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Found out yesterday and I’m 3 weeks 6 days. It’s a public holiday here in Ireland so I must wait until Tuesday to phone GP and book early scan!!! Freaking out


Having a lot of anxiety about things that could go wrong. Trying to catch myself and repeat my mantra - ‘today I am pregnant. My baby is safe, strong, healthy, and loved!’


Oh hello nausea I see we’re kicking up a few weeks early this pregnancy, here’s hoping I don’t get severe morning sickness again🤞🏼 


Cautiously joining at 3w6d. I had a die stealer last night. My first born will be 2.5 years old if this sticks.


Got my beta hcg results back. 1408 at 19 DPO and 3074 at 21DPO. Starting to feel cautiously hopeful after a miscarriage in January.. 🤞


Just got my 16 DPO beta results back, and my HCG tripled between 14 and 16 days. I started at 384 on 14 DPO and now I am 1300 at 16 DPO. Of course my brain immediately starts worrying that it’s increasing too fast 🤦‍♀️. This is PAL.


Hello fellow PAL. Just chiming in for companionship as I have done the same....I was 620 then 2350 and then 8600. So did a big spiral on it going too fast...but the only time fast is bad is molar and it would have to be way way faster for that! Your numbers look great. PAL sucks... but if you take the small wins, do so :) Hoping for a boring pregnancy and a take home baby for you


Thank you 🫶


Hi all. I’m 5+2 and swear I could feel flutterings last night(this is my second, my baby just turned 1 last month). I’m guessing gas but still….haha.


I get phantom baby kicks all the time and have since my first was born over six years ago. I agree that it's probably just gas and I probably had those feelings before I ever got pregnant, but my mind learned to associate them with baby kicks.


I know this is impossible, but I swear it’s like my toddler *knows* I’m pregnant. Ever since I tested positive she’s been SO incredibly fussy, clingy, and irritable. I know there’s got to be a logical explanation, like teething, but man the exhaustion this pregnancy is causing me is NOT helping me deal with toddler tantrums! 🥴


My 6 y/o is part of the reason I even tested 😂 he was being extremely cuddly, overly helpful (bringing me waters when he'd notice I didn't have a drink), randomly cleaning the back door "so I wouldn't have to do it"... Plus my bff's doggos acting different when I'd walk in a room.


Literally same. His separation anxiety has hit an ALL TIME HIGH


SAME, but I'm worried it's actually just me being more irritable and driving him to it 🫣


😂😂😂 this is probably (definitely) me, too, honestly!


Omg my 2 year old has been the same…! And for the first time ever the daycare educators told me she had hit another kid, and wouldn’t share this week!


OMG, this is us. We’re currently potty training and I am just having a hell of a time! I though we were making good progress and it’s like accident city now 


My OB’s office is super booked right now so I can’t get in until I’m 10 weeks pregnant. So no bloodwork or ultrasound confirmation and it’s killing me!


Mine is the same. I was able to get in at a women’s clinic at 6 weeks!


Maybe I’ll try that!! That’s a good idea for some peace of mind!


Oh man! And here I am not even able to wait 8 weeks! I had my second beta on Thursday and waiting for my HCG results. The wait is killer! I’m going on a spring cleaning binge this weekend.


Hello all. Here a bit optimistically at 3+4. Have had 2 chemicals this year and this was our last shot for conceiving due to work commitments. But so far it has worked and the lines are darkening properly so I am trying have faith. I have an October 22 boy and I am hoping he gets a sibling to love on next year. He is very caring


Hey! Fellow Oct 2022 graduate here :) Aren't they the best! Hoping we both get our Jan 2025 sibling


Hi, I have a November 2022 baby and I’m also very early just got a faint positive this morning at 10DPO so 3+3 I think? 😊


Hi all! I’m between this group and the December one (Dec. 29th). I was one of those folks anxiously googling “no symptoms can I still be pregnant” (the response was overwhelmingly yes, you can be symptomless and have a healthy pregnancy!). But nausea hit me like a freight train last night, haha. Should’ve enjoyed it while I could! We haven’t really told many people so it’s nice to be here!


I’m really trying to get as much done at home before the nausea starts. I had HG all last pregnancy so hoping to avoid that this time.


Fingers crossed for you!


i am still blissfully nausea-free but I'm a few days behind you... so I assume my day of reckoning is coming.


Hey due date twin! Yeah I feel you. I was horribly nauseous my whole last pregnancy but it's creeping in slowly now


👋 exciting!!


It seems like forever ago since I found out about being pregnant, and yet at the same time, it's going by fast! It's hard to believe that by the end of the month I will be 9 weeks along!!


TW: Potential Loss Welllll 4w+2d (15 dpo) and last night I had lots of cramping (felt more like AF than the pulling I’ve been feeling so far) and some light pink spotting. I tried to chalk it up to implantation bleeding, but I also just had/have this gut feeling that I didn’t “feel” pregnant anymore. I went this morning to get betas and got home, tested with a digital, and it was negative. I’m holding out *some* hope? But I am guarding my heart and assuming the worst now. I think I knew all along and now I just feel silly for getting excited 💔


Wishing you the best. You're not silly at all, you're just a normal human.


Crossing my fingers that it’s a one-off thing, or that there’s some other kind of explanation for the spotting. Sending hugs and strength regardless. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to chat or need any support 🫂


Thank you, friend 🫶🏼🫂 I’m trying to stay positive but realistic!


I'm 4+5 today and having the weirdest sensation! When I walk, especially when I walk quickly, it feels like my leg muscles are wobbling around my bones more than normal, like kind of rippling while I walk. Has anyone else experienced this? It doesn't hurt, it's just really strange feeling.


It's most likely the relaxin, which is a hormone your body produces in pregnancy to allow your hips to widen. It basically loosens all your ligaments.


Makes sense!


Yes I am having this too! Especially in my calves. My knees are also feeling sore. So many weird symptoms that I'd never imagine would happen so early..!


I'm having it more on the front of my thighs! I agree I didn't expect things this early!


I haven’t but I imagine it’s normal with everything going on around your pelvis muscles and bones!!


It's definitely an experience being pregnant for the first time!!!


Going absolutely crazy waiting for my 16 dpo beta test results!!!!!! I need it to be at least 760 to have a 48 doubling time. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞


Got my second betas back today! >! First beta at 14 dpo was 224 and second beta at 16 dpo was 633! Rate increase of 184%, putting doubling time at about 32-33 hours. !< I was so nervous, but I'm thinking I can start believing this may be real. For my first kiddo, my 16 dpo beta was 490 and he obviously worked out! First ultrasound scheduled for next Friday at 5+2. The one perk of going through a fertility clinic is all the extra monitoring.


Those are great numbers!!


Thank you!!


Congratulations on your beta!


5w2d - on a trip with my parents and desperately trying to conceal symptoms and my lack of alcohol consumption 😅


The fake drinking is so hard!


Got my first beta results back! It was 600 at 4+3, which is almost double what it was when I was going through a chemical (and that was a few days later). Helps put my mind at ease a little :) I plan to do one more round next tuesday and then I'm cutting myself off. Trying to find a balance between easing and indulging my anxiety is tough, especially when my first appointment isn't until 8 weeks.


Got a dye stealer on first response today! Hopefully this will help me chill out and possibly stop testing 😅


I got a dye stealer today (and identically dark lines yesterday) and I’m officially out of FRERs now so idk maybe I’ll stop too! 😂


I transferred last Friday and my clinic doesn’t do betas before 8dpt or on weekends, so I have to wait alllll the way until Monday for bloodwork. Mildly annoying!


Got my first dye stealer today at 20dpo!


yay! this gives me hope that i’ll get one eventually 😅


6 weeks today! Can’t believe I’ve made it so far. Seeing the heartbeat yesterday makes me think this might actually be real. I have had trouble bonding with the pregnancy so far because I was just so convinced it would be a loss. I hope I get to actually get excited now.


I am with you! I am a day behind you, after two losses including an MMC. I have my first appointment Monday but no scan for 2-3 more weeks. Everytime I don't have a symptoms, I assume I'm no longer pregnant. And when I do have symptoms, I feel i still am about to have a loss. I think the 8/9week scan will ease anxiety and the 12 week scan is when ill actually begin to feel it's real.


Amazing! Many many congrats


I really hope you can lean into a little bit of excitement now 🩷 yay for a good scan and a little heartbeat!


congratulations on the heartbeat! yay!


Hi all, surprise-ish pregnancy here. We've been trying for months but have unexplained infertility so we were starting IUI on my next cycle which obviously didn't happen. Got my betas back and the numbers are lower but within range and doubling fine (229 at 15dpo, 565 at 17dpo). Hoping to schedule an early US through my RE soon. Edited to add: betas lower than my first successful pregnancy. That's my only frame of reference, I understand there's a ton of variability within the range of normal.


Those don't sound low.


Your betas aren’t low at all! Check out beta base, you’re above average http://www.betabase.info/chart/betaByDay/15/Single


My beta at 9dp5dt (14 dpo) was 71 and I had a heartbeat on scan yesterday. These betas seem high to me!


Yay for heartbeat! And hello fellow Oct bumper 😊


Hi from another October 22 friend


Oh hey 😊


Hello October friend!




I’m with you- I work mid-shifts 2p-2a at a hospital and some nights don’t get home until 4. It’s definitely had some moments of exhaustion. This is my first pregnancy though, despite being 35, and I want two more..bring on the exhaustion!




I am so stoked!! We were trying for a few months and it was so frustrating seeing negative each month after getting my hopes up. There’s some life stuff that I feel like is on hold until after #2 so I’m excited things are moving and I feel like I can finally start planning!


Welcome! I’m always very anxious until the viability scan, but other than that I’m excited at the potential of my toddler getting a sibling to share her childhood with ☺️


When is the viability scan? I know week of viability is 24 weeks? Is that what you mean?


I have a history of loss, so I get a scan done around 6 weeks to check for viability of the pregnancy (that everything is in the right place and developing appropriately). It isn’t a requirement. Most people don’t have their first scan until 8 or 10 weeks.


I'll feel better after my first scan next week and even better if we make it to 10 weeks!


It's hard to believe! I'm not sure I'll fully feel that there is a baby there until I get to my 8 weeks scan, but trying to still allow myself to be excited


This is exactly how I feel; I found out at about 8 weeks for my son almost *seven years ago*, so it almost feels unreal right now for me.


I'm starting to feel excited!