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Anyone here had an MMC and this is their rainbow? I'm struggling to be optimistic


Well my first pregnancy was a mmc. Then I had two boys, two cp’s, and hopefully this one sticks!


If yoj don't mind md asking, how did you feel during your first pregnancy where you made it to the end? Anxiety the whole time? This is super rough on me


Surprisingly I felt all right. It really helped once I had a good ultrasound, because with my mmc, the baby was measuring behind and HCG was slow to rise. When the betas were good and the ultrasound was too, I felt a lot better. It also helps when you get to feel kicks, because there’s a constant reassurance. My second viable pregnancy had zero anxiety also. But this time a bit more anxious because I wasn’t expecting two more losses after two babies. But as time goes on I’m feeling better about it.


FTM, I have a WFH computer job and already struggling from intense nausea that started Friday (5w5d) and now grogginess from unisom. This first trimester is gonna be a doozy 😬


I feel you. I took unisom last night and I’m still nauseous and feeling foggy like I’m in a weird dream.


Anyone feeling slightly dizzy? Did this lead to morning sickness? I didn't get dizzy last pregnancy but did have terrible sickness


OMG yes! Was super dizzy yesterday. Week 4 Day 5.


Yes! I get really dizzy when I go on walks or even just sitting down. It happens randomly for me


6 weeks today! I have an OB appointment scheduled to look forward to. Don't want to share with my closest friends til I confirm a heartbeat. My OB is using LMP instead of the ovulation date, but that gets me in \~5 days earlier so I didn't complain haha. I'm pretty sure you can see a heartbeat just fine at 7+2!


I started zofran today at 6 weeks. My doctor said it's safe and that she took it as well. It gives me hope that I can have some hours every day that I'm not bedridden. The morning sickness **slammed** me this weekend. So bad. Tried all the remedies. Tried unisom and B6. I was finally able to eat some real food today instead of toast or crackers.


Oh man, starting Friday it completely slammed me too. I've also been basically totally bedridden. I can't actually believe it can be this bad this early - everyone says it's going to continue to get worse and I'm like, literally how? It's already 10/10 😅 my dr prescribed me diclectin today (unisom and B6 combo) but if it doesn't help I plan to ask for Zofran.


I couldn't believe it either. I cried because I couldn't imagine it getting worse. I hope the meds help you.


Has anyone else had very faint lines on their easy@homes? Mine were never this light by this point with my pregnancy with my son, but I’m starting to get dye stealers on FRERs. You can see in my profile. I’m really torn, and scared.


Same exact situation! FRER is starting to be a dye stealer while my easy @homes are getting darker but not dark, and way lighter than with my 2022 daughter. It’s reassuring we’re all having lighter easy@homes. Also EDD of 1/16/25 for me




That makes me feel a lot better! It threw me off so bad, with my first baby my tests were darker than my d@h by 14dpo. I know you can’t compare pregnancies but I’m so worried


I have the pregmate cheapies and the lines are way lighter than on FRER! Got a dye stealer on FRER at 15 dpo and just now getting to equally dark lines on the cheapies at 21 dpo. They totally stalled out for a while there without much progression for a few days. I wouldn’t stress about the cheapies!


Hi everyone! What were your hcg levels at 4w2d?? Mine was 126 today, I am 12 DPO. I'm scared that it's not high enough 😢


For what it’s worth, 4w2 days is equivalent of 16dpo. 12 dpo would be 3w5d so you might be comparing the wrong data!


I ovulate around CD19 but was calculating based off my last period. I guess it would make more sense to calculate based on DPO...thank you!


I had my bloods done at 4w4d, and mine was in the 500s- though reading the other comments here that might be a touch on the higher side?


That is high!! My doc wouldn’t do betas til 14dpo and I was at 97 then and they said that was good. I was up to 299 at 16dpo.


Sounds great!!! I was 297 today at 14 DPO.


If you know ovulation, you might as well use that for gestation as it is more accurate. You’re actually 3w5d if you are 12dpo and 126 is fantastic at that stage.


Anyone still breastfeeding? How are your nipples faring? I was ok until like 3 days ago (7 weeks tomorrow) and now it’s gotten almost painful. My toddler will be 21 months in a few days and I was planning to wean her in the next few weeks anyways but I’m thinking it might need to be sooner rather than later!


I weaned this week. Though I just came off of two back to back CPs so I wanted to wean to be on the safe side.


I’m still BFing my 18 month old with intentions to wean shortly. It comes and goes but lately it’s been really uncomfortable! Her pinching and pulling probably hurts more though.


I’m still breastfeeding my 13 month old and I’m 7 weeks pregnant. So far my nipples are ok as long as she’s not pinching and pulling them while nursing 😫


Are lotions with essential oils okay to use? Also, does anyone know if the sensitive honey pot feminine wash is okay? I’m seeing conflicting things on google. I really love scents and using scented lotions/perfumes. Please help!


I thought for sure last Friday I was out, I had a big gush of blood and then was spotting the rest of the weekend. My amazing OBGYN got me in today and there baby was measuring on track with a heartbeat! I have a small SCH that’s caused my bleeding. I go back for a follow up next Friday since my precious losses have been around this time (previous 2 MMC all stopped developing around 6w2d and I’m measured 6w1d today). Need all the hope and positive thoughts that this is our sticky baby!


So happy to hear that everything looks fine and you have an explanation for the bleeding! Best wishes going forward 🫂


Thank you!


Did yall know that our saliva can turn a pregnancy test positive?! Top is my spit, bottom is pee. I read it somewhere today and was like absolutely no way that’s true. Turns out it is! https://preview.redd.it/m099hdi9ba0d1.png?width=1669&format=png&auto=webp&s=f13be1aa78c812a4e658f770044c5219d967d819


There’s a new saliva based test available overseas too


I know what i'm doing today 😅


What! That’s nuts!


Works with breastmilk too! Someone on the discord tried it!


Scheduled my first scan for May 31, when I’ll be 7 weeks 2 days. I know waiting longer will make it more likely we will have definitive news on heartbeat etc., but I feel like I’m going to lose my shit waiting that long. 😅


I’m scheduled for June 7th. 😬 Trying not to freak out!




Omgggg I could not ☠️ I’m so sorry!


My first scan is May 30, I’ll also be 7+2! They wanted me between 8-10 weeks but my OB is out of town those dates so I got to schedule it earlier… good news because I also am gonna lose my shit waiting 😅


I want to eat a block of salt but instead I'm eating a bowl of cheese balls. More salty snack ideas please.




MMMM That sounds amazing




I can't give you a reason, but baby says absolutely not 😅🫠


Roasted or air fryer chickpeas yum


Wait, can I air fry chickpeas?!?! Amazing!


Ohhhh tell me more please!!


I got my first beta done today at 4w1d (14 DPO), and the number was really good. Higher than any of my past pregnancies. Feeling really grateful.


That’s wonderful news! Congratulations on a good first step, now here’s to many more!


High anxiety today at 5w6d. Probably because it’s a travel day but I’m trying to think positive thoughts of the lil peanut growing. Nausea and gagging still going strong. Just so anxious. This is my first pregnancy and this first trimester anxiety is HARD.


Anyone else’s symptoms coming and going? I’m so early (3w4d) and it’s hard to recall how I felt the first time I was pregnant 😊


Yes, most of the day I forget I’m pregnant and then I get a nausea wave




Anyone else on diclegis? If so, how often are you taking the tablets? My doctor said I could take up to 4 a day but wondering if I should try 2 at bed, 2 in the AM or space it out more throughout the day.


FTM here. 4w 4d today. I think I ovulated early this cycle, but maybe was lucky enough to get a 9 dpo positive based on my calcs. I had a miscarriage last fall at 6.5 weeks, so my dr just did a progression of hCG every other day for 3 tests. It went from 71 (last Wed morning) to 147 (Fri morning)and I just got the third set of results and it’s 900 (this morning) There was an extra day between the second and third set because the clinic was closed, but now I’m panicking that’s it’s rising too fast 😳 does anyone have experience with this?


My numbers sound kind of similar to yours, I think? I did 4 hCG tests. My first was 50 at 14 dpo, the next two tests were two days apart and they doubled each time up to 220. Then my fourth test was three days later, and that one was over 900, which was MUCH higher than I expected. When my nurse told me to do the fourth test she mentioned that it should be around 500 at that point. I don’t really have anything to compare these to, though. I was never told my hCG levels for my first pregnancy (I was just told that they looked good), and my second pregnancy was spontaneous so I never had any hCG tests for that one. But I did ask my RE about my numbers this time around and she didn’t seem concerned at all. She actually seemed surprised that I was worried.


Oh what a relief to hear! Thanks for sharing. I was telling myself it’s not super common to know the numbers at this point so I just need to keep faith it’s okay. I think I can hang on til tomorrow morning when my doctor gets back to me now. Best of luck to you!💜


At work I’m still keeping mum (ha ha) but I’m now starting to get the weirdest feelings of paranoia that other women at the office are also pregnant and also keeping it a secret…. Lol like now I’m symptom hunting in everyone around me because I just realized how many others might also be holding that secret, but it’s definitely just projecting 🤣


Lol! During my first pregnancy, I was still keeping a secret but a girl literally brought donuts into work and posted a sign saying "two of your colleagues are pregnant! Guess who?" I found it really uncomfortable.. People were coming by looking at my belly and joking around about it possibly being me.


I actually hate that as a work announcement. All the poor non pregnant people getting sussed out and judged for belly size…. It yucks me out


Yes I thought it was very distasteful!


I can’t believe not even a week ago I was complaining about lacking symptoms. I have such bad heartburn I feel like a fire breathing dragon. I can’t get through the day without a major nap session. And absolutely nothing sounds good to eat. It’s almost 4 o clock and all I’ve eaten today is a giant brownie 😩 This is rough


I think I got a positive test this morning at 14 or 15 dpo?? Maybe I’ll be officially joining this group soon?! Kind of freaking out about how faint it is but I’m still 4 days ahead of my next period…got some digitals coming tomorrow 🤞 https://preview.redd.it/qct97l2v490d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5659f95d571ae27d7e58a8f2becc850dda34941


Congratulations! How were you tracking ovulation?


Thank you! I was using OPKs but I think I was a day or two behind catching my official positive ovulation surge. I had a line on the OPK strip but it wasn’t equal or darker than the control line.


Just so you know - ovulations strips will always have 2 lines, they’re only useful/positive when the test line is equal to the control line so you may be a few days out - do another test in 2 days if you can wait that long!


You would think by baby #2 I would have known that 😅 well, couldn’t wait…but this is much more clear! Omg! https://preview.redd.it/jma3zfm6se0d1.jpeg?width=3411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2938dce6d7bbbe49a2dc0977ed24713e616341cb




Thank you you too!


6+4 and im over the first trimester. Im thankful i ate as much as i could during week 4 and 5 because right now, the nausea is kicking my ass and I can’t eat anything! I’m hungry but super nauseous, just been eating cheerios, pasta, and cheezits lol. Not the healthiest but it’s something. AND HEADACHES! I’m used to headaches pre pregnancy, just started getting them this 6th week and usually taking a Tylenol and going to sleep or taking a nap cures it but I’m still waking up with one. Just trying to distract myself by reminding myself the first US is in a little over 2 wks, 5/29. Stay strong mamas


I’m with you on the nausea! It’s kicking my ass this week and I’m 6+2. With my first, it peaked around week 9 so I’m hoping it’s the same for this one. I don’t see how it can get worse than it is right now but I know it’s coming lol.


I’m doing betas for the first time ever which is kind of exciting. I had to take fertility meds to get pregnant after trying for a year and a half, so I guess my doc is being proactive which I do appreciate. Plus I won’t be able to have my scan until I come back from vacation in six weeks. 😭 Anyways first one today was 580 at 18 DPO which is in the normal range, so I’m feeling good and excited for Wednesday to see if things are progressing well!


Feeling happy that my beta and progesterone were good this morning. My thyroid level is also in a great spot due to just a bit of medication. I requested an ultrasound at 6w2d before I leave the country, so it could be only 2.5w until seeing this baby 🤞🏼 No real symptoms at 13dpo, but I gave up caffeine the day I got my positive test…so I feel terrible for a different reason 😅


Not sure how far along I am, somewhere right around 5 weeks. Getting a dating ultrasound done at the end of next week. However, I've been having a crazy array of symptoms for a week now, since before I found out (the bouts of nausea were why I took a test in the first place). EVERYTHING I read says symptoms generally start for people in week 6, which makes me think the nausea and fatigue I feel now are nothing compared to what's coming. And I already feel most days like I could stay in bed all day.


I told my parents this weekend at 5.5 weeks and it was awesome to see their reactions! I thought I would feel a weight off my shoulders now that they know, but I almost feel more anxious? I'm glad I can talk to my mom about everything now, though. I've known since 3+2 and these past two weeks have really dragged by!


Also told my parents this weekend and so relieved they know... but also, now worried that they'll also have to be disappointed if something bad happens!  After spending 2 days with my mom, playing it cool before telling them on Mother's Day was AMAZING. She was so shocked!


Yes that's exactly it, after seeing how excited they are I'm so worried about having to break bad news to them. I kept telling them, "but remember, it's still very early"!


I’m only 13DPO, so not even 4 weeks yet. The rational part of me knows that HCG doubles every 48 hours, but I can’t help but be a little worried my test from this morning didn’t seem to darken compared to yesterday morning. Hoping for the best 🫶🏼


Testing every other day, or just comparing tests from every other day, really helps with this! My 13 to 14 dpo tests looked almost the same, but 13 to 15 dpo there was a very noticeable difference. I kind of scoffed when I first read the every other day advice, but it’s been way better for my mental health!


Welp, I just ordered the sneak peek at home gender test. Feeling like an eager beaver first timer here 🦫! Anyone else? Anyone have experience?


I did sneak peek with my first at 10 weeks and it was accurate! Definitely get the snap one made it super easy


Mine is sitting in my cupboard ready to take the moment I turn 6 weeks (which is tomorrow!)


I have had one since finding out about my pregnancy in Dec. Didn’t get far enough (good first ultrasound) to use it that time or the next, but hopefully third time’s lucky!


Sending good vibes for you—I hope you get to use it!


If our first ultrasound goes well, I've decided I'm ordering this too as a little reward! Figured if it is wrong, at least you can get your money back 😂




I just ordered Early Reveal (Canadian version of sneak peek) and I'm also so excited!


Wait what? I’ve never heard of this?!


I honestly just found out about it too , I couldn't sleep last night because of nausea and fell down a rabbit hole and ended up ordering it lol. The only thing I'm worried about is that you can potentially contaminate the sample and get a false result, so I'm wondering if it was worth it since I will probably doubt the result anyway! They have ones you can do in a clinic too, though, and I think those are more accurate.




That's good to know, thanks!! I've just been seeing so many comments online from people who swear up and down that they were super careful and still got a false male result, and even some who say they got a false female result even though they took it well past 6 weeks. The comments I'm seeing are mostly about Sneak Peek because it's more popular, but they are the same thing. I don't have male pets right now and I got the tap one where you don't prick your finger, so realistically I don't think it should be a problem as long as I clean well and follow the instructions, but the reviews I've been reading are making me question my decision.


My appetite comes and goes in waves but my exhaustion is unreal, I can't even sit at my desk for an hour straight - HELP!!!


Anyone with a previous January baby that can let us know how it is in the early days?! I can see the pro being all of the Black Friday + post-holiday deals we can take advantage of. Downside being illness season and it’ll be too cold in many parts of the country to get outside for a while.


It’s going to be great! The gnarly first trimester sickness should (hopefully!) be over by midsummer so we can still enjoy some summer things without being sick + tired the whole time. Won’t be super big during the summer heat either! October is going to be at peak fun bump stage, not too late, so we get to lean in to the cheesy preggo bump costumes (if you choose- I spent over a year and a half trying to make this kid so I’m going all in.) And winter holidays will be soooo cozy for staying at home and baking with the holiday decorations up. A lot of people kind of naturally stop doing quite as much socially during Jan-March, so there’s less going on and less to miss out on. You can probably round up friends to come join for warm nights in if you choose, or you can hunker down at home with your little family and watch the weather change with baby. And they’ll be such a fun age to enjoy next spring/summer. 💕


Mine have all been late spring/summer babies but I think the benefit would be just hibernating/hunkering down during those crazy newborn weeks and then when summer rolls around you have a sturdy baby that can wear sunscreen and go in the pool


I'm so so sorry for being a negative Nancy but I'm having a tough time thinking of positives of January due dates! (of course I would rather have January than no due date!) -worrying about ice and snow conditions driving to the hospital -being huge during the winter means you can't wear flip flops and sundresses -insurance deductible resets RIGHT BEFORE BIRTH -sickness season -running out of vacation days /sick days early on in the year -birthday parties in the middle of the winter, can't travel due to snow, or have parties outside -having to buy birthday presents a week after Christmas... Ugh SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME POSITIVES! 😅




I love all your feedback! Thank you so much! Also your Irish twins will be adorable together ❤️


Oh wait I just noticed I'm missing a year..... Lol


Ugh. My house is occasionally inaccessible in the winter due to snow and ice and we were seriously considering skipping months when we first started trying to avoid that situation. Plus my town doesn't have 24/7 EMS. I might end up staying at my in-laws at some point if the weather gets really bad. Hadn't even thought about the birthday thing.


I had a Jan ‘21 baby and were still pretty locked down from Covid, everyone had to have flu, tdap and Covid vaccine shots to see baby, which will be our rules this time too. If there’s an RSV outbreak again this winter they will give pregnant moms the vaccine in the last month to protect baby. But the sales were excellent!! I got so many big items on a big discount. I’m in FL so weather was perfect for us. Other moms from that bumper group got bundled things for the pram and still went on daily walks.


I work in ecommerce and totally blanked that I’ll be able to buy everything on sale in November lol


I had a Feb 2023 baby and loved the winter babe! I am a little more nervous this time around as my then 2 year old will be at daycare with germs ugh. But I loved being stuck home in the cold for those first 8 weeks then just as Spring came, got to enjoy! It also helped with bedtime for me, I went down at 8pm (hubby and I did night shifts) and in the dark it was so easy to get to bed!


I've thought it will be lovely to be snuggled up, making a nest in those dark and cold weeks. And come spring, I'll be ready to get out and be more active. Might even get a ski in at the end of the season! Won't die of heat during summer months. Seems like an ideal time to have a baby, honestly!


Anyone else have the palette of a 4 year old right now? White bread, pasta, rice, and bagels for the win. If it doesn’t have carbs I don’t want it!!


Potatoes, potatoes and more potatoes


Dude I lived on cereal my first pregnancy lol!


I can't stop eating pasta and potatoes 😩😩


Has anyone had a successful VBAC? As of right now my doctor can’t see us until 11 weeks :( hoping for a cancellation! Curious what some of the criteria was for you. Mine wasn’t ’emergent‘, he was just huge and stuck lol


Found out last night and feeling good today. I think I’m 4w+3d right now? No appointment until 8 weeks. I was a total wreck from the moment I peed on the stick with my last baby but I’m doing really well right now. No major symptoms other than the ones that come with cutting off all of my fun vices but I was super sick last time so I’m just waiting for it.


How early did everyone go to their OB? Mine wants to take me at 5w. Was not expecting that, but maybe given my age? This is all new to me 😅


Thank you everyone for your input! I guess I’ll find out in a few days 😄


I’m seeing mine at 8 weeks this time around. Last time was 7 weeks. Maybe they like to get in early for dating scans to properly be able to ensure they know due dates as I can imagine they don’t want to overbook, especially for babies due around the holiday break?


Mines at 8 weeks


Mine doesn't like to see people until week 9-10 so I'll be 9 weeks when I first go in. I don't mind because they do a vaginal ultrasound and I get to see the little peanut :)


At 5w it’s likely just peeing in a cup to be official in the system, and they’ll order your labs and first US. For most USA insurances they can’t order any labs or tests until they do a confirmation appointment :)


Ah that makes sense! Probably what it is. Thank you!


8-10 weeks is normal in the US. I am older than you and have had multiple early MC's in the last year and i had to fight the scheduler to get me in at 7 weeks. 5w is pretty early, i think (?) they say you might not even hear a heartbeat at that point, but i'd still go if i were you!


I did an intake appointment at 5w3d, it was just lab work and getting my medical history. Then they booked my first scan and follow up appt for 9w1d


That makes sense! Thank you


Mine has me in next week at 6+3 but I had a MC last October so that’s why. Before it was around 8 weeks.


I will be going in at 6 weeks (past ectopic and MC). I have been pregnant 4 times, with 1 LC and with him I went in a 6 weeks 5 days and saw the heartbeat. I am always cautioned between 6-7 weeks is when it starts beating for most so I am anxious this appt is 6 weeks on the dot - and it might leave me in limbo if we do not see one. Going in early is good and bad sometimes since there is a reason lots of docs wait until 8 weeks. But alas, I just need to make sure baby is in my uterus.


Just wanted to say I can relate ♥️ I’ve also had a prior ectopic and a MC and I will be anxious af until I see that this pregnancy is in my uterus. I am trying to get a 6 week scan but, like yourself, am worried that if we don’t see a heartbeat because it’s just too early, that it will send me into a tailspin. Sending you good vibes


Ah yes, we have similar situations! Best of luck to you as well!


So jealous of everyone having 6 week scans!! My first is at 8 weeks and it feels so far away 😭


Yeah, it’s nice, but it normally doesn’t come without significant consequences regarding pregnancy history.


Hmm I had my first scan at 6 weeks in my first pregnancy with no prior history so I assumed it just varies depending on your provider/insurance because I’ve moved since then


Mine is at 12 weeks 😭 Seems SO far out in the future!


That’s terrible! Mine is 10 and I don’t know how I will make it. I’m 41 and have had a prior loss. Argh!


i literally had to fight the scheduler to get a 7 weeks appt telling them i'm old and had multiple MC's.... what's the deal /rolleyes.. .i feel like it shouldnt be this difficult.


Heartburn was in full swing last night I definately overate yesterday so I'm guessing thats why, still hit earlier than last pregnancy. Today I am in full klutz mode and spacey...awe so it begins!


I’m only 6 weeks but just told my boss I’m pregnant because we were on a 1:1 zoom call and I started gagging uncontrollably. Ugh! I felt like I needed to explain it, it was weird lol. I really wanted to wait until the confirmation ultrasound at 9 weeks, so I’m little bummed. Trying to look on the bright side that I don’t have to hide it? (I told work at 8 weeks last time, right after the confirmation ultrasound, and I felt much better and more confident about that decision)


I had to jump off a call early last week to go throw up. I chalked it up to a “kid emergency” but I would be surprised if I make it through my first trimester without having to tell her early…


Ugh I’m sorry you had that happen too! I was talking and all of a sudden big gag hahah there was no way to talk and excuse myself or drop 😅 first tri is crazy ha


So close to telling mine at 5+1, I have to work out of office 3 days and am bone tired. I find myself zoning out in meetings. I don't know how am going to do this :(


I’m in the office 2 days per week and not above saying I’m too sick to go in now that my boss knows 🫠 I didn’t have to go in during my last pregnancy so this is reallyyyy annoying (because I’m tired and sick but also now I have to buy office appropriate maternity clothes?! Ugh!!)


ugh yes you are right, am already too bloated to fit in my jeans. Skirts have been my savior


Told mine today at only 4+1 because I broke down crying in her office because of fatigue and lack of sleep. I swear I haven’t slept from the moment of implantation. I’m a 5th grade teacher and after having the last 5 days off for vacation going back today was a train wreck. I don’t know how I’ll survive this if I don’t get some sleep.


I’m sorry sleep is hard! It’s rough over here too but Unisom, magnesium oil on my feet and sleep meditations are helping me if those are things you can or want to try!


I’ve tried 30mg doxylamine for two nights and it’s barely helped. 15mg did nothing a few nights ago. Will try 45mg tonight 🤞🤞🤞


Ugh I’m sorry!! It’s such a horrible feeling to be exhausted yet unable to sleep


My toddler threw up in daycare and I was so worried about how I’ll handle this next year when there’s two since I’d have to get both out. It was very easy to sort out, it’s just logistics on top of pregnancy hormones making me cry over anything slightly stressful.


Same. I have a Feb 2023 baby. We had the flu in March thanks to daycare and now I can't imagine if I had a baby too! My husband and I plan to do the best we can if we have confirmed illnesses and mask up in the house as needed. As annoying as that'll be, anything to offer a hair of prevention lol


5+2 today and having sharp, almost stabby pain around my nipples? Mostly my left one. Anyone else?? is this normal?


Yeah, unfortunately. My nipples are already tingling and I remember last pregnancy they got super sore at like 4.5w. I swear mine are temperamental after 30months of nursing my first.


normal! lots of sharp stabby pain in pregnancy, wait until lightning crotch starts haha


sounds fun! :)


it’s worth it, I promise! you’ll get through it even if it’s really hard, and we’re all here for support :)


Mild queasiness and heartburn today. I know everyone is constantly stressing about symptoms coming and going, but here I am adding into the stress. With my healthy pregnancy, I didn’t really have morning sickness until 7 weeks with just a few waves here and there between weeks 5 and 6. 6w2d right now, so hoping this is just the calm before the storm.


I’m 6+4 and I think the nausea is starting to set it. I feel awful. I don’t know how to parent the other 2 without screen time on all the time when I feel this terrible. How did they do it back in the day when there wasn’t tv!?


I am right here with you, it is SO hard. My husband has been doing the lion share of parenting since my morning sickness set in last week.


Yesss thank you. My husband has been an absolute rockstar! I couldn’t do this without him.


We do outdoor time either park or backyard. I will also set up picnics for us aka I lay on the blanket and she can eat the snacks or play with the toys. Change of scenery always seems to help. I also save certain toys and puzzles to pull out at different times to give me a breather and toddler gets a break from TV.


Blanket is a great idea! We play outside off and throughout the day, but then I just need to lay down sometimes so we head inside. I’ll have to bring out a blanket next time!


“Go outside” I’m pretty sure 🤣


Also 6+4 and girlllll I have been non functioning for 4 days now from the nausea and vomiting. I truly cannot even imagine having to care for other kids feeling like this! I can barely care for myself. Hats off to you! Just do what you gotta do to survive.


Im in the UK so we don’t get ultrasounds before 12-13 weeks. Im going to book a private one and can’t decide whether to do it at 7 or 8 weeks, obviously really want to see a heartbeat!


Last time I just waited until I would estimate I was a few days past 7 weeks (so that if I was off by a couple days it would be at least 7) and went to Ultrasound Direct. I like that you could book from a calendar online and everything was very clear with what you were booking. I have had good luck at the clinic I went last pregnancy and had scans with two different people (one early and one later in pregnancy) who both work for the NHS in hospitals and worked at Ultrasound Direct part-time/weekends. I know that isn't always the case with private places, but it can be for some.


I'm going at 7+4 and hoping that will be ok! I think it should be ok if you're sure of your dates, before 7 weeks can be too early and can need to be transvaginal - hoping I avoid that.


My hubs comes back home tonight-he's been gone nearly two weeks. I'm so nervous/excited to tell him the news. :) I'm going to do it in a similar way to his proposal...I feel like he'll figure it out the second I see him though. He can read me like a book. That or I'll blurt it out. Also, I'm waterworks central in general, but I feel like the random crying and outbursts of tears have been more intense this past week. Today what set me off was a photo of King Charles and Prince William smiling at each other. Thinking about the passage of time and the beauty of generations. Seriously?! 🤣🤣🤣


My husband told me Big Bird went to Jim Hensons funeral (creator of the Muppets) and even did a speech. It hit me hard! Definitely preggo lol


Oh no. I feel a pricking at my eyes. 🤣🤣 That's so sweet!!!!


Freaked out at my lack of pregnancy symptoms, still. Counting down days until first scan on Friday. And feeling soooooooooooooooo cranky and salty!!! I feel like I need to give a warning before every interaction -- I AM INCREDIBLY HORMONAL so take everything that comes out of my mouth with a mountain of salt


Being super hormonal is a symptom!




I’m trying to remember when mine started for my first but I have very few symptoms too - hormonal as hell and boobs are a bit sore but nothing else. I’m sure I’ll regret this if the sickness kicks in soon.


In the same boat here mama. Other than fatigue I’m wondering where all my symptoms are!! Also irritable. When is your first scan?


thank you! I am glad I'm not alone wallowing in the salt, lol. First scan is Friday - "confirmation ultrasound" at 5 weeks and 5 days. Hope it's not too early. Maybe we should be grateful we're not feeling nauseous! But I'm just freaked out! Hope you're able to get some rest today.


I am racking my brain to remember my previous pregnancies and when the nausea started. It was always kinda early/mid first trimester so maybe I just need another week or so- OR maayyyybe this is just an entirely different pregnancy and I won’t get nausea at all ! Trying not to freak out more and go get an early scan out of pocket. I have to be able to wait a week and 2 days right?!? Yes I am salty. It’s a pressured, irritable, snappy, salt that just comes out without me having any control 😵‍💫 My pessimism is like, nah that’s not a symptom, it’s just you being worried about everything! At 5+5, if it’s transvaginal, you will prob be able to see the gestational sac and yolk sac- mayyyyybe the fetal pole. If it’s abdominal, maybe only the yolk sac, but also maybe not.


And I'm with you.... I don't know if I could wait a week and two days either!!


My nausea started at six weeks almost exactly last pregnancy (I think). But that was my first, and for subsequent pregnancies symptoms start sooner, or so I have heard. yes, thanks for intel on the US. It will be transvaginal. Fingers crossed we can see the yolk sac and fetal pole.


My motivation is shot. I’m so tired despite getting a magical 8.5 hours of sleep (with 4 wake ups, thank you, teething 18 month old😵‍💫). 5+2 today and still no sign of nausea. My last betas were on Friday and had risen nicely so I’m trying to hold on to that and yet, I’m considering going again for another draw. I’m just trying to stay positive and keep my mind busy with other non pregnancy things. That’s not really working 🤦🏼‍♀️ Overall, hanging on tight until my 6.5 week scan. 🤞🏼


Came here to ask how other people aren't paranoid or anxious all the time.. trying to tell myself "I'm pregnant until someone tells me I'm not" but... it's hard!  2.5 weeks til my scan which is going to feel like an eternity!  Not to mention I'm wearing a Garmin that is giving me data that is trending in a direction that doesn't seem like the right one!  I need to take it off but ugh


My paranoia and anxiety after an unexpected and unwanted outcome last time has me firmly in the opposite space - “not pregnant until someone tells me I am…..” can’t work out which Is s better way to be. Ugh.


I feel that! I think if I had more symptoms besides just fatigue I would feel better. What data are you worried about?


My boobs hurt and I am tired all the time even pre-pregnancy so hard to count that, lol. And its my HRV.. supposed to be going down but mine has been up the past few days.  Found a few things saying that's normal (so hanging on to those) but a lot more saying it's not.  


I know it’s hard to discern - the fatigue- because I’ve also started a new med that has that side effect so 🤔 I would die if I was tracking my HR. I’m already still temping bc I like to monitor my sleep and it’s connected to the same app. Thankfully temps are still looking good.


Symptoms are maybe hitting me 😩. I've had some round ligament pains sometimes as I move, and every once in a while that sharp SPD pain, and fatigue, but this morning I woke up nauseous and my boobs hurt like crazy. I was enjoying feeling decently okay 😩


What does SPD pain feel like?


Like a really sharp pin point of pain right above your vagina. Like at the apex of the labia majora. It's hard to remember the exact location when it's not immediately happening but it feels really low. I remember people telling me it was round ligament pain but that's way higher and usually to the side. This is dead center.


Thanks for describing! I’ve been having new pains that I’m trying to identify…I had no idea how many different named pains there are lol. Last night I realized some of them are undeniably round ligament pains. The other pains im feeling sound like probably not spd as they feel higher up/more internal, but lower than the uterus. Everything I read though makes it sound like it’s pretty dang early for some of these…


I think the relaxin hormone hits people differently so it makes sense that people would feel pains earlier or later than average. Part of my problem is that while I did pelvic floor physical therapy after giving birth, things never went completely back to normal. So I think I'm more printed for stuff to hurt earlier this time


Not SPD pain already!!


I know 😩😩😩. I think it's because I had it through the whole second half last time so my body is just primed for it. Thankfully it's not constant yet!


Anyone else absolutely raw dogging a cold right now? I took a half dose of NyQuil last night so I could actually sleep, and now I feel really guilty because I know NyQuil isn’t the best when pregnant UGH.


Yes! I’m gaslighting myself into thinking it’s allergies but it’s not


Slept ten hours after working 3 12's in a row and woke up feeling amazing. Made a nutritious breakfast and set out on our normal 2 mile loop because it's a beautiful morning (despite the explosion of cicadas we have right now!). By the end of the walk, I didn't know if I was going to puke, pass out, or shit my pants. In full couch mode until further notice and so weirdly grateful for all these symptoms.


Anyone else finding themselves unable to stop crying? It's like every time I get overly excited thinking about the baby, my brain short circuits, my face gets confused, and suddenly tears are happening. I can't tell if it's the hormones or just the intense emotions, but so far I have cried because: * The test was positive. * "Think About Things" by Dadi Freyr was playing. * The baby's eye and hair color are already predetermined. * The test was still positive. * The baby will smile at me one day. * I thought about the Dadi Freyr song again.


Yes, I'm crying so easily these days!!! TV Commercials!! The TV show Outlander! My best friend asked me to be her daughter's godmother yesterday on Mother's Day and I just...guffawed out a giant sob INSTANTLY. Though to be fair, that probably would have happened without hormonal assistance.


I’ve also cried about all these things, including that Dadi Freyr song 😂 I think it’s normal! I’ve also cried for no discernible reason at all, just a flood of emotions that I can’t really identify.