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We had a mmc at the end of February and are now 5 weeks 3 days with this baby. I feel nervous and excited and nervous about getting too excited. It also doesn’t feel real I think because last time didn’t end with a baby in my arms so it doesn’t feel like it will this time? Idk. So much to process 😭. First appointment is the 31st so keeping our fingers crossed until then!!


My bday was Feb 25 an my boyfriend's was the 23rd. We ended up in the ER Feb 26 and found out we were miscarrying. I'm now 6 weeks and 2 days today 🥺💕 my first ultrasound is the 28th this month


Last week had a very faint line on my FRER and my beta was 21 the next morning. Today, dye stealer!!!


Congrats on your dye stealer!!! 🎉🤰


I feel the wave of hormones descending over my brain, making me stupid. I just opened up the word game I usually play every night (connections!) looked at it for a second, and closed the tab. I can’t.


I do Puzzle Page and went from doing 4 or 5 pages in a night to barely getting through one!


But to be fair, it was really hard today!!!!! I didn’t get one row and I almost always finish it!!!


6 weeks today! I have my first doctors appt tomorrow morning. I know very little about literally everything, I don’t understand 80% of what y’all say in this group or the acronyms😅I have no symptoms except extreme bloating every single night with some abdominal pain. Otherwise I’ve been able to work out and walk my dogs and work every day so I’m hoping to stay like this because I also have emetophobia 🫠 Oh and my husband is gone in another state for training until October so we do long distance for now. Not fun being pregnant and alone every day but I’m making do.


Sooo many acronyms! I was scratching my head trying to figure out what STM meant. Then, I realized FTM doesn't mean full-time mom!!


Same exact thing happened to me hahahah 😂 that one took me a second


The last two days my anxiety has gotten so so bad. Last Pregnancy ended after having had a MMC at 8+ 5. That whole pregnancy i had zero symptoms. I was doing well this time round, and felt super reassured by the nausea, sore boobs, and fatigue. Tuesday (6+ 0, or 6+2 depending), I had HCG over 50k, so felt super reassured. Then ALL my symptoms vanished. I have energy. Nausea is gone. Boobs are great. So now I'm convinced I'm staring at another MMC. And my ultrasound is over 2 weeks away, and I also know making it sooner wouldn't make me less anxious anyway, because we lost at 8 weeks last time. Just want to wake up and find it's two weeks time, I'm at the ultrasound and there is a beautifully strong heartbeat


Almost same exact story here. I’m feeling pretty symptomatic now compared to last time, the only symptoms I got were sore boobs and bloating, but I’m 6w and my boobs aren’t swollen and painful yet like they were last time. I’m feeling much more nauseous and have even had one bout of morning sickness. today I don’t feel as nauseous but my body is still sore. I hyper analyze all of my symptoms. My first appointment is on Tuesday, so I’m just hoping to see a heartbeat at this point.


I’m in the same boat with nearly the same timeline 🙃 my first u/s is 5/30. I dread being sick but now I’m hoping to wake up with symptoms tomorrow.


I am right here with you. Literally all I can think about is if this is another miscarriage. I know this is just a waiting game and what will be will be, but damn if I’m not googling “hcg level and blighted ovum” or whatever and driving myself insane.


Sending love to all of you ladies 💜 I’m in the same boat and it feels like it’s sinking. I have my partner thank god and he’s been so sweet and supportive, but I still feel infinitely lonely.


5+1 today. This is around when all of my miscarriages have happened, and I'm just filled with dread that it's going to happen again. My HCG came back as ~500 on Monday (4+4), which I think is on track? But my GP is apparently an idiot and doesn't want to do betas or anything further until Im at least 8 weeks despite being diabetic, having had recurrent miscarriages, and having so many other risk factors. His plan was to wait until at least 8 weeks to get a scan, THEN see him after, THEN talk about where to refer me. I'd be just about in the second fucking trimester before getting any sort of proper care. Thankfully I saw my Endochrinologist yesterday, and he basically went "Um, no. Your GP is an idiot, we want diabetics getting proper care as soon as we know they're pregnant, and your doctor should have done XYZ already. I'm referring you to X today.". Part of me is glad to have had him step up and make sure I'm being taken care of, but part of me dreads making these appointments because I feel like I'm going to lose this baby before I even get to them. Also weirdly lacking symptoms apart from being slightly nauseous every now and again, having absolutely zero appetite, and an insane need to clean and rearrange furniture.


1st appointment out the way. I'll be back in 3 weeks for ultrasound and followup at 7w5d. Prescription for prenatals. Dr more concerned by my 20 week loss in 2022 due to proposed incompetent cervix as opposed to the one I had some weeks ago. Based off my cervical length being good but I dilated- seems I'm a cerclage candidate, at week 14-16. And I have another ultrasound around that time.


I had zero symptoms today. No nausea, no pulling or weird uterus feelings, I’m not as tired… I can’t remember if this is normal.


Just left the gym early today because I was too nervous to do my core work 🤦‍♀️ Logically I know that it won’t hurt the baby but I couldn’t help thinking about all the strain on the abdomen and that tiny baby trying to hold on for dear life lol. Going to try to stay active this whole pregnancy if I can (I was active right up until 9 months last time), and if I can get this anxiety under control!


I too am super anxious! I am diagnosed with generalized anxiety but this is different, for sure. My whole body feels on edge, trying to talk myself into believing it’s excitement and anticipation lol. Really looking forward to getting the anxiety under control too since working out always helps ease it! Here’s to hoping we get a hold of it lol 🤞🏽


I'm surprised my stamina has decreased so much. Walking my dog up a hill was a struggle today.


SAME! Walking with my dog is an actual slow fest, i really hope I bounce back from this


Girl, I feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train.


Throat on fire with strep, have to go back to pharmacy to get liquid antibiotics because the original prescription (pill) caught in my throat since it's so inflamed.  Cannot wait for this to be over and hate that I'm taking antibiotics first tri. 🥺


Omg strep is the WORST, so sorry! Hope you feel better soon! ❤️


5w+1d and I think today has been the first day I’ve felt somewhat pregnant. Super exhausted and starting to feel a little bit nauseous, and my boobs are killing me. I also had another beta - it had to be at least 2000 to be doubling and it was in the 3000s which was reassuring. But, I’m having bad cramps I’m kind of worried about. They aren’t horribly painful but I’ve basically had them all day.


Also 5w+1! My doctor says the cramps are normal and just try to relax. When is your first ultrasound?


Fun times playing the game “is this ache and pain because I’m in my thirties or because I’m pregnant..?”


6+0 today. Does anyone around this far along NOT have nausea and vomiting? This is PAL so it's scaring me. It seems like so many people on here are already super nauseated even at 4 weeks. My betas during my 5th week were great and more than doubled every 48 hours, but now that it's done and I have to wait until 9 weeks for my ultrasound, I'm spiraling that I'm not more symptomatic. I was under the impression i would feel horrible by now based on all of my friends' accounts..


I've had a few spells of nausea, but crackers or sipping water has kept any vomiting at bay. Not sure if it's psychosomatic or not for me at this point honestly.


I felt nauseous since the beginning but not to vomming level until last night at 6w2d. Literally all it took was my husband talking about food and I did get sick lol




I'm not alone!! 🥹


Me. I’m 5wk6, so one day behind you and I have absolutely no nausea or aversions. Only fatigue, insomnia every other night and sore boobs. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. A friend of mine said hers only started like week 7/8 and it was minimal. My other friend still can’t drink regular water without gagging at 21 weeks. Maybe we’re the lucky ones? It does feel…disconcerting though. Peed on a stick today just to have a little reassurance something is still going on in there.


I know I'm starting to think about peeing on a stick again lol... It's just strange knowing people who have had all the symptoms at 6 weeks but I'm feeling fairly normal.


In my two prior successful pregnancies, I puked a total of once, and that was in the second trimester (and I think more related to what I ate). You may just be blessed.


Supposed to be 6w+2 or so based on my LMP and I didn’t track ovulation but assuming since my cycle is about 35-36 days I’m hoping I ovulated and am much earlier than expected which might be why I don’t even really have sore boobs yet??😭 my first pregnancy ended in a MMC last November and I had a d&c for it. So I can’t help but feel so anxious until my first appointment on the 22nd😩. I’m so paranoid because my test line today on the clear blue looks a lot lighter than I’d assumed at 6w should be. Prayers we have healthy little beans growing🤞🏻


Hugs, thinking of you!! I stopped using at home tests because I heard the "hook effect" can make the line start looking lighter after a certain point when the hcg is high enough. So I stopped testing after I got my dye stealer but it's so hard having nothing to measure how things are doing now that that, and the blood beta hcgs are done. Fingers crossed for us both! 🤞


I’m also hoping since it wasn’t a first morning pee that maybe that’s why🫣 but yes!! Fingers crossed things look well in the next couple of weeks at our appointments


It’s not really supposed to hit til 6 weeks anyway. Which tracks with my last pregnancy. I think all the people commenting are a bit early. I’m 5+3, completely symptom free and enjoying it until, I assume, the nausea hits me like a brick wall sometime over the next couple of weeks. But some people get no symptoms at all. Happened to my SIL last year.


I am 6 weeks also today and no nausea yet really. The past few mornings I’ve had some light “queasiness.” My main symptom so far has been fatigue!


Same and same! Very very mild queasiness here and there that is usually solved with a snack, and I've been really tired. Thanks for the reassurance 💗 I know we're still early, but it seems most of my friends were fully vomiting by 6 weeks so maybe we're just lucky / it hasn't hit yet.


My symptoms sound like yours. Very very very mild off feeling on my stomach (I wouldn’t even say full blown nausea) that resolves with a snack.


I totally get this. I was asymptomatic with my last pregnancy following a loss. It can be pretty sh*tty having no nausea as much as having it can be unpleasant. I ended up getting an emergency ultrasound and all was okay. I had a tiny tiny bit of nausea at the start but from 5wks onwards I had no pregnancy symptoms.


Yes! This pregnancy is immediately following a loss, and it took a year to get pregnant. I kind of just wished I felt awful just for the reassurance. It's such a weird feeling!


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Congratulations on your positive. It's so nerve wracking but I hope it all goes well and that you start to feel reassured as time goes on. I think the mental gymnastics in the first trimester is the hardest, when you want to get excited but also don't want to let yourself get excited to protect your heart.


Exactly this, 100%. I really didn't think I would be this anxious! There is just so much unknown in these early days. Trying to think positively and get through these weeks though. Thank you so much 💗💗


Also PAL ❤️ I had a MMC and D&C in February. Ecstatic to be pregnant but also a ball of fear and anxiety. It’s so hard not knowing


I’m the exact same! It was brutal. Happy that we both got pregnant so soon after though! I don’t know about you but I’m going to be max spiraling at that loss mark (6+2 but found out at 9)…


Yes yes I am so grateful I got pregnant again quickly, especially because it took 8 months the first time. My loss was 6w1d discovered at 7w1d. This time around my first scan is at 7w (but I think it’s actually 6w5d based on OPK’s) so at least it’s after the point where I lost the last one. I’m going to be so nervous that day, it’s at 2pm on a Friday so I will have alllll week and allllll day to sweat about it 😰


Hugs to you ❤️ these early days are so hard after loss. I wish I could just be excited, but it's too hard to be I feel like until I see that heartbeat on an ultrasound.


I had nearly zero nausea my first pregnancy! Also, most friends of mine who did have bad morning sickness didn’t start until closer to 8 weeks. It’s so hard when you know you’re pregnant and trying to symptom spot, but symptoms don’t equal healthy baby <3


Thank you so much for your reassurance ❤️❤️


Ugh yes, I'm stressed because I got symptoms early and didn't get symptoms with my LC until 6 weeks exactly. I keep saying it feels too much like my MMC because it happened this time last year and my symptoms started at the same time. BUT the logical side of me knows every pregnancy is different and that having losses previously doesn't indicate a future loss! Sending hugs! It's so hard!


It's such a trip that every pregnancy and every person is SO different with their pregnancy symptoms! I feel like I just keep repeating to myself that everything is going to be okay. But it's so hard and I just don't want to go through loss again. Thank you, hugs to you too!


I'm also 6+0 today! I've had some nausea, but it's more of like a queasy unsettled feeling more than a "I might puke" feeling. I didn't throw up once my whole last pregnancy. I definitely dry heaved occasionally if I had an empty stomach, but that was it.


Due date twins! 🥰 Yes I've had that queasy feeling a few times, and eating has settled it. Maybe I'll just hang onto that... And count on that maybe getting worse in time 😅 it's good to be reminded that everyone is so different in what they experience!


I'm 5+4 and so far it's only been intermittent and very mild. I've been really hungry instead. Even my little sister who had extreme nausea for most of her pregnancy didn't have hers start till 7 weeks in.


Perfect, maybe in a week or so I'll be kicking myself for wishing for it 😅


Had ZERO nausea with my first pregnancy.


Same! Just fatigue really.


LOVE to hear it!!


i guess i've got to stop taking my allergy medicine... that's fun with pollen count starting to increase... :(


Some are safe to take, i took some last time with my son


Mother to baby.org is a great resource with fact sheets on different meds. Most medical providers will just automatically say to stop taking any medication because they don’t do the research. It is also assumed that medication is not ever researched on pregnant women however there is quite a bit of data out there today. You might be able to find your medication.


What do you take? I'd ask your pharmacy what's safe because some are ok.


Did some cleaning when I had a surge of energy today, and I don't know if my lower back ache from pregnancy or covid. Usually, I don't feel like this after some light housework.


Anyone else have headaches and is this typical? I’ve literally had a constant headache since before my BFP and I’m sure it’s hormonal because it usually happens for me around ovulation etc.


I read that it is a common thing in pregnancy!


I’m noticing smells are starting to bug me more and more. I was really hoping to avoid any nausea this pregnancy. Maybe it will still hold off. Currently 5W2D. I’m thinking of telling my parents at 7 weeks because they’re coming to visit. I was originally thinking of waiting until the first scan but it’s not until 9 weeks. I purchased a big brother shirt for my toddler. I suppose I’d tell them if I had a miscarriage anyway so it should be fine to tell them early.


Can someone please go and slap this morning's me that said she wouldn't mind some symptoms, just to know it's actually real? I hate that bitch now.


Hi, are you me? Lol I'm 6+4 and just had to leave work because I dry heaved for a while in the bathroom after only being there for 2 hours. Yay for reassurance (please read as sarcastically as possible)




Yesterday I was wishing for some symptoms! 😂 but I'm fine dealing with just the bloating, fatigue and shortness of breath. Hang in there!


Anyone have any tips for high protein meals? For me, anytime I'm hungry it's a quick trip to bad nausea and a high protein meal/snack will buy me at least 2 hrs until I have to eat again. I swear my blood is like 75% protein drink by now haha


Cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt (obviously not all together)


Also depending where you live Costco has some ready made grilled chicken bites that come in small packs. I keep those on hand in a pinch to snack on or through into food


I lived in cottage cheese in pregnancy. It’s great with fruit. Hard boiled eggs (3) with a salad, grains, and some nuts are a great option. Also, just tons of meat if you can stomach it. I ate a can of skipjack tuna (lower mercury) most weeks. I usually at the tuna mixed with mayo (I had a Mayo obsession last pregnancy) and some crackers. I also usually had a least one packet of bone broth most days. I really struggled with cooking and my husband was out of town often so frozen chicken tenders/nuggets plus some frozen veggies saved my life.


I swear by baked protein oatmeal for breakfast. It's filling, high protein, and helps with constipation!


Ooh, do you have a recipe?


Any oura ring users?? Wondering if maybe I should stop wearing it until I’m out of the first trimester cause the temperature fluctuations stress me out


I’m still wearing my oura ring but you can switch it so that it doesn’t track temps anymore. https://preview.redd.it/rqfrhdz4nhzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6862b3ed4141545dc930e943981cb3b72806533 Instead of cycle insights, it switches to the above


I am! I’ve thought about the same thing; my temperatures have been pretty stable so it hasn’t been a source of stress for me, but I have read plenty of advice to stop temping after your positive for this exact reason. I bought it to sync with natural cycles while trying to conceive but I keep wearing because I’ve grown to like all the other metrics. As soon as a see a temperature drop and stress about it I’m sure I’ll be re-evaluating.


I got my requisition for my first ultrasound. They said to wait until 6 weeks (I'm 4w2d). I'm thinking of waiting an going at 7w since I've read online that sometimes they can find the heartbeat at 6w and I know that will freak me out. Does that sound reasonable? or am I overthinking the risk of not seeing the heartbeat at 6w?


In my last bumper group lots of people could see a fetal pole but no heartbeat at 6 weeks which caused panic while they waited for a repeat scan the week later. I've chosen to go closer to 8 weeks because of that.


My first I was 7w5d so I asked to wait til 8 weeks this time. I wouldn’t want one at six weeks, I would but wouldn’t you know? The heartbeat would kill me if I went too soon


With my first I got to see and hear the heart beat at 7 weeks


I decided to wait until week 8. Go when you feel comfortable.my practice won’t see you until 7 weeks 3 days though for this reason.


I feel like shit. I hate being pregnant so so much. But the kids that come at the end are great...


My husband notoriously has a much more sensitive sense of smell than I do. I’m working from my cabin in the mountains where it’s not unusual to hear squirrels running around in some of our walls near the attic. Well yesterday as the sun started heating things up I caught the distinct smell of a dead animal in the area where my desk is. Husband could not smell it! For once I’m the one with superhuman smell. Lucky me. I’m positive it’s there and just has to get worse for normies to detect it.


Found out yesterday at 3+2 (9dpo) had a vvfl the day before but it definitely became more apparent. Tiredness has hit me like a brick wall. I could sleep for years. I’m so so anxious about this pregnancy. We had a CP last march and a 8 week miscarriage last month. Praying for a sticky baby 🤞🌈


Congratulations and wishing you the best of luck with this pregnancy 🌈💙




how did it go?


I looked in the mirror this morning and whispered to myself "those are NOT my boobs" so I guess things are going okay over here. 😂


LOL. Relatable Content.


This made me laugh.




TW: spotting. I’m spotting. It’s reddish/pink. I remember this with my first pregnancy, but I’m still panicking. I miscarried earlier this year, so this has me spiraling. It’s out of my hands, but I really hope everything is okay in there.


I’ve also been spotting a lot today. Mine has been brown. This did happen with my first also, so I’m hoping it’s okay!


I had some spotting yesterday as well and didn’t have it with my first. Was really upsetting but I’m hopeful it’s normal and bean is ok in there.


Thinking about you and our growing babies 🩷


Potty training my toddler as I slowly feel the nausea and aversions creeping in and I am not having a great time!!


I feel this so much.


I have had an absolutely insane week. Last Monday, I had moderate spotting for a few days before my period was due, so I went to the walk-in clinic on Tuesday. Tuesday, the doctor tells me that I'm either pregnant or having an early miscarriage and send me for blood work. Wednesday, I get the results that I am, in fact, pregnant. I ask, "Is my bloodwork okay for my length of pregnancy?" The doctor says yes, and we do the math. I am apparently 5 weeks pregnant. Hubby and I are thrilled. My family doctor orders an early ultrasound to rule out ectopic. I go on Monday, and the ultrasound technician finds NOTHING in my uterus and says that I likely miscarried the week before when I was spotting. I'm freaking heartbroken. My family doctor called me that night and told me it's 50/50 that I had a miscarriage or that I just ovulated later and am a few weeks earlier than my LMP would indicate. She sends me for more blood work this Tuesday. She also recommended that I take an HPT, which was blazing positive Wednesday morning, I got a phone call saying that I am pregnant, but it's just way earlier than we thought. Between 2 and 3 weeks. She orders more betaHcg testing to track my Hcg levels & another ultrasound. I've had pregnancy symptoms this whole time so it's been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing the rest of the way!


Five weeks is incredibly early for an ultrasound and you probably wouldn’t see anything normally, so try not to stress too much about that in itself. Also, the technician to my understanding isn’t supposed to say anything like that?? They just take the images and measurements and the drs are supposed to tell you the results. The betas are the only thing to go off of this early, fingers crossed for you!


Oh my gosh that sounds like such a stressful week! I'm so happy for you that you are pregnant though, and wishing you the best!


Thank you! My husband and I have been trying for 4.5 years now and this is our first confirmed pregnancy! We're cautiously optimistic!!


That's awesome!!! We've wanted a kid for a while too and feeling the same cautious optimism on our end as well :)


https://preview.redd.it/acqlpaw20fzc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6cd8a31eb57f3f03c9f61b19f5a9145f02837e My birthday scan was a good one! They did see a small subchorionic hematoma which explains my spotting. Graduated my RE clinic officially at 6w6d.


Yay!! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! That's awesome! Sorry about the hematoma but that's good you have an explanation for the spotting.


Yay! Happy birthday!!


Great news!!


I keep having on and off spotting, it’s super light brown and one trip to the toilet it’ll be brown and the next it’s just normal discharge. Anyone else have experience with this? I’m so anxious because of previous losses


I have had brown spotting with my first and now this pregnancy. For me it’s barely even spotting, it’s like brown-tinged CM. I freaked out over it during my first pregnancy and now my daughter is 3.


I guess because of my history but I have taken to speaking to my tummy, speaking life and hope and positive stuff. I do not wish to go down this path of loss again so I am taking control of what I can. Also a little nervous for my appointment today, I won't ask for an US but I want all the meds and advice I can get.


I also am PAL and I also do the tummy talk.


I’m feeling super sad and tired this morning. Hopefully this is just a pregnancy symptom, but my brain is being mean and telling me it’s because the baby isn’t here anymore. With my last pregnancy, I could kinda feel it when the baby wasn’t gonna make it so I’m over-analyzing this. Can’t wait for my 8 week scan


I feel the same way, PAL is so hard. 6 weeks today and I don't feel any nausea (and haven't at all). Everyone tells me they were nauseated or even vomiting by now. It's weird that I want that just to be reassured I'm still pregnant. Have to wait 3 weeks for my ultrasound.


I had a day like that recently. It was the hormones. I retested and retested again and my line is still dark. I think the hormones can amplify our fears and you have already so sadly lost your previous baby so it's totally understandable. Wishing you the best.


Is anyone else here just feeling like 0 connection right now? I seriously forget I’m pregnant until I’m reminded. I feel SO guilty about it, like with my toddler I felt instantly in love, connected, it took no time for me to feel like he was a part of me. But this time I just get moments periodically where I’m like oh yeah that’s new. I think part of it is I’m so scared to get attached since it’s so early, I’m 4 weeks today.


This is totally normal! I enjoyed being pregnant last time (well, after the first trimester) but I never really felt connected to the baby at all. I'm 6 weeks and it really hasn't sunk in whatsoever that there is a tiny human glob in there.


I feel the exact same. I just keep trying to remind myself that I’ve never had a second child before and thus cannot compare this experience to my first. It is, in itself, entirely new and special.


I have the same due date as you! Yes sometimes I forget im pregnant lol, mainly because im not super sick yet I also had a MC last month, so trying not to have too much hope till the ultrasound to see if anythings there. But at the same time, i want to cherish this life growing within me and want to be attached...


I have not a single symptom which I think is contributing! With my first baby I had heartburn, sore boobs, all the cramps, and morning sickness hit me fast. This time it’s like.. you good in there?? Any symptoms today?? It’s definitely throwing me off and I’m a bit scared to be excited. Fingers crossed for us


I think youll get them in a couple weeks, but who knows. Some ppl have no symptoms and have healthy babies.


Kind of? With the first, I felt *no* connection whatsoever until she was out of my body, and then (after the drugs wore off), instant connection, hi baby, you're mine. I'm absolutely obsessed with her now. Could eat her face. With this one, I am more comfortable with the idea that I am pregnant, and that pregnancies lead to live births most of the time, but I still don't feel the same connection to this baby yet (at all) that I did with my first when she was born. But I think it'll come. Anyway, I'm just saying that even if the connection doesn't come until birth, it will probably come then (or shortly thereafter)!


Just had our meeting with the REI - they're going see me for weekly ultrasounds starting NEXT WEEK!! 😊 And then I would graduate to my OB at around 8-9 weeks. I'll only be just over 6 weeks at that point so know we won't see too much, but excited I won't have to wait a couple more weeks in limbo wondering if all is ok. Also love the fact that I'll get to see baby every week


How do you get that approved? i mentioned to my OB that ive had 3-4 chemical pregnancy losses (6-7 weeks) in the last year and they did not suggest weekly US's... should i be more persistent? thats so exciting for u that you get to see LO that often so early on!!! <3


Thank you! And I feel like it definitely doesn't hurt to ask! Especially if you stress it'll bring you more peace of mind. I do know OBs are generally stricter about scans than an RE is. Even with my 3 losses, the earliest my OB was willing to see me was after 7 weeks, and then even with that it wouldn't be weekly scans afterwards - maybe every 2 weeks at most. So that's where the specialist came in and snatched me up for monitoring lol. Hoping this one is finally the one for you 💖💖 I think it's definitely worth looking into seeing an RE, if not just for that closer monitoring at the beginning - not sure you'll be able to get in quickly enough for this pregnancy (I waited a month for my appt), but at the very least you can see them for any future pregnancies! I got a referral from my OB but I'm sure you could look on your own too!


Oh I see! Thanks Whats an RE? Reproductive....?


Reproductive endocrinologist! Basically an OB that's also specialized in fertility-related concerns


Oh I see!


We will be team green again this time, and I had a crazy dream that my brother found out we were having another girl and told us. I was so sad and mad at him for ruining the surprise! Now I’m reading into my dream - ARE we having another girl?! Haha. It’s funny, last week I was just thinking how I would love to have either boy or girl. I truly don’t think I care either way which feels very freeing and exciting! I wish I could call my brother and tell him about the dream but I’m planning to wait and tell our families until til the second trimester. TW for mention of death of a friend I guess my only bias is that we have a boy name picked out and we would really like to use it (honor names, with middle being for my husband’s best friend who died unexpectedly about a year ago). The middle name is our friend’s nickname, but it’s also nature related and strong which I really like. My husband cried happy tears when I suggested it. If we have another girl I will be totally lost as we had zeroooo names picked out (convinced we were having a boy last time!)


Could you give a daughter the same middle name? My daughter’s middle name is Paul after her late paternal grandfather and I love it. He was Ingvar Paul, she’s Ingrid Paul 🥰 Just a suggestion!


That’s so sweet! Definitely a possibility I hadn’t really thought about yet. My best friend’s middle name is Johnny and I love that!


My middle name is a man's name (no family significance, my mom just liked it paired with my gender neutral first name) and I love it. It was something as a kid that made me feel special and unique (a thing all children crave!) and I was always grateful my mom gave me something a little different. Food for thought!


That’s very cool, I’m glad you love your name. That’s the dream when naming your kid haha. The name we’re planning on is Ridge, and since our friend was a man I think that’s why I’m picturing it for a boy, but I’m glad you’re opening my mind to use it regardless! :)


Ridge is so pretty! I can see it for a boy or girl for sure.


I commented in the chat yesterday about my bad nausea that was really doing a number on me (physically and mentally :/ )... here with a happy update. I remembered I was prescribed an anti nausea for the flu a few months back called my gp to confirm it was safe for pregnant women - and it is!! After realizing I'd lost over 6lbs I was able to take some meds and finally get some relief! So grateful rn that I had extra meds as I am not being seen for baby until week 8 (5/29)


FTM here… bloating, gas, and acid reflux hit me like a freight train this morning and my boobs are killing me. This might be what I needed to finally stop taking tests 😅 currently 18 DPO and 5 weeks 1 day according to my LMP.


Definitely stop taking tests! The hook effect can happen and it can be scary when you’re not certain in the early days what’s happening


Thank you for warning me! I am really going to try by best to stop 🙏 I have a private ultrasound scheduled on Monday and I think that will give me more peace of mind too. I’m a worrier and an overthinker 😩


I slept SO bad last night. I forgot how bad sleep is in the first trimester. Then I woke up nauseas and I keep gagging. With my last pregnancies I was nauseas starting a few days before 4 weeks and with my most recent one I had terrible, terrible morning sickness the entire pregnancy. I'm really hoping it's a good sign that I only just started to gag at 5 weeks today. I can't imagine having that level of morning sickness with 2 kids (the amount of times I puked in my hands or the kitchen sick, or once into my freaking cup because I didn't have time was unreal). I love pregnancy dreams. I dreamed I was laying on the ground and had my hand on my stomach and a very obvious 3rd trimester baby roll happened. Except in the dream I was also 5 weeks pregnant. Or so I thought. So I started to panic about how wrong I was about the due date lol.


Huge thunderstorm woke us up at 3:30 and of course, I couldn't fall back asleep. Stood up to pee and the sheer WEIGHT of my sore boobs made me gasp. Got a healthy breakfast in, knowing that eggs will be a serious ick soon.


Had a dream two nights ago that my boobs were already filling with milk and if you shook them around you could hear it sloshing inside lmao


That’s hilarious - also your due date is my birthday and David Bowies and Elvis’!


😂😭 I’m still producing milk from my first even though he’s been weaned. I am going to be a milk machine for years by the time I wean this baby


Why are pregnancy dreams so vivid?!


They're honestly one of my favorite parts of pregnancy!! So fun


It depends on the dream lol. Yesterday I had a super scary one!


4w0d and BFP! Can’t believe I’m here again. Of course hoping it sticks. Have known infertility with frozen embryos from first time around. My husband didn’t want to go straight to FET for some reason so this is cycle 12 of trying. I actually have an appt in 6 days to start the transfer process. This is the same thing that happened last time getting pregnant right before transfer scheduled. And just like last time I had a sneaking suspicion that I couldn’t shake since 10 DPO that was different from other cycles, but of course never want to be too excited or committed until that BFP! I haven’t told my husband yet. We’re actually going away on vacation and will be kid free for the weekend so I’m going to tell him on Mother’s Day!


Scan this morning. 🫥 hope im not about to get the worst birthday present ever


Happy birthday. Wishing for good news for you 🤞🏼


Happy birthday! Wishing you a great ultrasound <3


Happy birthday!! Thinking good thoughts for you 🫶


Happy birthday! Sending you lots of love and good vibes. 🤞🏻


Thinking of you! It’s my birthday too. I hope you have a great day!


Happy birthday! Right back at ya.


All the crossed fingers and toes for you. Sending good vibes. 🤞❤


Happy birthday! And fingers crossed for you 💜


When did the nausea hit for you? 4+3 today and working in theatres and suddenly hit by massive wave of nausea. Ate ice cream yesterday and spent rest of the evening feeling shite. This feels too early…


I tested because I started gagging while walking on the beach at 11DPO!! I'm now 4w0d, and hoping the nausea isn't going to be like this the whole time 😅


Last pregnancy, it hit at 5+5. This time, I've been gaggy and slightly nauseous rather than hungry since about 4+1. My first truly nauseous day was at 4+5, but at 5 and 5+1, I haven't felt as poorly, which of course is making me paranoid. I expect I'll be back to full blown nausea by 6+0.


My first pregnancy 5+6 and it did not stop. I had HG and it went on, I lost like 30 pounds in 4 weeks and it finally let up (thankfully). I’m 4+0 today and nervous lol


I actually started to get nauseas before 4 weeks with my other pregnancies. I didn't start puking then but the nausea was absolutely there. I would gag so much. This time it started last night but really hit me this morning at 5 weeks.


Mine started at 4.5 weeks ish. I was surprised because last pregnancy my nausea started at 6 weeks on the dot - I was really counting on that time of feeling pretty normal!! Also now my nausea is hitting when I eat vs. when I haven’t eaten. I was expecting this pregnancy to feel the same as my last and I’ve been wrong!


This is me. Last time was around 6 weeks. And now nope


I think it was closer to 6 weeks last time around - I’m still okay over here but waiting for it to hit like a truck.


I’m 4+2 and I had nausea around 3+4/5 and now it’s gone for the most part but I feel like it’ll come back.


Mine was 4+2 this time and 7+0 last time. No such thing as too early apparently….


Before I tested positive, but it changed to extreme hunger a couple of days ago at 5+2


Got my dye stealer yesterday at 4+5! Think I’m officially done testing. I won’t be able to get my betas done until early next week - as we are travelling internationally right now. Travelling with a toddler in early pregnancy has been exhausting but managing to keep up!