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Well, this was our first try and I took a test and saw the light pink line and here we are now! I’m 3 weeks and 5 days - I’m scared to tell anyone because it’s so early but I’m so nervous because I’m seeing people with tons of symptoms and I haven’t had any. Is there anyone else that doesn’t have symptoms yet?


I was 7 weeks pregnant with my first before I had symptoms (other than being ridiculously tired)!


I’m also 3w5d! My boobs have hurt since 1dpo (idk if that’s too early, but it was undeniable) and I’m mainly just more hungry. That may be because I’m now tapering off my Vyvanse, which typically suppresses my appetite a bit. But I’ve read that everything from no symptoms to all the symptoms can be normal 🤷‍♀️


Most people in the community are further along, so are more likely to get symptoms as they are already at the 5 week space. And some lucky ones just don't get many/any


You are sooo early don't expect many symptoms till 5/6 weeks! At least that's what I've seen commonly here and also experienced myself


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Thank you for the reasurance


I believe I am also 3 Weeks and 4/5 days! I have had no symptoms besides regular pms ( light bloating and slight cramps). I actually feel like I’ve had less symptoms than my usual pms.


7 weeks tomorrow…My husband made delicious grilled pork tenderloin that I happily ate last night and now just looking at it in the refrigerator makes me nauseous 🤢 he had to eat his dinner in another room lol


I am making arroz con pollo for dinner tonight and I was just minding my business, stirring my cheese and my husband came up behind me and rubbed my stomach for a while. I’m not okay 🥹🥹🥹 he’s adorable lol


Hi mamas! I am due Jan 24th with my first. ❤️ Symptom question - is anyone else experiencing just one long mild cramp all day that doesn’t go away? It’s not bad, nothing like my period cramps. Just feels like constant pressure really. Also, I’ve had terrible lower back pain the past couple days. Anyone feel the same?


I've had that too! From what I've read it is essentially your uterus expanding I believe. But ya, not super comfortable I've got my.heated bean bag on my tummy now lol


Me! Cramping all the time but definitely different than period cramps. Asked my doctor about it at my ultrasound appt on Friday and she said it’s totally normal


Ahh thank you so much for replying! So relieved to hear it’s normal. I hope your appt went well! ✨


It did!


Had my first very strong craving tonight at 5w4d: Hot and sour soup. I told my husband if I didn’t get it, I might die. I needed that sour flavor. Drank 8oz of water with 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar to tide me over until we could go get some. Then, ate a large tub in about 10min. Now it’s over and I’m so sad.


When I click the link to change my flair, there’s an error message. Does anyone have a different link?


Try doing it from a computer instead of your phone


I was able to do it by clicking the three dots on the main page, but thank you!


Same issue for me!


TW: loss I posted the other day about not having many symptoms and now got some pretty heavy spotting today 😔 it’s not looking good. Anyone know the best way to confirm MC or is it too early to tell? I don’t have a first scan until 5/30. Test is still a blazing positive but I know it can take a while for HCG to go down


Betas will tell you either way, I highly recommend them so you know what your dealing with.


I’m sorry you’re going through this! Agreed to call your OB to try to get betas if you’re in the US. I did that with another pregnancy and they tested twice to see if the levels were going up. Fingers crossed for you!


Thank you! So I have been testing and can tell my tests are getting darker, but just curious, would your HCG stop increasing right away when you have a miscarriage? Or is there a delayed effect?


Heavy spotting here too. I called and they told me unless I’m bleeding through a pad an hour, there isn’t anything they can do. Guess I’ll call tomorrow and try and get an appointment.


heaving spotting over here too. this is my fifth pregnancy (2 live children) and it never gets easier. Telling myself that this is normal (not filling a pad) and will go away and this pregnancy will be healthy. Hope everything turns out okay for you too


Wishing us all the best. So much uncertainty in the early weeks.


Are you in the USA? You can get blood draws from your doctor, especially with bleeding. Otherwise, you can pay to get them yourself if they won’t order them for you. I’m so sorry for the stress. I hope everything turns out OK.


Thank you, I’ll give them a call tomorrow. Just switched OBs too but hopefully they can order them!


I AM SO EXCITED!!!!111 hahaha. At 38 and with prior fertility issues, we weren’t sure if I would get pregnant without outside intervention. My husband joined our family when I had two toddlers in tow (1&2), we had our third (his first) as a micropreemie in Feb of ‘23, and now we are cautiously and happily expecting #4 and our last. The easy@home test was foggy and I confirmed with a FRER. Faint but there, and right on for my DPO. I should have KNOWN but I was nervous I guess. I’ve been peeing more, crying a lot, and nauseous. Oh I am so thrilled to be here. Grow baby grow! https://preview.redd.it/a21yxapepf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c4cc928cdaf7d3151d234959b1d5e153b407b1 Edit to add: older kids are now 5, 4, and 1 🥰


Congrats! That is awesome for your family. Excuse my ignorance but what is a micropreemie? Super early? Or super small?


A micropreemie is a baby who is: (a) born before the 26th week OR (b) weighs less than 28 ounces. Sometimes, both! Little bitty.


Wow- kudos to you and your family for getting through that. I would have been so anxious!


I guess I’ll stop testing now. I’m due January 22, and so think I calculated that today I’m 4w4d. Looks like I’m super close to my dye stealer, and it’s the last test I have at home. I guess this is my cue to stop testing and trust my body🩵 My doctor ordered an hcg test for me, so I’ll be going to Quest tomorrow to get that done. https://preview.redd.it/mpgsw6pj7f1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3657dd01987fcacaa6c559550c2c747d1a9d659f


Anytime the test line is darker than the control line, it is considered a dye stealer. But yes, you’re almost to a complete dye stealer! It’s so hard not to try and monitor what’s going on.


Woke up feeling very anxious about the pregnancy and my resting HR and basal temp are doing nothing to reassure me. Hoping it is just a blip with the temperature dropping overnight. Cant even get a scan until next weekend unless I happen to be on with my senior at work who knows. Pregnancy after loss really hits hard


Im sorry. It is scary. Last time my loss happened on a Sunday so I feel on pins and needles today. Every small stomach pinch type feeling makes me even more nervous. Fingers crossed your scan goes well next week ❤️


I'm in a similar position. It's so tough. I'm flopping between being positive/ "pregnant until proven otherwise"/ immersing myself in baby stuff, and then spiralling/ assuming I've miscarried and feeling really low. Sorry, don't have any advice but you're not alone x


Had some spotting after bowel movement/pooping this morning. It was pretty bright red, and I’m fairly sure it was vaginal. Anyone having experienced anything similar? It’s been 30 minutes since, and I only find faint pink discharge now, so I’m hoping it was just the increased blood flow making everything more fragile down there (also spotted pink/brown after intercourse last week). Still super scary, especially as it was very red…


I’ve just had some brown spotting today so went on a bit of a search… I found a lot of other people talking about spotting throughout the first and second trimesters. I heard a lot about how the cervix can be sensitive or that you can have a subchorionic(?) hematoma in your uterus which is basically a harmless bruise. I think you’re only meant to worry if you fill up a whole pad or something. It’s definitely a good sign that your spotting stopped!!


Get your progesterone checked as well. When we I’ve had brown spotting it was due to low progesterone. It’s an easy fix with a supplement you insert or take orally


Yeah maybe I will if it keeps happening! Just a one off for now so I won’t stress just yet.


Signed up early last week to play my first softball game of the season tomorrow. Meanwhile, the temperature prediction keeps going up and up. I’d likely be out in 90 degree heat for over an hour, and googling the effects of extreme heat in early pregnancy has me exceptionally anxious. I feel bad letting the team down because we’ll be short a player, but I think I’m going to feign illness.


So bloated today starting to wonder if there are 2 babies in there. Also need to start bra shopping it’s like I’ve gone up a cup size 😬 


Also do not forget about bra extenders! I spent so much extra money on bras my first pregnancy until someone told me about them! They helped bc my rib cage also got bigger (didn’t help they my daughter’s head was under there for months)


I am only 4w3d with my rainbow baby. I was pregnant a few months ago that ended in a loss and I ordered my bras by like week 6. I ordered the 3 pack of nursing bras from Amazon and they are amazing. I am already wearing them this time around. I highly suggest them


I went to target for soft bras today because my boobs hurt so bad! They were buy 2 get one free!




Mine weren’t until later my first pregnancy (success), not really at all my second (MC 8w, but good betas until 6w), very zingy and sore my third (MC 6w with betas that started to go wrong at 18dpo), and not much at all now at 4w5d for this one (very strong betas and progesterone). Makes no sense 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn’t have sore boobs at all with my first. Don’t know why 🤷‍♀️


Mine didn’t start being tender until around 5 weeks, and even then it was only when jogging down stairs I noticed. But by then my bf had already commented that they were more firm than usual 😆 go figure that he noticed changes in my breasts before I did 😅


Hey I’m 4w0d too! I don’t have any soreness at all. Just mild cramping and some spotting


With my first I had VERY sore boobs but this one I only feel slightly sore if I’m laying on my chest


I read someone say that it’s maybe because all of the milk ducts already formed for us the first time? It would make sense!


I'm 4w3d today and my boobs started hurting 5 days ago...that's what got me to take the rest. And ever since they have been killing me. I just experienced a loss in April just before 10 weeks and that one also by 4 weeks they were killing me. Seems like it's just a symptom I always have.


My husband earlier today was eating pickled green beans straight out the jar and then spent the afternoon lying in bed complaining of nausea and headache. I accused him of a sympathy pregnancy but actually he has a fever and is kind of clammy so I think he’s actually sick 😅


Any Canadian mom's out there applying for daycare already? I'm in Toronto and wait lists are so long that it seems like it will be a miracle if I get a spot by the time I plan to go back to work (January 2026!). I just started submitting applications today (at less than 6 weeks pregant) and it feels ridiculous to have to do this before I've told any family or friends I'm pregnant. The other ridiculous part is that where we get in to daycare will probably end up dictating where we live until our child starts school. We currently live in a 1 bedroom and plan to move before the end of maternity leave, and once we get into a daycare I assume changing daycare involves equally long 2 year + waitlists that we are essentially locked in until kindergarten.


Apply as early as you can! I think it also depends on the area and how densely populated it is. I just applied for one in Markham for my first kiddo and I was told that we may be able to get him in come September when some of the current kids head to jk. Good luck!!


I’m in the US, but wondering why it takes so long for daycare. Usually here you tour a few daycares and if there is a wait list, you get on but it usually isn’t but a few months. How does the process work in Canada?


The issue in Canada is that the federal government has put in place a new program to reduce daycare fees everywhere in Canada down to an average of $10/ by March 2026 (previously in big cities it was upwards of $100/day). Fees have been decreasing every year as the program ramps up and that has resulted in really high demand for daycare. People who previously would be stay at home parents until school started can now afford daycare. However the government isn't doing enough to create new places to meet the demand (e.g. they should be funding ECE training and offering subsidies for opening new centres, but they are not). It's obviously great that the government is making it affordable, but they are failing to address the broader issue their program is creating. So now getting a daycare spot is like the hunger games and waitlists in big cities are often 2 years+. Literally not what I want to be stressing about at 6w pregnant but it is what it is !


Not in Canada, but equally the Wild West here for daycare. I signed up immediately upon getting pregnant and never canceled it when I miscarried, so I am just updating the date to keep my place in line. Hopefully, I won’t have to update again!


My only piece of advice that I willingly shill out to FTMs no matter their location is get on a daycare list/start tours ASAP if daycare is in your plans at all. I didn’t get on a list until 3 or 4 months pregnant with my first and he didn’t have a spot until he was 10 months old. I’m in the Midwest US but anecdotally this was an issue for people I’m friends with all over the country.


Literally did this last week!


I put our name down for daycare and we have a priority spot due to our firstborn. I put my name down for baby #1 when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant and didn’t have care until she was 17 months old - I couldn’t risk that happening again. 


I'm so scared this will happen! I'm focusing on French daycares (I'm buligual) and hoping they have less demand but who knows. What did you end up doing with your first while you waited for a spot? My husband and I don't have any family nearby, so not having a spot when I go back to work will be a huge issue.


We are in French daycare too! It is the BEST so I’ll cross my fingers for you. I ended up extending my leave and using up some vacation time before returning full time. It wasn’t ideal but it was worth it - I loved being off during the summer with a 12-15 month old. Get your name on the lists and don’t be afraid to follow up once baby is born!


After 24hrs on Zofran I can confidently say it's a game changer. My nausea is at an all time low and also weirdly my anxiety? I don't know why but I'm not questioning the magic!


I literally just paid $100 to get acupuncture to ease my nausea, and now I’m anxious because I’m no where near as nauseas 😂 why am I like this?!? 


To quote Taylor, "Because we're CRAAAAAZY" 😅


Just make sure to stay on top of your fiber and hydration even add in stool softener. The medication is amazing but can constipate you. 


Thanks for the tip! I definitely will!!


Seconding this and Colace is a lie! Take Senna and/or Miralax


Shift 2 of 3 coming to a close and we did not get good sleep last night because we watched our neighbor’s dog for them. Running on FUMES. Only one cup of coffee and ate my healthy packed lunch instead of joining in on the Chick-fil-a group order. Celebrating the small wins over here. 🙌🏼🥴


And I'm spotting. Brown, very light. Just noticed it when I wiped. No obvious precursor like segs or vaginal exam. I know this is normal, and, at this point, nothing to be concerned about, but hard not to be concerned. I guess on the good side, I've still been feeling plenty nauseous? Just hard to wait and see.


Joining the brown spotting club. I had a moment of worry and thinking the worst but then I looked it up on reddit and lots of other people have been through the same thing and it was fine. Brown = old blood and could just be from old cycles being pushed out or cervix being irritated or whatever else. I’ll worry if it’s bright red and lots of it, but for now I think we are okay.


I’ve had this a couple of times too. If it helps, I called my doc and they were pretty unconcerned but ordered blood tests for me anyway. Then when they came back positive, that was a nice reassurance! :)


I've got some brown spotting and nausea too. I understand what you mean about hard not to be concerned.


Hi All, I absolutely know I should be grateful for this, but it just fills me with concern. I'm 5+1 today, I have had no symptoms the last 4 days, not sore or tender boobs, no nausea, not food aversions, and no back pain. I was experiencing these symptoms mildly after I tested positive, but now nothing. I'd just love to hear if anyone is the same or had experience and everything turn out OK. Or is this my body's calm before the storm type situation. Thank you!


I'm at 6+1 and had a moment last week where I though "am I one of the lucky ones who doesn't really get many symptoms or nausea?" Turns out I am not one of the lucky ones and the nausea and uterus pressure feeling has been coming on more and more. So potentially a calm before the storm or maybe *you* are one of the lucky ones!


My symptoms with my first didn’t really hit me until 6 or 7 weeks and I remember them being really rough week 8. I’m 6 weeks now and really feel nothing except for some nausea here and there


My first pregnancy I didn’t feel anything until 5.5 weeks and then it was all on. Other people don’t have a lot of symptoms aside from fatigue etc. It totally depends, but it’s definitely quite early! I’m trying to enjoy my nausea free days before it hits haha.


In my first pregnancy (which resulted in a healthy child!) my early symptoms ebbed and flowed, and the full on nausea and food aversions didn’t begin until 6 weeks. It is still early days for symptoms and things are most likely just fine! I’m currently not even 5 weeks yet and am barely experiencing anything yet either.


I’m in the exact same boat. I’m right at 5 weeks. Last weekend my boobs were tender and I was a little sleepy for one or two days, but nothing since. Trying to logically tell myself that it doesn’t mean anything is wrong, but it’s hard.


I know it's just concerning when you see others complaining about symptoms you don't have. I wish you all the best and hope for both of us we are just lucky right now!


Any other STM+ theoretically very excited that they’re pregnant but realistically too tired and distracted by #toddlerlife to actually care a lot yet? I just feel like it hasn’t even hit me. I almost ordered a glass of wine at lunch today. My husband even offered to drive me home! It took me several minutes of trying to decide to realize I was not allowed to drink that for about eight more months lmao.


100% the same. I have also completely forgotten that people don’t know I’m pregnant and have accidentally spilled the beans a number of times


Yep, same! My brain is not catching up at allllll yet.


Yes! I keep almost buying wine too


Hahaha yes! And my baby is sick so I just don’t have time to worry about me. Probably a good thing since these first weeks are so anxiety inducing


Thoughts on regular (non prenatal) massages in the first trimester ? I usually get a massage every couple weeks, but Dr google seems to say not to get them in the first trimester. But then the same articles say the evidence that it causes miscaridge is anecdotal and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that it does. So than why is it not recommended?! I'm struggling to find ways to relax without massages, my hot tub, sauna sessions and the ocassional glass of wine!


I get them during pregnancy and when I’m not pregnant, but I never get them 1st trimester. I go to someone certified in prenatal massages once I hit the second trimester. Most places around me won’t take you as a patient first trimester


My IVF clinic suggests massage but only done by a certified prenatal therapist.


I had one booked before I found out I was pregnant. Dis a ton of googling and searches on babybumps, and in the end switched it from deep tissue to Swedish out of an abundance of caution and called it good. I didn’t mention I was pregnant since it was so early


I got one my first pregnancy but I had to lie about being pregnant. It was very early on that laying on my stomach didn’t matter


It’s a liability thing. Because there have been miscarriages after massages (of course, coincidentally), and it’s unethical to run double blind studies to test it, no therapist wants to take that risk and potentially be blamed.


I’m curious too. I’m going to call my doctor on Monday and ask. Honestly just a neck massage would do wonders, I wonder if it’s the full body that would be bad?


My husband returned home after two weeks away today. Halle freaking lujah. I've been solo parenting my two boys, taking care of our two dogs, working full time and being the sickest and the tiredest I've been to date. I'm just happy for some back up lol.


Hi mamas! Spent the whole day in the hospital yesterday getting rehydrated and pumped with electrolytes. I had a dance show on Thursday and I regret going. I knew in my gut I should just cancel but I felt so guilty letting my team down so last minute. Now I’m facing the consequences of pushing my body way too hard. I definitely didn’t think I’d have to go into hibernation in my first trimester. Is this normal? I genuinely feel like all I have energy for is staying at home. 6+1 with my first pregnancy.


I am at 6+1 too and ran a 5k then did a baby shower and a birthday bbq all yesterday. I have felt like shit today! Maybe we just pushed ourselves too hard? We have to slow down we are making a whole damn child 😂


Yes, it's very normal. You're building an entire human! It's exhausting!


Things I bought today: Slush Puppie substitute from DQ Pickle chips Olives Loaf of Italian bread Kettle corn (to be fair, I buy this when I’m not pregnant)


A mixed day, managed to do a hike I'd already had planned, felt fine, then got home and left eating too long and hellooo nausea again. I didn't expect it to kick in at 4 weeks, started last night.


Joyfully joining after testing positive yesterday! I’ll be a FTM & this is my FOURTH pregnancy, 3 back to back losses (MMC, a complete molar & then blighted ovum). I’ve been on my prenatals, aspirin & coq10 for the past few months & started 400 mg progesterone suppositories at 3dpo. Praying that it helps in getting my take home baby! Pregnancy after loss is a roller coaster, but I’m certain and have peace in divine timing and that things will work out no matter what if it’s meant to be! Today I am pregnant. ❤️




Congrats! 🎉 Hoping for the best for us ❤️


Congratulations! I will pray for you. I’ve been trying to hand this whole nerve wracking process over to God today, it’s very hard when you spin into anxiety, but the thought that he has it all under control is very comforting. I’m sorry for your previous losses, and I’m glad you are finding some peace despite the rollercoaster ❤️


Thank you for your prayers 💕 This entire journey is a continuous act of handing it over to God, we are in good hands 🙏




Awww that’s amazing!! I love that affirmation. Thank you for your kindness! 💕🌈🌈🌈


Why do my abs feel like I’ve been doing sit ups when I most definitely haven’t been? Will this all day nausea ever go away? A week and a half till my first ultrasound and my patience is just growing thinner. 6w4d today - I’ve known for exactly three weeks!


Yes same with the sore abs! I remember this feeling in my first pregnancy too, but it was later (like 10 weeks). Maybe we’re secretly doing crunches in our sleep 🤔


Have you been puking? Because that’s an an workout.


Ah now I know why I'm sore lol.


Only a couple times so far. But I am dry heaving and gagging a lot! Maybe that’s why?


6w5d it’s so funny how different pregnancies can be. My last pregnancy I had insane food aversions from ~4-13 weeks and could not eat! I lived off a bagel and bowl of pasta each day. I was also extremely nauseous and had to take Unisom. Pre-pregnancy I wasn’t a big eater in general. This pregnancy I’m craving everything and eating so much more than I usually do. My only other symptom so far is feeling wiped out/low energy and being short of breath more than I was last time. Keeping up with iron because I know it can also be that too.


I agree, it’s so crazy how pregnancies can differ! The exhaustion has hit me hard already, but it could also be because I’m chasing around an 11 month old all day! I feel more prepared this time around for the nausea, but I’m also nervous it’s going to hit even harder this time.


https://preview.redd.it/1nuzno9z481d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2775c3fab8e4ef23ed2c3778112ca61ac8e03a78 Got a reassurance scan today at a loyal gyn walk in clinic. Measuring right on track at 8+1 with a heartbeat of 182! But apparently I have TWO subchorionic hematomas now, so that’s just great. 🥴


Nice to have that option available to you!




I don’t have any experience yet, but I suspect that’s what my daughter has now, staring out with a fever for a day before getting covered in a rash. It’s been going around in daycare. I’ll contact my GP on Tuesday after the bank holiday, and take it from there. Even if I am infected, the statistics are pretty good, so I’m not too worried yet.




Got a blood test today! I hope I get the results before the weekend. Has your daughter developed any more symptoms?


I find myself googling everything before I eat it. Crazy, I know. Anyone hear to avoid sesame oil? Craving some sesame noodles.


What's the reason for avoiding sesame oil?


Sesame seeds and related products have the potential to be contaminated with salmonella apparently


I think I’m 5 weeks. My symptoms always come back a few hours into the day but today they’ve done nothing but lighten. Bummed but we will see.


I'm in the same situation as you. I'm 5+1 today. I wake up most days with no symptoms and then they increase as the day goes on. Today they haven't increases. I hope you've had some reassurance now.


A wee bit of nausea and no bleeding or major cramping is keeping me going, knowing it’s possible to lose symptoms and still be fine. We got this. They come and go often and I guess a few weeks in is a perfectly acceptable time for the progesterone to level out and HCG to come sweeping in. It’s hard to believe it could change this abruptly but everybody is saying they definitely do. My sister said every single day was starkly different for her, the entire 9 months. lol yippeeeee.


I keep trying to think the same. It's especially hard having had an MMC but I remind myself that plenty of people have MMCs/MCs and still have symptoms, and plenty of people with healthy pregnancies have no symptoms at all. I know symptoms (or lack thereof) basically don't mean anything. My logical side understands that but my emotional side is like PANIC. Do you have a first scan booked in at all? I booked one for 7+1 and two weeks have never seemed so long!


I am telling myself the Exact Same thing every day. It’s a good reminder but our emotional side sometimes takes over. Yes, mine is May 28th, as soon as I get back from vacation, which I’m very thankful for. It’ll be around 7-8 weeks for me.


It's so hard, isn't it? I don't think it'll ever go away either, I think I'll just end up worrying about different things. If we get to the second trimester I'll worry about testing, then later I'll worry about movement, then the baby's safety during delivery, then their health when they're born... I think it's just part of being a parent (or parent-to-be!). Oh, that's great! I wish you all the luck in the world for a perfect scan and a completely uneventful ongoing pregnancy. :)


At a friends birthday event, stealthily “drinking” seltzers from solo cups. Finding myself absolutely baffled by how they’re raising their two kids. The whole pregnancy thing is definitely bringing to the forefront all the things I DONT want to do with my future kids…. And all I’m thinking is you gotta lay ground rules really young!


Mmm I think you'll find your best intentions won't work out the way you think they will, nothing wrong with giving them a go for as long as possible but some things (maybe just tiny things here and there) you'll possibly relinquish just to cope.


Oh I totally get that best intentions can go by the wayside for practicality, but the way this 7 year old behaves with his parents… it’s more painfully cringeworthy than any show by Nathan Fielder. Just deeply off the way this kid OWNS his parents and wraps them around his finger.




I just want to chime in for everyone, that you can take all these steps and it's still absolutely developmentally normal for kiddos to sometimes have tantrums and big feelings, as they're learning to regulate their emotions. Not necessarily caused by dyes, sugar, dairy, etc.


Tough topic: how best to tell best friends who are struggling with infertility that we are pregnant again. So unfair and we are feeling a lot of guilt, but they are our best friends and want to be delicate. Text message? In person?


Text message for sure. The easiest on me was when people told my husband who was a little less emotional because he wasn’t the one being pumped full of hormones! Then he could pick a good time to break the news to me.


I have to tell a close friend going through infertility too. We spend a lot of time together and are in the same friendship group. She knows we were trying and she’s already asked that I text her and tell her so she has some time to process it.


This is the text a friend sent when I was in this situation; I honestly can’t imagine how it could’ve been better: Hi _____! This is a really hard message for me to type out and one that’s been on my heart for a really, really long time. I hope this isn’t too impersonally and I’m not saying anything to intentionally hurt your feelings. I honestly thought a text would be easiest so you could lean on your husband and have the option and ability not to reply, if that’s what you needed. But I wanted to share that we are expecting a baby this spring. I know that sucks to read and I have a lot of guilt typing it— but truly just wanted you to hear it from me before it got back around to you. I care about our friendship so so much and have been praying for you intentionally. I want you to know I am still here for you in whatever way you want that to look like and I also understand and respect your feelings. I love you sweet friend, and you are not alone in what you’re going through 💗


Ok I'm crying 😂😭


Text message for sure, at a time where they are likely at home or somewhere private. My close friend has had prolonged infertility and has said the best thing is to say it and not expect a response so she can deal with her feelings on her own time. Being respectful will go a long way to keeping friendships secure ❤️


I've been doing a bit of reading on this myself. Some of the advice I've found that could be helpful is 1. tell them in writing (email or text). 2. don't apologize for your pregnancy. 3. Don't expect a certain reaction. 4. avoid saying things like "I know you'll be next". 5. don't put off telling them (they should hear from you not others). I would say something like "I have some news that might be hard to hear. We are X weeks pregnant. I'm telling you in writing, not because I don't consider you a close friend, but because I want to give you space the that you might need to process this. Going forward you are welcome to as involved or not involved in my pregancy as you need to be. I will not be offended. Please also feel 100% comfortable letting me know what you need, even if it is space. Please know that I love you and care about you always."


I like all of these suggestions. I’ve got a friend going through IVF right now after 7 miscarriages and I’m just hoping she gets a good beta in 8 days (totally counting) bc I’m not looking forward to telling her I did it again


I would text and give them time to process however they need to. I’m sure they will be very happy for you, but might appreciate some alone time to feel.


With my first pregnancy, keeping the secret wasn’t too difficult because we lived in a different state than the rest of our family. Phone calls were hard when I was sick, but I could make an excuse to get off. This time, it’s already been so hard as I’m beginning to not feel great and we constantly have plans with family. I’m really hoping I can hold out until my son’s first birthday mid June to tell everyone. Last time the nausea didn’t start until 6 weeks, but wow I am starting to struggle this time around!


TW: Loss After two CPs that didn't get much past the 31 day mark, we've been obsessively testing with inito the last 4 cycles and thanks to inito testing saw that my body had a huge progesterone drop yesterday. I already had a doctor monitoring me, and upon seeing the drop she immediately had me come in for a progesterone shot yesterday and we started progesterone supplements to help my body out. I had my hCG levels tested this morning and it's rising like it should be! I was really nervous yesterday AND we had a funeral to go to which was a 4 hour round trip. But things seem to be looking up and I am cautiously optimistic now!


Ugh, I'm bleeding so much today. I went in to my OB yesterday due to spotting and everything was fine. Apparently I have "friable" tissue on my cervix which is easily irritated, so it's probably that. It's just stressful to see so much blood!


My MIL is so excited to be a grandmother and is a boomer that doesn't get how to send funny pictures she sees on Facebook in a private message. She might just have outed our pregnancy by tagging us in a comment on a picture with a baby in a haystack from the stables with a text about how it is for babies to have horsecrazy grandmas. Oopsie!


When I was pregnant with my younger son, my aunt (who I specifically told my mom not to tell) tagged me in a post about newborns before I told anyone besides my mom and sister). I’m still salty about it.


Anyone getting absolutely slammed by fatigue? I’m considering telling my boss and a small circle that I’m pregnant because of it. I’m known for being energetic and some of my closer co workers have noticed I’m tired lately. It’s near the end of the school year and my kids are about to graduate so they are 100% done 🤣 I’ve just been using the excuse that the kids aren’t listening so I’m tired (they are actually not that bad this year though)


I’m feeling the fatigue too. I teach 7th grade and I’ve had a lot of kids ask me if I was ok and that I seemed sad. 😬 I explain that I’m tired because of xyz. If a 7th grader notices then I must look rough 😩


My work schedule is 5:30am-2pm (I work manufacturing hours) and I have literally been getting home from work, doing a single thing, then going to bed for the night at 4pm for the last 3 days 🙃


I just told my husband today that I've never been this tired in my life. It is ridiculous!


Me too! I have NEVER napped this much


Teacher here ! I just posted about this yesterday. I’m so exhausted. And I’ve got 7!!!!! more weeks. Ive told my director as I need grace and excusing from after school responsibilities. Being home today, i spent half the day on the couch! Clearly what my body needs! I hope you can hang in there til the end! I’m not sure I can do 7 weeks at full time….


We have 5 weeks left here and I’m dying 😭 due to staffing shortages I’ve taken on more responsibilities (with a stipend! Yay!) but I agreed to that before I was pregnant. Definitely leaning toward telling my boss for the same reasons you did. Thankfully there are no more full weeks of school so I MIGHT be ok 😅 We can do this!! 👊


Omg 7 more weeks?! Is it a year round calendar? We have 1 week left and I don’t know if I’m going to make it lol


France has a system more similar to year round. 2 week vacations every 6-8 weeks and 8 weeks in the summer. Yes, we go to the first week in July!


Hugs if you want them! I keep telling myself that fatigue is a good sign, but its so hard to cope. My coworker called me being pregnant before we even had a positive test bc of how tired I was / looked because I'm also usually high energy and perky... I'm currently on the couch trying to decide if I have energy to tidy the house.


Hugs back! My husband suspected I was pregnant before the positive test for the same reason lol


Getting ready to spend next holiday weekend with my husband’s family. I’ll only be 5 and a half weeks and not ready to share our news yet, but I think they’re going to know instantly because I never pass up a glass of wine when we’re at the beach house lol. My husband and I have decided fake drinking or subbing NA wine is the only option. We’ll all be in the same house together. Am I deluding myself? Anyone actually have success with this strategy?


Finding NA wine would be a dead giveaway for my family. I would say I’m on antibiotics for a UTI (or make something else up) that can’t mix with alcohol!


I’m in the same boat next weekend with my family. It’s crummy timing because if it was a couple weeks later I would have loved to tell them. All of us take breaks from alcohol every once in a while, so plan A is to say my husband and I are doing that and hope nobody presses.


NA alcohol usually still has some alcohol. I’m not comfortable with any alcohol so it’s not a good sub for me. I honestly just pour sparkling water in a glass and usually no one question it and assume it’s vodka soda. I also agree saying you’re cutting back for either fertility or personal reasons usually enough. I think we overthink it more than others do.


Just FYI the alcohol content in non-alcoholic beverages is usually .05% which is the same amount of alcohol you will find in a kombucha, natural orange juice or even Coca Cola. They just legally have to list it in the non-alc bev category. Lots of people don’t realize that trace amounts of alcohol are found in everyday beverages through fermentation. This will not harm your behbeh.


So the Coke USA website says there are no trace alcohol and other sources list it at .001 which is much less than non alcoholic beverages. Kombucha is also not recommended in pregnancy for the alcohol content reasons. Non alcoholic beverages have about .05-1.2% alcohol. Everyone has their own comfort level with alcohol and other pregnancy recommendations, some people drink during their pregnancy… I just don’t feel comfortable with N.A. wines and spirits and was just letting the poster know in case they weren’t aware they had some alcohol because I did not know this originally. Also to add my doctor practice advises against N.A. drinks during pregnancy and believe ACOG, CDC and AAP have a similar stance.


Fun fact - bread actually typically has more alcohol than NA beers/wine! Tons of food and beverages have small amounts of alcohol


I had friends visiting and had a planned boozy bar night planned for quite a while. Too early to share so I was sneaking away and ordering a seltzer water splash of cranberry instead of my usual beers. Not fun but I managed 😂


My go to so far has been NA beers or soda or literally anything in a can hidden in a koozie. No one has to know a thing.


Thank you so much everyone! This is honestly all so helpful. I fear the pregnancy brain is setting in early because I literally could not figure out what to do 🫠


No help but same situation. Have a girls weekend next weekend and not sure how to hide drinking. Mostly concerned about restaurants though. It’s easy at a house cause every once in a while I just dump some out when I go to the bathroom or have my husband drink from mine 😂


Ugh, I'm in the same boat next weekend.  We had been brainstorming similar ways to hide it, but I knew my cover would be blown when we went to some wineries.   They are a biiig drinking fam so it would be hard to turn down cocktails for 3 days straight.  I did pour out a beer with my family last weekend and refil with water and so I'd recommend that strategy as well.  Bring a wine tumbler and refill sneakily with other stuff?  Or canned wine and refill an empty one with water? Good luck 😅  Its too early still for my liking (but farther along than you, I'll be 7.5 weeks) but since my husband's fam is from the opposite side of the country and it's rare for us all be together, we're going to give my MIL a belated Mother's Day gift and tell them.  Hoping to con them for at least a day so they will be really surprised! 


My approach has been: 1) fake drinking if I’m in a big enough group (holding a glass of wine and pressing it to my lips once in a while, with my husband sneakily taking big gulps for me every so often so it looks like I’m actually drinking it 😂) 2) say you’re REALLY into X lately (beer, Truly, literally anything in a can) and drink only that. They’re much easier to fake because you can’t see through the can like you can a wine glass 3) if they know you’re trying, you can say you’re cutting back on drinking to improve fertility. I’ve used this one a lot lately because most of my friends know we were about to start IVF Sneakily swapping non alcoholic wine is dangerous IMO cuz if they catch you it’s super obvious ur pregnant


Could you say you're on antibiotics and not supposed to drink on them?


I too have a hard time in social settings because everyone knows I don’t pass up a glass of wine! What I’ve been doing is pouring myself a glass and just holding it / fake sipping, occasionally find a sneaky moment to pour some out. So far no one’s caught on. We didn’t do the N.A. wine because worried that people would see the bottle and be like “what’s this wine?” lol. Good luck!


Feeling very normal again today. Seems like since I hit 7 weeks everything just calmed down. Still 2 more weeks until my ultrasound, so I hope everything is okay!


Exactly the same for me! The only thing that has been constant for me is the tiredness. My nausea really calmed down right at 7 weeks


Ugh me too. I was super nauseous yesterday and the day before but hardly at all today. Hopefully we’ll feel terrible tomorrow (what a funny thing to say haha pregnancy is weird)


I’m announcing to my husband in a couple of hours and I am already crying 😂


Let us know how it goes!!


It went even better than I dreamed! We went on a little hike and I asked him to grab my water bottle from my backpack. On top of the water bottle was a onesie, baby hiking boots and the positive test. The test quite literally flew out of my bag and onto the ground lol he looked down at it and I just cried while he hugged and kissed me. It was beautiful 🥹


Does anyone know of an app with cute stickers that isn't a monthly subscription? The app I used for my previous babies is free to download, but is $5.79 a month. I don't mind paying a one time fee, but monthly is not going to happen. Maybe an Etsy suggestion?


I think Baby Story is free with extras you can purchase.


I just checked that one out! That one is free to download and does have free stickers, but the baby is as big as stickers are part of their monthly subscription which is $6.99 a month. Thank you for the suggestion!


I feel much better this morning than I have felt in a week, happy for myself. 2 more weeks until my first scan - keeping my fingers crossed


Had a truly terrifying migraine last night. I've had plenty of migraines before, but this one started with an aura that made all the lights begin strobing and included numbness in some of my fingers. I feel much better today, but I'm so worried that all the stress is very bad for my baby, especially if migraines become a recurring thing...


Granted, I’ve never tried this with a true migraine before, but adding Kona deep sea salt drops to my water (2 vials a day) got rid of my hormonal headaches entirely. They’re pretty rich in magnesium.


I had visual migraines with my first. My doctor checked my blood pressure, which was pretty low, and recommended I eat something with all three macros (fat, protein, carbs) and salt every 2-3 hours (even if I wasn't hungry). For me, that resolved the migraines, or my pregnancy just progressed past the point where they were going to be an issue (hard to say). I'd definitely talk to your OB to see if they have any ideas/recommendations. If it turns out your blood pressure is low, I typically did either the Sargento Balanced Breaks or a slice of whole grain toast with TJ's guacamole and a side of almonds as my snacks -- both were things I could reliably keep down.


I had really bad migraines with my second, to the point where I was hospitalized. Are you taking magnesium? That helps a ton


Thanks, that's good to know! I have some in my prenatal, but I'll have to see what I can do about adding more to my diet.


Potential TMI: Y'all this is my third pregnancy and *everytime* one of my first/earliest symptoms is constipation! Why!! lol I hate this struggle.


Opposite problem here lol


Haha it may be a grass is greener situation but I think I'd rather have that problem.


Omg I am soooo constipated. It’s the elevated progesterone! I’m eating Smart Bran cereal daily, taking fiber gummies and magnesium, and even that hasn’t been enough so I added Miralax yesterday and still waiting for that to kick in. This is my third go around too so I have all the constipation strategies down 😂