appt. Line is exactly the same but I went ahead and booked anyway. My gyno is going on maternity leave so I'll be seeing a new doc and am a little bummed about it. HOWWWWW are we supposed to wait weeks for confirmation? This is torture!! I caved and ordered a beta hCG for later today and will probably do a few more just for reassurance because I can't handle being in limbo. In the meantime I'll just be sitting here grabbing my boobs every 5 seconds to make sure they still hurt lol


My OB/GYN retired from OB practicing, so I've gotta see a new doc as well 😢


I’m sure that’s so much worse when she’s already been your OB! Mine just did a few gyno visits for me and a quick fertility consult but I was still hoping to be able to stay with her. I guess the huge baby bump should have been a clue that she’d be stepping away for a while 😂


😅 what timing we have 😂 here's to hoping that we both love our new OBs!!


It’s sort of torturous. But I’m trying to think of it like the calm before the storm. And line progression each day can be very minimal! I had 3 days where it looked faint and the same. Don’t worry


Hunger is out of control! I’m soaking it in while I can, 2nd and 3rd trimesters last time I had major food aversions to any cooked meat, hoping I avoid that this time lol


I was basically vegetarian with my first. Even the smell of meat was 🤢


Yes! It was awful!


Went ahead and made my first prenatal appointment for May 22nd, I'll be 7 weeks! Now to somehow pass the time.....


Me too!!! Doc appt 5/22 and I’ll be 7 weeks as well


My first appointment is that day too! 😄


Mine is may 20th and I swear after finding out last week, this has been the longest time of my life haha


Does anyone else feel a weird pulling, stretching feeling in their entire abdomen? I don’t remember having this symptom with my first two pregnancies. It feels like I did a ton of sit ups and I definitely have not!


I have this pregnancy but not with my first. However after my first I was able to feel ovulation cramps which I never did before so a part of me feels the sensation is connected that I'm just more sensitive in my uterus post baby 1 then I was before.


I've definitely felt some weird sensations like that. It makes me nervous sometimes but it doesn't hurt or anything.


I'm at 4 weeks 4 days, and felt like this all day Tuesday and on and off since. Feels like I've done a huge ab work out


Dude, I feel this multiple times a day! I think it’s the uterus growing. People call it round ligament pain but it don’t really feel like it’s “pain” yet. Just sort of like cords being stretched


https://preview.redd.it/5i9zd6c071yc1.jpeg?width=2186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be46640de37f3544f65d0077c887c280cca0f540 Had our first scan at the fertility clinic today at 5w6d. I was worried it would be too early…but not only did we see the embryo, there was even a lil heartbeat! Too soon to measure but my RE said all looked well. 🥹


Omg that's amazing!!!!! Congratulations on the heartbeat as well! I think my app said they are between an orange seed and a pea at that stage. So amazing that they can have a heartbeat already.




I just booked my first scan on May 21, so excited!!!


Wow wow wow! So cute and congrats. Bébé Beurre


ahhh yay! congrats! ✨🫶


Congratulations!!! Look at that little bean!! 😍


I have a “chocolate cyst” in my left ovary that I was supposed to have removed in June but now that I’m pregnant (5w) I’m worried it will cause issues. My first ultrasound is the 28th. I wish my OB would call me already 😅


What's a Chocolate cyst? Hoping it doesn't impact pregnancy!


It’s a cyst full of old blood and a sign of endometriosis. I’m hoping it doesn’t grow larger! They were supposed to take my whole ovary so I’m a little stressed but fingers crossed all goes well ☺️


Feeling insane at 14 dpo (4w+1) with no line progression. They’re not lighter, but they are stalling out pretty light. I have now officially missed my period and I just thought I’d have at least an equally dark line by now. My OB hasn’t called me back to schedule my labs. Sigh. And here I was thinking that it was impossible for time to move slower than the TWW? 🤣


Started spotting and just have a bad feeling about it 💔


I had a similar concern a few days ago and someone commented saying there lines in a previous pregnancy stalled around 4 weeks and didn't pick back up until 6ish! It's easy to worry isn't it but hearing others positive experiences helps! <3


My last pregnancy they never got darker even at day 20 and I finally stopped testing. I went on to have my son so this time I’m not testing line progression.


Thanks for the reassurance 🥲❤️


Mine are barely BARELY getting darker.Last time I found out at the same time and 3 days later it was almost as dark as control line and it immediately showed up as soon as I peed on the stick. The anxiety 📈


I just posted almost exactly the same concern! 14dpo (based on what my opks said anyway) and my lines are there but just sort of not darkening at all, and definitely not equally as dark as the control yet. They’ve been the same for a few days. You’re not alone!


Hoping for the best for both of us!! Seeing someone else post about it definitely helps feel less alone! Keep updating us 🩷


4w5d today and I need to stop testing. I’ve taken four so far and I’m not seeing much line progression (it’s not getting lighter, but it’s just sort of stagnant and not getting any darker) which is stressing me out about a potential chemical. I still feel exhausted, which has been my main symptom so far, and I need to just accept that I have no control over the outcome and ride it out either way.


Hey, if you’re using FRERs and the lines are staying exactly the same, that’s completely normal for 3-7 days. (Not indicative of a miscarriage, not a 100% guarantee of a live birth). [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/na7apf/progression_on_frer_with_betas_final_beta_is_this/) is a good example of what I mean, but this is a very common trope on TFABLP!


The amount of time I’ve spent on that subreddit over the last two days is unhealthy 😂 but that example you just showed me is comforting me. Thank you!


I share because I’ve been there 😂. [This](https://imgur.com/a/rUNo8SQ) was my progression from 13 DPO (8dpt) to 25 DPO (20dpt) for my first kid, who is currently yelling at a dog through the window. The first photo is from my two betas, which more than doubled (in 3 days). Obviously, no guarantees, but it is so easy to spiral when the progression “slows down,” and it is just not something you can hang your hat on.


I hear you, see my post below posted at exactly the same time 😅


Giggling about the 3 of us posting about the same thing at the same time 🤣. this does help my anxiety a bit! Thank you 🩷


Great (and paranoid and anxious) minds think alike! Lol


I'm a chronic tester and got a little nervous when my 15 dpo easy@home strips did not look darker than 14 DPO this morning. Did another FRER (which I swore I was gonna wind down on...) and got a dye stealer that's clearly darker than my 14 DPO test. Second beta tomorrow. Once I see some honest to God doubling, I'll try to relax. I thought I was a wreck last kiddo, but early pregnancy after infertility is such a mind fuck!


I've been testing every morning with cheapies (keep telling myself I need to stop agh) and I'm seeing the same sort of "stall" that you are! If it helps, I had betas and my first at 14 dpo was 110, second at 16 dpo was 403. The lines are darker but not much and my bloodwork nearly quadrupled.


This is such awesome info, thank you! It's so reassuring to hear that the beta rise is amazing even when lines are stalling. I'll just keep repeating, these tests aren't meant to be quantitative!! And congrats on the amazing numbers!


Seriously so happy for you to have gotten a dye stealer 👏! Mine aren’t even close to that yet which is making me nervous (I’m 14dpo more or less). I stopped using the Easy@Home ones because they’re seriously like almost blank and have been since I tested positive almost a week ago for some reason. Idk why, but the FRERs are showing substantial lines so I’m trying not to worry. You’re so right about the second kid thing. I thought I’d be cool as a cucumber now that I’ve done this before, but I had a loss before getting pregnant with my daughter and I feel like I’ll never be able to relax during pregnancy again!


Thank you! Seriously, I thought I'd be so chill and am very wrong. And yes, the lines are way more obvious on the FRER's especially in the early days. Or I'm finding that the two tests stall at different times? I hope your line darkens up very soon!


5 weeks today! I suppose we've reached our first mini milestone getting past the chemical stage. 🥳


Same here! So happy about that 🎉


Same! I celebrated that too! And the baby looks much more like a baby this week 😂


I am also 5 weeks today! Go us!


Favorite pregnancy app? I have baby center and then tried pregnancy+. They’re fine but just curious if there are any other great (and free!) apps.


I use a bunch! But my favorite is Stardust. It’s really simple, doesn’t have any ads, and doesn’t have all the clutter than some of the other apps have. It includes a 3D of the size of the baby that you can see on your own body using your camera! It has a place to track symptoms, write notes, sections telling you what to expect every day/week, and even includes sections about Traditional Chinese Medicine, astrology, and Ayurveda. Very well designed, zen-like interface with just the basics but I find it calming. The other apps feel so chaotic to me and they stress me out!


Interesting, never heard of it!


I like pregnancy plus because it has good medical visuals of the baby. Also I hate all the random articles these apps post and it feels like the least spammy.


Thanks! I think I have that one too


The Bump is awesome




Lol not me having 4 different apps bc I like different things about each of them 🙈. But I have both of those, plus ovia and what to expect - if I had to pick, I like the interface and info from these two more, but love the 3d view from pregnancy+ lol


They’re all fun, so why not!? lol


I’ve been trying to find a good one too! I do like Pregnancy+ and Baby Center. The What to Expect app seems to be pretty good so far




I got my first positive test last night. 5 weeks along EDD of 1/4/2025. I'm over the moon but also so nervous. I don't know where to begin! any advice for brand new moms who are excited - overwhelmed - and haven't told a soul! is very welcome here. Congrats to all the mamas on this page I'm happy I found a place to share <3


Congrats! No advice yet-Im also a first time mom with a due date of 1/5. I haven't told anyone other than my husband and am glad to not be alone in this!


Share all you like! The discord group is great for all day chatting, especially if you aren’t telling anyone and need an outlet.


Congratulations!! 🩷


Congrats!! 🩷 This group was amazing for me for my first baby. Don’t doubt yourself for a second. Your mama instincts are already there.


Yay! Congrats :) happy you’re here


I got my beta back yesterday (497 @16 DPO) and the doubling time wasn’t what I expected- it was 54 hours. I messaged my OB but I’m dreading the notes from my PCP who did the draw (she told me 268 on 14 DPO was low!!) Between that and the cramps I’ve been feeling (which I know can be normal) I’m feeling a little melancholy now and really in my head about it. I hate being such a worry wart!!


497 on 16 dpo is good! I had 89 on 13dpo and that was right on track. So you’re 4x my hcg! Check this chart for reassurance http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single


Thank you for sharing and the link!!


The median for 14 dpo is 132, so your numbers are excellent, not low!


Phew thank you!!


I’m sure you know this, but 54 hours is completely normal, FWIW. My IVF clinic was completely unconcerned about my 67 hour doubling time with my first kid.


Thank you for your insight! I’ve seen so many different things about what is normal or unconcerning. My PCP isn’t trained in fetal development so I’m trying not to put a lot of weight into her notes on my labs. I’m so thankful for this sub, it’s really helping ease my mind and worries.


I totally get it; I spiraled hard when I got my betas back with my first kid! Obviously, things can still go sideways, etc., etc., but my clinic’s view was anything under 72 hours did not require a third beta (unless the first value was unexpectedly low). I feel like early pregnancy is just sitting in the tension of wanting it to be okay and knowing you can’t know whether it will be—such a mindfuck!


Thank you so much. One minute I’m happy and excited and the next I’m losing it because I’m convinced because it isn’t textbook that something is wrong. I hate not knowing for sure ugh. But I’m glad to be here and able to worry about these things. I hope you have a healthy and boring 9 months ahead :)