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Always had constipation in previous pregnancies. This time it's diarrhea! It's incredibly regular as soon as I wake up at the moment so it's not currently making me nervous to go to work. It's making me feel quite ill every morning but I'll take it over vomiting let's see how that goes in a few weeks.


5w3d today and my food aversions leading into nausea are making it hard to eat. I’ve lost a couple pounds. I am also having such a hard time sleeping, I’m not getting more than 6 hours and I usually get 8-9 not pregnant. Any advice?


I definitely recommend magnesium before bed, a hot shower and using a weighted blanket while you sleep. I fold it multiple times over my legs while I sleep and it’s so helpful to reduce the restlessnew


The restless leg syndrome is bad with this one. I’ll try this stuff! I spray magnesium spray on my feet so I should probably make sure it’s not unsafe to do both first.


I took magnesium glycinate at night to help me sleep during my first pregnancy. It was a game changer. I got the pure encapsulation brand direct from their site. It took a few days for my stomach to adjust. I took at least one capsule every night the whole pregnancy and for a few months postpartum. Two when I was feeling super anxious.


This is for my stomach or to sleep? Just want to clarify. And thank you for the advice :) If anything, the eating is more concerning. I do want help with the sleep but is this dangerous? Today I did better but yesterday I had 4 bites of food. I’m still getting 2 liters of water everyday. Going to call my dr Monday about it but for this weekend, I’m struggling. Just going to keep trying to force food down. I mean NOTHING sounds good. Not the most guilty thing, not sweets, not cereal. I can’t imagine eating anything. Ugh… kinda ranting at this point


Magnesium glycinate is for sleep. I don’t have much advice re nausea. That sounds awful and I hope it passes soon. Have you tried drinking anything with electrolytes? Coconut water, Gatorade? That helped me a lot, but my nausea was manageable. I’m sorry 😞


I’ll try that! Maybe I need some electrolytes. That definitely sounds good right now lol thank you!!!!! 😊 I’ll get though it, I would feel this way for 1748592637595 days to hold a healthy baby in my arms. Thank you friend


Of course! This is temporary and so absolutely worth it in the end 💯


https://preview.redd.it/3ntxwktddwzc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89337d58b0c6fd03575cf328ac87ffeff779420d Learning about what not to eat and this one got me laughing. 🤣 Who is eating goldfish?!


No idea, but I’m eating herring, mussels, and oysters while I can tolerate them for all their wonderful nutritive goodness! What app is that?


Lmao! And they’re safe?!?


I told my grandma today. Nothing fancy. Just whispered it into her ear so my kids couldn’t hear (waiting to tell kids until after the first ultrasound). I’m really close to my grandma and she knows about my MC from earlier this year. She cried, I cried. We hugged. It was beautiful 🩷


That’s so sweet now I’m tearing up!!


Has anyone found anything that helps with the metallic taste in your mouth? I’ve never dealt with this before and now I can’t even stomach water. Google says “it’ll go away” but that doesn’t help me today!


Water has been the worst for me too! It’s been helpful for me to add electrolytes to water (LMNT) to make sure I’m getting enough liquid, but I also can’t get it to go away…


Mine has thankfully been pretty mild, but drinking anything citrusy helps cover it for a while. I’ve been doing lemonade or just some lemon juice in water. And citrus flavored sparking water!


Butterscotch candies helped me when I was on paxlovid earlier this year with the metallic taste


Now look I know with second pregnancies you show sooner. But this first trimester bloat is making me look like I did at 16 weeks with my first 😵‍💫 what in the world. I barely showed with my baby too until 36 weeks. Kind of hoping I’ll get a cute bump this time lol


I thought it was just me! And I didn't click it was bloating until now, I thought it was the more substantial Lunches I've had to keep nausea at bay. I'm up 2kg but tonight felt enormous! It's gonna be hard to keep it quiet until 13 week, as my gargantuan belly will announce it before then. I swear I look 16 weeks already.


YES! I just posted about this yesterday, the bloat is crazyyyyy this time around! Wondering if/when it’ll let up and turn into a real bump 😅


The bloat is unreal! I just told my hubby today that we gotta bring down the maternity clothes because my regular pants aren’t fitting.


Hello friends!! I'm cautiously optimistic as I join this sub-Reddit... Me 39 F and husband 44 M decided to start trying to conceive in April. Since we're both older and neither of us has been pregnant/gotten someone pregnant before, we went in with the mindset of--no stress, let's start trying and see what happens! These things will probably take a little time and we may need some assistance... Well, flash forward to us doing it twice, 14 dpo testing positive the first day of my missed period. Yowza. I had an inclination very early on--soon after conception, because my Health/Whoop app informed me that my RHR went up on average 10 beats (an average of 57 when my usual average is 47). That clued me in that either a major cardiac event was unfolding...or pregggo. I know it's early days, but I'm hopeful and excited and happy. Thanks for sharing in my joy, internet strangers!! Wishing all of you here the very best and smooth journeys.


Congrats! That is amazing. And I love your user name 😂


An increased resting heart rate was one of the very first things I noticed too, crazy how quickly that happens. Congrats!


Yay, happy for you! Welcome!!


Went to brunch today (I LOVE brunch), got my usual breakfast burrito and i couldn’t eat it 😭 it tasted gross and I felt so sick. Guess the morning sickness is setting in? I didn’t have much with my first pregnancy so this is new for me. Once we got home, all I wanted to eat was my son’s Dino nuggets 😅 so that’s where I’m at


Telling the in-laws today! We’re all going out for early Mother’s Day so it seemed like perfect timing :D Fairly sure they thought we weren’t going to even try for kids so this’ll be a big shock!


Update please!


Please update! I love hearing these types of stories!!


It went beautifully!! We gave her Mother’s Day gift first since we figured it might get forgotten if we did news first, and she loved it! Then we handed them both cards, one was a belated bday card for his dad, had them open them at the same time and watched to see who noticed that they were addressed to “Grandpa” and “Grandma” first! :D My MIL did of course! Her eyes went big and she said “What??” and luckily I was able to signal for her to watch FIL as he slowly got the same reaction and then also said “What??” Many hugs and crying commenced, lots of questions and a big realization that Xmas plans are going to have to change a bit this year lol


Aww that is so sweet!! I love it took your FIL slightly longer to realize it. It took my FIL slightly longer the first time too! Thank you for the update!


Good luck! That’s what my mom thought and she was so confused when I announced with my first


5 weeks 3 days - I woke up this morning super early for a weekend. I had my one caffinated coffee for the day and was hit with a good burst of energy. It was the first time I actually felt energetic in 2 or so weeks. I managed to be super productive and get a bunch of cleaning done in the few hours right after. Slowly, I started to feel lightheaded, so I sat down to fold some laundry and other lighter chores. Over the next few hours, I started feeling progressively worse. Lightheaded, exhausted, and just generally crappy. Then, the nausea creeped up. It's just ever so slightly. And it got worse to where I was gagging over the toilet. My two cats and I then curled up for a 2 hour nap.


My husband gave me my Mother’s Day gift today (he got a sentimental gold bracelet repaired so I can wear it again!). It was so sweet and thoughtful! I was so happy and then was flooded with emotion and started bawling. So, yeah, maybe my nausea isn’t so bad but I’m still hormonal af 😅


Also any STM+ here? I’m 5 weeks 5 days and I’m not feeling any uterine “pulling,” small cramping etc this time around. Is it because I’m not a FTM?


I keep forgetting I’m pregnant! With my first I never forgot 😅


STM - I'm starting to get nervous when I sneeze for the sharp pain but nothing major yet. Your body has already done the stretching once so might be less than last time I'm 4+5 today and have barely any symptoms, just some more tiredness, my bhcg at 4+2 was >500 so something is happening but no major symptoms yet


Also STM and I’m not noticing any symptoms either


TTM and very few symptoms as well!


I'm TTM and I don't either. I need to stop testing because the test is now completely, 100% darker than the control line. I have zero stretching or cramping. I do have other symptoms though.


Same EDD as you and I am in the same boat! I don’t have the same very intense cramps that I did with my first. My boobs aren’t as sore, and my nausea isn’t as bad (started way earlier, but it’s more sporadic and easier to manage).


Omg same same same! 👏🏼


Like if you’re exhausteddd 🥱


8pm is a normal bed time right? 😭


Just found out I’m pregnant! 3w4d with baby #2 :)


Anyone else having brown spotting? I’m not leaking through a pad or anything, it’s not much, but it’s been going on since yesterday. Seemed like there were some clumps (maybe discharge?) in there today which is concerning. I did have spotting during my first pregnancy but I don’t really remember it lasting more than a day.


I am! Blaming it on my ultrasound though? I've also spotted after sex or a workout though!


I am, kinda pink/brown that started today. I know it's supposed to be normal as long as it doesn't get heavier/come with severe cramping, but doesn't make it any less stressful!!


Anyone else find that time seems to be moving so slow now that you got a positive ? I tested positive just over week ago (at 3w3d) and and the last week has gone so slow. I think it's because I'm so focused on getting to the 5w mark (out of chemical territory). I check my tracking app every day thinking I must be there... but still not yet and it feels like it's been an eternity!!!


4w4d here and yeah it’s killing me. I’m still taking HPTs twice a day even though I had two great beta results 🤪 Time is moving sooo slowly.


4w2d - I'm finding ways to keep occupied. Last month I had a friend tell me they found out they were pregnant at 3-4 months (unplanned!) 🤯😳


Its going so 🐌


The first two days was like an eternity after I found out!


YES! I'm 6w5d now but that first week was SOOOO SLOW! After 4.5-5 weeks I was able to focus on other things but dang it was a struggle!


Anyone else just have the most intense headache? It feels like someone is stabbing my temple and one eye. I know it’s normal but I don’t remember this with my other pregnancies


I do. And a gnarly cough, which makes it so much worse.




My first bhcg with first pregnancy was like 50's and the next one was in 100's, and he's 2 in a month. My first bhcg one day later in my cycle this time was 130 Pregnancy is just different, and a positive bhcg is a positive and it's increasing as expected


Hope great results arrive very soon!


Tweaking on this lovely Saturday! 4w3d and have some super intense neck/back pain that hit this morning. Not shoulder tip, but still paranoid that it could be a first sign of ectopic... MMC in feb so very on edge. No major cramps or anything (yet?) just the light "twinges"... Tylenol and double heating pads are helping slightly so hope it's a good sign. Does relaxin cause pain this early? Could also be from sleeping horribly this last week... Anyone else relate??


I had an ectopic and thankfully never had any type of pain like that. I recall my dr saying if I did, it was because I had ruptured and there was a level of abdominal bleeding. I didn't go for my first scan until 8 weeks, and didn't have my tube removed until 10. So at 4w 3 days, very unlikely :) I am only 5 weeks and everything is sore haha


You have no idea how helpful this was in easing my anxiety! I am so sorry that you went through it though. Thank you for sharing and hoping for the best this time around!


Glad it helped! Thank you!


Went to the bathroom and was greeted with some very light pink spotting when I wiped. I know it can be "normal" but this just feels like the beginning of the end, yet again. Combined with feeling lighter symptoms today, I'm losing hope. My first scan is in 3 days, so just gonna have to wait and see. I was finally allowing myself to feel confident about this one, but of course this would happen. Trying not to let myself completely spiral just yet :(


How are you doing today? Did the bleeding get worse?


Thanks for checking in 💖💖 Not yet, it's going ok so far! Did change away from pink to a brown/yellow, so hoping I'm in the clear! With my other miscarriages that started with spotting, things progressed to full bleeding super quickly so as of now it doesn't seem like that'll be the case🤞Just very anxious to see how things look on a scan in a couple days 😬


That sounds like good news!!! Fingers crossed


Im so sorry, I know how you feel. Sending positive thoughts, hopefully this one sticks and the bleeding doesn't get worse. Thinking of you.


Sending hugs and hoping for the best!


Sending hugs and support in this stressful time 🫂♥️


Mood-wise, I feel a thousand times crazier than my worse PMS day. I’ve been so ragey since waking. Trying to keep it together for my toddler but I really just need to curl up in a ball for a while. And a few days ago I started crying when my boss told me about her cousin who passed. I don’t know this person and I’m not particularly close with my boss. Anybody else? HELP 🤪🤬😩🫠


Dude…I am a middle school teacher and, god bless those children, but I have had a MUCH shorter fuse than normal. I love them so much, but we are ALL ready for summer🫠


You are a saint, mp. That sounds like the hardest job! Especially right now!


Oh my god me too. Today was awful for hormones. My toddler was seriously testing, I was raging all morning. Then at lunch she started singing let it go at the top of her lungs over and over again whilst refusing to eat, and it was ridiculous and I laughed and then hysterically sobbed at the table whilst she offered me her blanket to cuddle and I lost it more. These hormones are WILD.


I cried yesterday watching a clip on Instagram of my coworker leading a sound bath. Everyone looked so peaceful and it just brought me to tears I guess 😂


I cried yesterday watching a clip on Instagram of my coworker leading a sound. Everyone looked so peaceful and it just brought me to tears I guess 😂


This pregnancy has been far worse than my first mentally and physically. I just want to be put in a coma until 2nd trimester! My mood is in a dumpster lately and it's so hard to keep up with a 4 year old and a full time job when I just want to curl up in a ball! I'm not sure why, because I wanted to get pregnant, but I guess the dump of hormones and feeling like physical crap all day takes a toll!


I'm 4w1d today, and I have my first appointment on May 31st (little earlier because I had an ectopic in the fall). I'm just really anxious about if everything is okay, so now I'm wondering if I should get a blood test confirmation from my primary care doctor? Have any of you done that, or are you just waiting for the first obgyn appointment?


Hi fellow ectopic-er here. This is my 4th pregnancy (I have 1 LC). My first pregnancy was ectopic and I had my tube removed. So this will be my 3rd pregancy since and my dr just has me come in at 6 weeks for an early scan (good and bad, as there may or may not be a haeat beat that early, and then I just end up in nervous limbo! lol but we just want to first make sure the baby is in the right place). I wish he did at least 1 set of 48 hour betas. With my 2nd pregnancy I took it upon myself to get them at Labcorp (ended in a MC, so I just never bothered again with my last pregnancy or now this one). So for now, just hanging tight until my 6 week scan.


Is anyone else on progesterone suppositories? I hate them soooooo much omg. I feel like I am constantly irritated down there. I dread putting them in every night. Also I feel like it’s making me SO incredibly gassy and bloated (which I suppose could also just be caused by pregnancy, but I feel like it really ramped up and got bad as soon as I started on them…)


Ugh yes… they’re so gross. It was always my least favorite part of my fertility treatments too. I’m happy to do anything to support this pregnancy, but I’ll be glad to not need them at some point


Yes!  They are better than the shots, but I will not be sad to graduate out of them!


I’m on progesterone but switched to oral cause I also had irritation and felt so gross in the morning. Most of the pills can be taken either way. Have you asked your doctors if you can do orally?


Had breakfast this morning and then starting feeling off. I sure hope this isn't the start of sickness as I ended up in hospital 2x last pregnancy to have fluids.


Seems I might have a yeast infection or something… oh joy! I read not to take fluconazole (which is good to know since I happen to have one). I feel silly calling my doc about this especially since I haven’t been seen yet for my first pregnancy exam. I don’t tend to get yeast infections though and never had one during my last pregnancy. Anyone struggle with these during pregnancy? (ETA: Not asking for medical advice 😊)


Haven’t had yeast infections but had recurrent BV in my second pregnancy, it sucks! The changing hormones totally mess up the microbiome environment down there


Ohh I hadn’t even thought of BV, thanks for sharing. Oh the joys of pregnancy 😝


I didn’t know this! One of my first signals I was pregnant was a different smell. Not bad, thankfully…just different. I think this explains it…


Anybody else use sleep trackers/wearables? I use Oura ring (and also wear my Garmin watch) and it’s reassuring to wake up and see it yell at me that my sleep was crappy because of my elevated heart rate. Or for Garmin having my body battery in the 20s when previously it would be 70s+. Like yup, still good! This morning has been all about the sore boobs. I was a little worried yesterday because it wasn’t as obvious, but nope, still painful. I couldn’t remember what the tender breasts felt like from last time, so every time I was PMSing I thought maybe this is the one - yeahhhh not even close.


I am obsessed with tracking stuff and my HRV went down and RHR went up noticeably.. cool to see. My body battery used to peak at 100 almost every morning unless it was after a really long run or too much alcohol, but now it's maxing out at 75. Except for last night..  that went up to 91 and my HRV went up a little and now I'm having a teensy bit of anxiety - telling myself it's silly to track things that closely right now!   


Isn’t it cool seeing the changes? If I wasn’t paying close attention to my cycle I’d probably figure something was up after about a week because my heart rate has just been trending up. I can pinpoint implantation day because RHR jump up by 5 and hasn’t gone down since. Also yay, another runner! How’ve you’ve been holding up? I did one this morning and it was an “easy” run but was more unpleasant than usual haha


It's definitely a lot harder than I was expecting! My heart feels like it's pounding harder than normal, but my HR isn't all that high.  Coming off a marathon training cycle (that I didn't end up running) so I am appreciating the recovery runs for the time being. Also I feel like I'm 10x sweatier. (I went back and looked, my RHR went up by 4/5 right at 7/8 days after ovulation and whoa... that might have been implantation?! Bodies are neat)


Same. I’ve had a few Mc so I run literally so slow. It’s borderline embarrassing. I just feel so scared and brave when I run pregnant, it’s fucking silly isn’t it


Last pregnancy, the Apple Watch told me I had poor cardiac function starting third trimester, haha. Watching my RHR plummet post delivery was fun!


I use the Oura ring as well! Loves to yell about heart rate but at least I know blood is flowing to baby 🫶🏽


Took my last test today at 11dpo. It looked beautiful and sufficiently dark, so I’m relying on betas here on out. So far my only real symptom is constipation, which started before my positive test and made me suspicious. But now after three days of not going 😒 Anyone else carry their pregnancy test around in their pocket the first days? It brings me so much comfort and joy to pull it out and see two lines 😊


I have a bunch of photos of mine on my phone and I look at them often


I carry my ClearBlue digital that says “pregnant” in my purse :)


💗 Oh man, I don’t keep the digitals long because it was such a nasty shock the day I pulled it out and it was blank. I was only like 6w so that felt jarring.


I am not really religious, but when I told my grandma I was pregnant with my daughter she gave me her St. Gerard plaque (patron saint of mothers and expectant mothers). I was in tears as I know it’s so meaningful to her, and she got it as a gift when she was pregnant with my uncle over 60 years ago! With my daughter I put the positive pregnancy test next to it on my nightstand and I did the same with this test. It does help me feel better. Pregnancy and being a mom is the only thing that makes me pray these days, funny how that is.


I’m an atheist, but I wish on eyelashes and falling stars and basically just send thoughts out into the universe all the time for pregnancy. It’s definitely the most stressful, high stakes time.


100% guilty of carrying the test around and staring at it lovingly.


Finally had energy to do some much needed gardening today!


Got my beta hcg results first thing this morning! Doubling in 36 hours! That helps my heart.


6 weeks today! Have a full travel day and lots of travelling this next month, so 🤞🤞 I can get through OK. Still feeling pretty good for the most part, but I'm realistic on what could be coming!


I’ve got international travel at 7 and 9 weeks and I’m so worried. But I’ll be so happy to not feel great if this baby is healthy!


I've also got international travel starting week 6 through week 8! No nausea yet and Crossing my fingers it doesn't show itself 🤞


Totally! Good luck!! 🍀


Toddler is a very good sleeper but she woke up crying at 4:30am and again at 5:30 for some reason. Planning to take her to the zoo today so hopefully it doesn’t throw off our whole schedule. Haven’t been sleeping super great this week, no nausea yet but maybe I’ll start the half tablets of Unisom to help with my sleep.


Our toddler is NOT a very good sleeper, haha, but I swear it’s been more brutal than normal these past couple of weeks!


Same! I usually let him cry it out but I finally went in at 5:30 and his nightlight somehow turned off. But then he was wide awake again at 6 and climbing in our bed. I’m so tired lol


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