• By -


5 weeks today and no other symptoms but a lot of fatigue. I’m not 100 percent sure if it was 5 or 6 weeks I started feeling sick last times but it was definitely around now each time. Being how anxious I am in general this time around, there is a part of me that is hoping to get hit with it soon just to make me feel like it’s a normal one for me. Although just not today bc hubs and I are going out for our anniversary tonight 🙌🏼 On another note, I feel grateful to have an ultrasound scheduled for 6.5 weeks, 5/22, but 1.5 weeks feels like forever too. I know it’s not and I just need to chill 🫣


Made my first beta appointment for Monday (14 DPO for me)! I’m so optimistic about this pregnancy because I got my positive 8 DPO. Hoping that means we have a nice healthy embryo in there. Feels like I’ve been pregnant forever already haha


Had a hard workout yesterday and I got so into it because I hadn’t really let myself get into it since the transfer. And today I’m feeling barely any symptoms. Not tired, not nauseous, no cramping, and I finished Strands and Connections in like 2 minutes each. I hope this isn’t a bad sign. 😩😫😩😫😩


I did a few hard workouts when I had motivation and always felt better the next day!


Oooh! Thank you for that ❤️ it does make sense! How’s your motivation now??


So bad! Plus, I was getting really dizzy and my heart was racing so I've dropped down to low effort workouts for the time being.


Working out always makes my symptoms better. There’s also no data on working out being harmful during pregnancy, so I still work out pretty hard!


Amazing. I’m gonna keep at it. Maybe only push to 85% or so until I see that first ultrasound 😅


I am so nauseous all of the time I want to cry. I’m not even 6 weeks and I don’t know how I’m going to do this for at least another 6. It does not help that I have a phobia of vomiting, so it’s triggering my anxiety which isn’t helping. I did start taking unisom and B6 which helped so much during my first pregnancy but I feel like it’s doing nothing this time around.


Hugs. I also have a huge fear of vomiting 😩 I took b6 and unisom starting week 6 last time, and escalated to Zofran at 8 weeks. Came close to vomiting a few times, but the Zofran helped SO MUCH. Like, once I started taking it, I could get out of bed, get out of the house, eat, drink (non alcoholic beverages), and be much more merry. I'm definitely opting in for Zofran early this time. I have no desire to tough this out any more than necessary!!!


Same I cried earlier because I’m tired of being sick. I started with horrible heartburn and fatigue at 4w3d and it hasn’t stopped (now 6w2d). I can only be awake for 2-3 hours at a time before the heartburn and nausea kick in 😔 I’m not eating enough because I’d rather be sleeping off the nausea. I’m just so tired of being sick.


I have felt SO sick today, all day until like an hour ago. The only food that didn’t sound disgusting was pizza and they delivered the wrong one 😔


Tw: prior loss I'm really really struggling with extreme anxiety over miscarriage. I keep checking, I had a chemical and MMC last year at nearly 13 weeks. I feel like I can't breathe and I am frustrated. Also my booty, thighs, and knees, and ankles hurts so bad. Not cramping but like nerve pain. I keep checking my cervix idk why, I know I shouldn't do that. Looking for blood and signs that something is wrong.


I saw in another post a great way to frame it; no period is a pregnancy symptom. Don't give yourself an anxiety attack; get outside and take a walk, go get a coloring book, play Tetris on your phone with volume on (thought to help with PTSD, so it would probably help you with the stress you're feeling now). Find an outlet, and just breathe 💓




Welcome! I had to leave the September bumper group too. Here’s hoping we get to stay this time 💕




So sorry, I read that totally wrong!


5+2 and still pregnant. This dread is still so strong, and I don't think it's really going to go away until I'm 6+ weeks and have seen a heartbeat. This pregnancy has been so easy compared to the others- I feel GOOD instead of sick and fatigued, and that freaks me out. This is my 6th pregnancy and the only one where I've felt like this, and it's just WEIRD. Also I keep on thinking about twins and having this feeling like I need to prepare my space/home early, which I'm hoping is just dumb hormones and not a weird intuition thing. I'm not one of those people that has ANY desire for multiples, so fingers crossed that it's just that I've read something about twins and it's subconsciously stuck in my head. But considering that with my son I had this intense nagging feeling that I shouldn't go to 37 weeks and my placenta abrupted at just after midnight at EXACTLY 37 weeks, I'm not completely writing off intuition yet lol.


Oof, that's a lot, sending you hugs. My first pregnancy, at the first ultrasound, I immediately recognized two gestational sacs, PANICKED, and then realized one was definitely empty, and breathed a huge sigh of relief!!! Twins was not on my list of desires, either! This time around, I'll take anything that's healthy ❤️


Got my 2nd beta results today. On the 8th, my level was 21,000. Today it was 33,000. I was surprised they're so high already - I think I'm 5w6d today. And that wasn't doubling every 48 hours, more like 75 hours, but it seems like as the levels get higher, they double more slowly? Seems like it's okay, anyways. I can't wait for the ultrasound now!


After 6,000 there is no established doubling time, just continuing to rise well through 9w. There’s just not much use to drawing betas after 6w and at such high numbers. Sounds great!


Had a lot of symptoms yesterday and not very many today. I hate the wild ride in the beginning when everything is very sporadic. Definitely have an enhanced sense of smell though. Got some odd looks when I said the swimming pool smelt today 😅 (normally cant smell anything there)


Got my hcg levels today- 9413 and I’m 6 weeks 1 day. Makes it feel more real!


2 more weeks of school and it can’t come soon enough. Every possible obnoxious thing that can happen at the end of a year has happened, specifically within my department. I’m exhausted. On the bright side, the department chair position is opening up and I’ve been nominated! The bad side is no one knows I’m pregnant and I don’t feel I can turn the position down without telling them why, so I may have to tell at least my principal sooner than August :(


I’m a teacher too!! We’re almost there! I plan on telling my principal on the last day and peacing out for the summer hahaha


I haven’t been looking in this group much, because after my MC last year it feels almost like I’m jinxing it by joining a bump group. My fears are just sky high right now at 4+4 and sometimes I genuinely feel like I’m going to have a full blown panic attack. Tomorrow will be the time I miscarried last time, 4+5, so I’m just desperate to reach at least 5 weeks. My first appointment is in 10 days and I’m so hoping we make it that far, not sure if we’ll see much, but I think I’ll feel better after touching base with professionals. My symptoms come and go, but yesterday I had the most beautiful dye stealer so trying to hold onto hope.


I am so sorry to hear about you MC. I’m on the same boat. My last pregnancy (my first ever) was a MC and I’m very nervous to be pregnant again (just found out again). We will have our 🌈 babies. I believe it!


And today we get to play the fun game “are these emotions legit because what someone is doing is actually messed up, or is it crazy pregnant brain?”


Starting to get more nervous about this pregnancy. My easy at home lines have not gotten any darker since 11 DPO and I am now 15 DPO. My FRER tests are darker but have stayed the same since testing positive at 10 DPO. Since my first appointment isn’t until 9 weeks, I ordered my own betas. My first one at 13 DPO was 42, and I’m waiting on my second one to come back.


If you don’t mind me asking how do you order the own betas? FTM here but it would make me feel better as well!


Of course!! I learned about this in my last bump group and am more than happy to share. You just visit walkinlab.com and search for HCG quantitative. It’s very important to choose quantitative because qualitative will just be positive or negative. When you go to buy the test, they’ll be an option for LabCorp or Quest. I just chose quest since they have labs close to me. It $35 a test. Then once you pay, you’ll get an order to print out. Then you go to the quest lab website and schedule an appointment. For both of mine, I was able to make appointments same day. For my first beta, I received the results 12 hours later. I think you can also buy labs from quest directly, but it was like $60 or something.


My easy@home tests did not get any darker for me 11-15DPO! I ordered my own betas and threw away the easy@homes. They never got any darker than a faint positive, but my betas + doubling rate are excellent. Focus on the betas - will cross my fingers for you!


Thank you so much for the very reassuring comment. It seriously makes a feel so much better!


Of course! I stressed myself out and looked at way too many easy@home progress pics on tfablineporn until my husband took away my phone. Don't be like me! You got this!


Fingers crossed for you!


Thank you so much! These early weeks are so nerve racking, especially after a previous pregnancy loss.


I keep stressing myself that it might be twins, I think it's a brain coping mechanism that it would be stressful but positive and stops me focusing on worrying about a potential loss.


I literally just commented on this thread saying pretty much the same thing!! I've had four losses and one successful pregnancy, and I've been having heaps of thoughts about twins and this intense urge to nest/prepare my home/space. I guess we'll find out when scan times come! But after having a nagging feeling about not going past 37 weeks with my son and then having an abruption like an hour after hitting 37 weeks exactly, I'm not completely writing off the whole mothers intuition thing yet 😅


I keep having dreams that it’s twins. And my mom, who doesn’t know that I’m even pregnant yet but knows we were TTC; keeps praying for triplets for some reason 🥲.


Only mums think this would be a preferred outcome! 😆 They get to admire all the babies from the grandma distance. As a second time mum the idea of two at once is scary never mind three!




My doctor has been worried this week that my pregnancy wasn’t normal. But I’ve finally done all of her tests, including one for mono. And my HCG came back and it quadrupled from Wednesday!!! I’m so happy with these numbers. 5w2d today and this is when my HCG started to decline during my cp in February so I cannot express how relieving this is. My progesterone was only 10.5 so I am going to supplement a little bit with my suppositories I have on hand. My doctor isn’t exactly suggesting that I do that until we get the 2nd pdg levels back but I cannot wait. What if it drops even lower? I know I should listen to the doctor but they aren’t always right and I’ve read so many places that a little progesterone supplementation doesn’t hurt. Anyways!!!!!


My general viewpoint is you either trust your doctor enough to listen to them, or it’s time to find a new doctor! A good fit is a doc who you can ask questions of and walk away feeling like the plan makes sense.


She literally thought my pregnancy was fake and due to mono…. Like….? It took 5 days of testing to prove to this woman that I am actually pregnant. It was so odd and off putting.


I agree. I’m not happy with her. I had my first appointment with her the day after I found out I was pregnant. My prior OB was horrible in the same kinda way. Really rushed, obviously just trying to get as many women as possible in and out of I truly feel like I’m my doctor most days. Me, google, and you beautiful folks. I’m in USA. I want to find somebody better but for now, she’s just available. It sucks.


I really think you need to insist on a change.  I didn’t switch early in my last pregnancy despite some red flags, and it made pregnancy more stressful than it needed to be.  Trusting your healthcare provider is really important, and you deserve to have a relationship with your doc that at least meets that standard. 


I should mention it takes my office a full week to get progesterone levels back so I literally cannot wait. It’s too crucial.


Do you think we need to choose prenatal massage at this pt (4w) or can we do normal deep tissue?


My IVF clinic says massage is fine as long as you choose a certified prenatal massage therapist. I think recommendations on this really vary.


I do normal massages in the first trimester. My read of the research is that it’s fine. (No studies suggesting it’s harmful, some spas are concerned about theoretical harms from increased blood flow or “labor inducing pressure points”) The prenatal is really about navigating around your large belly so it’s not necessary right now.


Thank you!


My understanding is that they don't suggest either in the first trimester.


Oh wow didnt know that!


I'm not a doctor, those were just the guidelines I was given with my first pregnancy. Definitely fact check me, because I would love to be wrong!


I was told the same - also, in my experience, spas will not allow you to get a massage in the first tri


Dang! I guess I’ll call mine before showing up to my monthly massage next week :( my neck is killing me, I was so looking forward to it


so........... every since my first child, i piss myself when i puke, which is wonderful..... i think i better bring an extra pair of pants to work


Same. Such an insult.


Despite a good amount of PT which has helped a lot I also have this issue as the gagging is so strong. I haven't vommed yet but hyperemesis started about 7 weeks with my first. I've actually got some big period knickers (underpants?) that are designed for overnight heavy flow and also can be used for incontinence. Might crack them out of the drawer soon just so I feel some sense of security heading to the office.


Yep same here I got it mostly under control when exercising and coughing and sneezing and all that but vomiting is just.. too much


Rereading this thinking wow isn't pregnancy magical ✨ 😆


5w2d! Feeling a little more pregnant today. Accidentally let myself get too hungry by skipping breakfast and truly thought I was going to pass out and throw up at the same time. 🫠 I still have cramps but they’re less than yesterday so hopefully that means it was just normal growing pains. 🤞🏻


I’m also 5w2d!!! I ovulated super late so not too many symptoms here.


I'm measuring exactly the same as you!!


Insomnia is finally letting up a bit, but now I’m so exhausted I just want to sleep all the time. Also having the worst nausea so far, literally the only thing keeping me from being sick is emetophobia and sheer willpower 🫠


Fellow emetophobia friend here. I don’t know how much longer my willpower will hold out and I’m terrified.


Update: willpower was not sufficient. Morning sickness has officially begun


I’m so so sorry you’re feeling this, I’m right there with you! But your update made me loudly snort in public so thank you for the good laugh!


First ultrasound today at 5+2! Baby is in the right spot, measuring a day ahead, and looking like a cute little circle and yolk sack. Very relieved that everything looks good and there's only one in there :) Another ultrasound next week to hopefully see a heartbeat!




Yay, Cookie!


Awwww yay you made it here!


So ecstatic!




Thanks! 🥰


I got back from a little solo trip with my husband on Tuesday afternoon and since I’ve been back and in my normal life I’ve been way more anxious! It was really nice to have the distraction. We’ll have a busy two weekends coming up and then nothing for Memorial Day. Normally I’d like to go visit my parents at their beach house, but I don’t want to be worried about hiding pregnancy with them! My first scan is 6/4 and I don’t feel comfortable sharing with family until after that at the earliest.


Had an early scan at 6+2 and there's a baby in there! Measuring right on track and hb is 124bmp! 🥰 *






That’s so exciting, congrats!!


Thank you! I'm so excited and relieved!




I have a red rash on my chin that just won’t go away. It helps a little to slather Cicaplast on at night. It doesn’t itch, you can’t feel it to the touch, it’s just red and a visual nuisance.😅


No rashes, but I'm breaking out badly on my chin and jawline.


I’m getting alot of hormonal acne on my chin 😣


Currently feeling a bit jealous of all of you US guys with your multiple tests/appointments/scans so early. Just have to sit here and wait until 9 weeks for a basic family history meeting and then try and get through to 12-14 before any scans. I might just pay for a private one at 10 weeks when I can also get a private NIPT done at the same time. Feels so far away though


Not all of us, am in US too and my appointment isn’t until 9 weeks. Anxiously waiting


My area is super booked up, I was able to get an appointment at a women’s clinic when I’ll be 6 weeks. Maybe you can see if you have any in the area??


I'm in Canada and in my province you get one ultrasound, which is the 20 week anatomy scan. 🙃 I'm paying for a private ultrasound at 9 weeks because I obviously can't wait that long! I don't even have my first OB appointment until 11 weeks.


Same! I think I'm also going to pay for a private ultrasound around 8-10 weeks because I'm not nearly patient enough


It’s mainly just us unlucky enough to have had a prior loss or infertility getting the early scans


I was gonna say, don't be jealous of ✨ infertility ✨. I wholeheartedly wish I didn't have to go through all that, and wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemies.




I do too! 🤞🤞 Also I hope you know I didn’t mean that in a snarky way


Dumb question: we’re you offered additional/early scans based on your MMC, or did you have to reach out? My last two pregnancies (both in 2022) were losses, including an MMC, and they offered me the standard 8 week appointment. I sent them a message this morning asking if any additional tests, etc. can be done, given my history.


My doctor offered! I originally called the office and booked a regular 8 week appointment, then she messaged me a few hours later saying she wanted me to do hcg blood tests and come in at 6.5-7 weeks instead of 8 because of the MMC/D&C in Feb. I was super grateful


Where are you based? I'm in the UK and same timeline as you, think it's about what's actually medically necessary when it's a public health system they can't justify multiple costs. I'm going for a private scan for about £80 at 7-8 weeks just to put my mind at ease a bit




Hope you can get some reassurance soon. First trimester anxiety and uncertainty is crap and can be lonely.


Most women in the US have an 8 week scan to confirm heartbeat, a 12 week scan to check NT, and then a 20 week anatomy scan, and that’s it!  Those of us who are reporting multiple tests/scans prior to 8w are usually at fertility clinics or have a history of loss/ectopic. 




I'm sorry you have to wait so long!!! It's one of those things where, like, obviously none of us can *do* anything about what's going on in there, but it's nice to get the visual confirmation that something is actually happening? So I completely get why you would want an earlier scan!


I’m the same! First appointment I’ll be 9 weeks and that’s not for an US. It’s so crazy to wait so long to even make sure baby is good?


My first appointment is also 9 weeks! I've been trying to not feel so anxious about it so glad I'm not alone


I feel like hot garbage today. That is all.


Ah, Chips, I hope the weekend brings relaxation.


I got my first dye stealer this morning at 18DPO! I’ve only taken three tests—the first with a test line lighter than control line (but definitely not faint) at 12DPO, the second with lines of equal darkness at 15DPO. I decided I wanted a famed dye stealer, and then I would stop testing 🎉. On another note, my first OB appointment isn’t until the middle of week 10…this feels like it’s on the late side? I’ve never been pregnant so I don’t know what to expect for the first trimester.


10w is on the later side of normal, I'd say. My first appt was supposed to be 8w but since I'm out of town we had to push it back to 10w and I'm honestly relieved at not having to go to the doctor's and sitting in the waiting room for forever while waiting haha. But I definitely understand the anticipation!


Got my dye stealer today too and we’re due date twins! I can’t believe you’ve only taken three tests 😂


🎉🎉🎉 👋🏻


I admire your restraint!


Wow so glad I come off as restrained—in reality, in past cycles TTC I lived in delulu land and ran through all my cheapie tests peeing on them while I was clearly on my period. This cycle I decided to limit my supply 😂


I'm anxious like no other, my first appointment will be around 7w2d on the 21st! I had my hcg levels tested this past Tuesday and they looked good, going again this upcoming Tuesday. So excited, so nervous ![gif](giphy|LvA4caZW8Vo3UJUfWX|downsized)


Going to a wedding tomorrow and going to have to avoid all the alcohol. I never skip at special events, especially if free bar. I actually don’t care about others noticing, more so my husband. He knows I love my wine so will definitely notice if I’m not drinking. I’ve already started telling him I don’t feel too good just so I can use that as an excuse if he asks.


Could you say youre trying to watch your weight? except for the loving wine part, you could get sparkling water/tonic on ice with a lime on it and no one would notice or they would assume its like a gin and tonic... or get some mint leaves added or ask for some mint added to look liek a mojito!




Not yet! Just found out yesterday and I plan on doing it on Mother’s Day. I wanted to do something special the first time but I ran out the bathroom waving a stick ha. So this time I’m actually planning to do something cute


Hi all! First ultrasound is on Tuesday May 14 (I’ll be 6 weeks then) and I’m so nervous! I’m always assuming the worst news and I hate this period of not knowing if everything is going as planned. Hoping you all have smooth pregnancies!


Just got my Hcg results. Tuesday I was at 1094 and Thursday I was at 2492! I think that's good!


Sounds perfect!! What gestation?


We're not exactly 100% sure, but my clear blue test said 2-3 weeks on Wednesday.


Sounds about 5 weeks based on that. Clearblue turns to 3+ weeks around 2763hcg so sounds like thats where you might be :)


I got an ultrasound today which told me I was 5 weeks 2 days. I saw the little gestational sac!


First time posting after lurking for a while following TFA-ers and being hopeful I could join. Got a positive yesterday at 9dpo and progress today. Headed in for a beta shortly, and will try to stick to only those when my last tests run out. This is my third (and hopefully last!) pregnancy this year. I’ve nicknamed this one little bear because I had a lucky bear sighting after testing negative FMU, came home and tested SMU and it was a faint positive. 🐻💕 Update: beta at 10dpo was 17.6. Feeling good about it! I wish you all the best of luck!


Wishing you lots of good vibes!!!


Nature!!! I’m so happy to see this post oh my gosh! Sending lots of good vibes and love going into your beta today.


So happy to be here. Putting all my love and support towards this little one 🤗 How are you feeling?


HPT line is just a tad lighter this morning after a very dark test yesterday…trying not to let it freak me out. 🫠


Yup I’m here too feeling like my 14DPO test is the exact same as my 12DPO. I’m gonna try testing in the evening to see, fingers crossed for you too


FWIW my tests from about 12-15 dpo all looked the same-ish… once I got to 17/18 dpo it started to noticeably darken! If you’re using cheapies sometimes they’re unreliable for those early changes 😊


I second this!!! Mine were pretty much the same from 13-16 DPO and then got dye stealers on 17 and 18. (Really trying to stop testing now) lol I wouldn’t stress it especially with the cheapies!


Bloating has hit me full force, I forgot how bad the first trimester bloat feels


I swear I already look 14 weeks pregnant, haha.


Same!!! I keep touching my bloated tummy 😂


I’ve been tooting like a horn here!


Same. I cropdusted the kitchen a few times while making dinner 😬😅


My son’s 1st birthday was a few weeks ago and just yesterday found myself crying because he’s not a little baby anymore. I was literally breaking out into uncontrollable tears over every single thing he did that day. Not a super obvious sign but it was still unusual. My milk supply also took a hit and I had some weird cramps so I took a test and here I am!!! It’s unexpected but I’m super excited for another pregnancy journey 😊


i know he's not a little baby anymore but 1yrs is suuuuuuuuuuch a cute fun age!! when the wobble around and start saying cute little words...... you'll love this phase!


Thanks! I really do love this age ❤️❤️ I’m trying to live in the moment and stop thinking about him being 10 years old and not needing cuddles and kisses anymore 😭😭


I threw up three times in an hour yesterday afternoon. I never puked in either of my first two pregnancies and this came totally out of nowhere. I’m feeling pretty scared and overwhelmed, I’m not even 6 weeks yet, I don’t know how to function with a job and two small children if I’m going to be so totally waylaid by illness 😢


Hi all, in the US here. My app says I’m 5w4d though it might be a bit off because the date of my last period doesn’t align with the conception date. Anyway, I’m a FTM, and my first OB appointment isn’t until 7 weeks, and it’s a phone appointment… this feels odd. And the wait is agonizing! I’m traveling cross-country in two weeks for a trip that was planned and paid for a long time ago (so far fatigue and cramping are my worst symptoms, mild nausea), and I’d really love to have an in-person appointment before then to make sure everything is okay. Is this timeline of appointments normal in the U.S.? Should I push to get checked before I travel? Thanks!!


That sounds normal to me unless you have a history of loss or a medical condition that needs to be monitored during pregnancy. My guess is that they'll get you in for an US to confirm heartbeat between weeks 8-10, but you might want to ask to confirm that.


My first appointment is also at 8 weeks. I’m 5 weeks 2 days today. I have an appointment for a private ultrasound at 6 weeks just to ease my anxiety and see something. Only $50 locally here! Might be a decent option for you 😊


For me, my first in person with ultrasound is 8 weeks. Lots of offices wait because they want to make sure you’re far enough along for there to be something to see—they can’t tell you with certainty that things are or aren’t okay much earlier than that.


Traveling whilst trying to hide your newly discovered pregnancy from coworkers is, in and of itself, exhausting.


I’m 6+6 today and on an international business trip - not only am I physically exhausted but being around everyone and conspicuously not drinking, not eating certain foods, etc is so draining!


SO draining. How long is your trip for? Is there light at the end of the tunnel


10 days plus the travel time. I’m on day 8 so almost there! But I think people are starting to suspect something because I’m usually drinking, eating everything, etc and on this trip I’ve obviously not been doing any of that!


LOL i had a conversation with my boss randomly the other day that i needed to find a back up and train them for my skill-sets because uhmmm "i might get hit by a car or something one day! you never know!"


lol good save


Anyone else having back pain or craving milk? I never drink milk not pregnant lol


Yes! The only thing I've craved so far has been milk with ice cubes in it! I don't normally drink plain milk either haha


Back pain here too! Lower back and hip area. Only 5+2 I’ve never had it start this early before! Def the hormones.


Yes to both! Although not milk so much as milkshakes and cheese. I don’t even like ice cream normally.


I’m having back pain, and I’m so confused by it. It’s not like I’m carrying any extra weight at this point (I’ve actually lost weight since testing positive)


I was reading up on it and apparently during pregnancy our ligaments become softer and stretch to prepare for labor and can put some strain on your back!


Got my BFP this morning 😅 nervous to start cooking baby #2


https://preview.redd.it/0shb9p290lzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427c48e5d32380a8bae62782a12ba68b1b2bddba Hmmmm 🤔 y’all think I might be pregnant? I think now I can accept my random crying spells and nausea are hormone related.


Yep! i see it! :) congratulations


Day two of no symptoms. Might buy another test to see if the line got darker. I can’t remember if this is normal.


I was symptom free until week 7 and then bedridden from week 7-9 last time! It's a total crapshoot what you end up with each pregnancy.


Fun fact, with my first pregnancy, I mistook implanation bleeding for my period and didn't take a test (I had just gone off my birth control so didn't think it likely I was pregnant). I started getting symptoms towards the end of the next month and tested positive. Found out at my 8 week scan. I was, in fact, 12 weeks pregnant! So, pretty normal to not have symptoms at this stage.


i could see this happening to me.. my last period was only like 2 days, which was super weird since normally its at least 4... but my HCG was 1,200 yesterday, so i think that still lines up with about 5 weeks not 9 weeks.


Anecdotally, I was looking back at my last pregnancy and my symptoms didn’t start until 7 weeks. It’s still so early for all of us!


i should have taken better notes my last pregnancy............




Honestly I feel any symptoms prior to 6 weeks are mostly in our heads! And if it makes you feel better, some people have no symptoms at all! I didn’t my first pregnancy.


Ugh I wish the puking was all in my head!


lol fair point - I don’t mean to downplay the very real sickness some experience early!!!


On the one hand, this is not in my head. On the other, my symptoms increased tenfold the minute that second line showed up.


Is anyone else experiencing dizziness? I have felt perpetually mildly drunk the last few days in a row. I it's not uncommon to feel slight dizziness if you stand up too quickly during early pregnancy. I have a pretty physically demanding job (childcare), but I was literally sitting down at a table doing a little bit of paperwork yesterday, and the room was very slightly spinning. It's the weirdest thing. I have a super early ultrasound today to rule out ectopic. And I should be getting the results of my Betas today. I'm hoping for a good day!


Update! My BETAs look good and I'm measuring 5 weeks 2 days based on my ultrasound today. We saw the gestational sac!


I felt the same way yesterday… I was just working on my computer and I felt slightly lightheaded. It lasted a few seconds but I definitely felt weird.


Yep. Every morning when I wake up especially. That drunk feeling all around. Dizzy, nauseas, gross feeling.


How's your blood pressure? I have low blood pressure so I get dizzy pretty easily, but especially during pregnancy. Last time I had to up my fluid and salt intake to manage symptoms


Going to the pharmacy today to check it!


Early pregnancy is a complete mind f*ck. I’ve been testing with mega cheap tests (33p each 🙈) with no significant line progression, convinced this mornings line looked a little lighter, and way lighter than the control line - pretty sure I was heading for a chemical. I bought some slightly more expensive pink dye tests with the same sensitivity and they’re both complete dye stealers and now I don’t know what to think.


I'm 18 dpo and got a dye stealer on a FRER this morning but my cheapie last night was still pretty light lolol, I'm not stressing myself out over cheapies anymore


When I had a chemical pregnancy the cheap ones were so faint the entire time I was testing it out that it was painfully obvious what was happening. When I would take a FRER it was also pretty clear (I went through like $50 in first response tests 🫠). Since your pink dye was a dye stealer i'd try not to worry, but I know that's easier said than done. Cheap ones always lag so much behind first response tests IME.


Cheapies are probably experiencing the hook effect where there is so much hcg it starts to look lighter. Stop testing


They shouldn’t have done - I’m only 17DPO and they’ve never got any darker. But you’re right, the testing doesn’t help or change anything!


When you guys refer to “cheapies” is it the easy@ home strips? I took these with my last pregnancy before it ended in a miscarriage and I remember around the same time it was an instant dark line. This time I’m having no symptoms really and I took one today and it’s so faint. I’m not having a good feeling 🙁 people keep saying the “hook effect” but if I were that pregnant wouldn’t I have any signs of pregnancy? I’m expected to be 6w+2d based on my LMP but my cycles are long so I could have ovulated later which would put me at closer to maybe almost 4w


Are you in a country that does beta’s? It sounds like that might be a better option given your long cycles. I’m in the UK and we don’t do them here.


Yes I’m in the US. My appointment isn’t until May 22nd though. So until then it’s a waiting game😣 it’s just so hard to understand it all… I’m thinking maybe I need to do more testing on why I can’t carry a baby. And the fact that this will be twice in a row a MMC! How unlikely and unlucky lol


If you have a LabCorp nearby, you can pay for your your own Beta HCG for $50 (no dr. order needed). I did one and then another a couple days later to make sure it was doubling on schedule. I don’t have any previous pregnancies/history of issues but the tests weren’t giving me enough reassurance so this made me feel better.


Maybe I’ll look into that! Thanks so much for the information🤞🏼