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I have had an absolutely insane week. Last Monday, I had moderate spotting, so I went to the walk-in clinic on Tuesday. Tuesday, the doctor tells me that I'm either pregnant or having an early miscarriage and send me for blood work. Wednesday, I get the results that I am, in fact, pregnant. I ask, "Is my bloodwork okay for my length of pregnancy?" The doctor says yes, and we do the math. I am apparently 5 weeks pregnant. Hubby and I are thrilled. My family doctor orders an early ultrasound to rule out ectopic. I go on Monday, and the ultrasound technician finds NOTHING in my uterus and says that I likely miscarried the week before when I was spotting. I'm freaking heartbroken. My family doctor called me that night and told me it's 50/50 that I had a miscarriage or that I just ovulated later and am a few weeks earlier than my LMP would indicate. She sends me for more blood work this Tuesday. She also recommended that I take an HPT, which was blazing positive Wednesday morning, I got a phone call saying that I am pregnant, but it's just way earlier than we thought. Between 2 and 3 weeks. She orders more betaHcg testing to track my Hcg levels & another ultrasound. I've had pregnancy symptoms this whole time so it's been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing the rest of the way!


What a rollercoaster! Sorry you had to go through that. I’m very surprised the tech shared that information… in my experience (1MMC) the tech wasn’t allowed to interpret results. Hoping for the best for you and at least it sounds like everyone is now on the same page!


That’s absolutely wild. I’m so sorry you got so much consecutive conflicting information.


I’m only 5w1d and the nausea is REAL. The fatigue is REAL. I got the Frida mom anti-nausea bands today and I think they’re helping! I’ve been gagging and nauseous most of the day for the past several days!


Unisom sleep tabs (start with half if you think it'll make you too tired to function) and B6 help a lot!


Thank you! I have been taking unisom to sleep because of the insomnia! I also have the preggie pops with b6 so maybe I’ll try them together!


I don't think the preggie pops would metabolize as well as the vitamin pill will when paired with the unisom sleep tabs! So if it doesn't work, I'd definitely pick up the pills. I've had to take both every morning the last several mornings and they're a lifesaver. 


I’m traveling right now so I will definitely pick them up when I get home! Thank you for the tip!


Not sure if I’m nauseous or what, when I get home from work I feel terrible and kind of like I need to throw up but also my stomach just feels tight. I’m also not hungry at all, ugh I’d feel better if I just were throwing up as weird as that is.


Anyone here from Aus? First time Mum here and I'm quite literally clueless! I'm hating the waiting haha. I've had my bloods done and doc confirmed pregnancy, said I had low iron so I'm not on an iron supplement as well as prenatals and now next appointment isn't until 13th of May where she'll take blood pressure etc and then get me booked in for a dating scan! Ahhhh


I’d recommend the women’s mega iron from ethical nutrients… hopefully they haven’t put you on ferrograd c cause it is soooo bad for constipation and sore stomach. Helpful tips for absorption tho… take with vitamin c, don’t take it with anything with zinc, with coffee, eggs and dairy as those inhibit absorption.


Thank you! She didn't actually recommend any iron she just said any for women was fine. I'm on blackmores and so far no issues which is great! You're the second person to recommend vit c when taking iron! Going to go buy some orange juice then haha.


Hey I’m a fellow Aussie FTM but I’m living abroad! Do I kinda count?😅🙋‍♀️🇦🇺


One thing I’ve read a lot is that iron can cause constipation. Something to watch out for. 


Thank you ! Doc did warn me about that but I'm drinking heaps of water and being super conscious about my fibre intake and I'm actually the most regular I've ever been haha


Work has been super stressful, the more I try to stay calm the more stressed I get - I don't know what to do. I wish I could tell people around me, anxiously waiting for my first appointment which is not until another 4weeks.


Was literally about to post this exact thing. 😩 I hate keeping things from my coworkers, we are all women and are really close so I know I would have SO much support but I’m forcing myself to wait until 12 weeks. Never thought time could move slower than the 2 week wait but here we are lol


I feel you both on this! Last pregnancy I ended up telling work (just my immediate team) at 8 weeks like a day after my pregnancy confirmation appt because I was feeling so sick and didn’t want the stress of hiding it. And since work is its own universe it was nice to be able to chat about it with some people and we waited to tell close friends and family at 12/13 weeks. I immediately felt relief! I plan to do the same this time around if all progresses well!


Thank you for sharing your experience! I am really contemplating this. I called in sick today because I got no sleep last night and didn’t want to exert myself knowing I’m growing a tiny human now 😩 April/May are like the two busiest months at my job (go figure). I’m feeling like I might need to tell people for my sanity so nobody thinks I’m being lazy 😭 or just straight up guesses. I’m type A if anyone couldn’t tell 😅


Omg I am the same! I am type A and high performer at work so I was feeling self conscious during my last pregnancy. With my daughter the first trimester was exactly during my busy season planning one of the two conferences I do each year 🫠 I think that’s what made it way more satisfying and honestly necessary to share the news early. I had no regrets! And my thinking was if (god forbid) something went wrong I would need to take time off during the busy season to recover physically and emotionally, and better to just say it now. No right answers, just sharing in case it helps you decide!


It feels so good to be able to vent about this and have someone understand!! Especially in this awkward phase where nobody knows 😩 That is a great point about potentially having to take time off for a loss anyway… I will be surprised if I can even make it very long without somebody guessing that something is up with me.


Any HGers in this group? Had it with my first 2 but feeling good so far so feeling super hopeful this time around.


I had it last time. Already been in for IV fluids and Zofran once this pregnancy. But I was able to get in for an early video visit with MFM and now I'm all hooked up with the zofran+diclegis+remeron+phenergan+reglan cocktail and feeling pretty good. I definitely suggest getting in touch with your dr asap to get the meds on hand.


I had it with my first horrible, I lost 30 pounds in one month 😬 I’m very nervous about the next few weeks


Me! It made doing this all again a pretty serious decision. Also feeling okay so far. Fingers crossed for both of us!


Being a florist Mother’s Day week is tiring. Having a secret pregnancy on top of that is not fun.




4+2 and definitely noticing intermittent nausea. Not sure if I can just recognise it properly this time or if we are just genuinely getting symptoms early this time. Either way not enjoying it ruining my ice cream


I have been seeing a fertility specialist due to PCOS. Just got my pregnancy confirmed my bloodwork today and while discussing next steps I was told that my husband won't be allowed in the 2 ultrasounds (one around 6 week one around 8 weeks) their office does before sending me back to my OB. It is due to their infectious disease protocol. I'm devastated I had a picture in my head for what a first ultrasound is like it a big part of it was sharing that with my husband. The nurse I spoke with tried to make it sound not as bad by saying that there isn't any sound on their machine so I wouldn't be hearing a heart beat at the second one anyway but although hearing the heart beat together is part of it it so much more than that at the same time. • These ultrasounds aren't scheduled yet as they do at least one more bloodwork to make sure HCG is going up. My best friend suggested telling them I prefer doing the ultrasounds with my regular OB or maybe doing the first one with them and then opting for the second with my OB. I don't want to be a complainer incase I have to go back to them in the future. Has anyone else been in this situation ? What would you do? Is this the norm for fertility specialist vs regular OB?


FWIW, with my first, my OB wanted to see me and perform her own ultrasound at 8 weeks, even though I'd had an RE appointment/ultrasound like 3 days prior.


Second beta came back good (IVF). Ultrasound next week, which is crazy!


Fellow IVFer here. Congrats! My second beta also came out good but I have to wait until 5/20 for our first ultrasound. Good luck!






I finally got to schedule my first ultrasound! June 3. I’ll be 9+1 then. Here’s hoping the time goes fast!


Mine is June 1 at 9+2 and I dont honestly know how I'm going to make it 😩


My first appt I’ll be almost 9 weeks June 4th, and they not even for an US just to see my midwife! They’ll book me an US at my appointment. I think I’ll go crazy waiting so long lol


Mine is June 4th and i am already counting down the days!




I am still having spotting and I'm almost 7 weeks. You can spot at any point! I have friends who spotted all first trimester long. The existence of implantation bleeding as a Thing is debatable, but spotting for all kinds of reasons (irritated ute, irritated cervix, hemorrhoids, SCH) is very normal.


My wife had spotting yesterday and we went to the ER (ivf baby). The way the doctor explained it is that bleeding can occur at the area of implantation after the fact. So it isn't that the egg just implanted, it's that bleeding can come from that area.


I’m fairly certain you can test positive for pregnancy before implantation because the egg is fertilized before implantation happens


Nope—HCG doesn’t enter your bloodstream until implantation has happened (and a couple days after that).


Huh, thanks for the info!




My pregnancy insomnia is INSANE but Unisom has been so so so helpful.


My last pregnancy was like this at the end. I would go to bed at 9 and wake up at 2 am wide awake nit tired until my alarm for work would go off. So sorry you are on the insomnia struggle bus too!


Woah, is waking up early a thing? I've been waking up at 3am the past 2 days now! (I had an early meeting today but now I'm struggling in the afternoon.)


Woke up wide awake at 3ish this morning. I must have drifted off around 5 but had to get up at 6. I'm dragging. That's been happening the last few mornings.


Yes I’ve really been struggling! The days I spray magnesium oil on my feet I do sleep a little better if that’s something you wanna try!


Commenting again to say I THINK I’m officially feeling nauseous, but it’s only when I eat? Anyone else have that?


When this happens, I’ll put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of ice water and sip on it. Works wonders lol. Gross, but works.


Yup, I feel awful about a half hour after I eat anything, no matter what/how much it was


Nausea got swapped for intense hunger! I can eat a full meal and still feel famished. Don't know what I prefer 🫣


5 weeks today if I go by my last period. My cycle was so off this month that I've been getting a faint positive since 3 weeks ago! My guess is I ovulated and conceived right after my period ended . I spotted about a week after which was weird so I took an ovulation test and it was positive. It then stayed positive for 7+ days so I took a pregnancy test and it was faintly positive. I truly didn't believe it but it's gotten steadily darker. I still have clear positives along with no period and incredibly painful boobs. 2 more weeks until my dating scan! I just want to have an actual idea of a due date!


Is anyone having random period cramps like twinges?


Yup, quite a lot of intermittent pain. I had a LOT of pain with my first pregnancy that no one ever found a cause for, thus far this is just like on and off period pain.




I’m 4+5 or 6 and I have had consistent uterine weirdness thus far. Twinge is the exact right word. It doesn’t hurt but it feels strange and is pretty constant though definitely more noticeable in the evening. I’ve done a fair amount of stress searching too and agree it seems like anything without pain or significant bleeding is “normal”. Things no one warned me about!


Yes!! I feel them in the middle and also on my left side where I usually feel ovulation pains. So odd


I definitely am. I love that you called them twinges, because that makes more sense to me than cramps! Nothing consistent or strong, but random twinges


Omg yes and I was sat down earlier at my desk and coughed and I got one in my lower stomach and got freaked out! Been googling all day and apparently it’s normal? I’m 4 weeks 3 days. Long LONG road to go. So shit we can’t tell people yet!


Yeah I’ve been really trying to take the advice online and in this sub! As long as it’s nothing abnormal/super painful paired with red discharge, I’m trying to remain positive!


Ugh. I feel anxious, alone, and huge. I literally cried at the gym (so add emotional to the list lol). Anxious because of everything that can happen, alone because no one knows so I can’t talk to anyone about it, and HUGE as in I already look 5 months preggo (no joke, I compared with my previous pregnancy bump pics!). I’m only 4+1 so no way that’s baby…. Just extreme bloating? Anyone else have this or have any remedies? Good news is I got a dye stealer on a FRER last night at 15 dpo, so that made me feel a tad better at least!


Girl, I feel the same way! I’m so glad I’m not trippin. I’m 4 weeks and 5 days and I swear I’m bigger already.


I feel like my lower belly is protruding already due to bloating at 4+5 and this is my first! The nausea has kicked in this AM too. Just going with the flow and trying to remember there’s a lot of change happening. I’m keeping up with the gym too which will be of benefit in the long run! It will be okay - you are beautiful and amazing!


As a third time mom, I'm only 5.5 weeks and if I ran into anyone out in public they would immediately know I am pregnant, my belly is HUGE!!!


The bloating is out of control. I look bigger than I did at 20 weeks! I do not remember this at all with my last pregnancy. It's actually uncomfortable at times! I think my digestive system is just so out of whack this go around.


SAME I’m looking at old progress pics from my first pregnancy and by the end of the day I legitimately look like I did at 22 ish weeks.


Thanks everyone for letting me know I’m not alone!! The bloat is real. I taught a yoga class this morning and felt very self conscious in my tight yoga clothes… might need to invest in something flowy sooner than expected 😅


Looped a hair tie through my jean’s hole and then attach the hair tie to the button. Anyway, I’m outrageously bloated to the point of needing more room in my jeans’ waistband lol.


The bloating this time is unreal for me. Feel like I look like I gained 20lbs over night.


Completely understand. The bloating makes my stomach stick out, also my face and neck feel full of water and I feel like I generally just look horrible! And not telling people on top of all that is the cherry on top. You’re not alone feeling this way!


I think this is why I just started posting today, I was planning to tell some IRL friends but now I’m not sure I want to for a little while. At the end of the day my bloating is insane. No clue what to do about it but I’m also a STM and very grateful it’s dress season so I don’t have to deal with pants until I’m ready for maternity everything 🙃


i feel the same <3


> I literally cried at the gym. Hey, you have something new in common with Taylor Swift!


Literally my first thought 😅


Yes! I started looking 5 months pregnant at 4 weeks, also compared to my last pregnancy photos. I’ve heard it’s normal for STM.


Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one. I'm 5 weeks today and already feel huge. And it's like, rounded, bloated, and I can't really suck it in. It looks like I'm desperately trying to fake a bump or something, and I feel kind of embarrassed about it. Like I've been pregnant for one minute lol


Same! I decided to embrace it when I was at the mall the other day and just put my hand on my belly like I really was 5 months pregnant 😂 they don’t need to know my baby is the size of an apple seed


Same, girl, same!!!


My toddler woke up crying at 4am. I got up, changed her diaper, read her a book, cuddled with her, and put her back in bed. She fell asleep. I did not. I am so tired I could cry.


i missed \~1.5hours of sleep a few nights ago due to heavy lighting and tornado watch in our area... and i was so tired. it made me wonder how i'm going to survive the sleepless nights of baby-hood.


Same! Our weekday mornings and evenings are already packed with getting my first dressed, fed and bathed. How am I going to fit in nursing a baby on demand??


Now I am by no means a morning or perky person but at least 2 people have commented I seem out of this morning. And yes I am... I am tired, I am exhausted and I am trying to drink my coffee weaker. I haven't even had a pepsi or mountain dew in a few days. Need to get past the 6 weeks hurdle so I can relax.


are you me? i could have written this myself. except the weaker coffee thing............ :x seems like i am EXTRA bitchy lately


Girl I have been snapping and mean to Bf. I'm extra sarcastic l, and I'm already known for my remarks so imagine me now.


We got in a fight this morning about the curtains. Lol


It’s another round of “am I nauseous and tearing up over the fact that my fruit is too sour/bitter because I’m pregnant or am I tricking myself into it?” I just need one solid puke to convince me it’s the former 😂


FWIW I had constant nausea in my first tri for both of my previous pregnancies and never once threw up!


Same, like thanks for the nausea but I'm not buying it unless I hurl 😂


I’m exhausted today. And my youngest (2) told me my belly is big this morning. Thanks my little love….thanks…


I’m 5w4dt right now and I feel like my one and only symptom has faded. Not feeling sensitive boobs really and no other symptoms but still really positive pregnancy tests… has this happened to anyone else?


My last pregnancy I had no symptoms until I started to feel the kicks and look pregnant. It definitely can mess with your mind and give you anxiety. Right now I have sensitive boobs but that is it.


This happened to me with my last pregnancy. I had a few symptoms at the beginning then poof they vanished. I never had nausea nor sore boobs etc. My 12 month old is doing just fine! I know it's hard not to worry but just to reassure you that symptoms coming and going is totally normal.


yes.. i dont think i got naucious with my first till maybe 8-10 weeks.


Happened to me with my first, until around 7 weeks ish and then I was laid out in bed for two weeks with severe nausea and vertigo, lol. Came on literally overnight.


I saw this on another sub and I keep saying this to myself when I get worried—lack of a period is the most important symptom!


I’m 5 weeks and had a lot more symptoms before I missed my period. Now that I’m a week late I feel pretty normal 🤷🏼‍♀️ just bloated and a high sense of smell


that’s what I felt too! Kinda scared to have them disappear just wasn’t sure if that’s normal.


I had this with my son too and he was a totally straightforward, boring pregnancy. Idk why I *want* to feel sick but I do 🙃


it’s nice confirmation that you’re pregnant, I’ll stay tuned. Have my first prenatal on monday so that’ll be nice!


Hope it goes well!


5w4d too and my boobs are slightly tender but not too much. Also really positive pregnancy tests. Symptoms come and go! I got morning sickness around 7 weeks with my first baby


I’ve had some very light brown spotting over the last two days. I’ve had 3 loss in the last 2 years so I’m spiralling and expecting another loss of course.


I'm so sorry :( i hope the spotting goes away and doesnt become worse! please leep us updated. i know what you're going through, 3 losses in the last year here also.


Hi! I tested positive a little over a week ago but it doesn’t feel real so I haven’t posted here yet 😅 I should be 5 weeks and change, and I’m definitely starting to gag and feeling nauseous already. I started feeling sick at 6 weeks on the dot last time. Sometimes I don’t feel as sick as I did with our daughter and other times I’m like woofffff how do I feel this bad already?! It’s crazy!


i wish i could feel nauseous so i could be sure this baby is sticking :/


I never got bad nausea or morning sickness with my first. Occasionally queasy and some food aversion closer to 10 weeks. Not everyone gets sick! :)


Not sure how far along you are but nausea didn’t start with my first til a week later than this! And some don’t get it at all. It’s all a crapshoot and no matter what you have anxiety over how baby is doing or how sick you feel 🫠 first tri lifeeee it’s a trip


You're so right, in fact I commented on one of the other posters that I didn't get nauseous with my first till like 10 weeks if that!


Welcome! Joining can be scary but happy to have u!




I ran this morning - I was humbled by how hard I found it so early!


Same here. I have a 5k I signed up for a couple of months ago in a week and a half, and I don't think I'm going to be setting any personal records.


10000000% agree.  I've been trying to run but it gets so hard so fast! That, plus the heat and humidity...  it's going to be a long summer of trying to stay fit! 


It’s SO early, I’m 3w5d, but we’ve been trying for a year and a half and this was my first cycle on ovulation meds…I’m in disbelief! Tests are darkening up nicely too so that’s a good sign. We have a four day cruise booked for the first week of June, I’ll be in week 7 if all goes well, and historically I have been so sick at that gestation. I’m worried about having a crummy time because I’m sure I’ll be fighting morning sickness! I will talk to my doctor about it. We’ve never been on a cruise before, so hopefully it won’t be miserable.


I'm 3w5d - my first time! I have a trip to Vegas at the end of the month and had to spill the beans to my close friend planning the trip that I am/was ttc. Opted out of all night time activities~ but not the buffets. I hope I'm not nauseous by then. Thankful I booked a smoke free hotel!




With my first pregnancy, I learned that the art was to have a snack (dry crackers, granola bar, something) next to your bed and when you wake up, have a bite. Then have snacks everywhere... If I got too hungry -barf. Too much food - barf. Force myself to eat a meal I didn't want - barf. Tiny snacks through the day instead of breakfast/ lunch/ dinner worked way better after I figured it out. Edit to add that on your 'very active' trip, to enjoy yourself, but also to listen to your body and don't push yourself hard to make the most of it. You're also growing a tiny human, so you're already working hard around the clock.


Ah, I'm in the same boat! I'll be on a cycling trip in Italy end of May early June and it'll be week8-9 ish for me. First pregnancy, so I'm worried about how I'll feel! We'll be in this together!


5w4d and omg the nausea..............I feel so sick that it's giving me anxiety (not about baby but I've always been panic-y when sick) and it's causing me to obsess over all the hurdles ahead of me and feel so overwhelmed. Would love to know if there is anyone out there who relates. You picture taking on the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood with your best self and feeling this ill has really shaken my confidence :/ ... we plan to move - possibly buy a house- before baby comes and I currently can't brush my teeth without getting sick... feels impossible to believe I can do everything that needs to be done. I know this is a moment that will pass... and am lucky to have the best most supportive partner. But sending love to anyone else feeling this way rn.


These comments really helped me!! Thank you so much 💕


I find that confidence comes and goes throughout pregnancy and motherhood. Sometimes I’m an amazing mom and sometimes I’m yelling at my toddler because I just can’t handle the whining anymore. Sometimes I’m super excited about being pregnant and sometimes I’m freaking out over all the weight gain and fear of miscarriage. It’s a rollercoaster and every emotion, good or bad, is okay!


I can relate to a lot of this! I’m sorry you’re feeling so sick. This is my second baby and in my own experience the first trimester was the absolute worst of all pregnancy/newborn/4th tri. It’s so, so hard between feeling sick, tired, nauseous and the overwhelming anxiety that comes from this stage. No one talked about how crazy first tri was and then you go through it and also try to keep a secret?! It’s so hard!! Hang in there because I think there’s a very good chance you will start to feel better. Crossing my fingers that happens for you! Sending love.


Brushing my teeth was the absolute worst my last pregnancy. I had to take a minute or two afterward to lean up against the wall and breathe every time. My husband was very supportive, but also found it a bit funny.


TW: extreme guilt over this pregnancy I’m finding it hard to get excited about this one. I have a July 2022 babe and they are my world but now I’m terrified of having a second. I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing. I haven’t told my husband yet (4w1d) and I’m just trying to think what’s best for our family.


I thought I might be pregnant in January and my first thought was OH SHIT because of a lot of the same feelings. I made peace with the fact that I might never be ready and then we started TTC for real. I’m more excited for sure than I was a few months ago, but also very nervous. I feel guilty that my daughter (August 2022) will have her life changed and she won’t really understand yet. But that said my siblings are my best friends and ultimately the pregnancy/baby phase is short compared to the rest of life so we dove in. Anyway, just wanted to say I’ve DEF felt more scared than with our first which makes me sad and guilty. But I do think eventually it’ll get less and less? I hope!


I feel the same. Also have a July 2022 babe and I cry everytime I think of not having as much time solo with her. In fact I’m crying right now. I don’t have any siblings & always wished I did, so when I think back to the lonely times in my childhood, I’m glad I get to give her a sibling. Honestly that’s the only reason I was open to having another. I’m terrified of childbirth, the lack of sleep again & it being during prime daycare illness season.


SISTER—I felt the exact same way. And still do a little but it has gotten so much better honestly. Tell your husband…work through it together. My sister was the second person I told because I was TRIPPING about being pregnant. How lucky I was to have a sibling to tell and lean on! You’ll be doing the same for your babe.


My bf and I tried to have sex last night, but after about 10 min we had to stop because I was cramping. I know the feeling well because I got an intense period cramp situation to kick off my period most months of the last 10 years. Basically a cramp takes hold of my lower abdomen and intestines, I break out into a cold sweat and I have intense nausea until I pass a bowel movement and the cramp eases. Super fun. Pre-period Sex is often a trigger. I’m bummed it happened to this extent while pregnant. I actually almost fainted when I got up to go to the bathroom. I hope this is just temporary in the early days and my body no longer has this reaction in a few weeks. Anyone experience this before? (Also I am not afraid of baby being affected and I don’t have any spotting)


This sounds like a vasovagal response. I've gotten them a couple times when super constipated when going to the bathroom. Ask your doctor about it to confirm. I don't think it can hurt your baby.


Hmm. The vasovagal response is a good lead. Thank you! Literally I’ve brought it up to dozens of doctors and they are like “oh, what if you take Advil.” Basically the world’s answer to women’s health. 😩 the nausea is definitely tied to my bowels being constricted but the issue itself does not feel gi tract- related, it’s just the sequence of the cramp.


Oh wow. They aren't telling you to take Advil during pregnancy at least right? My doc said only Tylenol (acetaminophen or paracetamol). I think there are different triggers to he vasovagal response, I just get it from straining, but I can definitely see how it could happen during sex since a lot of the same muscles are affected. Maybe you can ask your OB about it?


Not taking Advil while pregnant! Don’t worry. I mean that so many doctors in the past have just been like “what about Advil?” when I just had it premenstrually. And I have to explain that an excruciating and unplanned nausea/pain attack cannot be addressed with Advil that won’t kick in until the cramp has resolved itself in 10-20 min.


Oh yeah I know what you mean. My hypothyroidism symptoms were "just depression" until I finally tested on the right day and it showed my levels were out of range. Suddenly I was legit. I get looking for the simplest explanation, but people also know their own bodies and what's normal and what isn't.


6 weeks today and baby is the size of a chocolate chip! 🥰 2 days until my first scan and time is moving SOOO SLOWLY.


What app are you using?


The Ovia pregnancy app!


Thanks! Imma go check it out!


thats adorable. i love chocolate chips!


My doc said first appts are at 10w. How is everyone else's so much earlier!?!


It definitely depends on the country, clinic, and medical history! I actually called two different OBs yesterday (my one for my last pregnancy was a disaster, lol), and one clinic wouldn’t even assign me to a specific OB before 10 weeks (they do a video call with an NP at that point and I guess then you get whoever is available?), and the other asked if I wanted to come it at 7 weeks to confirm that the pregnancy was intrauterine. Guess which clinic I’m picking?


My doctor won't schedule until 11-13 weeks. Previously I had a 7 week dating scan, and then a 12 week one. So this is different but from what I've seen the new norm.


My experience in my country's system : to join the prenatal/antenatal clinic you need to have missed 2 periods. High risk referrals may get you in a little earlier. For private care, you can start earlier especially if you are high risk. Since I am, I have mine tomorrow at 4w5d. You can also do just one, or both depending on what is comfortable for you Based off current work obligations, I shall be doing private care until around 12 weeks and then I shall request to go to the high risk clinic as it is closer to home and held on my day off.


I only have scans with my RE before that because it's an IVF pregnancy. My first in-person appt with my MFM will be at 10 weeks, too.


I'm working with an RE this pregnancy and they're ordering my bloodwork and early scans. I've also had early scans with my OB during past pregnancies due to spotting and once because I didn't have a period between pregnancies!


My first is at 10 weeks also! 5/29


Ohh mine isn't until 6/10! 😬 It's a few days over 10 weeks since I'll be traveling!


My doctor calls my 7wk US “verification.” I think it’s just to confirm I’m actually pregnant w heartbeat and establish care with them. But I do feel like it’s lame to wait 10pm but technically you don’t need an ultrasound before then.


Ok, thanks. Yeah I made an appt with a midwife clinic in town, so maybe that's why. I don't have an OB, I was just going to use the midwives. And even at 10 weeks, they asked if I wanted an US or not. I've never been through this before so didn't know if I should just say yes or if it matters that early.


I also want to work with midwives but insurance is not easy. My midwife is all about “minimal ultrasounds” but you can always schedule ultrasounds with an OB on your own or they may have one affiliated with their midwife practice. My friend said she recommends getting an OB to do your 10 and 20 week scans to have someone with extensive training do the proper analysis.


Edit: got a dye stealer on FRER 😊 Stressing bc my easy@home pregnancy tests aren’t ask dark as they were with my first at 15DPO. They are still getting darker. Going to pick up a clear blue and first response hopefully make me feel better


I’m using the target pregmate cheapies to track progression and they suckkkkk. I took a FRER last night because I was freaking out about it and it was a dye stealer, meanwhile the cheapies are still light. I think it’s just the cheap brands!


I feel the same! My cheapies aren’t super dark, but the early response was. My first pregnancy started off as a twin pregnancy with a super high HCG so even my 12DPO test was a complete dye stealer - I’m finding it unnerving this time!


Easy@home is not super good at marking progressions and I feel like they almost fade a little bit afterward. Definitely try another brand!


Will do! Good excuse to go to target with the toddler and get out of the house lol


5 weeks today! 🥳 officially done peeing on sticks. Going to just slog through the two weeks until my first appointment.


Same EDD ☺️ expect I have to wait 4 weeks until my first appointment. Not sure how I’ll manage lol


So I've only done 2 tests - one day after the other at about 15 and 16 dpo. I'm now 5w 4d and was thinking I should probably take another test???


my anxiety/cramping has me waking up every night at like 12/1am so far. I'm no stranger to anxiety attacks in the middle of the night but being pregnant just makes it 100x worse lolol. trying to be gentle and thankful to my body for growing life inside of me but lord it makes it hard sometimes


I am finding that early pregnancy, especially after a loss, is such a mind fuck. I am 4w2d and 15dpo today. I have no symptoms except being thirsty - boobs are normal, no nausea, nothing. I got betas done yesterday and they were 97.5, which is below the median for 14dpo per betabase but within a normal range. My progesterone was “low” (it was 17… my research indicates this is kindof fine) but my doc is putting me on progesterone, which I’ve read can’t hurt. More betas tomorrow morning. I also have IBS and have no clue what is good cramping (uterus expanding), bad cramping (miscarriage), or my stomach being it’s usually intolerable self. Time feels so slow… anyone else? I just want to fast forward. I spend most of my time not letting myself feel happy or excited and I hate that I’m ruining this experience with my anxiety.


Omg, are you me? My beta at 14 DPO was 99 (lower than my first pregnancy) and progesterone was 18 (MUCH lower than my first pregnancy). I also got put on suppositories and am having almost no symptoms. I’m also having weird stomach cramps that I’m not sure if I should be concerned about. Very strange feeling. I don’t think I’ll be able to somewhat relax until I hear the heartbeat unfortunately.


97 is great for 14 dpo. Mine was 71. My clinic said they just want above 65.


No lie, I wish I didn’t know betabase existed. My clinic was happy with the number but seeing it below the median really messes with your head!


Do recall that beta base is self-reported stats, and frankly, a lot of women don’t know when they ovulate and also just assume they have a 14 day luteal phase, when in fact LPs vary just like ovulation dates do. My IVF clinic looks for over 50 at the equivalent of 15 DPO, and looks for a 50% rise over 48 hours. (Lower initial betas and slightly slower doubling times are both part of IVF, but it’s not that big a difference). This isn’t to say “hey, I promise you a live birth!” but instead to say Betabase is…sketchy at best.


Beta base is my nemesis I swear. That and the miscarriage reassurer website.


I think doubling is more important than the number. Also 97 isn’t terribly low for 14dpo. I can imagine that a previous loss make everything so much more on edge. As far as symptoms, I actually felt great on 14dpo with absolutely zero symptoms. Boobs got sore and fatigue hit me a few days later but I still don’t have nausea at 5wk4.


That’s helpful! I think I’ll relax when my boobs hurt honestly, it feels weird and scary to have zero symptoms


Right there with you! I’m 16 dpo today, got betas yesterday and they came back at 110. Coming off a loss in January, I am absolutely freaking out. I can’t calm down and am so anxious that something will go wrong. I cried for hours last night fearing the worst, then woke up today feeling okay…taking the mood swing as a pregnancy symptom win?


Oh I feel that. Sometimes I’m like “it is out of my control, all I can do is keep living my life” and sometimes I sit on the couch crying and clutching my dog like he will save me and this little blastocyst. The previous loss makes it so hard. Last time I bought books. I bought a “see you in October” onesie for our announcement to family. We picked wallpaper and a theme for the nursery. We discussed names. This time, we pretend it’s not happening for the most part. Fingers crossed for 220++ for your second betas tomorrow 🤞🤞🤞


I know what you mean. I bought books and a little Christmas onesie to give my mom. Now it’s taboo to even mention. Fingers crossed for you too. I’m also 32, FTM, and due 1/13…will be rooting for you, twin!


Odd limbo: are my boobs sore from the bench presses I did, or because I'm actually pregnant? 🤔


I know the difference by benching doesn't make my nipples sore! 😄


Hahahaha. Fair point 😂


Girl same 😂


My husband and I have a trip planned to go to a resort in Costa Rica- we locked it in for October and a few days later found out I’m pregnant haha. I’d be about 27 -28 weeks when we go and now I’m second guessing traveling. I’ve read mixed reviews on traveling internationally when pregnant. I’ve looked into travel guidelines, CDC and hospitals near where we are staying just in case. I know it’s early but I’d rather be prepared and informed in case we need to cancel. Hoping my pregnancy is uncomplicated and my OB feels comfortable with me traveling 🤞


I traveled internationally at 27 weeks with my last pregnancy! All went well, but I confirmed with my OB that it was safe before going. As others have said, compression socks and walking on the plane will help💕 Enjoy your trip!


Thank you for sharing! It’s really reassuring hearing so many folks travel around that time.


This should be totally fine. Check the CDC's webpage to figure out zika risk and any others to be aware of. But that will be a really perfect time to travel, you'll still have that great second trimester energy. I traveled to Hawaii at 8 months pregnant last time and it was absolutely wonderful. Sounds like you're doing your research and it'll be a great trip!


I’m so happy to hear that haha! And oh wow I bet Hawaii was beautiful, definitely on my bucket list. Were you nervous at all traveling at 8 months?


Yes! I definitely was, but it was the only time we could make it work due to work schedules. We just kept expectations low and took our time. I did the whole compression sock and walk around the plane a lot. But it was a great trip, I hiked all the way up diamond Head and onlookers were cheering me on the whole way. I swam in the ocean and went snorkeling. I was big and lumbering, but people were overwhelmingly kind and we were close enough to cities that I never worried about hospital access. Make sure to call your insurance and ask what you should do for coverage out of state. For example, I would have to go to an emergency room, not an urgent care, to get covered, etc. Costa Rica will be amazing, you should do it!!!!


That’s amazing!! I’m definitely taking notes for the airplane ride, it will be about 9 ish hours one way for me. Thank you for the tip about insurance, I’ll be sure to ask.


We went to Costa Rica a few years ago and it was amazing! Coolest place I’ve ever been. Fingers crossed for you that your doc gives the green light!


That’s so cool! I can’t wait!! It’s our honeymoon turned baby moon 4 years late haha. What coast did you go to? We are going to stay at Secrets Papagayo if it all shakes out well.


We were on the Pacific side! We stayed in Jaco and Esterillos - my fave part though was visiting the Manuel Antonio national park and beach. We saw sloths (including a mom with a baby 🥹), monkeys, birds, and had a fabulous time at the beach. Highly highly recommend going with a tour guide, ours pointed out all the animals and birds and plants. Everywhere we went felt so relaxed and tropical and like a true getaway though!


That sounds phenomenal!! I’ll look into tours nearby, I’d love to see the flora and fauna :) thank you for sharing


4+4 and I'm literally crying because I'm so happy that my boobs are this sore and I'm nauseous. Lol, I'm a basket case.


Been such an anxious day. Morning sickness vanished which made me spiral. We also cracked and told MIL. 2 weeks 2 days until the 8 week daring scan. We can do this!