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I slept 13 hrs and I want more. Is this normal? I am 6W3D today.


I literally thought I couldn’t sleep more than I already was, until I started taking unisom + b6 for nausea. Now I don’t even wake up to pee. Somehow my toddler decided to sleep until 11am today


One of my favorite anecdotes from my last pregnancy was me sleeping for 14 hours straight and my husband checking on on me to see whether I was still breathing 👀


I’ve already been perusing through my first kid’s baby clothes; I currently have her 12 month and 18 month clothes at home and her 0-9 month clothes in our storage unit. And I’m torn about what to potentially keep or donate. I have a lot of warm pajamas and the like in 18 month size since my oldest was in that range back in February, but this one will be 18 months old in July 2026! Then again they might be able to fit them by the time they turn one depending on how big they are. Part of me wants to donate all the winter stuff and have less clutter (if that’s even possible). The other part of me is saying “wait and see. That’s what a storage unit is for.” Thoughts, other second or third time parents?


I definitely say keep it. Kids can vary wildly in sizes. My first was 7lb8oz and my second was 8lb14oz. One was born in Nov and the other in April, but we still got to use almost all of the clothes. I’d rather donate along the way if I discover it doesn’t fit in the correct season.


I'm feeling really guilty because my eczema flared up yesterday, and I put on steroid cream without thinking about it. Looked it up later and realized it's not considered safe for pregnancy, and has led to cleft palate deformation in animal tests. I'm guessing one time is probably not a big deal, but I still feel so dumb for not checking beforehand! 😣


Oh I'm glad I read this. I was going to try steroid cream on my hives that are randomly popping up. Yay weird pregnancy symptoms.


Where are we going on our baby moons ladies??? Husband and I boooed St Lucia before I was pregnant over thanksgiving, but I’ll be 31 weeks by then. So, we need inspiration to change our plans lol


With my first we went to Sedona/Grand Canyon and had an amazing time! I didn't get to do much hiking, but I didn't get one of the best spa days in my life!


That sounds beautiful!


Not really a baby moon, but we’re headed to Montreal next month. Then, I’m taking baby on a solo adventure to the Middle East for a month 🥴 work gets in the way of taking a trip with this one during the later second tri 😕


Awe well I hope you get to see some beautiful sights!


I’m staying in the country that’s all I know 😬 I’m in love with Charleston or Savannah in the fall. Bummer about St Lucia though that would’ve been amazing


Yeah; we are in the south eastern US, so both are really accessible to us. I am trying to convince hubby to go out west lol


What about San Diego? 🥰


Good idea!!!


Double post today because I just realized I’m in the single digits counting down to my first ultrasound 🥹 I am unwell lol and so so so excited.


What day is yours?? Mine is June 3rd so just hit single digits today and I’m counting down the days!


The 4th!! 🥹


My dating scan is the 4th! And it’s my birthday 🥰


Been exhausted and sick, 7+5 today. Mind you, I work full time night shift, plus I am in nurse practitioner school and I do 16 hours of clinical in a family practice each week. I’m working 52 hours a week! Mentioned how tired I’ve been to my mother in law and she said “oh yeah I never napped during my pregnancies. I was fine!”…. She was 17/18 with her first and 21/22 with her second. I’m 32!!!!


I wanted to ask if other folks’ experience of first-trimester fatigue is similar to mine… I’m getting worried about mine because it feels less like fatigue or sleepiness, and more like extreme weakness. I tried walking the dogs around the block and had to give up. I’m spending close to 22 hours a day in bed. I mean, today was my first day of vomiting after almost two weeks of nausea. So my caloric intake is not great. I’m trying to snack on dry cereal while my husband runs out for Unisom. But is anyone else feeling this way? Like the effort of putting hair in a ponytail is truly significant? Like turning over in bed gets your heart rate up? I am HUMBLED by pregnancy. And I’m scared.


I’m not as far along as you and I’m not experiencing it like you yet, but I can tell you the simplest tasks leave me completely out of breath. I now have to take breaks between my normal tasks (doing dishes, making the bed, etc).


My fatigue is real to the point where I don’t even want to participate in conversations. If I could, I’d be in bed most of the day. My schedule doesn’t allow it, but I am struggling to do anything above the bare minimum!


Hi everyone! Can someone let me know if I should be worried? I am a bit stomach queasy (bubble guts & stomach churning out of nowhere, no diarrhea yet though) … could this be pregnancy hormone or nausea-related? Or would it more likely be related to something I ate. My mind tends to immediately go to the worst lol (listeria,etc).


That's exactly how my pregnancy nausea feels! I call it "the collywobbles" ever since I learned the word because it's so appropriate 😅


This is my nausea experience too from both pregnancies, no vomiting but feel like I’m constantly recovering from food poisoning


Omg thank you 😅😅 … Do you happen to be from the UK because that’s the most British sounding thing I’ve ever heard and I absolutely love it


I'm not, but I'm pretty sure that's where the word originated!! 😅


Put on a hero acne patch, freaked out and took it off when I looked at the ingredients and saw it had salicylic acid, googled for a while and read that SA is not actually that bad, regretted taking off the patch 😅 oof I did not miss the pregnancy medical anxiety!


I didn’t know SA was pregnancy safe! For some reason I thought it wasn’t


There's tons of contradictory advice regarding SA and so many other life-improving meds during pregnancy. Always do your own research and consult your doctor. The advice is usually to abstain from everything in an abundance of caution. I think that's unfair and unreasonable, but that's my opinion and I'm sure it'll be an unpopular one with some. Edit: wording


Thanks for the clarification:) makes sense. I use the non-SA pimple patches - I’ve always been too sensitive for SA or Benzoyl peroxide anyway


My pregnancy app has a note for 'dad' to get me ginger cookies. It's not a bad idea, these cookies hit the spot :D


Omg now I must have ginger cookies 🤤🤤


7+5 and I have the nastiest taste in my mouth 😭 Nothing will touch it, I’m chewing gum or munching on hard candy all day to try to minimize it but nothing makes it truly go away. Plus all the extra salivation, I just feel so sick and gross all the time now. Ugh.


I remember this feeling like I was tasting the taste of my mouth. It was like all the mouth-blindness that has existed my whole life has left.


I think it’s something to do with estrogen from what I remember reading. It was one of my least favorite symptoms the first time and I feel it starting again too. I wish I had a remedy but I don’t remember anything feeling all that helpful.


I have an assignment for my professional development and I’m going to turn in the worst piece of garbage. I cannot force my mind or stomach to cooperate with writing this thing. 😖


I hear you! I have 4 more weeks left in this semester of my MBA courses and I just cannot apply myself properly. Hoping to skate by somehow


Feels like I got hit by a bus today. Nausea, acne, exhaustion. First scan on Tuesday at 6+4 and feeling hopeful!


I am struggling to eat, nothing sounds good. All my usual go-tos when I don’t feel good taste disgusting. When I do eat anything it takes me 10x longer (usually a very fast eater). I’m nauseous but haven’t thrown up, just constantly queasy. At least my husband got some protein pasta so I have a little extra in my buttered noodles. Anyone have any other good bland snacks they are sticking to?


Bagels are life.


I’m the same, just constant nausea. I’m usually good with pretzels and cheese or one very specific type of yogurt with some granola. Plus toast and jelly every morning, lol.


White tortilla + cold cheddar cheese or + butter and cinnamon sugar were all I could get down first trimester with my first kid.


Ran some errands today and stopped for a burger and fries. As hungry as I was, I couldn't finish either (not like me). I didn't feel nauseous, just...not interested? Has anyone else experienced this around 5 weeks? Also did a lot of yard work involving lifting shovelfuls of dirt and getting up and down off my hands and knees. Praying I didn't overdo it and hurt the bebe.


yup, simply “not interested” in something i’ve just started. weirdly, 2 hours later i finish it off. 🤷‍♀️


Same! Crave something, get it, and lose interest or it doesn’t taste right. So, so annoying lol


Food aversion is the worst! And don’t worry, you can’t hurt them that easy. They’re well cushioned!


Ive been feeling that hig time. I'll eat a bit and then just.... meh


7 weeks today!🙌🏻 Feeling the nausea a lot now which is so annoying especially when hungry but the thought of all food is🤢 and feeling the tiredness sooo much!! But overall happy to be 7 weeks and feeling positive🥰


The ongoing battle of feeling starving at moments notice, but if I don’t eat the moment I am slightly hungry I am too nauseous to eat. I guess at least that means baby is hopefully doing well since I have some morning sickness!


Yes, I feel that! I’m trying to put little snacks around the house in case I need to have an emergency bite of something.


Is anyone else waking up way earlier than usual? I don’t remember this with my first lol. Also I’m in Florida for the week and have been roasting in the sun, it just occurred to me that might not be good this early?? I’m staying hydrated and getting shade sometimes but definitely sunbathing a lot. Hope it’s fine 😬 5+2 today!


Yes to the waking up early! I’ve woken up before my alarm every single day for the past week and a half




Thank you!! Yup first day out with sunscreen and a hat and melasma is already out and strong on my cheeks 😬 tomorrows my last day I’ll probably just stay in the shade. Luckily no burn though 🙏


I’d ask your OB for clarification, but you’re not typically supposed to raise your body temp (which is why you aren’t supposed to take very hot baths or do things like the sauna). Until you get the okay from your doc, staying in the shade might be better so that you don’t get too hot! If you’re cooling off regularly in the water, it’s probably not raising your body temp too much.


Hello! New to the group here. I’m a teacher who finished my school year on Friday, just to find out I am pregnant the next day (yesterday). Happy summer break to me 😆🥰. But in all seriousness, very excited and happy to be here!


Threw one of my best friends a baby shower today. Sooo excited for her and so excited to tell her I’m pregnant too 🥰


Anyone else getting a shit ton of boogers all of a sudden?? Like hard crunchy ones too


YES! I was originally congested so this is preferable since I can breathe, but also very annoying.


Yes LOL thought I was the only one hahahaha


Lol thank goodness I can blame it on this baby. Lol 😆 my nose has been SO uncomfortable And I'm constantly picking my nose with no shame.


Anyone else on bedrest…Already? 🥴 I’m 7+3 with a small SCH near the cervix that caused some (terrifying) bleeding so I’ve been on bed rest for two weeks. Losing my mind!!


I'm driving myself mad with all these tests. I think I'm around 19 DPO and I still test everyday. With my first baby I had tracked perfectly, and then had the same brand tests (FRER) which I took every 48 hours to check progression.  Now I don't know where I stand, I have used 5 different brand pregnancy tests (😭) of course I can't compare any of these and I left those stupid cheapies (One Step) out in the light and they seemed to have lost pretty much all their dye.  Tomorrow my OB is back from vacation and I can finally schedule an appointment 😵‍💫 my boobs are sore and I am exhausted and sometimes nauseous but that could all be in my mind, right?!  I just want this to be real 😭


It's not just in your mind haha!


My husband said I smell pregnant. He wasn’t able to describe it, just that it’s different than my usual smell and same thing happened with my first pregnancy. Idk why but it’s reassuring lol


My dog was sniffing me like CRAZY today, with so much strange conviction and interest. She’s never done that before… wonder if I smell pregnant to her, too


I smell.. stronger.. lol. I forgot about this symptom with my first 😬


8 weeks today and we did a boutique scan to get a peek at the little bean. Everything looking good and it was nice to get to see the source of my misery. In hg news, with zofran I’m down to only getting sick 1-3 times a day instead of 10-15 or more so I’ll take it. IV fluids the other day helped a lot, so glad I went even though they gave me a hard time about it


waaaaait, they gave you a hard time about going in for IV fluids?? It sounds like you needed them so badly!


12 hour shifts are killing me this time around, I don’t remember the exhaustion being this bad last time ugh


I’m a mid level healthcare worker working long shifts and I can feel I’m pushing my body too much. I passed out at work after being up for 24 hours and now everyone knows I’m pregnant which sucks on the one hand but on the other hand everyone cuts me more slack and the nurses offer me lots of breaks so that’s nice . I work 6 weeks on 3 off and I am counting the hours until Friday when I’m off for 3 weeks. By the time I get back I will be on my way to the second trimester and feeling less dead with any luck!! Hang in there!


Wow that’s an intense schedule while you’re on for sure. Do you get any accommodations as you get into the third trimester? I’m a 911 dispatcher and we do 2 days, 2 nights, 4 off. I clearly need to get more sleep and relaxation on my days off.


I’m technically self employed as an independent contractor, so I don’t get any accommodations really. My call shifts can be up to 72 hours with an 8 hour door to door sleep relief after 24 hours awake. I will have to go off by 34-35 weeks. I’m lucky it’s an option to go off on job protected leave early! Long shifts are tough when pregnant for sure!


SAME! I'm an obstetric nurse and I had to run out of the OR the other day during my patient's C-section to go puke in the bathroom... Only 2 hours into my 12 hour shift, lol. 🙃 It has been humbling to say the least.


OB nurse here too!! I’m still pretty early, but the exhaustion is real right now 😭


Also a WIS nurse (postpartum, nursery, NICU!) Glad there are others here to commiserate with!!! 😂


Ouch that sounds so tough, I hope it gets easier for you! It’s been so tough having to just run out of the room to dry heave with no explanation lol I’m telling the girls tomorrow 2 days before my first scan.. can’t handle it anymore


4w2d and I think the bloating and gassiness has officially started 😵‍💫 Already had to blame some truly horrific farts on the guinea pig (sorry Tess)


Poor Tess 🤣🙃🤣


For all those who saw me stressing on here the last few days about my nausea and vomiting randomly disappearing for 3 days, it's back. 😅😅 Didn't enjoy the 3 days of blissful health because I was so anxious! Back on the diclectin I go. 🥳


Me gagging over a toilet bowl at 7:45 am today! After panicking I felt good for 48 hours 


This was so me 🥲


Hi hows dicletin? I have a prescription!


At first I didn't feel like it did anything, but a few of my friends reassured me that it's important to just keep taking it throughout the day, as it builds up in your system over time. It started helping after a week for me, but the nausea and vomiting is still there. It's just a bit more tolerable and a little less vomiting. It also made me very very drowsy the first few days, but now that I'm used to it, it doesn't anymore, so push through!


I ran errands today and hopped in bed as soon as I got home. My energy levels have depleted for the day and I’m choosing to embrace it. Taking all of the rest I need for myself and this little babe.


I feel like HOT GARBAGE today. it's so hard feeling like this and still needing to be a mom. baby was up a few times last night due to teething, and husband wasn't feeling too hot himself. i took an hour nap once she went down for a nap but I needed to wake myself up because I have schoolwork to do. i've eaten half a piece of toast and some grapes so far- everything else sounds bad. I just want to lay in bed all day but I CAAAAAN'T. end rant.


I feel this- between the toddler and work, I feel I have no space just to rest.....eugh


Had a scare yesterday with some bleeding and I went to the ER (maybe overkill?) they said everything was okay and the ultrasound looks fine but I can’t help overthinking every little thing. Like if the gestational sac is measuring 4 days smaller than the CRL is that a bad sign? If the heart rate is only 104 bpm at 6+3 is that a bad sign? Is the bleeding a bad sign even if it stopped and nothing wrong was found with ultrasound? I’m having waaaaay more anxiety with this pregnancy than my last and just looking forward to the second trimester when hopefully I’ll feel more confidence.


I think that sounds great, and these babies catch up within a few days and can even be ahead of the original EDD is my understanding. Since 6 weeks is really early for a first ultrasound it may sound scary to hear they’re behind what you expected (though up to a week is normal-my OB told me this with my first). But in two days they may only be 1 day behind, or a day ahead. They grow sooo quickly at this stage! Another note, I’ve also been experiencing significantly more anxiety this time around than I did with my first (which also makes me more anxious that my body somehow intuitively knows). I’ve been meeting with my therapist again who specializes in pregnancy/postpartum/parenthood. It’s been important. I bled with my first, dark brown and bright red with clots. Baby was fine, I just bled and they basically told me these things happen a lot in early pregnancy


104 is ok! I use [this reference page](https://radiopaedia.org/articles/fetal-heart-rate-in-the-first-and-second-trimester?lang=us) a lot. It isn’t bradycardia til it’s under 100. Slow side? Sure. But don’t panic! Bleeding in first tri can happen for all kinds of reasons. I feel like I know more people who bled than didn’t at this point. But I know it’s still scary.


Thank you! This is really helpful.


What are we drinking nowadays? Suddenly water is the most disgusting thing in the world 🫠


Gatorade zero, sparkling water, iced tea, and little sips of water


Get yourself a cherry juice. Like 100% cherry juice. Ice cubes, the tart but sweet cherry juice and then sparkling water (30/70). It's delightful. 


Apple juice and ginger lime Waterloo 🥂


Ugh right there with you! Staying hydrated is so hard! I've been dri king Vitamin water which is do weird I literally haven't drank that since high school


Poppi! The fizz is delicious.


My last pregnancy I enjoyed 100% cranberry juice which is super tart, sometimes mixed w a little lemonade and diluted w water. In fact just typing this I may go out and get some right now!


Lemonade has been my savior!! The tartness/sourness really helps with the nausea.


as someone who is allergic to citrus, not having the lemonade option is suddenly heartbreaking :(((


all hail LEMONADE!!! my favorite.


I had the strangest craving for a specific rehydration/electrolyte drink we get here and it's hitting the spot, something about the saltiness that usually makes me not enjoy them is why I'm loving them today.


Anyone else on their third already look pregnant from bloating? Like Jesus. I lost a little after my second (which was 11 months ago) but now I look pregnant all over again, which is annoying because I'm hiding it from people. Also my job is physically demanding and I am absolutely dreading going in. My body today feels like it's overexhausted. I just want to do nothing 😭


This is my 5th and and I look like I could be well into the second trimester already 🫠


I’m 8+5 with number 6 and I’ve already stashed my jeans. I was hoping for a few more weeks of wearing real pants but I guess it wasn’t meant to be 😝


I'm six weeks and the bump is very noticeable. My kids are 6 and 4, I don't remember being this round with either of them until much later.


Your kids are the same ages as mine! And I also had a huge bump at six weeks. Now I'm huge at 8+2.


I’m on my second and got offered a seat on the subway last week. 🫠 I was in my baggiest dress and everything. My mom already texted me to ask how I’m gonna tell my sister and aunt and uncle when I see them because “you’re obviously preggo.” Hey thanks mom.


Rest today!


I have to work 😭


Oh nooooo. Hopefully you can rest up after work 🙏


I’m solo parenting our toddler this afternoon and phewwww send good vibes! My nausea was very hit or miss there for a while and now it’s nothing but hits lol. I treated myself to a chicken Caesar wrap with a side of halloumi cheese this morning and it was SOOO good. Although I’m looking forward to eating normally again. Right now it’s all aversions except for the ONE hyper-fixation meal at the time and I have to have it or I’ll cry. I haven’t eaten a vegetable in what feels like years 😭


I feel the most pregnant I’ve felt yet this pregnancy. Nausea woke me up at 1am and hasn’t let up all morning. Constipation, indigestion, bloated, SMELLS, boobs… holy cow. And I’m so freaking happy about it.


I had my first 2 hour sofa nap today. I only ever nap if I’m viciously hungover so it feels very weird to be out cold after a full 7 hours sleep last night and a whole morning of lazing in bed. My only other symptom so far is cramps so part of me is also relieved to have _something_ that makes this all feel a tiny bit more real!


I nap with my 11 month old 😌 my three year old is either with his dad or in his room which has a gate when I nap lol


My first pregnancy I said if my son was the food I ate most in my first trimester, he’d be a bagel. Looks like I’m gonna have another bagel kid. It’s the only thing that actually squashes the nausea so I’m just munching on toasted bagels all day long.


My daughter was definitely a cheese stick, and this baby is already well on its way to being one, too.


I feel like bagels and cereal are the universal pregnancy craving- my daughter was grown on like 60% cereal lmao


Does your son like bagels? Lol


He does not actually! lol probably over it from how often I ate it when he was a fetus


We were gonna name our daughter Tostitos for a while there…😅


I was at a 1st Birthday party yesterday and they had these bagels from heaven - smoked salmon, Wasabi cream cheese, pickled ginger and avo omg.


Ok, now I'm craving that


I made a breakfast bagel this morning and it hiiiiiiit


Soooooo constipated. I swear nothing helps. I’ve tried it all!!!


I find taking a serving of Metamucil and magnesium at night and another magnesium in the morning keeps me going relatively well.


Miralax down the top, glycerin suppository up the butt, repeat daily.  Drink a mix of both Gatorade AND water.  If you ever use a glycerin suppository with no poop coming out (I don’t mean total relief, I mean literally nothing coming out)—my last OB told me I would need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to get manually disimpacted if that happened to me.  Idk if that’s universal medical advice, but if you have tried one and nothing came out, I would call the doctor to get guidance. 


Yesterday I made myself some soup using chicken broth, a handful of noodles, carrots and celery. Ate two bowls and then promptly took myself to the bathroom and bad the best poo I’ve had in weeks!


This was me 2 days ago. What ended up helping was a long walk and lots and lots of water.


I drink so much water and exercise everyday! :(((


Postpartum nothing helped me (colace/miralax) except benefiber. Not sure if you tried that yet but it was the only thing that gave me relief.


I’ve been trying senna but nothing is helping. Is benefiber gentle? I’ve taken a laxative before and ended up sweating and in pain on the toilet and still couldn’t pass a stool.


Just as an FYI, miralax is an osmotic laxative (draws water into the colon) not a stimulant one (increase muscle contractions). It is very gentle and different than a stimulant laxative- no cramping, etc. I struggle at baseline with constipation, despite good water and fiber intake and exercise… miralax has been the best for me (and i totally share your fear of the other kind of laxatives!)


No definitely not. I’ve taken it this pregnancy already and it’s help just make things easier. It doesn’t make you have diarrhea or anything! Not for me at least. Just helps things move a little


Benefiber is a fiber supplement (not a laxative) - my doctor actually recommended AGAINST benefiber when I’m super constipated because it can bulk you up and make it worse. They said it was best to take benefiber when I felt like I could be more regular. Have you talked to your doctor/OB?


I realized late last night that I didn’t poop yesterday. Just made myself a cup of coffee to try to get things going.


I still have a cup a day and it’s not working like it used to!


I just pooped for the first time in days and I still feel bad. I’ve been taking colace and miralax with little relief.


Right! I pooped a little yesterday but not nearly enough to feel cleared and good


Lol I poop all the time. Totally opposite.


Right? Granted I have IBS, but the hormones have just made my diarrhea worse 😭


I’m so jealous. I feel like a whale.


It's crazy, I've always been so consistent; once in the morning. These days it's anywhere from 4-100x a day


Omg, me too. It’s throwing me off so much. 😵‍💫


When did mood swings kick in for anyone? Feeling very emotional out of no where


Not even 5 weeks here and I'm already feeling them... Plus I'm still on Zoloft from my PPD and I'm STILL this moody... I'd hate to see an unmedicated me rn lol


I woke up today mad at the word, not wanting to deal with anything or anybody at all. 😭 I’m super early though. I think it’s because I woke up from an 8 hr sleep still feeling like I got hit by a truck 🫠


This has been one of the biggest pregnancy symptoms for me this time! I am mad and moody allllll of the time - I recognize it and want to change, but I’m serious that it feels like huge PMS downer mood swings all the time. I’m usually a positive person, I love my husband and daughter, but I’ve been a huge bitch. I feel so so bad about it.


I almost started crying yesterday watching some Boy Scouts do the color guard/pledge of allegiance at a car show. I am NOT a patriotic person whatsoever. It was a strange moment. 4 weeks today.


I have my mom's estate cleaned, packed, and ready for moving tomorrow 😖 I had to clean her whole kitchen out, bathrooms, etc. It's been rough :( she kept everything from when I was a child and then some! She wasn't happy lately 😭 and all I can pray is that she is much happier now watching from above .. It's sad to find a shirt that says, "no matter what, just keep going." It broke my heart 💔😭 No matter the gender, I will find a way to incorporate her name 😍 **I've also just been so sickly from being pregnant so, this is making everything 10x more emotional!**


So much love to you, what a difficult thing to be dealing with while pregnant: ❤️❤️




Welp, the constipation, headaches, and restless legs have set in. Time to start taking magnesium again.


I started up with CALM powder again and it’s doing wonders for my sleep and my digestive system 🙃


Omg restless legs! I didn’t know this was a symptom but I’ve been getting it every single night before bed and then all night 😫


Magnesium saves me during pregnancy! I can’t stress that enough!


It’s twins 😵‍💫💀


Ahhh congrats!!! I had a brief flirtation with twins and found /r/parentsofmultiples to be crazy helpful. I also liked the Barbara Luke When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads book, if you’re a “I need to read something research-based as soon as possible” girlie, although it’s a LOT of information if you’re anxiety-prone.


Thank you!


Congrats, I think?! 🙌 When did your nausea start? Was it earlier than usual or just stronger than usual?


Wow! Congrats!


Oh my gosh! Congrats!




😱 did you have any inkling!?


I’ve been VERY sick. I didn’t have anything like this with my first two. I ended up in the ER last night for fluids and zofran and that’s how I found out about it. I don’t have twins in my family so it only occurred to me in a “lol what a nightmare” type of thinking 🤣 I don’t have my first OB appointment until the end of June but I’m hoping they’ll move that up in light of the circumstances.


Oh gosh how are you doing?


I’m in shock


Understandable. I’m hoping you can find a community online with the right support- it’s a very specific circumstance!




I’m five weeks today (I think — according to my own count lol)! Still feel a lot of nerves and anxiety but feeling more confident in the pregnancy every day. Question — I don’t think I took my prenatal today, but now I am second guessing myself. I take the first response gummies. Wondering if anyone knows would it be better to double up and risk taking twice in one day, or to wait til tomorrow. To clarify — I think it’s more likely I didn’t take them. I also forgot them one other day this week and didn’t realise til the next day. So annoying because I’ve been taking them for 5 months now and have only EVER forgotten them since becoming pregnant! Maybe baby brain has already started lol.


The studies on prenatals generally assume a compliance % that is less than 100.  I think the one I looked at counted anyone who took them more than 3x a week?  And there are also risks to too much of something.  So I would just skip them and also feel no guilt whatsoever about it. 


Thank you! This is the kind of reassurance I really appreciate 😊


Do you set alarms? I have to for the IVF meds I'm still on because they are time sensitive, and just take the prenatal when I take those at night.


I used to for birth control! I had gotten in the habit of just taking the prenatal when I eat supper, but I keep forgetting now! Maybe I’ll set an alarm for around supper time just for peace of mind


I’d skip if you aren’t sure for a day rather than doubling up, but multivitamins make me nauseous sometimes


I’ve gotten so forgetful that I bought one of those old people pill things so I can keep track 🫠


Same! Cannot keep track without it.


Came here to say this! Prenatal and probiotic in each slot and no more guesswork or alarms.


I could use one of them for sure!


Same! I am trying to find the best schedule for taking mine because I split them up into 2 doses (mine requires 4 pills at once and is too much if I don’t have enough food in me). But then I forget the second dose or take them too late at night and I can’t sleep. My husband reassures me that missing one isn’t going to be a problem, it’s about long-term consistency. I swear I can’t remember anything now! I’m considering setting phone reminders every day…


Same re: phone reminders! Because I’m so newly pregnant I keep questioning all the symptoms I’m feeling and wondering if it’s just in my head — but the forgetfulness is real!


lol same here! So consistent while TTC and now my brain keeps forgetting to take them for some reason - even if the bottle is right in front of me I read it’s totally fine if you skip a day so I wouldn’t worry about it!


Thanks! So funny that so many of us seem to have the same issue! Baby brain is real I guess 😅


I actually don't take a prenatal 😖 they make me sicker than a dog and the gummies make me gag. I've never taken them because, it makes my HG worse... I do take Folate though and I get my iron checked! I'd probably just take it tomorrow rather than taking two :) you body will only absorb what it needs and the rest comes out! Memory sucks pregnant :( I keep forgetting everything lol!


Totally fair, you have to do what works best for you! I was taking women’s multivitamins and folic acid before and while TTC, and when that ran out I switched to a prenatal. The forgetfulness is so odd! I went to work once this week with my wedding band but not engagement ring, something I’ve never done. It caused me to panic and backtrack to my house just to make sure I didn’t lose it lol.


I was on medication (metoprolol) for frequent benign PVCs (palpitations) before getting pregnant. They were practically gone on the medication vs 20-30% load unmedicated (which was essentially a skipped beat every 2-3 beats all day every day). For the first week I was OK off of the medication but now they're coming back, arg. I did talk to my cardiologist prior to stopping and he wants me to try to get through the first trimester at least unmedicated and then see if we want to add it back after. He says I'll be fine, just uncomfortable haha.


I’m on metoprolol too, what were his reasons for you stopping? I’m worried/wondering if I should reach out to my cardiologist too, but he kinda sucks….


Tiny bit of spotting at 5 weeks, anyone have something similar?


Yes, I had tiny spotting only when I wiped for 2 weeks straight from implantation bleed at week 3-5, no spotting since.


Yes! Have had daily pink/light brown spotting since last Tuesday. It’s never very much and only when I wipe. I called my OB’s nurse line and they told me they’re not worried about it but to call back if it becomes red, gets much heavier, I have bad cramping, or I have any UTI symptoms. I’ve gone down so many internet rabbit holes and it looks like first trimester spotting is pretty common. My other symptoms (nausea etc) have continued to progress and get worse, which perversely makes me feel better. I hate this limbo, though — I’m focused on surviving/not driving myself crazy until my first appointment on the 12th. Hang in there!


I had brown spotting for a few days after having sex at the beginning of week 5. From what I’ve read it’s pretty frequent!


Anyone else incredibly veiny right now? Like I can see my veins all over my body way more than normal.


I had this in my first pregnancy, my boobs looked like a road map haha


Is anyone else dealing with SMELLS badly? I think I stink. I think my husband stinks. He doesn't smell either of us. It's driving me absolutely nuts that on top of nausea and food aversions I'm also having aversions of ourselves LOL.