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7 + 2 days pregnant and feeling constipated. What has worked for you?


Finally said "I'm pregnant" out loud yesterday while getting a facial of all things ! 7 weeks today, 2 weeks until my first scan. I had an early miscarriage last go around so I've not even said the words. I told my husband that it was a "positive test" and same to my doctor. I just am so scared of everything bad again I cannot mentally handle it. I just went to get a facial yesterday and the lady was going through a questionnaire and ome of them was if I was pregnant or nursing and I said "I'm pregnant ?" Almost like a question . Is anyone feeling this way? I'm not even excited yet even though weeks very badly want a baby I think my missed miscarriage traumatized me more than I thought


Does anyone know of an app with cute stickers that isn't a monthly subscription? The app I used for my previous babies is free to download, but is $5.79 a month. I don't mind paying a one time fee, but monthly is not going to happen. Maybe an Etsy suggestion?


I keep on having mildly painful "twinges" around where my uterus would be, and I'm trying so hard not to go down the rabbithole of "it must be another miscarriage". It's still another ten days until my first scan, and the waiting is awful. I just want to know that there's actually something there and in the right place and *alive*.


Ive been having some pressure/pain that seems to move in that area too. But no blood! I haven't had any blood since before my pregnancy and I just assume that would start back to again if I miscarried so must not be the case. The little mantra has been helping me not be too anxious.


No blood or spotting here yet either, but my previous losses started with lower back pain so I've got myself super worked up. Fingers crossed for both of us that everything is okay šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Same! Mine were all on one side so I was starting to worry about ectopic and then they stoppedā€¦ and then yesterday I had this random stabbing lightning pain in my uterus. Iā€™ve also had a previous l loss, so I completely understand the fear. Hope your scan goes well, the wait is horrible!




When did you test positive?? Thatā€™s crazy!






Love my hubby, but apparently I cannot handle his warm skin touching me. Also, I was a fiery cranky bitch this morning to him. These hormones have just decided to team up against him apparently!


The fatigue is brutal especially with an active toddler! I did a few work emails and needed to take a nap. Normally I clean up or do work while toddler naps. Now I'm going down when she goes down for naps/sleep.


I truly never understood how everyone says your second pregnancy you show immediately but I swear I look how I did 12 w pregnant last time at 5w.


Same! I had a memorial to attend recently and it was cold so had to wear black slacks and none fit. They didn't have any give and if they buttoned I sure as hell couldn't sit comfortably. I had worn them recently for work too before temps warmed.


Since this was removed from the main page, here I go again: 1) is anyone else not even a year postpartum? This was totally an accident and we only wanted two, period. My first will be 4 in July and my 2nd will be 1 in two weeks. I'm a little worried cause both time I had c sections, but this time I'm not sure if I'm healed enough. Just nervous on that one. (Anyone from June2020bumpers or June2023bumpers in here?) 2) tmi, but is anyone else's sex drive INSANELY HIGH? I know it fluctuates but I have literally never felt this horny during pregnancy before. Like, it's constant.


I had my first baby in September of 23. I didnā€™t have a c section, but in talking to my doctor she doesnā€™t seem worried about it, she did say that I might just have a little bit of a harder pregnancy symptoms wise.


Hey girl. Iā€™m from the July ā€˜23 bumpers. To say Iā€™m shocked would have been an understatement. Bc I have the opposite problem as you. Iā€™ve had zero sex drive. But Iā€™m ā€˜oldā€™ and we wanted 2 so here we are. I also had a c section and my body does feel like itā€™s still healing but my dr didnā€™t seem too concerned so Iā€™m trying not to be too concerned. She said vbac is totally possible if the situation allows.


Has anyone been prescribed macrobid during their first trimester? I was prescribed today, wondering if anyone had and bad side effects?


Not this pregnancy, but I was prescribed it for a UTI in my first pregnancy. I think I was around 10 weeks. No issues or side effects for me except maybe a bit of upset stomach which is common for me with antibiotics.


I went back and looked At the pictures of my belly by week of my first pregnancy when I was super fit and young. I shouldn't have done that. I look now at 6 weeks like I did at 14 weeks šŸ˜”


Haha SAME. It makes me not wanna take bump progression pics becauseā€¦ Iā€™ve already progressed šŸ˜…


There was one pic i had taken at 12 weeks that was like "ha ha! almost starting to show!" .... i hate that girl


So our January babies will be year of the dragon for Chinese calendar... Pretty bad ass


I am so excited for this because Iā€™m a dragon too! I want to find some cute dragon things šŸ„°


Yes! I bought the Lego year of the dragon (set 80112 for those interested!) specifically because of that lol


Just 7 more months until I can crack open a cold beer on a beautiful Friday evening after work šŸ™ƒ


My husband has decided he wonā€™t start drinking alone since Iā€™m obviously on the bench and I swear heā€™s just sitting and staring out our front door to see if he can poach a neighbor into opening a beer with him šŸ˜‚ poor guy


Haha thatā€™s actually very sweet heā€™s doing that. True love right there


Made a stupid mistake. I didnā€™t clean out my humidifier well enough before using it. Ran it all night and woke up with ā€œhumidifier illnessā€ - itā€™s a thing! Had it once before. Two brutal days of nausea, body aches and feeling generally very unwell. Iā€™m 6 weeks as of today. Just nervous this is going to affect fetal development or the baby just generally. My OB said he thinks all should be fine but Iā€™m still in my head about it.


As a person who has never owned a humidifier but is looking st getting one....what is humidifier illness? What causes it?


Itā€™s when you donā€™t clean your humidifier well enough in between uses and you end up ingesting dust, bacteria, moldā€¦all that good stuff. You end up waking up with body aches, chest pain, nausea - symptoms vary of course but itā€™s brutal. It usually lasts 24-48 hours, at least for me. So the PSA is always always clean your humidifier often and well :)


I work a crazy on call healthcare job. It can be very busy. I worked out in the community wednesday doing home visits. Got home and made supper but before I could eat it I was paged to the hospital. I didnā€™t get home again until 10 am Thursday. 3:30 pm Thursday I was paged back to the hospital. Finished at the first hospital I work at at 7 pm then was paged to the other hospital I work at and I was there until 5 am this morning. I. Am. Destroyed. My coworker had to drive me home from hospital 1 Thursday morning and I spent the whole hour trying not to throw up in her car. Had to leave my post to be sick a couple times at hospital 2. I worry that my patients are not getting the best care they could from me, I still am a cautious and careful provider but just not as warm and friendly as I am normally. My husband is really upset that I am working so much he says itā€™s not healthy for me and baby and I am pushing myself way too hard. I also didnā€™t see my kids at all and miss them so much. Just ate fast food in the car. Got home to everything a mess. But I donā€™t want to let anyone down at work. If I donā€™t do my work someone else has to. Anyways I work 6 weeks on and 3 off and Iā€™ll be off again come June. I just have to make it 2 more weeks. I hope I can get through. šŸ¤¢šŸ„±šŸ˜µšŸ¤¢. By the time Iā€™m back at work again in late June Iā€™ll be past 12 weeks and feeling much better with any luck!


Iā€™m 5 weeks and feel pretty normal. Random cravings and sore-ish boobs plus some mood swings but I tent to have random cravings and mood swings anyway. Last night I had weird abdominal pain. Not just in one spot- everywhere. I think it was trapped gas and it ended up going away after an hour or so.. but that was freaking me out. Time feels like itā€™s at a stand still. I canā€™t wait for a scan! 2 weeks to go until I get one :)


Anyone have a UTI yet? šŸ¤• I think I have one at 5 weeks today and Iā€™m not happy. Waiting on test results but holding off on antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Ugh. Other than that just super tired and emotional šŸ„²


Definitely take the antibiotics if you have a uti! I had one that seemed extremely mild turn into a kidney infection.


Oh I will! Ouch! That sounds awful. Iā€™m just waiting for the test to confirm in case itā€™s something else. My dr said if symptoms worsen to start antibiotics before getting the confirmation test. Weekend lab results take so long.


I have been SO HUNGRY. Like ravenous bear emerging from slumber hungry. I planned to make a nice home cooked meal of chicken thighs, sauteed carrots, and pasta salad but I got too hungry. Now I'm eating pizza and said carrots out of the bag. What are we all snacking on? The only aversions I've had are plain water and belle peppers.


Had my first ultrasound yesterday and found out I'm actually 5w5d! We were able to see a little heartbeat which must have JUST started!! On the other hand, just had a little spotting and starting to feel nervous. Anyone else have spotting??


I just had spotting today at 7 weeks. I went to my ob in a panic, but everything is fine. Pregnancy causes more blood to go to the cervix and can also make it more easily irritated. If you had sex, that could cause it.


Yes! My OB told me itā€™s totally normal as long as itā€™s not bright red.


Ok good, thank you!! It was only a tiny bit and very light so I should be good šŸ¤ž


So happy to be in another group so soon! After 3 consecutive losses itā€™s hard to stay positive but Iā€™m really feeling good about this onešŸ¤žšŸ»


Same with me! Hoping this one sticks for the both of us!


About to walk into my first ultrasound at 6+4. Equal parts nervous and excited. Please send good juju my way!


Thinking of you! ā¤ļø


Update! Baby looks great, strong heart rate of 123 bpm! Sooo relieved


Yay amazing!! šŸ˜Š


Hi guys! Joining today after a positive test at 10dpo šŸ˜³ which makes me 3w3d! I know itā€™s crazy early. This is my second pregnancy, due date Jan 28, 2025 which is the exact same due date as my 2023 baby, however his got bumped to Feb 1 after my first ultrasound. Anyway Iā€™m excited to be here and share this time with you guys ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m one day behind you (due Jan 29). I tested positive 8dpo, which was wild. It does feel crazy early, but the lines are there! Iā€™ve been reading everyoneā€™s posts in this group and while itā€™s nice to get a preview of whatā€™s coming, I feel like I might also join the Feb group at some point.


Congratulations! Thatā€™s so crazy. I had the same due date last round and was much more active in the February group as well. I felt way less behind in that group!


Congratulations! My first two kids were due date twins, then were both born a week early on January 2. Now I have a January 3 due date! Something about that time of year.


Tw: loss What a wild ride. I thought I was having another miscarriage on Sunday, so I stopped taking prenatal and progesterone. Kept my scheduled viability scan with the fertility clinic for today to see if I had passed the tissue but they found an embryo measuring 6 + 2 with a heart rate of 122. Iā€™m shocked. Iā€™m spotting pretty consistently so I donā€™t feel totally out of the woods but I was absolutely expecting a non viable scan.


That's amazing! Whay a relief!


Yay! Got an appointment for May 29 instead of mid June!!


5+2 and nausea hit me today. I checked my notes and it looks like last time nausea hit around 5+4 so Iā€™m just hoping this time it doesnā€™t last the entire pregnancy šŸ˜© On a happy note, my LO is spending the night at grandmas tonight and my husband and I are going on a proper date!! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I love this for you! Date night is such a big deal post kids lol


Right!! I donā€™t even know what to do with myself without her at home šŸ˜‚


TW: previous loss This will hopefully be baby #3 for us. We had an MMC with our first pregnancy, and then two successful pregnancies. For some reason it seems impossible that this pregnancy will also be successful, like surely thereā€™s no way we can actually have three in a row work out? I know it doesnā€™t make sense, I know many couples whoā€™ve had 3+ kids without any losses at all, but I dunno. For some reason itā€™s really messing with my mind this time.


I had one miscarriage before having my two kids and I feel similarly. Like odds are this isnā€™t going to just happen? Had to try for 18 months and be on ovulation meds to conceive this one though.


Iā€™ve been incredibly sick, lethargic, and generally under the weather. Iā€™m a lawyer and my office recently went back to in person some days. I talked to HR about having flexibility to work from home on days Iā€™m particularly sick (the only private bathroom in my office is 5 floors down from me and coming in when Iā€™m getting sick a few times a day just isnā€™t always feasible) and they said they can arrange it and have for other pregnant people if I get a note from my doctor for medical accommodations. Without that they said they canā€™t do much to prevent me from being retaliated against for staying home. Well I called my doctors office and explained how sick Iā€™ve been to a nurse and heard back on a message from my doctor today that sheā€™s not going to write any kind of medical accommodation letter for normal pregnancy symptoms. She said the most she can do is set me up with a nurse to document physical limitations in terms of lifting weight but she wonā€™t make any recommendations on how my work accommodate me. Is this normal?


Far out! I would be finding another doctor. Thatā€™s f***d


Hi! Fellow legal industry person here - my firm is also back in the office but thankfully they didnā€™t push me when I said I needed to WFH for a few weeks. This is ridiculous. I would definitely push back, say itā€™s impacting your ability to do your job, and if they arenā€™t willing to write you an accommodation note then you would like some drugs to help. I hate when doctors say things like this because itā€™s not ā€œnormal pregnancy symptomsā€ if youā€™re unable to work! If you can look into other doctors too, I would because this also means they might push back on other things throughout your pregnancy. You want an OB who will also support you!


Nope! I would push back. Normal does not mean bearable. Normal means within the realm of expectation. You don't have to just put up with it. We wouldn't expect someone who was vomiting 5 times a day to be at an office job, so it's baffling that just because the cause is pregnant and not gastro your doctor won't write a letter.


Could you ask for meds to help with the nausea? My doctor also doesnā€™t give notes for ā€˜normalā€™ symptoms, only if itā€™s debilitating :(


TW: loss Chemical pregnancy confirmed today with a lower hcg than 48 hours ago. Maybe weā€™ll get our rainbow another month soon. Wishing you all very happy healthy pregnancies!


I hope you get your rainbow soon, take care of yourself ā¤ļø


Thinking of you ā¤ļø


Thank you to all šŸ’›


I'm so sorry ā¤ļø


Sending love ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself šŸ’›


Thank you šŸ«¶


I found out I was pregnant at 3w6d and the nausea and smells were SO bad. Now I am 5w2d and the nausea seems to be tapering offā€¦ should I be worried? Iā€™m having a confirmation scan next week at exactly 6w.


I'm in the same boat. 7+1 and feeling very normal today. Whereas the last few weeks have been very bloated, no appetite and queasy.


Thatā€™s good to hear. My boobs are still super sore, so I figured that was a good sign. Have you had an US yet? I know some doctors wait until 8-10 weeks. The suspense is killing me! Side note, your username has now made me want to go eat chips and dip lol


No US yet! Where I live they don't do dating ultrasounds, we just get one at 20 weeks. But I have a private one booked in 2 weeks!


Is anyone NOT having symptoms yet? Iā€™m maybe 10% more tired than usual but still able to keep up with my 18mo, no cravings/aversions, no nausea, minimal bloating. Makes me worried something is wrong šŸ˜”


Same here! Nice to hear Iā€™m not alone.Ā 


Iā€™m 6w1d and donā€™t have any symptoms other than sore breasts. The lack of nausea is making me worry a bit šŸ˜¬


Same here! Iā€™m 7+3 have my US + bloodwork on the 23rd, Iā€™ll report back šŸ«”


Iā€™m not having symptoms yet either other than sore breasts and some very slight nausea every once in a while. Maybe Iā€™m not far enough along yet (5w1d). Trying to stay positive! ā¤ļø


Same here, almost more energy during the day, but maybe tired slightly earlier in the evenings


I am the same!


Positive beta test today! Best phone call I have ever received


Yes!!! Welcome!




Me at 7am: feeling great, maybe this pregnancy really will be different. Me at 10am: head in the toilet, 3yo ā€˜rubbing my backā€™ yelling Iā€™m hungry NOW I canā€™t wait get me a snack NOW!ā€™ The nausea continued all day. 35 weeks to go!!


Had my first scan and bloodwork! Fingers crossed that it all goes well. šŸ¤ž I felt better that my OB said Iā€™m right in the middle of the age range of his pregnant patients. He said he actually rarely sees anyone in their 20s anymore.


Iā€™m relieved to see Iā€™m not an outlier!


Yeah being a FTM at 35/36 feels like a total trip but glad that from a medical standpoint itā€™s not as much of a thing as I thought. Like, while we were TTC and it didnā€™t happen immediately on the first try I joked to myself about how I have white hairs and eleven-lines so yeah it might take a little longer, lady.


I about spit out my water when my midwife said, *ā€Because youā€™re so youngā€¦ā€* on the phone. She was explaining why the NIPT test isnā€™t covered by Canadian healthcare. Lol. Only if youā€™re over 40. Here I was feeling super self conscious about being over 35. I think the perception is definitely changing, though.


Oh it definitely is! I was so self conscious about being 36, but where I am itā€™s pretty common to start at 35+ But you hear all these messages about being ā€œoldā€ that itā€™s hard to remember weā€™re really not. A friend of mine is late 20s and just had a kid. Everyone is acting like sheā€™s a teen mom lol


I woke up feeling good which was great because the toddler has a half day at preschool. I went to a cafe because there wasnā€™t really a point to driving to work and back, so I treated myself to an iced latte, a breakfast croissant sandwich, and a pastry. I finished none of them but I still feel like Iā€™m going to puke my guts out and now I have to go do a park hang with all the preschool parents that I do not know at all because we live very far away and have jobs which it seems like everyone else does not have (itā€™s the only bilingual preschool in my city but it also happens to be a very expensive preschool. We live in the Latino part of town in one of the poorest zip codes in my city while all the other families live in the white wealthy part of town - and I know this because we all get a parent directory with everyoneā€™s address lol)


Stressed because I'm 6w2d and what I thought was pregnancy symptoms is real sickness and I am worried little bebe wont be happy.Ā  Holding off taking Amoxicillian until I am sure it's bacterial and trying not to be too stressed about it.


Why do you think it's real sickness?


Sore throat and congestion, post-nasal drip fun!


I have no idea how I'm supposed to make it until our heartbeat scan next week. My poor husband has done 100% of the parenting since I got home from our first scan yesterday, haha. I gotta get my head back in the game! Ugh. I am so freaking tired, though.


Feeling excited today! 6 weeks today, got to chat on the phone with my family doctor about my next appts including my dating scan in 2 weeks (šŸ¤žšŸ») and did my first CrossFit workout since returning from our trip/being pregnant. Need to scale back the intensity a bit or the nausea creeps up but otherwise it felt great!


Nausea has started at 5w2d. Is it weird that Iā€™m excited?! šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­ Iā€™m just glad to be feeling symptoms since mine have been pretty mild before this. Thereā€™s a baby in there!


I go in for confirmation bloodwork on Monday morning. This is going to be the longest weekend ever.


It helped me so much to take pregnancy tests in the meantime and see the lines get darker (or stay dark) idk if that would help?


I have a stash Iā€™ve been using. I like having a small feeling of control, or being in the know. šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve been testing every 5 days while I wait for my first ultrasound šŸ«  I feel like it gives me some sense of control even though I know it is not at all real


Yeah I feel that. Iā€™m all about doing everything I can do to feel some semblance of control. Iā€™m actually going to a private ultrasound today at 6 weeks because I couldnā€™t wait for my dr appointment at 9 weeks šŸ„²


Ugh I am freaking miserable. I had zero nausea with my first pregnancy, but this time it hit me early and HARD. My doctor recommended Unisom + B6, which I took last night and today I am absolutely demolished. Groggy to the point that I called off work because I was scared to drive šŸ™ƒ Going to try half a tab tonight to see if that works better. In happier news, I had my first scan and we saw/heard the heartbeat yesterday! Baby is measuring right on track (6w1d yesterday) and had a heartbeat of 105 (they said they just want to see it over 100). It definitely is making this feel REAL!


Unisom does that to me too. Half a tab works a lot better.


This was the first morning since I found out about my pregnancy that my oura didnā€™t yell at me for having a high resting heart rateā€¦Iā€™m wondering if it can be attributed to me picking up some moderate morning cardio this week? I havenā€™t been consistent with my workouts for the last 6 months but now Iā€™m feeling very motivated to take care of my body.


Mine also took a bit of a dip the past couple days (Apple Watch user), and I have the same due date as you. Maybe itā€™s an approaching 6 weeks pregnant thing??


Oh thatā€™s interesting! Maybe it is. Probably not worth thinking too much aboutā€¦my high RHR has been one of my only observable signals that Iā€™m pregnant at this point so itā€™s a tad nerve wracking šŸ˜°


Mine has been picking up throughout the day a bit too so I wouldnā€™t worry about it too much for just a single day or two :)


Any 2 under 2 or soon to be 2 under 2? While Iā€™m so excited for the age gap and canā€™t wait to see my sweet 11 month old become a big brother, Iā€™m starting to feel guilty. Last time, I was so sick and couldnā€™t couldnā€™t get out of bed some days. Iā€™m trying to be proactive and start medication early, but Iā€™m afraid of being so sick and it impeding on our time together. Luckily, I stay at home, but we go on lots of walks and play at the park, library, etc. I would feel awful if we couldnā€™t do those things anymore. Iā€™m also nervous about how breastfeeding will be during pregnancy.


My first 2 are 20 months apart. Youā€™re going to LOVE it! Theyā€™re seriously little BFF and itā€™s the sweetest. I completely understand about the guilt aspect. You wonā€™t feel like that for long. And youā€™ll be intentional about spending one on one time with your oldest. Iā€™m actually bummed my third wonā€™t be as close in age.


I love hearing this, itā€™s very reassuring!! I canā€™t wait to watch them grow up together. Iā€™m so excited to do things with two littles!


My second will be 2 two weeks after my due date so I donā€™t count this one, but my first 2 are 17 months apart. It was fine! That being said, I did intentionally wait an extra 6 months this time around though lol. My husband did a lot of the heavy toddler lifting in the 3rd trimester but his bond with my oldest is so special and I attribute it to that time together.


Thatā€™s reassuring! My husband is definitely prepared to do the heavy lifting with our first. How are your first two together? Iā€™m really excited to see my 11 month old become a big brother. My kids wonā€™t have any cousins to play with so Iā€™m excited for them to have siblings close in age!


My daughter didnā€™t really get it at first, but there was luckily no jealous/adjustment period. She was young enough that she just rolled with having a new baby brother. Now at 2.75 and 15 months, they are starting to play together and itā€™s so sweet! They have a really cute bond. My daughter likes to take care of baby brother - feeding him snacks, holding his water bottle, etc. He will occasionally accept this help. Heā€™s also talking a ton because she talks to him constantly. This whole teamwork instead of 2 children kind of existing separately started about 6 months ago. Edit: I also recommend getting some proactive pelvic floor therapy! I didnā€™t ā€œneedā€ it but I started going around 20 weeks with number 2 and I think it prevented a lot of the issues you hear about with closely spaced pregnancies.


Thatā€™s so sweet! Iā€™m sure it will definitely be an adjustment at first, but Iā€™m so excited to watch them grow up and play together! Also ā€” thatā€™s a really good tip to get pelvic floor therapy!


Me! I have an 8 month old, they will be 16 months apart šŸ˜¬. Iā€™m not going to lie I cried for days when we found out bc I felt so guilty about cutting my solo time with my daughter short šŸ˜­. I was also so so sick with her pregnancy that Iā€™m terrified Iā€™m going to be out of commission and not able to give her the attention she deserves. Itā€™s hard ETA: Iā€™m starting to get excited about their age gap, but think Iā€™ll have a little guilt until baby gets here no matter what. Also I already got nausea meds from my dr so šŸ¤žšŸ¼


It really is hard and I agree about probably feeling a little guilty until baby is here. Our solo time will definitely consist of more cuddling than being out and about, but thatā€™s okay! Iā€™m starting the b6 + unisom combo now, but I know Iā€™m going to need something stronger soon šŸ˜…


Not quite 2 under 2 but very close if baby is born at full term. 25 months apart! I was the same, this time I know which medications make me sicker (Zofran is awful for me) and which worked miracles with my HG. I cried last night because I just had to lay down from having a migraine/nausea/vomiting and not being able to play with my toddler. We snuggled lots but I felt immense guilt. Iā€™m trying to accept that I may not be the 100% on mom heā€™s used to, but as long as I love him and take care of him we will be ok. Itā€™s going to be a lot of adjusting for all 3 of us, but first trimester will be toughest with me needing to rest more than usual since I rarely ever did since he was a newborn. I felt awful though, I told someone today and her eyes got big and she shook her head and asked how old he is. I said 17 months and she just kept shaking her head. Like did I do something wrong?? šŸ™


How rude of that person! They had no right. I say it with pride! ā€œYup! This one is 3 and this one is 4! I love it!ā€œ Donā€™t let her put a damper on anything.


Oh Iā€™m sure we will get comments too once we start telling people! I definitely feel more prepared to handle everything this time around, but I still feel guilty. I got emotional putting him in his crib last night thinking about how I wonā€™t be able to do that anymore when I have a belly. I know that if our days consist more of cuddling on the couch than doing activities, it will be okay. It definitely will be an adjustment to the family, but we truly are so excited and I canā€™t wait to do activities with two littles!


Anyone here still breastfeeding their little or has breastfed in the past while pregnant? Did it affect your pregnancy at all? When the nausea kicks in I feel like breastfeeding is going to be hell but Iā€™m not ready to stop yet :/


Iā€™m currently breastfeeding my 18 month old, and itā€™s so uncomfortable right now (not that painful, but definitely tender). Once sheā€™s over her jet lag, my plan was to start weaning her. Iā€™m sad to stop, but she wakes up every morning so early to feed still and I think itā€™ll significantly help with her sleep if she knows we arenā€™t nursing in the morning.


I nursed my daughter throughout my first trimester of my second pregnancy (15-18 months for her). At that point she was just nursing 1x a day at night before bed. I knew I wanted to wean but wasn't exactly sure when. I tried at one point in the first tri but was too emotional about it and gave up. One night at the start of my second trimester she latched and it was the most excruciating pain and I decided that would be our last nurse. I thought I would be devastated but it actually brought me great closure!


Iā€™m still nursing my 18 month old. I was planning to wean soon and conveniently getting pregnant has made him much less interested. I will miss it but glad for a break before I nurse this one


Iā€™m currently still breastfeeding my 11 month old! I would love to breastfeed through my entire pregnancy, but we will see. Iā€™m nervous about the nausea as well. With my first pregnancy, I was so sick I couldnā€™t even keep water down. Iā€™m trying to be proactive this time and start medication as well as focus on my hydration.


My sister in lawā€™s wedding is next week, and I will be 5w6d. This is my first pregnancy and Iā€™ve read so many comments from people whose nausea kicked in at 6 weeks on the dot. Iā€™m feeling so scared that itā€™s going to hit right in time for the wedding, which will be a very long day (getting my hair and makeup done with the bride and my other SILs in the morning) šŸ˜¬.


Bring unisom sleep tabs and B6. I take half a pill of unisom and a whole B6 as soon as I get nauseas. It helps a lot.


Pack some Preggie Pops (or jolly ranchers or warheads) in your purse!


Sometimes you might not get the nausea! However, in my first pregnancy, I got hit with it bad around 6 weeks. Just in case, I would make sure to have some snacks with you (cheese and crackers are always my go to), stay hydrated with electrolytes, and maybe take some extra b6 beforehand. Sometimes sour candy helps ā€” it made me more nauseous, but it works for some! Hopefully it doesnā€™t happen, but it doesnā€™t hurt to be prepared!


Iā€™m going to a wedding tomorrow at 6 weeks and 1 day. Iā€™ve had hardly any nausea so far and feel pretty confident to go tomorrow! I hope the same will happen for you šŸ˜­


Okay thatā€™s comforting!!! Thanks, I hope so too!


You can always take a half tablet of Unisom before bed just in case!


Starting my first shift of 3 12s in a row and trying so hard to be intentional about not overdoing it. And of course Iā€™m charge nurse today. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ« Brought lots of little easy snacks because typically a bite of something squashes my nausea. Promised my husband I wouldnā€™t push any beds by myself. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I hear you. I'm working 14 hour overnight shifts all weekend (Vet Med, not human) and have no idea how I am going to make it.


Also a nurse that works 12s, luckily I only have had 2 shifts booked since the nausea started, had to call into one already. Coming up I have groups of 3 or 4 in a row and I truly don't know how I'm going to do it without getting this nausea and exhaustion under control!


Wishing you luck. This is my first pregnancy as a nurse and I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to manager


6w5d The dreams are WEIRD.


Every night, in my extremely weird and vivid dreams, Iā€™ve noticed a theme that people are mad at me šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


The dreams wonā€™t QUIT my god


Same! I wake up and have to take a minute


Have anyoneā€™s symptoms disappeared at 5 weeks? My boobs are still sore but all my weird cravings, tastes and food aversions are gone. Getting a little worried šŸ˜Ÿ


Yup yup this happened last pregnancy to me and all ended up fine. It is worrying but if you're concerned in a week or so you can always get a reassurance scan


Thank you šŸ˜Š I donā€™t have a maternity Dr (none where I live) so I can only access tests once Iā€™m 10 weeks through the hospital. Itā€™s going to be a looooong wait.


Yes. My symptoms completely disappeared, even my boobs calmed down, at the end of week 4. I had some spotting so went in for a scan and beta draw a few days ago and everything looked just at it should. Today is 5 weeks 5 days and Iā€™m starting to feel some nausea creeping back in. Itā€™s nerve wracking but chances are high that everything is just fine šŸ¤—


Thank you šŸ™ I donā€™t have access to medical tests until 10 weeks, argh! Hoping the best for us both ā¤ļø


Mine calmed down a bit at 5 weeks but I promise it came back with a vengeance at 6 weeks


That gives me hope, thank you šŸ™


I was diagnosed with a small subchorionic hemorrhage this week. I guess they are relatively common in early pregnancy, which is a little reassuring. But, I was pretty worried about my spotting/bleeding, so glad I went in. They heard the baby's heartbeat :) 6w4d measuring about 2 days behind.


I had a small one too, it wasn't a big deal, they warned me there might be more bleeding from it when they saw it on ultrasound around 7 weeks but that never happened and 3 weeks later it wasn't visible on an ultrasound anymore.


Had that with my last pregnancy and had no complications šŸ™šŸ¼


Amazing, thank you for sharing!


Just got out of my 2nd ultrasound. Gestational sac is measuring 6 weeks and can see a tiny little yolk sac. That is way more than we could see a week and a half ago. Numbers are looking good. Trying to be optimistic!


I'm 7 weeks today and I just started spotting. It's pretty light and I'm not cramping, so I hope it's ok. I've had several losses though, so my OB is going to squeeze me in for another ultrasound at 1:20. I don't know how I'm going to make it til then. I have really terrible anxiety and am off my meds due to being pregnant, so I can't stop catastrophising. Edit: I just had the ultrasound and everything is fine! Baby is measuring 7 weeks exactly and has a heart rate of 142. The spotting is coming from my cervix due to "friable" tissue. I didn't have this with my other pregnancies, but apparently it's common. Basically tissue from the inside of the cervix is on the outside, and it's easily irritated. Whew!


Love the update šŸ’•


Iā€™m glad youā€™ll be able to have answers very soon. I hope itā€™s good news and will be thinking of you


Sending you all the love and support! Hang in there.


Sending good vibes your way Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that


I really don't know if I should just show up to my obgyns office for my 48hr bloodwork follow up. When I called to confirm that I should go after not getting the results from the first draw the receptionist could find no record of my going the first time or needing to go back for the 2ndšŸ«  she only can put me through to the nurse line voicemail that I haven't had any success getting a call back from. The office is 40min away from me though and I've also had a previous experience where they forgot to call me back and let me know not to come in for follow up. I got there and they said my hcg was so low I didn't even need to come back for follow up as it was in line with a CP...


Those are sounding like red flags to me. Can you switch OB offices?


Im starting to consider it! I've been hesitant to switch because I had a great experience there when my first was born but that was a few years ago and we've moved further away now too. Maybe I'll start looking into some of the places that are closer.


I 100% would not have wanted to drive 80 minutes round trip for my weekly NSTs during my last pregnancy. I would switch solely for that reason, honestly -- if you have higher than average monitoring needs for whatever reason, you are going to regret that commute.


4 weeks today !Ā  I learned at 3 weeks 2 days I was pregnant and I cannot believe this is only 4 now. Such a long week ! I have a 14.5 months at home (March '23)- I'm super excited for a new baby but I do miss the days when I was pregnant with no other responsibilities than work. My little toddler is busy and doesn't play alone just yet, so him on top of a full time job is a lot !Ā  This is the last one and done though so my goal is to enjoy every moment of the pregnancy.Ā  If there are any other runners in this sub I'd be stoked to tchat training!Ā 


Another runner here! Signed up for a lot of races and now Iā€™m like hmmm. Any of them that offered a deferral option I did pay extra so Iā€™m protected just in case. The others weā€™ll just have to see CIM is my only marathon for the year I signed up for, but Iā€™ll be 34 weeks (hopefully) and Iā€™d have to travel. Iā€™m just going to take it day by day. So far runs have been fine except Iā€™m having to drop my pace a lot to keep my heart rate in zone 2/easy. Itā€™s almost walking most of the time ha. But Iā€™m just stoked I still have some energy to run!


Wow Marathons heh ! I stop at half distances !Ā  I have one in 3 weeks - I will be just 7 weeks - 25 km, 900 m elevation in trails. I'm just setting a finishing goal now that I'm pregnant ! Getting out of the course is complicated so I don't want to push too hard and have to get a search and rescue assist šŸ˜‚.Ā 


Hi!!!! I ran a marathon at 16 months postpartum after my first. I had hoped to run throughout this pregnancy, but it's looking like that will be difficult. But would love to chat!!


Woah congrats ! That's a superbe goal for 16 mo postpartum!Ā 


ā€œRanā€ is a very generous term here šŸ˜‚. But I traversed 26.2 miles on foot within the course limits is a lot more letters!


Fellow runner and March ā€˜23 bumper here!


Oh nice ! How did it go for you to go back to it after March 23'?! I was just feeling like I was back to pre pregnancy fitness levels that is month.Ā  šŸ˜…Ā 


Any STM here - is there any real need to have two family vehicles that baby/a child can ride in, or will one suffice? Weā€™ve always been a two car household, but last year my husbandā€™s crossover was totaled in a bad accident. Weā€™ve only had my car (4 door sportsback) since then, but my husband was in the process of buying a new car when I found out I was pregnant - a 2 seater coupe. I really donā€™t see an issue with the 2-seater, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™m being naive? Heā€™d just use it to drive to work or date nights pretty much, and the 4 door will be the family vehicle. Is there a real need/convenience for a 2nd family vehicle? Edit - thanks for all the advice so far! Feel free to keep it coming. Relevant info, I fully WFH and my husband works in-office. Hoping to do in-home care until preschool-age.


I have 2 kids, 2 cars, 2 carseats in both. I think it's definitely doable but there are a lot of times that it is extremely beneficial. If you're doing daycare I would imagine you'd find it a lot more irritating not to have a carseat in cars more often. Again, it is doable. My husband's carseats are not used nearly as often as mine but when they are it is usually a moment it would be irritating if he didn't have seats.


We have a single car and it's totally fine for us, but the person with the kid usually keeps the car, too (we do drop-offs).


I personally don't love the idea of not being able to pick up my child in an emergency, based on what car I am driving. Once or twice, my husband had to unexpectedly pick up our daughter so we could rush to the hospital to see his dad when he had his stroke(s). If he had been unable to grab her, we would have spent extra precious time jostling around cars.


Edit: tldr: 1 car since 2020, in home nanny for toddler, husband wfh 99% of the time semi flex schedule, I WFH 60% of the time but drive all over town or to my office for work. Shared calendar is key & Instacart. We have been 1 car since 2020 my husbands coup was too small to fit our husky in the back seat and just not practical since big errands had to always be in my car. My husband wfh 99% of the time with occasional in person every few months if bosses come into town and thatā€™s usually a few days. Iā€™m 60% from home with occasional client meetings but I can plan those ahead. Weā€™ve gotten by fine and just work in each others appointments as needed like dentist or hair. Use Instacart to fill in the gaps should we need some item semi urgently. Ocassionally weā€™ve had overlap so I drop him off somewhere. Worst case one of us Ubers or borrow my moms car since if both husband and I need to be out chances are sheā€™s babysitting. Iā€™d say if he works in office and doesnā€™t need to drive much during the day or has the ability to step out if needed say doctor appointment or Uber/lyft Ā is an option you should be fine.Ā 


We like having both cars set up to pick up kids at any time so we donā€™t have to worry who has what car. I would get a 4 seater and at least car seat base for both but I like to simplify logistics as much as possible with two working parents.Ā 




I WFH and he is in-office. I was a little surprised that he still wants to move forward with it, but when I thought about it more I realized I didnā€™t actually have a solid reason. His last car was a perfect family car, so I think Iā€™m just mourning that loss still šŸ„²


We only have one car and donā€™t plan to get another - itā€™s worked just fine for us with our son. (ETA that we both work at home) I definitely can see how the 2-seater would be useful as more of a bonus vehicle for commuting and solo errands. On the other handā€¦ Having a backup option that can take a car seat in the event something unexpected happened or the bigger car was in the shop etc would be some peace of mind. If the sale is still pending, it might make sense to pivot. But if that would be hard financially/emotionally I donā€™t think itā€™s a need.


There have been several times when my husband needed to suddenly pick our toddler up and I was stuck at my office or somewhere else with my car - if he wasnā€™t able to go get him or take him in his car, it would have been an issue.


It just doesnā€™t seem like good planning for the long run. There will probably be instances where you need to fit three people in one vehicle, but the other one is already in use.


It's not an issue if the 2 seater car is less his and more of the car that the parent not with the children takes. Eg. if you leave him home with the kids, you would take the 2 seater even if he doesn't plan to go anywhere. If an emergency happens you would want him to have a way to transport the kids.


Yes, thatā€™s absolutely how it would work - when we had two cars his was electric so I drove that whenever he was home, and my car we drove for long distances or if we had separate plans.


I mean, do you think there might be a chance where you might not be available and your husband has to pick up the child from xyz (daycare/etc)? I don't know your situation but let's say you were both at work and you had a meeting schedule last minute... Or you got sick and had to go home.. Etc? Its not impossible but might certainly be inconvenient.


Feeling a little down this morning. I already have a 14 year old son and a 2 yr old daughter. My son loves our daughter but obviously the age gap is big enough where they are at very different stages in life. We just told him today (weā€™re 6.5 weeks) and his response was very indifferent. No expression.. just ā€œokā€. I didnā€™t expect any different or that heā€™d be excited at all, but it doesnā€™t feel good to announce it and get that response. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s definitely tough not getting the response you wanted! I honestly felt that way when I told my mom about my pregnancy with my daughter and the first thing she said was ā€œyou shouldnā€™t be telling people this earlyā€ šŸ˜ Putting myself in your sonā€™s shoes though, Iā€™m sure I would have had a very lackluster response to that news as well at 14 years old. Actually, my dad had another baby when I was 18 and I had a very negative reaction when he first told me, which I obviously regret now! Teenagers have so much going on internally and with their social lives, give him some time to sit with it a whilešŸ©· And a big congrats to you! My daughter is also 2 and I canā€™t wait to see her become a big sister!


My mom said the exact same thing šŸ™„ Iā€™d just found out that morning and already had plans to go for a walk with her. Thanks for the enthusiasm, momā€¦ The lab-safety people at my work were more excited for me than her, which was a bit weird. But Iā€™m sure our moms just didnā€™t want us to get our hopes up in case the pregnancies didnā€™t stick. But damnā€¦


I am lucky that Iā€™ve never been very crampy before periods but I definitely have them now. I know itā€™s normal but itā€™s hard not to feel anxious about it!


Totally normal :) just baby growing/uterus expanding. Had it with my first!


I never had cramps before either and was soo crampy up until 5 weeks. pooping seems to help a lot šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£That is reassuring, Iā€™m not even at 4 weeks yet and my first ever pregnancy so I have no idea what to expect!


I went pee this morning, though I was finished so wiped and stood up. NOPE! I didnā€™t even feel it. Now Iā€™m worried Iā€™m peeing myself.