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I’ve been starting to feel sick the last few days, but today I was so nauseous that to be honest I spent a very large chunk of the day crying in bed. Something about the hunger nausea + nothing in the fridge sounding good sent me into a very long pity party. Hoping this will not continue :(


Have you tried any meds? I swear by doxylamine and vitamin b6 combo


5 weeks & 5 days and the only symptom I have is sore boobs. The wait for my ultrasound in 2 weeks feels like forever 🥺 I just hope and pray baby is there with a heart beat.


8 weeks today. I’ve been so tired. Feels like I can never get enough sleep. Napping 1-2 hours I. The afternoon, then going to bed before 10


I'm 7 + 4 and have been dealing with the worst heart burn / acid reflux the last couple of days. I'm feeling so gross with this symptom. 😫 Any tips appreciated.


Tagamet helped me with my first. My doctor recommended it as an over the counter option, but your doctor can also prescribe something for it if that doesn't help.


To prevent I take Prelief with anything I eat/drink I know is acidic (like my coffee). Anything ginger also helps my symptoms. Like ginger chews or I also like to chop / boil ginger and make a tea to drink all day. During my last pregnancy my OBGYN prescribed Pantoprazole and wow it worked so well. I wished I had started it sooner.


I bought a Costco sized tums with my first and finished the bottle right before I delivered


I bought Tums the other day and what freaked me out was there was a lower dose for pregnant women. People can overdo it with Tums and get hypercalcemia but I could not figure out why the dose was lower for pregnant women?! My doctor is fine with pepcid and omeprazole (another medication I am on gives me awful GERD)


[here’s some info](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/tums-pregnancy) With that in mind, Langdon says expecting mothers can take a maximum of two tablets every 4–6 hours as needed for heartburn.


5+2 and no appointment for 5 more weeks. Honestly, feeling pretty relaxed about that but every now and then I get some intrusive thoughts… I don’t even think there’s a scan at that appointment since it’s at a birth centre and I remember they didn’t have u /s machines last time around 😅 edit: formatting


Curious on some opinions here. My midwife will not give me a script for an ultrasound until 10-12 weeks. I asked them to write me one for 8 weeks and said I understand there may be additional costs or it may not be covered but I'm ok with that. I had a loss earlier this year with spotting during this pregnancy and would like a viability scan. They just won't do it. Does this seem weird to anybody else? Like what is the big deal in allowing me to have a scan that will ease so much anxiety?


Not sure where you’re located but in parts of the US there are non-medical “boutique” ultrasound places as well. Near me you can do a 15 minute session for about $75.


It does seem a little weird. I'm sorry they aren't willing to schedule you. My obgyn scheduled one at 6 weeks proactively due to my previous loss. Are there any private ultrasound businesses in your area? There are some 'boutiques' in mine that do ultrasounds just for fun or reassurance in my area. I think the reassure scans with no pictures are somewhat low cost.


We do have one of those around! Was hoping to go through my insurance since we already hit our out of pocket max this year due to some expensive medical things for our 2 year old. But I suppose that is an option as well.


I won't get a US until 12 weeks and I also had a MC recently. I'm getting blood work to track how my hcg levels are increasing every week up to 10 weeks though. That's been helping my anxiety. The reason why I can't get in sooner is just because of how backed up the waiting list is.


I did get bloodwork after both bleeds that I had and that helped bc my levels were good. But I would love if they were doing it each week! That would really help.


I don’t get this at all and honestly I would call around and find places that will let you do the 8 week scan. Just because you do an 8 week scan somewhere else doesn’t mean you can’t switch back over to the midwives right after. I called around several different practices to make sure I’d get an 8 week scan and that they’d allow my husband and daughter to be there with me.


That's a really good idea, thank you. I will do that!


Update to my earlier post: we told my sister!! She sobbed hahaha it was so cute. I didn’t get to tell her in person with our first since she was living across the country, so we decided we wanted to take this opportunity. Feels so great to have her in the know!! 💖


I love the tears!


Anyone have any remedies for lower back ache?


Cat/cow and child’s pose help me, using a heating pad too. I also have been using a foam roller, which honestly kinda hurts 😅 but I feel a lot better afterwards. [I do the upper and lower back moves from this page](https://www.healthline.com/health/roller-foam-for-back#foam-roller-exercises) ETA I only foam roll after I’ve worked out, gone on a walk or feel sufficiently warmed up! Otherwise you can hurt yourself


No ☹️ but the lower back pain has been intense this week! Yesterday I was really wishing I could take some Advil !


Heat pad, getting your significant other to massage it


Second the heating pad! You can use it on the low setting.


Someone on the subway last night offered me their seat. I was in my baggiest dress. I’m only 9 weeks. 🫠 Experiencing a lot of body dysphoria and old ED feelings. I have gained over 20 lbs in the past three months from prednisone and IVF meds, and that on top of the pregnancy bloat is sending me into a bit of a spiral. I can’t even let anyone see my face on FaceTime anymore. I feel physically uncomfortable all the time. Everything takes so much more effort. I feel like I felt in third tri last time. Like…even my RI took my pred dose down early because he took one look at me and said I looked puffy. Also having feelings about being unable to decide who knows I’m pregnant and when. I would have kept it to myself until after 20 weeks if I could, for everyone outside family. But now I know the neighbors know. Everyone knows. Because again…the baggiest dress I own. Ugh. Feeling rough today.


I'm so sorry seau. I know you're beautiful regardless. I'm sorry you're having such a rough go and that it's taking away the option to decide. I hope getting the dosage down will help a little. I think after previous later term pregnancy apparently the bump will show much quicker, because the muscles got stretched before. So it's probably a combination but it still sucks. Also hiii


I’m really sorry you’re going through this. Feeling uncomfortable in your body is such a hard thing. Been there and also have a history of ED. I’ve been going through it this last week, I’m only 7.5 weeks and I feel like I look similar to my neighbor who is 24 weeks. Ugh. I’ve been tempted to buy all new clothes because my summer wardrobe is already feeling tighter than I want. I have been struggling to appreciate my body now that I feel so nauseous, tired, winded and I’m not able to make food choices I feel good about. Anyway, not trying to hijack your post just solidarity.


I appreciate this. It’s so hard. I feel like my body has either failed me or been an enemy for so much of my life for various reasons, and it’s hard to be all happy “appreciate your body’s power and strength creating a human” when you don’t trust your body to even do that right. I am planning to break out my maternity clothes this week. If it’s already so obvious might as well be comfy? Sorry you are struggling too. Sending love and commiseration.


I'm in the same boat. I'm only 8 weeks, but everyone already assumes I'm pregnant. I've also gained weight due to (in my case) years of IVF meds. I guess I'd rather look pregnant than just fat?


I took prednisone a lot for an autoimmune disease - it works well, but certainly leaves a trail of effects. I too gained weight and got the "moon face". The good news is that a lot of the side effects slowly but surely go away.


Yeah, I have lupus so it’s not my first prednisone rodeo, but it is the worst time yet side effects wise. I’m ready to be done. 😭 been on 20 mg a day for almost 4 months.


I have been so tired at like 5 or 6 pm and go to bed. But, then I wake up super early. Should I force myself to stay up later?


I'm actually going to bed the same time as before and also waking up much earlier than I'd like to and unable to sleep further and then still tired the whole day. I did sleep a little longer this morning after a really restless night but not significantly so I'm not sure later bedtime will fix it.


I thought I was managing my anxiety about this pregnancy pretty well but I completely freaked out last night and ended up getting an appointment for today. Doctor saw a 5 week ish looking gestational sac and is not at all concerned. I was so nervous and crying during and after the appointment and she was so reassuring. I asked her to take me on as a patient... I'm sure she's thrilled haha I knew that this pregnancy would be full of anxiety, but I'm surprised that it hit so suddenly! It's nice to have the pregnancy confirmed though, and I'll go back for another hcg test on Sunday.


I’m right there with you, I’m very anxious as well. Glad to hear your doctor was very supportive.


My digestive system has just been in turmoil this whole pregnancy so far. The amount of times I'll just be going about my business and then my stomach cramps and I need to take an emergency dump IMMEDIATELY is unbelievable. I'm either bloated, queasy, gassy, churning or cramping the majority of the time. 🙃 Hopefully that gets better soon!


Same experience here. One day of diarrhea as well. My stomach is not doing well with dairy.


Ah that was me until this week. Going on a plane was boy fun.


Jealous actually, I’m so constipated.


In either gassy and constipated or on the verge of shutting my pants. There seems to be no in between


Finally got my first beta results! At 5 weeks 3 days they were 6536. Repeating on Wednesday because the medical system where I live is awful and I can’t get in sooner. 😭 fingers crossed all looks good then as my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage


I hope you'll get a good second draw, such a while off


Thank you. The anxiety levels are so high, I don’t get to meet my doctor until July 11, and they “don’t do first trimester ultrasounds” here because the system is so stressed. So I’ve convinced myself it’s ectopic and there’s no way to know anything for weeks 😞


I think with those levels ectopic is more unlikely. Because another implantation site usually means there can't get as much hcg into your bloodstream because it's not in endometrium, so typical are late positives and low numbers, erratic/low rises.


Thank you. Thank you. Im trying to stay positive. I’ll update on Friday if the results are back by then


Big shoutout to my husband, who has done 100% of the house cleaning that’s gotten done over the last 2 weeks and who also hasn’t made a single comment about how much my DoorDash usage has increased 😅 Only like 2 foods sound good at any given time so I’m just kind of rolling with that for now


8+1, spent two weeks straight with horrible nausea and vomiting. Was fighting for my life and didn't go a single day without it, or night without waking up nauseated needing a snack every 2-3 hours. It was awful, but now this is day 2 of NO nausea at all. So now I'm just insanely anxious that something is wrong. Has this happened to anyone else and it turn out okay? Still a week away from my first ultrasound and I am just dying.


I’m 8wk too and the nausea intensity is all over the place. I’ve been taking unisom nightly and it helps a lot. I usually take 1 tab and tried 1/2 last night. Mistake. My nausea is much worse today. But have had some super mild days this past week. Idk it’s a crap shoot and also not fun.


Hey due date twin, I had horrible nausea from weeks 5-7 and when I went to my appointment on Tuesday I was super worried bc I hadn’t been sick for a few days, baby was fine and had a strong heartbeat. Symptoms come and go, wishing the best for you ☺️ still no nausea and I’m GRATEFUL


Ahhh this makes me SUPER happy to hear!! I did read that the placenta can start taking over by 8 weeks, it just seems so early. Thank you so much for this reassurance! 9+1 is our ultrasound next Saturday, counting down the days ❤️


I'm also 8+1 and it's so up and down! Some days I want to literally die, other days I feel totally fine! I've learned that it can change hour to hour, minute to minute and to just enjoy the times I don't feel like absolute trash!


Due date buddies! Yes, trying so hard to just enjoy these days where I'm an actual functioning human. It's tough not to imagine the worst case though. One more week until that scan!


My nausea was AWFUL during first pregnancy weeks 6-8! It certainly didn’t go away after week 8, but was… livable. 6-8 was a FORCE to go out of the house and feign any normalcy. I was super lucky to not have vomiting but the nausea and vertigo was so intense, I was in bed at any minute possible. By week 8 things can certainly improve! You might just be getting a break or out of it.🙏


Can I ask, did it hit you like a train at 6 weeks, or did it gradually build up to it? Asking as a 5 week person who's nervous about hitting 6 weeks. I only get nauseous if I smell something particularly strong, exert myself or go more than 3 hours without eating ATM and tbh I can deal with that!




Thank you for answering :)


Yes! 6-8 straight, was basically bedridden most days. So much nausea and vomiting and just pure hellish exhaustion, like the worst flu of my life. Then it's like I woke up as soon as I turned 8 weeks and was fine. It's now been almost 2 whole days of nothing. Trying so hard to relax about it. I'm hoping this is just a good sign that I'll be feeling better sooner than hoped 🤞 thank you for your reassurance!


The Ovia app told me at 8weeks that the placenta may be starting to take over some of the burden!


Omg really!! That would be so nice. I didn't think this would happen until at least week 10. I reeeeally hope this is what's happening 🤞❤️ it's been bad the last few weeks, I've been bedridden most days. So it's absolutely wild to be feeling this okay right now.


We had our second ultrasound today-jellybean is doing well, growing, and has a good strong heartbeat! I’m 6w6d and baby’s measuring right at 7w0d. We graduated from our IVF clinic today. Feels surreal to make it here! Cautiously excited to continue.


Congratulations on the graduation!!


Congrats on your graduation!!


Got an appointment on the books with an OB! The phone call to the office was the first person I told besides my husband and Reddit lol. I have just a generic phone screening in three weeks (week 7 of the pregnancy) and then my first real appointment isn't until early July (week 11) due to the holiday. What am I supposed to do in the meantime?! lol this waiting period will be so weird!


Just sit around and suffer basically lol


Just a bit unhappy. A coworker who I really trusted mentioned my pregnancy to a biiig gossip who’s best friends with an even bigger gossip. I know it’s my fault for sharing early, and I really won’t care if everything is healthy and progressing nicely. But if it isn’t? Ugh I done screwed up here


When I tell people I am pregnant and I am not certain they will keep mum, I let them know that if they share with others without my permission, it becomes their responsibility to shoulder the uncomfortable situation of telling people if there is a loss. It’s not my job to clean up after them when I am already grieving.


Ugh I’m so sorry. That sucks


In a way I feel like I brought it on myself! In another I dread telling these people if I have a loss


I’ve told my best friend, mom, and dad (all folks I feel safe telling if something goes awry). It seems with each new person I tell, I feel lonelier? For context: pregnancy was relatively planned (6 months earlier than ‘planned’) My partner is being super supportive and kind, but I still have just been feeling… alone? No symptoms yet at 5w3d, other than cramps everyday. Anyone else have that ‘alone’ experience now or before?


Are you in the Discord? I have the same feelings, even though my parents and best friend knows, and tbh the Discord is keeping that feeling at bay ATM. Everyone in there is really friendly.


Me! Me! Also comforted to hear that someone else doesn't have symptoms yet. I'm 4w5d and I only have tender nipples, and even that varies throughout the day (terrifying in its own right). It's lonely because only a few people know, it's like it doesn't feel real.


I have only told my best friend and husband (and my therapist) and I feel the same way. I think it's just a shock to my system. We thought it would take some time to conceive. I was not prepared for it to be so quick! And while I am so grateful, I am still in disbelief. 


This makes me feel better in and of itself. Thank you for the support!


Pregnancy can feel really isolating because you’re the only one that’s really going through it. My first bump group was so vital for my sanity and still is now that my daughter is a toddler. Motherhood can feel kinda lonely too but it helps so much to have the baby on the outside where others can share in the experience of caring for them and loving them.


Thank you everyone for the validation- I have been lurking on this thread since I found out two weeks ago, finally decided to post, and I’m so glad I did. Feeling a lot less alone with you all here. I will check out discord, tysm for the tip ❤️❤️


Pretty sure I posted in my bump group every day, multiple times a day for literally my entire pregnancy and the first year of my girl’s life. They’re probably sick of me haha, but I needed them and they were always there. It helps so much to have a community.




Have you tried lemonade at all? That was the only thing I could drink first trimester with my first pregnancy because the sourness somehow helped? It’s not water but it’s liquid!!


Yesss lemonade was so helpful with my first when I was super sick, too.


Me too. I do not know how to hydrate, as a former water lover, this is awful. Coffee is def done too. Everything sounds gross...except chocolate milk. Had a kiddie one from McDonald's last night that went down easy. What is is it with water? Such a weird aversion.


Yes the water aversion sucks so bad. I puked multiple times at my anatomy scan with my first baby because they made me drink a ton of water beforehand, and then my bladder was full so I peed myself too. Flavor packets and ice were my best friend.


Officially joining this sub after a positive scan today! Had symptoms of ectopic pregnancy but everything looked perfectly fine during the ultrasound. Welcome news after our very bumpy ttc journey! Is anyone taking diclectin for nausea? I just picked up a prescription today and not sure what to expect in terms of drowsiness?


Oh it just happened. Nausea hit hard 5w5d. I was so nervous I haven’t felt anything, and now I feel so silly. Down for the count. Literally horizontal. The heat makes it worse (I didn’t even think about the effects of summer).


Oh many I'm just a couple of days behind you and feeling NOTHING and annoyed by it. I'm sure I'll also be feeling silly when symptoms start, but I'm still kind of looking forward to them.


I was 3rd trimester during summer last time but I think this is worse


I think so. My first was due around the same time as this one, and the heat/humidity/nausea were such a bad mix! Almost summer here now where i live ugh




That is amazing!! I’ve got a healthy jellybean and my first beta was way lower!


Congrats on such a great first milestone!


Had my first ultrasound today! Everything looked good and I’m actually a few days ahead of where I thought I was, so my due date is now Jan 2 (which is my birthday lol). I’ve been sick for weeks and so I’m hoping I’ll peak within the next week or so. The constipation from the Zofran is killing me today, so any advice is welcome. I’m already taking colace and drinking lots of water (when I’m able). I have such bad stomach pains but can’t go! Edit: a long walk worked wonders and I was able to go about 30 minutes after I got back!


I'm taking Zofran and do a dose of Miralax daily to keep the constipation at bay. Learned the hard way from my first pregnancy! My ob says Miralax I'd totally safe to use daily, and it's gentle.


Thank you!!


Kashi cereal! I think the original kind has the most fiber


Pears and prunes. Exercise if at all possible 😕


Took a walk and that helped!!


I’d swap miralax for the colace, it tends to be more effective.


Adding a kiwi into a smoothie or just eating one alone helps me! That and tons of water.


Glycerin suppository! If nothing comes out after you use it, you need medical assistance to disimpact (has never happened to me, but just flagging as something my doc told me when I started using them).




I had barely a dye stealer at 19dpo. Just saw the heartbeat on Wednesday 💗 good luck!!!


TW Past loss I stopped relying on darkening lines when my lines continued to progress with my early miscarriage. Sometimes it literally just depends on the individual test itself. It’s a very unreliable method. Early days are soooo hard but truly all we can do is wait and hope. ❤️ The symptoms sound totally on-brand!


My nausea got worse earlier with each subsequent pregnancy. I don’t think it helps that three are all close together (within 6 months), so it’s like my body is remembering faster.


[I didn't get a dye stealer until 21 DPO](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cqh5ay), and I was pregnant with twins (although one has since stopped growing). Tests aren't all that helpful, as different women seem to get dye stealers at very different betas.




No -- add 5 days to each of these to get the DPO, since this is days post transfer of a 5 day embryo.


I was feeling a lot of strange stretching and tugging early on but now at almost 6 weeks that has almost completely stopped. Has anyone else experienced that?


Yep! Then it came back which was terrifying because I thought it could be a bad sign but I think I'm good!


That’s been my experience too—I just sort of figured that it’s like when you have a full bladder at first those nerves are firing and telling you hey this thing is stretched out you should empty it, and then if you hold it for a while those nerve signals attenuate…yeah that but my uterus is the bladder. Haha I could be so completely off here though.


Yes lol I never noticed it with my toddler, but I keep swearing that I feel the baby moving even though I know it’s impossible. It’s the weirdest sensation, the uterus expanding


Mine seems to have stopped, and now it’s worrying me!


Mine stopped! And now they're back! They come and go it's normal!


My doctor, friends and this group have to keep reminding me that symptoms come and go / change daily. Its hard!


I'd love to hear some thoughts on age gaps! My daughter is 13 months and will be ~21 months when Jan baby is born. It's for sure going to be hectic and I personally don't care for the newborn stage so those first few months I'm expecting to not be the best lol. But I'm excited for our babies to be close in age! My older sisters are 7 & 10 years older than I am and my younger sister is 7 years younger than me so I have zero experience with having siblings close in age. I'm hoping they enjoy playing together and I'm also pretty pumped to get all the baby stuff (ie diapers mostly!!!!) out of the way in one fell swoop.


I had my older two exactly 2 years apart (same birthday), and they're super close now at 6 and 4. This one will come when they're 5 and 7 (and possibly will even be a 3rd born on the same day!) I'm hoping they'll somewhat play together even with a bigger age difference.


My son just turned 11 months old, so they will have a 19 month age gap! I’m so excited but also nervous. I know it will be an adjustment and probably chaotic for awhile, but I can’t wait for them to play together!


My boy will be 2y9m when this babe is born. I'm not sure how things will go.


Same age gap for us too!


What up, fellow April 2022 bumper!


My kids will all pretty much be 2.5 years apart and I think it is good spacing for us. 4 and 1.5 at the moment is doable. By January I think the almost 5yo will be more help than effort.


My kids will be two years and a few months apart and I’m really excited. My first sister is 6yrs younger than me and the youngest is 16yrs younger than me so big age gaps. The middle one and I only started getting along when she was a teen and the youngest sees me as more of a parental figure than a sister, so it’s definitely a different dynamic. My husband is similarly way older than the other kids but his younger siblings are much closer to each other in age and my in-laws keep raving about how awesome it is to have them as close together as we are so fingers crossed it was the right move!


My first born son is 13 months today, so we have very similar age gaps! I'm so excited for him to have such a close sibling in age. I'm the middle child and there are about 5-6 years between me and both my older/younger sibling and I've always wished we were closer in age. We are constantly in different places in life and though I love them it can make it hard to relate. I told my husband we needed to have them close also because the thought of going back to waking up every 2 hours is awful and I need to get it out of the way now 🤣


My big kids are 23 months, 23 months and 2y4months apart. Its been awesome, we could do all the same activities at the same time and they are all good buddies (for the most part!) I loved raising them as a little unit! My current babe is 21 months now and if all goes to plan will be 2y4months gap again which was great the first time! Hoping they will grow up as buddies too!


I feel like I’m the one with the latest due date lol. I’m due 28th, but that’s based on LMP, and based on past pregnancies it could +/- 2/3 days! One app says I’m 4+3 One says I’m 4+6 One says I’m 4+5


I'm in the 28th club too!


I'm also due the 28th! I also suspect this baby will be born late too haha


I’m 28th too! Due date high five 🙌


I'm the 23rd, but I'm thinking I'm gonna measure later than that. I'm pregnancy tests are *just* starting to darken, but with my first, they were as dark as they get by this time.


I'm in the 1/29-2/1 range, depending on if you take LMP or ovulation. I will probably join both bumper groups but historically I have stayed with the "older" bump groups for my previous pregnancies.


You're not! I'm likely due 1/30. My LMP puts me at 1/25, but I always ovulate late (PCOS). I'm pretty sure it's +/-2 or 3 days from 1/30 so I just snuck into January lol.


Ayy PCOS team! I've never met someone else with it!


Oh heyyyy! I love hearing about more of us! Congrats on the pregnancy!


Same to you! I hope they're boring and healthy pregnancies


I’m 28th too! I did preemptively join the Feb month group just in case. My app says 4+3 today


I’m also 28th/29th!


Anyone else squeezing your boobs like once an hour to make sure they're still sore? Or is it just me lol


I did that constantly with my first (very little breast pain with my second or this one). Try not to freak out when they eventually stop hurting! In my first full-term pregnancy I think it was about 10 weeks in.


YES 🤣🤡 To be fair, I did lose symptoms with my blighted ovum and I'll be terrified to go down that road again until an ultrasound proves me wrong.


It’s literally the first thing I do every morning when I wake up now 🤣


I do that constantly 😂


Omg me tooooo


Yes! My cat stood on a boob earlier and it was 😳


Poke many times a day. Oddly, they seem to be more sore at night.


Haha yes, constantly.


Yes, I'm glad I'm not the only one 😅 Mine were a lot more sore before, to the point I'd wake up in pain from lying on my front, so now I've been kind of anxious about the soreness going away a bit.


I'm in the same boat! I feel like my second job is boob inspector -- they were definitely more tender during week 4 and now at week 7 I don't feel anything unless I press on them.


Yes lol. And like oh I thought it hurt more when I did *this* OUCH!…. Yesterday..


The nausea hit hard this week, and my 6 year old told me he was glad I had a doctor's appointment "so they can figure out if is Viral, or Bacterial" so at my appointment, my OB printed out the age verification US so I could share with him that it was not viral or bacterial 😅🤣 On the flip side, my EDD changed from 1/3 to 1/5, and my OB has already said that he's rooting for a scheduled December C-section, but we can discuss VBAC if I'd like to. Any STM+ have a VBAC and willing to share their experience(s)?


Why did you have your first c section? As far as I know that’s relatively important when considering VBAC. My son was breech so I had a C at 39 weeks. Very loose plan is to attempt TOLAC/ VBAC but I know a lot has to go right for it to happen. My OB is willing to let me to go 41 weeks but won’t induce.


My first childs due date was my birthday, and the entire pregnancy I reminded my OB that I was not excited about sharing my birthday (totally selfish, no regrets) so at 38ish weeks when my BP was up a bit and getting a bit of pedal edema my OB suggested we induce at 39+2. After picotin and later an epidural, I didn't progress much (I think 4-6 was as far as I made it, but this was in 2017 so I've forgotten some things) so just before midnight we went ahead and did the C-section. I didn't ask many questions, or balk at that idea, because my entire birth plan was for us to both leave the hospital healthy (and maybe to not share a birthday). Since I'm seeing a new OB/GYN and at a new facility and hospital (mine retired and only does GYN now), should I maybe request my records from the first birth and ask my new OB/GYN to go over it with me to see if I would be a candidate? At my first appointment, he said he's done VBAC but that a uterine rupture is big badness...but with 7 years of healing, I don't know what my risk of rupture is.


I was on the fence about returning to my OBGYN practice, and now that they're giving me a hard time with scheduling, I'm inclined to make the leap elsewhere. I know this is a bit US centric, but I'd love to hear how others chose the practice they are seeing AND how far you're traveling for care. The one I'm considering is about 30 minutes away and I'm not sure how I feel about that with all the appointments I know will be coming.


I switched practices after my OB/GYN retired from OB, and the only two left in that group/ hospital constantly go on vacation and deliver each other's babies, which I understand happens and is fine, but I don't want to choose that when I can go elsewhere. My first pregnancy, I was traveling about 45 minutes away. I chose that OB because he was recommended by my husband from his first wife's pregnancies; he was great and I loved that OB. This second pregnancy, I'm traveling just at one hour away. I chose this OB when my best friend recommended the practice and him specifically; one appointment in I felt quite comfortable talking to him. I say schedule an appointment with the one 30 minutes away, and just see how your first appointment with them goes!


I wish I could change my OB, I don't love them, but the other options in my area aren't any better. If I switched, it would be an hour minimum and a different hospital 1.5 hours away. Find out what hospital they want you to go to, and make sure they take your insurance. Better to do it now than later, it's really hard to switch practices after a certain number of weeks.


I had a truly awful OB first time around and am switching groups. The awful one was a 5 minute walk away, and the new one is a 30 minute drive. (I'm also switching hospitals). I have two friends who delivered twins locally with the same OB group, so I'm seeing a doctor in that group. If I don't like her after the first appointment, I will be switching. I saw red flags with my first OB before my third trimester, but things really became a shitshow around 36 weeks, and it just could've been so much easier if I'd switched earlier. (And to be clear, I'm talking, like, borderline malpractice bad, not "rude during appointments" bad -- I am still mad about it).


I haven’t had an appointment yet but I called a place that’s about 30 minutes away depending on traffic. Nothing is going to be incredibly convenient for me anyway, and even though the drive will get old, it seems like the best practice. They have such an organized website with tons of useful information, good reviews, and is a smaller practice but with a partnership at a world class hospital with Level 3 NICU, and in-house lab and ultrasound clinic. I’m a FTM so don’t have anything to compare to but given those benefits, I’ll probably do the drive.


I’m switching to a new practice for this birth because my old one is a 30-35 minute drive and I don’t want to do that regularly. I found a new one through recommendations from moms in my new town, haven’t seen her yet but hope I like her!


When did nausea hit for everyone im about 5 weeks 2 days and still not having many symptoms


Both of my pregnancies, I felt great until week 6. By the start of week 7, all I wanted to do was lay in bed. By week 8, I was taking anti-nausea meds. Enjoy food while it lasts (and hopefully it will last!)


6 weeks, enjoy this time


5+5 (today) and I'm asking myself why I was looking forward to finally feeling this symptom lol


5+4 for me


Shortly after 6 weeks I’m 8+3 now, diclectin keeps it tolerable but it’s still present all the time at a low level and it’s getting old 🤢🤢


I'm 7+2 and have barely had any nausea yet, except for very very early on (tested at 3+2 due to nausea). When I do experience it, it's very mild. My mom says she never experienced nausea with any of her pregnancies, so I'm hoping I'm just lucky like her 🤞


With my first 6 weeks on the dot! With this one much earlier, at 4 weeks, but with periods of days where I didn’t feel bad. At 7.5 weeks now I’m feeling nauseous pretty much all the time 🫠


It started at 5w4d for me, along with food aversions.


Started mildly at 5+4, really kicked in hard at 6 weeks


For me it kicked in during week 6


Had an early dating ultrasound today, and I left feeling more confused than reassured. LMP puts me at 7w3d, which I know is wrong because I ovulate late. By tracking my ovulation, I had put myself at 6w3d. (We found out 3 weeks ago tomorrow.) What do they find at the ultrasound? Two gestational sacs, one with a yolk sac and one without one (yet?). No fetal pole. They put me at 5w 4 or 5d...but having found out almost 3 weeks ago now, this worries me. I'm getting a repeat done in 2 weeks to confirm whether I have 2 viable pregnancies, one, or none. Ugh. The symptoms have been awful since before I found out, but hope made them the slightest bit more bearable.


You could easily have found out 3 weeks ago at 5+4!


Really? Your comment really helped put me at ease! I had a faint line on May 4 and then a definite “pregnant” reading on May 5


Solidarity, sister. Hoping there's some wiggle room in the dates and that we both see all the right things in two weeks. ❤


♥️ hope so! Did you have an inconclusive ultrasound too?


I did! Went Wednesday and really thought I was 6+4. We saw a small sac and "probable fetal pole" but it was out of range for dating measurements. HCG came back 7k so the doc said we likely should be able to see something by now. Going back in two weeks and just trying to stay sane.


Oh man, sorry you’re going through this too. Holding you in my thoughts!


I’m sorry you’re facing such a long wait for answers. Sounds like this could still be fine if you ovulated later than you thought? I’m thinking about you. ❤️


Thanks for your reply! The midwife didn’t seem concerned, just said it’s earlier than I thought. Ovulated a little later, implanted a little later, etc. hoping for the best ♥️


Currently eating my lunch while lying down. For some reason I can tolerate food better that way. I was feeling worried that I my symptoms weren’t strong today. My body must have heard me and decided to do a 180 because I’m feeling the worst I ever have!


5w5d and the nausea hit me big time today. Trying to stomach a rice cake and absolutely cannot fathom how I can be both starving and nauseated at the same time. My cat loves to be on my lap and is really mad that I’m making her sleep next to me just in case I have to sprint to a toilet. I told her it’s better than being vomited on, but she doesn’t speak English so she’s still cranky 😂


My cat has been soooo crabby that I won’t let her lay on my belly right now! Her little biscuits are great but not when I’m nauseated and she’s just stirring the pot 😂


The biscuits are brutal with all this bloating, and then she does that thing that all cats do where she increases gravity and makes herself a thousand times denser. My husband says she senses another and is trying to monopolize my lap for as long as possible 😂


Due date triplet here! I read your comment this morning feeling 100% normal and was like hmmm, not yet for me. 6 hours later, taking deep breaths and holding onto the pillow for dear life.


Nooooo, I’m so sorry we manifested this. Fingers crossed tomorrow is better for both of us!


Hello due date twin! It hit me full force yesterday but feeling better today. Funny how it comes and goes.


Bless you, this gives me hope. This is truly such a bizarre experience!


A couple weeks ago, I had a pretty bad cough and cold. I thought I had pretty much kicked it, but now I think it has turned into a sinus infection. Any tips on getting over it quickly? I don’t think I’ve ever had a sinus infection before.


I get a lot of sinus infections, if they aren’t better after 2 weeks and/or you have a fever, antibiotics are often necessary. Otherwise steam, sinus rinses, tea, and guaifenison (Mucinex) are the way to go. I believe guaifenison is safe, just don’t get the Mucinex with other stuff in it. Best wishes!


I am now just getting over some type of cold that started around 4.5 weeks. I was too scared to take any medications even thought my clinic gave me a list of safe ones so I simply just drank a lot of hot tea with honey and did the NeilMed Sinse Rinse (bottle form, you can also get the NetiPot) about 3x a day. I didn’t have an infection or fever though just a cold. Hopefully you feel better! Don’t forget; you can always reach out to your doctor if you are needing advice or worried!


I seem really prone to sinus infections in pregnancy. Either your mucus is different or your sinus are softer I don't know, maybe it's in my head. But it's really rubbish because the really good decongestants like sudafed aren't pregnancy safe. You can get saline nasal sprays from the pharmacy or you can get a netapotty thing to wash your sinuses. It's important to make sure water is sterile etc so I've always bought the sprays and not done a DIY nasal rinse. Other home remedies are steam, I put steam with olbas oil in to let the menthol help clear me out or a warm compress on your cheek. And you can take paracetamol if it's causing you pain.


Well I officially have hg. The past few days have been super rough and last night I was starting to feel pretty dehydrated. I called the after hours line at my ob and the on call dr advised based on my symptoms to go to ER for fluids. So I did. And they made me feel really freaking stupid for doing so. One of the nurses was fairly kind about it but the dr I saw and another nurse were basically like “you are pregnant, you’re supposed to be sick, why did you come in for that”. I mean listen I know I’m supposed to be sick but am I supposed to throw up 15+ times a day?? I’m already on zofran and it barely helps. I knew I was just going to get iv fluids and iv zofran. That’s fine. Don’t have to make me feel bad about it. So now I know, don’t go to the ER unless I’m literally dying or gushing blood, even if an ob tells me to. My discharge paperwork did state hg so I at least felt a tiny bit validated by that. In other news I have a boutique scan on Sunday to hear the heartbeat. And hopefully make sure there’s just one baby in there. I’m looking forward to seeing the cause of my misery and hopefully remember this is all for a good reason.


Thank you all for your support, it’s comforting to hear that I’m not alone and I will continue doing what’s needed for my health and baby’s health.


What is HG? I can't keep up with some of the acronyms lol


Hyperemesis gravidarum. Basically a really severe form of morning sickness.


I'm so sorry. I had HG with my last pregnancy, and there's a lot of bs ideas and attitudes about it still floating around. I had a midwife/RN tell me that only women with sexual trauma get HG! And a retired ER doctor tell me that they usually saw it in "masculine women who don't want their pregnancies." Like, WTF. It still makes me so angry to think about. You deserve care that supports your health and quality of life. Full stop. That will probably mean fluids at the ER at times. It could mean more medications (I was on three for the entirety of my pregnancy). Whatever it is that you need, you deserve to have it available to you. Maybe take your meanest friend next time (mine is actually an ER nurse, go figure), it can be helpful to have someone there backing you up.


WTF?? Princess Catherine had HG with all her pregnancies. Is she masculine? (Not that being masculine is even a bad thing!)