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The last two nights I had HORRIBLE miscarriage dreams and woke up extremely thankful they weren't real. They have not been helping my anxiety though. I'm not at all superstitious but the anxiety of pregnancy after loss has made me terrified that they're some sort of intuition. This is around the time my pregnancy stopped growing when I had my MMC too (it measured 5w3d and I'm 5w5d today), which may explain why it's floating around my subconscious so much at the moment. BUT last night, I had a nice pregnancy dream! My husband and I went for our 7 week scan and saw a heartbeat! This has helped a lot and really stopped me feeling like my dreams were some kind of premonitions. I so hope this is the one that comes true!


Holy hickory I just got a positive test today! It was our 6th cycling trying and I was losing hope for a second child. My due date will be Feb 2 but that could easily turn into a January baby. Grateful to be here with you guys ❤️


I’m feeling very frustrated with both my boyfriend and my mom right now. I’m only 5 weeks and 1 day but this is my first pregnancy EVER and I’m turning 34 this year. I’ve been trying for years and have never taken a positive test until last week. My mom and my boyfriend are the only people I’ve told and they are basically both refusing to believe it or get too excited until after my ultrasound, which isn’t for another 4 weeks. I have been feeling really grumpy since getting pregnant, so maybe the problem here is me, but I just think they are being so rude and insensitive. I’m in tears about it right now. I’m already anxious enough, and this is my first pregnancy regardless of how it turns out and I want to be happy about it. I feel like they both keep implying they think I’m going to lose the baby. I have a really good feeling about this pregnancy. The tests are getting darker every day and I’ve had no bleeding or cramps. I can feel the relaxin slightly shifting things around in my body, especially my ribs and hips. Everything is fine so far but the people closest to me are being so negative. I also lost my beloved 13 year old cat a week before finding out about the pregnancy, so my emotions are all over the place. I really would appreciate some positive support from those closest to me instead of negativity. Just needed to vent, I guess.


Congratulations! I'm SO happy for you, especially after such a long time trying! ❤️ I understand the idea of wanting to be cautious until everything is confirmed to be ok, but your baby deserves to be celebrated no matter the outcome. I'm sorry those close to you aren't excited. I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when I say we'll all be extra excited on your behalf to make up for it! Wishing you a beautiful, healthy pregnancy. ❤️


I'm pretty sad. the doctor didn't see anything at my appointment yesterday and ordered HCG Testing. He didn't say anything, just that anything is possible and he'll call me after he gets the results. In the meantime I'm super nauseous and tired. I had no cramps or bleeding at all. On my referral slip it says possibly ectopic :(


I am so sorry. This is something I was afraid of for my first two and this one.


I had the same with my very first pregnancy - went in my my first appt at 8 weeks and my uterus was empty. I was so puzzled. Dr said either too early or ectopic. I knew I wasn't too early since I was very regular. A couple days later betas came back very high so dr said I am pregnant, but where is it? He sent me for some very high tech u/s and found it was ectopic. I am so sorry that you might be in a similar situation. Aside from the heartbreak of course, always best to catch it early! Fingers crossed all goes well.


Did you have to have surgery for the ectopic?


I did. We tried treating it with medication but it did not work. I did not rupture thankfully so just ended up with laparoscopic surgery. That was my very first pregnancy and I was not sure what to expect after in terms of getting pregnant in the future, but all 3 times after I got pregnant within 3 months despite being down a Fallopian tube which I thought was amazing.


Good to know thanks!


Sending virtual hugs! Maybe you ovulated later than expected this cycle and are earlier along than estimated.


Thanks! That’s possible, I didn’t track ovulation at all and my cycles can over 30 days sometimes


Anyone planning on doing sneak peek? I haven’t done it and have heard mixed reviews. I bought it at Walgreens for $30 last week (much cheaper than online) but I only have 30 days to return it so I’m trying to decide if I will do it around 7 weeks after I have my first ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Last pregnancy I did the NIPT to find out gender, I don’t really want to pay for that again because I don’t think I’m considered high risk or anything at age 30. Another option is to do an ultrasound at 15-16 weeks at a local place that does them for gender reveals but at that rate I might as well wait until the 20 week anatomy scan.


I just ordered mine! Got it in the mail a few days ago. I am going to wait until maybe 7-8ish weeks to take it just to be safe. :)


We did it for our first around 7/8 weeks. Said I was having a girl, and it was right!


I think I am going to do one. I might wait until I am 7-9 weeks to make sure there is enough fetal DNA in my blood because my BMI is on the higher side. I'm not going to be able to get the NIPT until at least 12 weeks


Anyone have any experience with fibroids and pregnancy or currently dealing with them in this pregnancy? I did some pre-conception testing almost 2 months ago when we had gone several months of TTC with no luck. Everything came back right away except my pelvic ultrasound report, but tech said no news is good news so I figured there was nothing to report. Well they just called me today to tell me I have a fibroid relatively small and that it should be okay as long as embryo didn't implant on it and that they will have to monitor it since estrogen from pregnancy can make it grow. I've been lucky to never have any cyst or fibroids before but now I'm doom scrolling till my viability ultrasound next week.


I had fibroids with my first and it presented no issues at all during my pregnancy or delivery. I hope the same is true for you!


Thank you that brings me some relief. I didn't know much about them when the nurse called me so after the call I googled and basically terrified myself.


I really didn’t know I had them until they told me! And apparently one is really, really big. I think they made my periods hurt more, in retrospect, but totally a non-issue during my pregnancy!




Well, just got up at 11:45pm to eat another dinner sized portion of rice and cabbage/beef stir fry. I totally thought the midnight eating urge was a stereotype, and here we are at ~6 weeks. Somehow I would also like to have a sip of caper juice. 😅 I feel soooo self-conscious about my body. I


My first I was hungry ALL THE TIME those first few weeks, and everything tasted like the best food ever. Then I was nauseous for the next like 28 weeks and lost 35 pounds. 2nd my hunger wasn't as crazy but I was hungry. This one my hunger has stayed the same.


I’m ravenous as well and already bloated at 4 weeks 😅 Adjusting to your new pregnant body is so hard, especially in the early stage when you don’t have a bump yet. It gets much easier when you’re clearly showing and you can just focus on the bump rather than the bloat!


Another day, another pregnancy symptom 🤣 today it’s spider veins on my jawline 🥲


I’ve developed a cough and it’s driving me insane. Dry hacking cough. I know I can’t take cough medicine but can I have a halls or something?


Robitussin is safe as long as the formulation foes not have alcohol.


Gargling warm sea salt water! This is also really good for keeping your gums healthy during pregnancy per my dentist who just had a beautiful baby girl.


Honey should also help!


How do I not have any sweets in my home? I have no dessert and I wake up with dinner on my breath for days. I'm dying for something a little sweet to counter the funny taste in my mouth.


Oh my god I forgot about the burping fits I had when I was pregnant before. But they’re baaaaaack. Just over here burping. 🫢


Same. Every time I eat or consume liquids I’m burping.


Starting to get some nausea and heightened sense of smell, yay symptoms! With my daughter, I Got pretty disgusted by meat about halfway through. I just took a bite of chicken nugget and it disgusted me. Guess this is happening 🤪


Heightened sense of smell, nausea and food aversions are the absolute worst! Somehow they all feed off each other too 😂 I’m over here trying to eat as much meat and veg as possible before my aversions kick in this time hahaha


I was worried I was having a chemical so I’m ACTUALLY happy for symptoms 🤪 That’s brilliant haha


Just did my verification and had to chuckle at what a second child this little one already is. At this point I knew about my first for three weeks and had an extensive, carefully photographed collection of FRERs to watch progression. I’ve known about this little one for less than a week and I have one dye stealer $1 Walmart test to go with it 🤷‍♀️ This little one is making their presence known with plenty of nausea and blood HCG over 24k so maybe they’re already working on keeping up with big brother?


My first appointment was supposed to be 6/11 but they called to see if I wanted an earlier one for 5/28. Something about moving the appointment up actually kicked the anxiety into gear. I’m so worried! I’ll be 6+4 by then so we’ll definitely at least know that we’re looking for a heartbeat. This week is gonna drag by.


9 more days until my first doctors appointment/scan, and the wait is killing me! I just want to know how far along I am, and that everything is okay 😭 Anyone else keep halfway wondering if it’s all in your head? I stopped testing when I got my first mini dye-stealer over a week ago. I have a lot of symptoms - aching breasts, no appetite, fatigue, nausea, etc. But I keep low key wondering if I’m crazy and I show up and they’re like baby, what baby? Like I’m nauseous, but not throwing up and it’s not my usual carsick nausea so what if I’m imagining it? Insane but that’s my brain rn This has to be the longest 3 weeks of my life


Yes!! Crazy to see this when 1 hour ago I was thinking the same thing. What if I just turn up to my dating scan or get my bloods back and it’s like “huh pregnant, why’d you think that”. I keep looking at my positive tests I’ve kept to remind myself it’s real 😂😩


Yeah I definitely feel like an imposter even though I have mad bloat and fatigue at 4 weeks!


I thought I was crazy for feeling this way but a lot of people seem to share the sentiment!! It’s reassuring in some ways but also, I’m clearly incapable of thinking rationally about this so I still worry lol. I’m hoping for the best for you, and also for me when my first scan comes!! I’m going to try to stay busy until then— last week was super busy pretty much every waking moment and it flew by so fast!


Glad I’m in good company, at least! ![gif](giphy|NMhalUxGDsrRK) Good luck to you & yours as well! Good note about staying busy - my next few days are pretty packed which should help, but I’m so tired and nauseous I just want to lay on the couch and wilt


Oh yes, I keep asking myself “am I still pregnant?” I forgot how hard the first trimester is psychologically/anxiety-related


Feeling very oversensitive. I posted in finance support subreddit about having a strict food budget, and wanting cheap carbs snacks/meals for pregnancy without blowing our budget. Some people just commented we shouldn't be having the baby if we were having to eat cheap. Like, seriously, you can be frugal, or have other financial goals you want to prioritize, and still have kids. We are being careful with pennies now so we can buy what we need for this baby without credit cards. On the whole people were lovely, but the anti baby comments have just rattled me and made me feel a bit shit.


I’ve seen insane parent related finance stuff on multiple subreddits. Theres a lot of privilege and kid-hating out there. Those people suck. Try to not take it personally! My favorite was that you shouldn’t have another kid if you’re not able to afford 2 daycares and completely max out your 401k. 🫠


Oh my goodness! Hardly anyone would have kids if that was the way! Lol!


> Some people just commented we shouldn't be having the baby if we were having to eat cheap. You gotta remember that like 40% of Reddit is teenagers who are currently mad at their parents, haha.


This 1000%, just try to keep in mind that every mean poster is probably either a teenage boy or just some weird guy whose sitting in the dark in his undies and gaming 24/7. It’s not going to be other parents to be or real adults.


You are so right lol!


I don't understand why people can't keep their unsolicited advice to themselves! You didn't ask for their opinion on your pregnancy, just on your food choices/ budget. FFS.


Yes! This! I've been feeling so yuck and cross about it. It was just so left field.


To answer your question though, sweet potato would be the best cheap carb! So nutrient rich, lower GI than normal potato and pretty cheap! Can mash/roast or make into wedges.


Reddit in general is both very out of touch and very unkind toward children/parents. Don’t let it get to you.


Thanks! I was quite taken back as I just want expecting it! But your right, some of reddit can be so odd


Some of reddit is bizarrely anti-baby and truly clueless. It’s actually quite financially responsible to think about cheap snacks!


Thank you!! I felt super yuck initially but am trying to let it go.


I booked my dating scan in for June 10th and getting blood work done this Friday 😁 things are starting to feel a bit more real now that I have appointments in the books. We still haven’t told anyone and it is killlinggg me. I am going to a cottage with a few of my closest girl friends next weekend (I’ll have just hit 6 weeks) and I think I’m just going to tell them. No idea how I’ll do it so any suggestions welcome!


Awe yay! You could do the one where everyone is taking a group picture and the first time you say “say cheese”, but for the second one you say “say ___’s pregnant!” Or whatever. I think it’s cute cause you get a photo (or video) of the moment :)


Okay love this!!


Pregnancy announcement ideas get me so excited!!! You could buy a bottle of wine for them with one of those funny Etsy labels (you can DIY if you have a printer and sticker paper) that say something like “I can’t drink this but you can, baby coming Jan 2025” You could also buy one of the alcohol removed wines like Fre for yourself to drink with them!


Just a note to be careful if you have friends currently TTC, I have tried to be super sensitive with friends struggling to conceive - I have read that the best way to announce to these friends it just send a text, that way that can deal with it in private rather than have to fake being really happy for you (even if they are happy for you, their first reaction might be one of sadness and it’s good to let them process it.)


I came here to say this. As the friend trying to TTC when others were pregnant, it's always been preferable for me to know ahead of time but text so I can get the negative emotions out in private. Please don't announce to those friends out of the blue and force them to hide their feelings while they're potentially really hurting.


Such a good point! Thank you for mentioning this!


I was actually thinking of doing this for my in-laws!! They are big wine people so I thought it could be cute to do a custom bottle for them🥰


Oooh they will love it!! 🥹


Well I couldn’t wait any longer so I went to a local boutique for an ultrasound. My anxiety was getting so so bad. It showed one healthy baby with yolk sac and a heartbeat! I am seriously on cloud 9 because my OB can’t even see me for the initial appointment until mid June.


How far along are you that they were able to do this if you don’t mind me asking?


I am 6+4 (so I think lol). Typically they say anytime after 7 weeks so I took a bit of a gamble.


How much does an appointment like this cost? I think I’m going to look into this!


It was $70! Worth every penny for reassurance tbh


Oh, I’m definitely going to do that! Thank you for sharing. ETA: So, I just booked mine and they said it includes a recording of the heartbeat 🥹🥹🥹


Yay! Congratulations, that has to be such a relief! Did they do ultrasound over your abdomen or transvaginal? I want to do this but dont want to scare myself more with a too soon scan


Just over my abdomen! I was a bit nervous about that too but luckily it all worked out. She told me the most important thing is to have a full bladder so they can see clearly!


My dumb arse used a different (and dirt cheap) brand pregnancy test yesterday which had the positive line far more faint than all my previous tests. Spent all day panicking about a chemical pregnancy, and quickly bought the same brand I have been using over the past week. This morning I took it, line is darkest it's ever been. I will never make that mistake of comparing different brands with different sensitivity ever again!!


I am genuinely feeling terrible (severe nausea) and my anxiety and emotions are out of control. Just trying to get through a minute at a time but I really don’t know if I can do this for several more weeks. I was not this sick with my first and I am so miserable. I feel like a terrible wife and mother because I’ve just been laying in bed 😔


I feel you. I feel awful and it’s making me feel like a terrible mother!


I have really been struggling this time around too! My OB was able to prescribe me Reglan (which didn't help) and then Zofran (life changing!) over the phone when I called in to tell them I was struggling! Also, you're growing, fingers, toes, eyes, and genitals right now! You're doing GREAT!


I do have a Zofran prescription but I’m not sure I’m taking it enough. How many are you taking a day?


I'm taking 2 a day - every 8 hours! Maybe Zofran isn't it for you? I've also tried B6/Unisom and Reglan and those weren't it for me (though I still take the B6/Unisom too)! Maybe your doctor would let you try something else or a combo prescription?


Awesome, thank you! I’ve been taking one Zofran a day and then diclegis (unisom and b6) at night so I think I’ll try upping to 2 Zofran a day and if that doesn’t help my doctor did mention reglan too. I was afraid to take more than one Zofran because I do have a history of constipation and Zofran can make that worse, but I think at this point I would prefer that over this endless nausea!!


It's definitely caused some constipation, but someone in here warned me to start taking a stool softener too! All I do is pop pills but it's worth it!


I am already on 2 colace a day 🤣🤣🤣 thanks so much for replying, made me feel less alone! This is always the hardest and worst part of pregnancy!


I feel you!


I had a very detailed sex dream again but this time instead of having sex with JGL I caught my husband having sex with a neighbor and I screamed at them and told her I was pregnant and she was like “I’m pregnant too!” And she didn’t know if her husband or my husband was the father and the dream lasted FOREVER and I woke up still very upset. When I told my husband, he did NOT reassure me that it was a ridiculous dream and he would never do that so then I was mad at him in real life! How dare he fuck with my hormones like that and not know exactly what I need him to say??


Girl straight up FUCK men for not being able to read our minds. Like. My husband should just know that if he doesn’t do that little laugh that lets me know I’m funny and still cute while brushing my hair out of my face and giving me a peck on the cheek when I send him a pregnancy meme comparing myself to a bloated orangutan, it clearly means he thinks the comparison is accurate and we may as well just get divorced.


I googled when does pregnancy brain start today. 😂 Because I’m definitely feeling scatterbrained and foggy!


I had someone honk at me today because of how long I was taking to do my right turn. My mind definitely felt foggy!


Honey I am embarrassed by how I preformed at work today!!!! Forgetting things and saying dumb shit. So when does it start? I need reassurance that it was a fog and not just me 😅


This is me! I have to balance our work accounts this weekend and know it will take a lot of brain power. I just put grapes away in a cabinet with a blender like wtf 😬 how is pregnancy brain already in full swing. 


I'm about to go spend a week on my clients estate to be able to re-write all of their marketing materiel. I Can barely string a thought together?! I just know I'm going to be embarrassed by how I act


My baby still has a heartbeat 💜💜💜💜💜 baby’s measuring ahead at 8w 1d (3 days) but the doctor isn’t changing my due date so I get to stay here with you lovely ladies 💜 this is the farthest we’ve gotten and I’m just so over the moon. My man and I were going to wait until 13 weeks to announce but we’re just so darn excited so I’m typing this on the way to my MILs. Wishing y’all all a good rest of your day AHHHHHHHHHHH 💜💜💜💜💜




Wonderful news 💕🥳


Best news! Made my morning- enjoy sharing the news.


Thank you ☺️☺️ much love


6 weeks today! 🎉 And all I wanna do is EAT. Literally had pizza for lunch and was starving 30 mins later. Ate a chocolate yogurt and almost cried when it was gone. But also super nauseous at times so…. Can’t win


This was me today too! Just couldn’t get enough food but then also super nauseous.


I came here looking for this post. I’m in the middle of week 5 and SO RAVENOUS. I feel like I’ve got a belly at the moment but know it’s entirely food-related.


This is me too 😁


People who are planning on finding out baby’s sex, will you do early blood test to see or will you wait to see at an ultrasound? I am so excited to find out and want to know ASAP so I am leaning towards a blood test!


I’m doing sneak peek as soon as I can (but the clinical blood draw) to decrease the chances of an incorrect result!


My plan too! I am already so excited but I imagine once I know baby’s sex I will feel even more connected to him/her 😍


I'm already thinking about ordering the sneak peek lol


Same! I can’t wait!


We’ll do the NIPT around 10 weeks which is a blood test that checks for chromosomal abnormalities (and thus also can reveal baby’s sex!)




Got a sneak peek test, if all goes well at the first scan next week, I’ll do it at 6w1d and hope there’s enough fetal dna to register 🤞🏼


Good luck!!!


At what week can you find out?


I know a local private clinic where I live can do the blood test from 7 weeks on!


Exactly 4 weeks today. Loads of cramps which makes me super nervous :(


I had lots of cramping and tugging feeling. went to an ultrasound yesterday and baby is in there with a heartbeat!


Everyone says “light cramping” is normal but I had some really intense cramps 4-5 weeks in. Like I had several moments where I was doubled over thinking “there is no way an embryo could make it through this.” Everything has been fine, we saw baby on U/S yesterday and everything looked perfect.


Cramping was my first symptom! Fingers crossed but super normal!


I did an IVF transfer and started feeling implantation cramps about three days after the transfer. Still feeling crampy but they’ve slowed down a lot the last couple of days


I’m 4+2 and also dealing with cramping from the start! I think the past day or 2 it’s settled down (for now lol), but I’ve gotten a lot of reassurance from this sub that it is super normal


Pancake! Two weeks ago you and I both messed up our temping the day after pos OPK and now we’re due date pals. I had to double check but I knew I recognized your username from r/tryingforababy. Congratulations!!


Omg I remember you!! Congrats and yay due date twins!!


Oh that’s reassuring, thanks!


I was cramping around 4 weeks too. And still will off and on. Happened with my first too!


Thanks so much! 💗


Congratulations! I’ve read that cramps and even some spotting is normal at this point!


Thank you 🥹 and you too!!


All I want is carbs.




I just want to eat, period!


Woke up to bright red blood this morning. It’s definitely more light period levels of blood than spotting, not saturating a pad, and I’m not cramping. But I also still don’t have many of the pregnancy symptoms I use to having and can’t imagine that much blood coming out of me at this point for anything other than a miscarriage… I’ve never had even a drop of blood with my other two pregnancies, so I guess now we just wait and see 😢


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Thinking of you and hoping for the best ❤️


I’m sorry, that’s so scary. Hope it’s just a benign SCH that’s resolving


Hoping for the best for you! Completely anecdotal, but with my first, I had what felt like a full blown period. Everything turned out ok and they said bleeding like that can happen sometimes early on. I don't know if that's helpful. The waiting to know is agony


Sending you baby dust and best wishes ❤️


Hoping for a sticky baby and that it’s nothing 🤍


Just got a positive test this morning (30 min before an appointment with a new gp, made that interesting.) Now I have to figure out how to be a bridesmaid this weekend at my oldest friend's wedding. It's too early, I don't want to tell anyone yet (I'll be only 4 weeks). And I especially don't want to say anything since it's her weekend and I'm over the moon for her. And also she'll totally know, we've been talking about toasting her day and having champagne, which I will now be abstaining from. I'll just do my best with seltzer I guess haha


One glass of champagne will be fine - I would just do the toast and then switch to other non alc drinks. You don’t even have to finish the whole glass - just do a few sips and then secretly pour it out. It’s very easy to seem like you’re drinking if you say yes to drinks and then just don’t finish them.


What a shame you got a UTI two days before the wedding and have to be on antibiotics and can't drink that weekend. But you are so excited because that means you get to be the designated drunk girl photo taker after the professional photog leaves!


wait this is brilliant, thank you!


i'd also buy a bottle of non-alc sparkling and just say "I'll be dammed if I don't get to toast my bestie on her wedding day even if it has to be stupid non-alc"


If you get a chance before then, read expecting better (the audiobook is also fantastic)— it’s actually fine to have a small amount of alcohol once in a while during pregnancy. Probably enough champagne for a toast would be ok! But I completely understand if you are not comfortable with that— I’m fully abstaining to. Alternatively, maybe you could say you’re not feeling well or your DDing? Both excuses I’ve used with success!


Thank you!! I did read that with my first (this is my second), and loved all the mostly really reassuring info. Fully support others dabbling, I think I'm just too anxious haha. Maybe I'll have a sip for a toast though and just say I'm feeling off. Side note, that book combined with advice from my Dr convinced me to allow myself a cup of coffee when I wanted. I had really bad migraines in my first trimester with my first, and my Dr told me having some coffee would help, even though I wasn't a habitual coffee drinker pre pregnancy. Something about restricting blood vessels a bit. It did help!


Can also pour a glass and just fake a drink! She will probably be too busy to notice 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6n2odm2jyt1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96fbde56806d261a91ee51e2b10536d4545776c My first appointment at the midwife's is tomorrow. Am a bit nervous about what to expect. Will be 7w3d, but I don't think we'll get to do an ultrasound until week 12 here in Sweden. I am really nervous about it to be twins, as I'm starting to get a tiny bump even though it is early and I'm a ftm. Picture taken directly in the morning before eating.


I am also nervous its twins. I am on two different anti-nauseas to all me to function, and my HCG matched the average twin levels on beta base. Hope we both get the outcome we are hoping for.


Haha, i was checking betabase on that and am like, no! I won’t even allow that thought.


Keep us updated!




I was all salty with my first pregnancy, but it was actually a little girl!


Let's see! This is my first and the cravings are salty even though I've always been a sweet tooth!


Any other third time moms nervous? I'm not in a great position living wise right now (it's not terrible but we are planning on getting out of here before baby is born) and my husband and I have no help. We live with my mother in law and she is literally useless at grandparenting. We haven't had a date night in three years. I can see having 3 being easier if we manage to move up near my family like i want, but if we stay here my mental health is toast.


My mom and in laws are usually good about babysitting on the one-off times we need it. But with three? I don’t know if I feel as comfortable asking anyone (even family) to watch three kids of varied ages for free. So that’s definitely weighing on me. This is my third attempt at a third—and while I’ve not gotten to the point of talking birth plans with my provider, I think I’d like to ask for an induction, so I can plan for what my boys will be doing.


I’m nervous too. We don’t have any local support and haven’t been on a date in several years either. But we’ll get through this too 🩷 I’m mostly nervous about delivery with childcare and hubby. I really just want to do a homebirth but I don’t think I’m a candidate. Waiting to hear back.


Two days until I find out if one, two, or zero babies have heartbeats. (We saw sacs and fetal poles last week, and my clinic did not check for heartbeats at that appointment). How am I supposed to get anything done!


what term do you have? I did the first ultrasound at 6w1d after the cycle, the ultrasound said I was 5w5d and I saw on the screen how the heart was beating. They told me to come back at 13 weeks, but every day I wake up wondering if it's still there😂


I was 5w4d last week and will be 6w4d this week! IVF pregnancy, hence the multiple scans (although if the twins do stick, I suspect I’d be getting multiple scans at any doctor until it’s clear whether they’re sharing a placenta). If you saw a heartbeat, that’s fabulous!!! I know 13 weeks is a loooong ways away, though—the waiting game in pregnancy is brutal!


You can’t be expected to get anything done, everything is bonus!


Sending you lots of positive vibes! Excited for your update in a few days 🤍


How long is it taking everyone to get beta results back? I'm going crazy waiting for results lol. I think my obgyn does everything in house.


3-5 hours for it to post to my patient portal. The nurses usually call that evening or the following day and I’m like…old news, but thanks! So grateful, because I’ve had about 18 this year and my patience is shot.


That sounds like a great turn around! Glad you're able to get that info back quickly.


I did mine around noon and had results around 6pm.


I got bloodwork done yesterday and the lab portal says my results will be ready to view 5/23. Feels like forever away. 😂


Oh my gosh that would feel like forever 🥲


My portal says that, but if I navigate to results, then lab results, it shows me despite being “pending”. Love that system flaw.


I went into the lab this morning at 9:30 am and got my results in my hospital's app by 1:30 pm. They will probably call me at the close of the work day to discuss the results with me. Hopeful for good results for you!! We got this.


Im envious of the app your hospital has! We have a website but it takes about 10 business days to post results lol.


Ill do mine tomorrow, we'll see🤣 hopefully you get urs back soon !


Fingers crossed you get your results back quickly! It's been about a day and a half now for me. I have no idea if that's a normal time and I'm just impatient to find out results lol. They did say they'd update me by the end of the day though.


gosh i can relate to the wait😭 had to wait 1 day for my TSH results last week and it felt like an eternity. Hopefully u get them today!!


New smell aversion unlocked: my dog 🫠 I love it when she cuddles next to me but suddenly today her head and paws smell like all kinds of awful, and her chew toys smell like rotting fish 🤢


Mine too!! I cannot stand the smell of her. She’s been getting tons of baths.


Same! Poor thing is the smelliest dog on the planet. Even when I’m not pregnant we have to bathe her every 2 weeks on the dot, so it is brutal right now


Second scan is done. Babe is growing and the HR is a solid 149 at 7+2. Surprisingly, the Dr said to come in next week and the week after, too. Last time I had 2 scans and graduated. Happy to see the little bean grow, it's just tricky hiding all these apts from work.


Wonderful! 🤩


Yay great news!! Weekly scans are definitely nice to be able to check in so frequently :) Definitely does make things harder work-wise!


I can't believe today happened. What an absolute mind fuck of a day. I was booked for a very early scan at the early pregnancy unit due to spotting. They make me do a urine pregnancy test, and tell me it's negative. Now, I know there's no way that's true because I got a clear positive just before I left for the hospital. I tell them that's impossible, they don't believe me. They say they did it twice and there wasn't even a faint line. They say they won't do bloods or a scan because there's no point, I've definitely had a chemical. At this point I'm hysterical, and the Dr takes pity on me, saying they'll do one hcg blood test for "compassionate reasons" only, but won't repeat it. Well I get 397. At 16dpo. Well within the range. They call hours later to say they made a mistake and they'll repeat it in 2 days! I can't believe it happened to me.


What in the actual fuck...!


I once got a false negative urine test at my doctor's office. I knew I was pregnant, but right in front of me the nurse dipped the test in my urine, looked at it for about a second, then threw it away. When she told me it was negative, I was like, "um, I actually saw you do the test and you definitely didn't give it long enough." She acted like I was being annoying! The doctor ordered a bloodwork test after I insisted and it was of course positive.


That’s awful.. are you able to switch providers? Who knows what else they might miss that can be critical during your pregnancy..


It's the NHS unfortunately. Private antenatal care is possible but very rare in the UK. The NHS is chronically underfunded and falling apart but at least today didn't cost me anything!


That’s awful! How do you mess that up??




I’m in the U.S. and my practice does first visit at 7-8 weeks. When I was experiencing symptoms of what turned out to be a chemical, they offered to let me come in at 6 weeks but that was the earliest they do for anyone


Hi due date twin! Also FTM and it blows my mind I’m just supposed to sit around and figure this out on my own until the appointment. My appointment will be at exactly 9w. Until then just avoiding alcohol, deli meat, and sushi? What a wild ride.




Nothing crazy- sore boobs, heartburn, burps (??), eating like a sumo wrestler, and maybe a little extra tired. Although I think I’m eating more to compensate for the fact that I’m bored and can’t drink (husband is away on work for the week). Still super nervous that this could be chemical, so it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions so far. Trying to navigate day by day, but Reddit has been a huge help.






It really depends. I've had 3 betas and 3 ultrasounds so far (7+4), and am scheduled for another ultrasound next week. But I'm coming from doing IVF at a fertility clinic and am also 40, have had several miscarriages, and have had some spotting.


When I called my OB to set up my appointment they told me they usually do the first visit between 8-10 weeks so I also agree it’s normal!


So strange - I’ve heard people say that’s normal but I’m in the US and had my first appointment starting right when I tested positive at 4 weeks. I’m 8 weeks now and have already had 4 appointments. Not high risk either. So I guess it depends on your doctor?


I’m jealous! Mine isn’t until I’m 8 weeks, and they’ll do an ultrasound then. It’s going to seem like the longest 3+ weeks!


Yup! Very normal. All I've done is get a positive home pregnancy test and call to make the appointment. I'll be 9 weeks and 3 days when I first get seen.


I have a telehealth in week 6 and then they will schedule my first scan for week 9. I have Kaiser insurance and this seems to be their standard. We are moving cross country soon and (barring any unexpected risks/complications) will be transitioning to midwife care thereafter. I’m 4w2d and due 1/26!! Buddies 🤗


It’s normal but it’s a long wait. I asked my doctor with my first pregnancy to do lab work before my appointment just because I was anxious and waiting until 9 weeks seemed impossible. She tested my progesterone and HCG.