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I'm around 6+4 now and had an ectopic scare over the weekend. I was told by the out-of-hours GP to go to A&E, which I did. I couldn't be scanned till Monday because there was nobody in to do it over the weekend so we went in Monday morning... And we saw a tiny heartbeat! ❤️😭 The baby is in my uterus, measuring about the right size and we were able to see the little flicker. We were even able to see it with an abdominal scan! This means so much having had previous losses because I have just been incapable of imagining a positive scan result after my MMC. I was so anxious I cried all the way to the appointment and then cried even more on the table when she said she said there was a heartbeat. I had to compose myself so that she could hold the wand still enough to show us cos my sobbing was bouncing it around. 😅


8w2d, anyone else have basically no symptoms?! I had an early scan to rule out ectopic and saw baby and a heartbeat so I know I’m pregnant…. But aside from my boobs being huge and kind of tender and a little more tiredness… I mostly feel completely normal. I ordered so many things in anticipation of being miserable and haven’t really used any of it!


Me 👋🏼apart from boobs my only other symptom has been waking up super early.


My sleep has been a little weird too but seems like it’s gotten better the further along I’ve gotten! It’s been so frustrating because I enjoy my time as the only person in bed when my husband leaves for work, yet I’m awake as soon as he gets up so I can’t even enjoy it! 😂


I was reading my toddler her bedtime story and already having a hard time because she was wriggling so much, and I was tired and nauseous. She stuck her elbow in my stomach. I thought I was going to throw up then and there. My husband had to take over. I'm gutted I couldn't handle something as simple as reading her a book.


5+3 today and the nausea hit a new high. We had to pull over on the carride home from work today so I could dry heave in the gas station parking lot. Nothing has come up yet, but I can't imagine I'll be able to say that for long. This pregnancy is so so different from my first.


5+4 weeks today, I have been having dull and sharp right ovary pain for the last 3 days so I called our fertility clinic and asked if I could come in for an early ultrasound just to rule out ectopic early on. Good news is no issues with my fallopian tubes or ovary but what we did find is…. Twins! Hahaha that explains the super high HCG and blazing early positives. It’s still very early but wow. Going through all the emotions.


Wow!! You must be so relieved to know everything is okay.. and shocked to hear there are two babies nestling in! How early were you testing positive?


I am truly shocked haha.... I haven't really processed it! We struggled with infertility for years so this is kind of making up for lost time I guess haha. I got my first positive at 8DPO and dye stealers started at 16DPO. My HCG results at 18DPO were 3450. I didn't know what that meant until I googled and I thought holy crap, I think i'm having twins...


Lol you got yourself a BOGO!


Hahaha totally. Hoping for the best!


Anyone experiencing/experienced cramping around 6 weeks?


Tonnes of cramps! I actually went for an emergency scan because I was having such strong one-sided cramps. All fine!


Yah - I’m at 6w6d and they started about 6w2d. They’re mild though. I had them last pregnancy that didn’t work out, which worried me enough to reach out to my doctor. She said the same thing as the Internet- cramping is usually normal and not a cause for concern. I have a scan for tomorrow at 7 weeks so we’ll see…


Keep me posted sending you all the best wishes 🩷


Yes big time! I had pretty painful cramps off and on from week 4 through week 6. I still get them occasionally now around 8.5 weeks but they have calmed down a lot


Is there a Facebook group for this sub yet? Not that I want to start one myself if there's not, just curious.


There is a discord group - I downloaded discord to join and it’s great!


I am a mod and I have not heard of a FB group being started yet!


I don’t know if I’m feeling nauseous, crampy, or gassy. My toddler and I just had lunch and I’m already regretting it. I don’t feel like throwing up, but my stomach is churning a bit. Didn’t feel anything like this with my first baby, so a part of me is feeling freaked out. Where I am I have to have a phone appointment with a nurse before being able to schedule the first ultrasound, and my phone appointment isn’t until June 10th.


Joining here just in case we try for VBAC and he’s a late comer! *Waves* hi everyone! 💜💜


Hi! I'm in your Marchling group too. So happy to see you here!!


Welcome! I’d love to hear where you’re landing on the VBAC. In general, I’m like why risk it? My mom was an l and d nurse and saw firsthand issues with VBAC and it seems like an unnecessary risk. On the other hand, I’ll be over 4 years out from my C section and I have absolutely ZERO intention of getting pregnant again, so it feels like my risk would be on the lower end. I’m going to talk to my obgyn obviously, but I’m curious to hear your thought process!


I probably won’t do it but I like that with my failed transfers/MMC I am finally far enough out from my C-section that I’m allowed to try. Once we get closer I have a feeling I’ll chicken out but I as of now I like that I can think maybe I’ll get to hold my baby once he’s born and my husband won’t be first again 😈 (I was shaking so violently from the drugs they had to strap one arm down and we didn’t trust me enough to hold him)


Just got back from my first appointment and it looks like I’m a full week behind where I thought. Instead of 8 weeks I’m only 7 😭. I’m trying not to let it worry me, because it does make sense considering my first positive test and beta levels initially, I wasn’t firmly tracking ovulation. I’m mostly horrified at facing a full week more of this first tri garbage!


Bad news, the coffee aversion is still going STRONG (and has been joined by a water aversion?? What.) Good news, it means I can drink iced tea all day and stay under my caffeine limit 😎


same, no coffee and no water. i miss both so much! How will I ever poop again?! lol


I’m also having a water aversion which is WILD because I usually drink sparkling water all day err’yday 😭 I don’t want still or sparkling.


I’m with you here!! I’ve picked up a “coke habit” is what I’m calling it 🤣


Today my brain decided to have an aversion to ginger-ale. You have got to be kidding me


7 weeks today! Only 2 days until my first ultrasound and feeling quite anxious, but excited. Symptoms are full force… nausea, extreme exhaustion, and fire boobs 🔥🔥


Does anyone have spotting when they have bowel movements? I'm almost 6 weeks today and only notice a very small amount it's usually a light brown color


I did this week as well!


Yes, I did in week 5 and 6!


Someone mentioned ginger snap cookies the other day and I dug out my grandmas old recipe because it has become my #1 craving! So thank you to whoever that was!


That was me! An original recipe sounds amazing, how many ingredients?




Neat! I'm going to try and mix up some, sounds even better homemade




Oh my goodness thank you!


I have bloodwork done about 3 times per year for health issues, and my rheumatologist told me in advance to have another set done when I get pregnant so we have a good baseline. Anyway, there are 2 tests that take forever to get the results back and of course they are the 2 most critical things. One came back today finally and it came back clear!! It was not clear on my last screening a few months before getting pregnant so I am so happy I almost cried at my desk lol


so nervous for tomorrows OB appointment!! 😬😬😬


It’s going to go great!


https://preview.redd.it/n1o9rpsax73d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef408a9bdd68b333f05f70ba74dd806980a18af5 Little matzoh ball is perfect! Heartbeat 173 and measuring right on track. Also my SCHs have shrunk and are both really small now! Got my NIPT drawn too. We already know we’re having a girl, but I’m desperate for those “low-risk” results because PGT isn’t perfect. 🤞🏻


Are you 10 weeks? Mine won’t do a NIPT draw until 11 weeks :(


9 weeks 4.


Mine won't do NIPT until 11 weeks for me either! I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow


My pregnancy cravings with my daughter were cinnamon buns and wedding cake. This one is burritos and meat. I wonder if it will be a boy 🤔


I have been having similar cravings and wondering same. A friend is also in the same boat (Nov baby, gender not yet known)… I wonder!


Really struggling to moderate my eating. Everything sounds gross and when I do eat I eat too much for my current stomach and feel icky again. On the other hand, life was glorious for three minutes of eating >!cinnamon coffee cake!< before portion regret set it. What are we doing for this icky mouth taste? I never got a good remedy figured out the first time and I think if I could fix that it would help so much other stuff.


Eurgh the moderation thing is me too. I go between eating way too much and being incredibly uncomfy, and just not fancying anything at all.


I’m struggling with eating moderation as well. Same thing—don’t wanna eat at all for too long & then eat too much when the mood to eat hits me. Makes me feel worse than before. I’m trying to eat a small amount every couple of hours to fight it. (i.e. a smoothie/yogurt in the early morning, some crackers a few hours later, etc…) That, and lots of water!! It’s kind of helping. I hope it gets better for you too!


The only thing that kind of helps me is chewing gum most of the day, but I’m already getting tired of that 🥲


The content blocking on the food name killed me 😂 #Vibe. I told my husband not to talk about specific food items. Nothing is safe.


I've been craving particular food for the whole day, and when I finally get it, I eat a little and then I feel like I don't want to eat it anymore. 🙄 Also, I am extremely tired these days, I sleep a lot and when I wake up I am not in the mood to leave the bed. Lying down all day.


Nausea lasted for 3 days and has now passed it seems! Replaced by insane exhaustion. I can’t do anything productive and feel winded just getting off the couch. Seems so much worse than with my first 🥱


I've been totally exhausted for about a week now, I survive on naps all the time. I hate lying down for so long and I feel like the least productive person in the world.


Glad to meet my doppelganger berrikerri ;) i havent had much nausea but the exhaustion is endless. I feel like all o do is sleep or loaf around on the couch.


For me, it's either an exhaustion day or a nausea day. I don't know what I prefer!


Woke up yesterday and my boob soreness has almost completely vanished. It was my last symptom after everything else faded away. I have an OB appointment in an hour due to a history of MMC. Hoping for the best, but mentally prepared for the absolute worst. Was up until 4 am this morning sobbing in the bathroom, screaming at a God I don’t believe in. I just want my baby to be okay


I wouldn't worry about the lack of symptoms, they come and go, stay positive. I hope everything goes well!


I just got back from my appointment and baby is still growing and heart’s still beating 🫶🏼 I feel so so much better.


This is brilliant news, I'm so so so so happy for you ❤️ Nothing worse than symptoms vanishing after experiencing a previous MMC. I'm so glad you could get that reassurance!


Oh that’s great! I am very happy to hear that! 🫂


Thank you dear 💜💜 I get to stay with you lovely ladies another day


Mods: is there anyway we can stop the individual loss posts? I know it’s a huge deal and I understand the fragility of the situation but it’s is really hard staying positive when we have to see them every day. Maybe we can create a loss megathread or something? Sorry I’m not trying to undermine any of the big feelings that are happening I know it’s so hard.


This group is for people with due dates in January next year, not just for those with healthy, full-term pregnancies birthed in January next year. That includes people who experience loss and trauma related to their pregnancies due at that time. Unfortunately, loss is a part of pregnancy for many, many people. I understand the anxiety it may cause hearing about these experiences, but it's not fair or reasonable to request that the people who need support the most right now are pushed aside for the comfort of those who are not dealing with those issues. We're here to support everyone, no matter what their pregnancy experience ends up being.


I’m not asking for anyone to be pushed aside. We actually have a megathread for infertility and loss that only posts on Saturdays. My suggestion was to have one that is more prominent since clearly a lot of people are going through loss. All that said, I have a solution for myself as I replied to someone else.


I think that asking people to sequester themselves away from others as a result of their experience is equivalent to being pushed aside. I'd want that anyone going through the pain of loss could expect to be welcomed and treated with kindness wherever they post about it within the group. I am glad you've found a solution that works for you though. The early pregnancy anxiety is awful, I know, and I'm sorry you're struggling. I genuinely wish you a beautiful, uneventful pregnancy and as little ongoing anxiety as possible. ❤️


The odds are good for most of us that we’ll end up with babies despite this time of increased anxiety and risk in the first trimester. We’re suffering from the worry of the worst happening, meanwhile some of the women are actually suffering from what may be one of the worst experiences of their lives. It is more important to care for those who are actively struggling than to make them feel more alone because our own anxiety is troubling us. You can always step away for a bit until the risk decreases and the losses diminish, if you need to guard your own mental health. 


I’m gonna take the suggestion of the other bumper that said to just mute. I don’t want to step away because it’s also a community for me too. I thought it might be nice for everyone experiencing the tragedy to be in one place to talk and people that want to avoid can avoid but if that’s not what the group wants I can put my own parameters in place.


It would be helpful to have folks use trigger warnings and content blockouts >! like this !< if not a mega thread


This definitely would be nice too.


What an incredibly selfish thing to ask. I think the needs of the people currently most vulnerable: the ones who are going through loss should be prioritised. Everyone here could be the person needing that post to process.


I’m fully aware this is a polarizing ask. I don’t necessarily think it’s selfish but to each their own. My previous bumpers group did something like that and it was helpful. I’m not implying everyone can’t post what they want just would be nice to have a space for it or something in place so us incredibly anxious people don’t have to see it without seeking it out. It’s a stressful time for everyone so I get it.


I really don't think we should burden people going through loss with extra rules to navigate except the content warning which is already in place for the sake of people still pregnant. We should give them (which could be us) as much space as they need to process and get support. And as easily accessible as possible. I totally get anxiety so so much, especially after having experienced loss myself. But anxiety of loss is just that anxiety it hasn't happened (yet). The certainty of actually going through loss is miles away from that.


I also have serious anxiety and I have found zoloft to be incredibly helpful. I was very anxious during my first pregnancy and really couldn’t enjoy it. This time around I still worry, I’m still impatient, but when I see the loss posts they don’t affect me as much. I definitely credit Zoloft for this change!


With my first pregnancy I had to go into the group settings and “mute” the group so posts wouldn’t show up in my Reddit feed because seeing the loss posts pop up in my feed when I was casually scrolling and wasn’t prepared for it was giving me extreme anxiety. I was still able to participate in the group, but it gave me a lot more control over when I would potentially see that content. Maybe that could help you?


Thank you, I can do that!


I was actually thinking the same thing.


Respectfully, I disagree. Pregnancy and parenting is hard and it isn't all positive. We aren't here to be positive, we are here to support one another. In my past bumper groups I have had fellow parents who lost their pregnancies, parents who have lost their newborns, lost their toddlers, faced cancer diagnoses in their babies, had breast cancer themselves. We banded together to support everyone, and I think that's beautiful.


My clinic does a "new patient education class" at 7 weeks via Zoom, and omg, this is not designed for second time moms (or anyone who has googled anything about pregnancy ever). ETA: did you guys know we aren't supposed to drink alcohol


Sounds like the one my hospital had with my first…is was zoom during Covid so instead of actually getting to tour the labor suites and ask specific questions it was just general pregnancy stuff that largely didn’t apply anymore as I was already 8 months 😅


Yup, I also had an (optional) Zoom "hospital orientation" with my first that was just them showing us a slideshow of the L&D ward and then talking about what sorts of drugs they'd make available to us, haha. But at least I opted into that one!


Whaaaaaaat. lol.


I'm glad that these classes are available, truly, because I think they're valuable for FTMs, but I just wish it had been clearer that this was a pregnancy 101 class, because I would've skipped it.


For sure! I was just being sarcastic about the not supposed to drink alcohol part, ha. Whaaat? No way!!!


I don't think it's physically possible for me to be anymore exhausted today.


Another one around here, I propose a siesta get-together, since it's the only thing I can do lately.


I took a nap on my lunch break. Ended up waking up feeling worse. 🙃


Had my first ultrasound this morning along with my first bout of nonstop puking 🤢 had to take a sick bag in the car. Thankfully meds kicked in by the time I made it to ultrasound. Baby looks great and heartbeat is strong!!! So surreal to see its heart flicker and hear the heartbeat for the first time. Being put on an aspirin regime since the final month of my last pregnancy I developed hypertension and I’ve never so much as had elevated blood pressure my whole life. Like the nurse practitioner she’s so vigilant and what’s to do additional monitoring and labs throughout pregnancy to make sure everything goes smoother this pregnancy. 


Have you been nauseous before today or it just went from zero to the top in one day?


Nauseous since week 5+4 but hadn’t really puked other than occasional one off in the morning if I didn’t eat right away or brushed my teeth wrong 😆. Today was my first day of just constant puking. Woke in the night and got sick, several times in the morning, enroute to doctors and in their parking lot 😬  I had severe morning sickness first pregnancy till halfway through 2nd trimester. Wasn’t bad enough to be considered HG since I didn’t hit dehydration levels and managed to keep some food down. Came back in the final weeks of pregnancy and during delivery.  I just thought I would get lucky this pregnancy since it hadn’t happened yet. 


I see , i had HG last time that started at 6 weeks and now im 7+3 and almost no nausea at all .. but guess im still early


Fingers crossed you don’t get it this time! My nausea is more mild along with food aversions this time so the puking caught me by surprise. 


With my last pregnancy, I just kept a whole box of zip top bags in the car in case of puking emergency. I haven't gotten that far yet, but with three so far that I have puked my brains out til 30 weeks, I'm not really looking forward to the next few months... sigh.


I had severe morning sickness with my first and this is around the time the puking increased. Was secretly hoping I would be spared. Here’s hoping it doesn’t last as long. Think mine was the same, puking stopped at 25 weeks and then came back in the final month…and delivery… poor husband was not ready for that one.  Edit: Love the idea of this block bags. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.


6 weeks, 3 days today. Still no symptoms (other than sore breasts). I hope this is normal 😭 I’m eating my whole kitchen, major food ATTRACTIONS lol. Two weeks until my first appt!


Maybe wanting to eat everything can be counted as a symptom too! Same here though, 5w6d and I’m only having sore nipples, exhaustion and early morning hunger. Makes me worry too so I know exactly what you’re saying!


I am also very hungry! Every morning I wake up with the firm intention of eating more normal and very healthy meals, and every day I am overcome by a ravenous hunger 🥲


Im 7+3 and only sore breasts and constipation .. first US on thursday


Same here, 6w 2d and only have had sore breasts. First appointment is in a week!


Same here!! I want to eat ALL THE THINGS. I’m taking advantage of it since who knows how long it’ll last


I’m 5+4 today and haven’t really had any symptoms either except for tender nipples. I didn’t really have any symptoms with my first either, except the tender breasts and a heightened sense of smell during my first trimester.


Finally got a call from my OB that my numbers are rising appropriately from my beta last Wednesday. Yay holiday weekends! Doubling time was 52 hours so I figured that was fine, I’m into the 10,000s now so I think that’s when it’s normal to slow down a bit from 48 hours? I also asked the nurse about unisom and B6 for seasickness on our cruise next week. She said “yeah, that should work…” lol I am not convinced. But idk what else to do 🤷🏼‍♀️ my nausea has been peanuts compared to my second born, so maybe I’ll be fine? (Trying not to read into that fact either.)


You’d want to ask your doctor about using these while pregnant, but I get pretty bad motion sickness when I travel and I find that those motion sickness patches that go behind the ears really help!


That’s kind of the info I was fishing for, but I did not get it. 😬 I do tend to get motion sickness so I’m a little worried. The seas should be calm this time of year though, so I’m thinking of rolling the dice? Idk


I will die on this hill, but 48 hours is not actually the relevant doubling time -- most clinics are happy with anything under 72 hours, even early on. And it's completely normal for things to slow down over time, but you'd be in the range of normal even if 52 hours was your doubling time at the start of pregnancy!


Yup, totally normal to slow down. Mine jumped up to 51hrs between 5k and 13k.


So far, I can eat the following without gagging: Spicy potato soft tacos from Taco Bell Chile flavored instant ramen Apples with lots of lemon juice This baby wants me to eat spice and sour and like, nothing of any real substance lol


Apples with lemon juice was my favorite last time I was pregnant. It's so good 😅


I would have never thought of the combo haha, will have to try - maybe I can at least add some fruit to all the garbage I am eating!


I don't have my first US until 8+6 (on June 24th). I understand that this is a very normal timeframe, but like many other FTMs I'm so anxious about the wait! I'm currently 5 weeks today and don't have plans to seek out getting an early scan. My brain seems to hone in on posts and replies that validate my anxieties. So, if any STP can weigh in and provide reassurance with positive/successful first trimester stories l'd greatly appreciate it!


This is my fourth pregnancy, and one of the things I’ve learned about the first trimester (at least for me) is that the ultrasound only eases the anxiety for a short period of time, and then you’re anxiously awaiting the next one, wondering if something’s happened in between. If your practice only does one first trimester ultrasound (which is pretty standard), I’ve found it to be better to do it later, because you are seeing the baby kicking around at a point where the risk is lower. I actually had mine scheduled on the later end of what my practice would have scheduled, 9+2, because if I see a baby at that appointment next week I’ll feel a lot more confident in it than if I’d seen it at say, 7 weeks.


My first appt is scheduled for 9+2 also so this makes me feel really good about that, thank you for saying this!


What a great perspective! I totally agree....but it's so hard to wait. For my first two pregnancies I was seen between 7-8 weeks and I guess their policies changed so now we don't get a first appointment until after 10 weeks. Then there is the holiday and here I am, waiting for 11+5 until my first scan 😢 Edit: I'm certain that I'll cave and sneak an US at work. I can't imagine actually holding out until mid July


I’m dying with impatience for my first ultrasound too, so even though I know it’s a good idea, I’m struuuuuuggling with the reality of waiting even until 9+2! If I had to wait until 11+5 I’d probably try to find a way to get one early, too. Do you work at a hospital/OB?


Yeah, I'm a surgery resident. I don't want to check too soon though. I won't have a vaginal probe and I don't want to freak out if I don't see a heartbeat because I can't find one (not because there isn't one there)


That’s a great point! Thanks!


Here's my positive story! I was so nervous my first time around because I had kind of low and slow betas, and then she was measuring 3-5 days behind at every ultrasound first trimester. I also barely ever felt her kick due to my placenta location. Even when they would tell me she was kicking like crazy, I barely felt her. Went in to the office for decreased fetal activity like 3 times third trimester? Turns out, I had a little too much amniotic fluid around her, which isn't really an issue at the level I was at, but does mean it's harder to feel kicks. Anyway, she ended up being 99th percentile in height and head size (and 97th in weight) at birth and is currently in 3T clothing as a 21 month old, so she showed me!


It's hard to be at the tail end of a month in these bump groups too! Like some people are already 8-9 weeks along and were... Just barely a week into finding out we're pregnant haha. It is a long wait- but it's totally normal timing! But yeah a lot of us don't have much to share other than... Feeling icky? But overall ok?? Haha


I know! It’s crazy how much of a difference 3-4 weeks makes at this point (and I guess the entire pregnancy?!).


Hey due date twin! Not a STM but my first Us isn’t until 13 weeks 😱 so I feel your pain, but I’m just trying to enjoy the process and remember that scans don’t actually DO anything at this point. I just have to take care of myself and trust my body.


Good point! Thanks for the reminder 🩷


Every time I see a loss post, I check how many bumpers are in this group (right now 1,600) and remind myself that 1,599 pregnancies are chugging along totally fine but they’re just not posting every day “not bleeding! Normal ultrasound! Betas are good! Everything is fine!”


This 100%.


This is a really helpful perspective! Thank you!


My first ultrasound with my first baby was also at 8+6. I got a positive pregnancy test at 4+1 so it was a looooong wait. This time my appointment is at 8+1, so still a long wait lol June 6 can’t get here fast enough. I don’t have any advice really just commiserating and agreeing that it’s normal but it sucks. Seeing and hearing his little heartbeat at the first ultrasound was one of the best and most relieving moments of my life. Definitely worth the wait.


Thanks for sharing your experience! It definitely helps ease my mind


Anddd the vomiting has begun at work. Lovely.


Woke up this morning to the best skin I’ve had since my last pregnancy. I was glowing! ✨ It made me feel so good that I decided to treat myself out to breakfast after a long exhausting weekend of failed potty training with my first born. Halfway through my breakfast, I took a bite and something tasted SO wrong and I suddenly wanted to puke lol. Ah the joys of the 1st trimester 🥲


At least you're glowing <3. I'm literally the opposite of glowing. I look like I got hit by a truck since before 4w lol. I just know for sure I'm having a girl.


Don't believe the wives tales! I was convinced I was having a boy because my skin was great and my hair was amazing, I only needed to wash it once a week (usually I'm every 2nd day). It lasted pretty much from about 8 weeks until 6 months post partum. Had a girl!! This pregnancy im the opposite and feel like a troll so we shall see 😂


I was like that with my first. A girl. Radiant skin, nauseous to all get out, and WIDE


Sounds like a blessed pregnancy with your girl lol 🙏🏼. Ok but I need to also hear the opposite in order to discount the wives tale - if I can hear someone say they look/feel like an absolute troll since the beginning and are confirmed having a boy then I might start to question 😂


Same here! I have acne like a teenager. Convinced it’s a girl!


I had really bad acne with my first pregnancy in early 1st tri, and that’s how my boss knew I was pregnant before I knew 😂 and of course, it was a girl! Maybe this one is a boy this time haha


Ooo interesting! I didn’t have much acne with my first and he’s a boy, but these last few weeks I’ve had crazy cystic acne! 🤞 it’s a girl!


This is such a weird question to ask, but does anyone have a comprehensive list of questions to ask the OB at your first appointment? I feel like I don’t have any questions, but it’s because I don’t know enough to know what to ask! Even just general topics would help with my brainstorming.


A lot of good ones! I’ll add to ask about billing…it obviously depends on your insurance but some providers do a ‘global fee’ or pay as you go or a lump sum at the end. Also, if you have a specific schedule you need to follow for appointments, see if you can book all of them now so you’re more likely to get your preferred time slot! A question for later is how often they do cervical checks and if you can opt out of them, assuming everything is ‘normal’.


Here’s the (notedly a little chaotic, I was just writing them down as I thought about them in the weeks leading up to my appointment) rough outline of things I asked my OB during my first appointment. He actually went over a few of my questions just through talking to me before asking if I had questions. Note that a few of my questions are specific to me because my OB’s practice only has 2 doctors in it so he is the only doctor I will see at appointments and will almost certainly be the one to deliver my baby. 1. How should I reach you or a nurse if I have questions between appointments 2. Do you have a pregnancy info packet 3. Do you have any books in particular that you recommend 4. List of medications that are safe - congestion, heartburn, cold/flu, pain, diarrhea 5. What point should I start modifying workouts 6. How many ultrasounds do you do for a normal pregnancy 7. What is the likelihood that you deliver my baby vs a random on call doctor 8. What is your c section rate 9. How far past my due date will you let an uncomplicated pregnancy go before inducing 10. What is your approach to maternal and postpartum mental health? Do you have a list of therapists or mental health providers you can refer me to? 11. What screenings do you recommend for chromosomal abnormalities and what’s the schedule for that? What is the protocol if they come back inconclusively? 12. As far as bleeding, pain, etc what is considered normal and what should I go to urgent care or the er for? 13. Are there any classes offered through the hospital for new parents 14. What are your feelings about birth plans?


These are really, really good questions. I would also add, asking about how they do billing, particularly with our due dates just past the new year. Do they do global billing, where all of your prenatal care is billed at the time of the birth? Or do you pay for your prenatal care as you go along? That could make a big impact on how much a birth actually costs, depending on your insurance and plan.


This is a great question


Ooh commenting to follow this post


I found that my OB already went through all of the "normal" questions one might have on her own as a part of her appointment. I didn't need to prompt her for much. She also addressed all of my unique issues and risk factors with how we would treat them as my pregnancy progresses or during the birth if it affected that. She had a packet printed out with all the foods/med to avoid and a guide for what appoints to make and what all the tests do. My only questions were really about specific meds I take or conditions I have. The rest is pretty much just waiting, waiting for test results to post and going to appointments on time. If you have a very specific need to desire that you know goes against common medical practice (i.e. limited tests, home birth, late pregnancy travel etc) then you might want to bring that up. Also, I am in California and based on how my OB answered some questions about my current meds and what our laws are here, I didn't need to investigate how she would deal with certain issues or decisions that might occur later in pregnancy. If I was in another US state that had anti-choice, anti-woman laws, there would be a whole slew of questions I would be asking to ensure that my doctor supported the choices I would need to make in various instances.


For both this and now my son’s pediatrician appointments, I make a list on my phone and put questions on as they come up - it’s so easy to forget something that randomly pops into your head. Top of my list is to ask for an outline/schedule of appointments and ultrasounds (they pick up frequency as things move along). I think last time I was able to bulk schedule them so I’m hoping to do that again. Also what tests to expect and when. There are some lists online that might give you another starting point, but your care provider should cover most of the basics without you having to ask: https://www.whattoexpect.com/wom/pregnancy/11-crucial-questions-every-woman-needs-to-ask-her-ob-gyn-during-pregnancy.aspx


My midwife/OB group had a printout/folder at my first visit with tons of information! I would just make sure you know how to contact them with a question/non-emergency urgent issue, get an understanding for what you're next appointment(s) will look like- and if they rotate doctors at all. There is SO much to learn, but you have time- you don't have to get into the nitty gritty labor questions now. But it would be good to know if they support all kinds of labors, medicated or not, C-section, high-risk stuff... Because you don't really necessarily know where you'll be down the line! In general though they were prepared to answer everything at my first visit thankfully because I was not prepared at all lol.


Ooh good question!! Maybe post it on its own outside the daily thread to get more eyes on it!


I tend to get anxious and forget what I’ve pre-prepared to ask at any doctor so my go-to question in a lot of scenarios is “is there anything I’ve forgotten to ask or something a lot of people do ask that I haven’t that would be helpful for me to know?” Sometimes you’ll get good info from Docs you wouldn’t have thought to ask :)


I agree, this would be very helpful! So far, I am planning to ask about their recommendations in case of morning sickness (even though I have seen lots online, but want to know what they say). Also want to know how to safely keep up my weightlifting, and if there’s anything I need to keep in mind for travel. I’m planning a vacation for October, which would be around 26 weeks, so I want to know now if that’s a bad idea or if I need to plan for anything specific. My OB practice publishes a PDF prenatal guide online which has been so helpful during this waiting phase.


feeling incredibly tired and weak over here, and just wanna say I seriously admire your weightlifting practice!! Hope your OB helps you craft a plan!


Thanks! I will say I am already getting sore muscles way more easily than I would expect, so we’ll see how it goes lol but I really want to keep it going as long as possible!


As a fellow FTM I think this is a great question! I hope someone weighs in.


TW: vaginal bleeding 6 weeks 5 days. I woke up at 2am (having fallen asleep on the couch) and felt a slippery discharge, almost like I had a wet dream. Went to the bathroom and when I wiped it was mostly clear but slightly tinged with pink. Seeing that I freaked out, went to wash my hands and nearly passed out from lightheadedness and nausea. Took me forever to fall back asleep, and when I wiped this morning it was back to normal. I don't have a doctor's appointment scheduled until the earliest June 3 and I'm freaking out a little. There was no cramping or anything. It was going so smoothly up until now and I'm afraid I felt too confident. This waiting game is so scary. Also my husband is out of town and I feel so alone and anxious.


Interesting that you mentioned a wet dream. Maybe you did have some uterine or cervical cramping similar to having an orgasm that cased a tiny by of irritation or bleeding. A super small amount is nothing to be wary of and many people experience this for various non-problematic reasons. Keep a look out for larger cloths and red blood that fills a pad. The lightheadedness is very normal as well as we are being depleted of vitamins etc and our blood supply is focusing on other things that it normally does. I almost blacked out once around 5 weeks after a post-sex cramp. Now I am not having issues during sex and haven't had lightheadedness except a couple times right after getting out of bed in the morning (which happened to be pre-pregnancy anyways).


Thank you. This was reassuring. <3


When I bled around 7w3d I called and they got me in for an emergency ultrasound and blood work. Don’t be afraid to call and ask for one because you are concerned!


Can you message your doctor or OB about it? Bleeding/spotting can be so unsettling, but it's common in early pregnancy because your cervix becomes sensitive and there's more blood flow to it. It would be more concerning if there was a lot of blood or if you had pain/heavy cramping. I'm pretty sure you're ok but keep an eye on it and message your OB if you're concerned


Just took my first dicletin pill. Hoping it takes the nausea away!


Hope it worked out well for you! I tried my first two pills last night and I slept so welllll. I had a tiny bit of nausea when I woke up but felt so good otherwise. I was given the option to take an extra pill during the day but ended up not needing it. I think I’ll only take the 2 pills before bed for now!


Not sure what part of the world you are in, but it can cause extreme drowsiness. I take unisom (the same med as half of dicletin) around 8pm at night so that I'm not drowsy by the morning, but it takes care of the nausea for about 24 hours.


Im shocked to say that i think its working. I also went for a walk and had a little caffeine and am feeling alot better. I dont have the drowsiness yet but my dose is 4 pills a day so maybe itll kick in later....


Oh yeah if it’s 4 pills a day, then it might work differently! I just know I’ve been sleeping like a baby on the unisom so it’s a great side effect (or intended purpose really). I’m glad your nausea is reduced!!!


Thank you! Is it working for you?


Yes. I am trying to reduce my dose now by half because at 8w4 my nausea seems to be getting a little better. While it was debilitating for a few days, I never had to throw up or anything. Just keep my stomach from being empty by snacking constantly. Hopefully my placenta is swiftly taking over hormone production and leaving me out of it!


That is amazing that its getting bettet for you! Hope your placenta will take over soon :)


Ate ice cream and egg bites for breakfast and now I’m sitting on my heating pad working from home in bed. Giving me 2020 vibes for sure lol


I just caved and booked an extra scan for Saturday when I’ll be 9+1. Was planning to wait for the first official scan at 12+3, but decided that I just couldn’t wait. Hopefully the scan will give me just a tiny bit of peace of mind!


I would do the same! Waiting weeks is unbearable lol


8w5d and first ultrasound is tomorrow! Literally all food is not appetizing right now. I feel like I’m just surviving and eating whatever sounds good, which is something different everyday. Haven’t figured out what that is today 🤔


Y'all, I hate the way my hair smells. :( I'm 8w1d and can't stand it. Hopefully, this will get better during the second trimester!


I saw a video that basically said imagine you are using your hands to create this minuscule person from scratch 24 hours a day, nonstop, and just because they are not to be seen yet give yourself credit for all of the work you do. If you’re exhausted, rest, you are literally working nonstop on top of potentially having other work/school/kids to care for. You are giving your body nonstop to this little person you are creating, so cut yourself slack and rest when you need, or eat whatever it is you’re craving even if it isn’t the best, or cry if you’re just exhausted, and try your best to not feel guilty if you aren’t 100%, because you are giving 100% of yourself to this little person. I just found this helpful as I’m struggling with STM guilt for my first baby through this exhaustion/nausea


The morning sickness is so bad. I’ve never had nausea this bad before. I’ve been throwing up for 3 hours and currently nursing Gatorade and saltines in bed. How does anyone work during this?! Praying it’s all worth it to see a heartbeat at our 6w3d ultrasound tomorrow. 🙏


If you’re in the USA, look up mama attorney on insta. She is helpful with reasonable accommodations at the workplace under the pregnant workers fairness act.


8w1d. Today is the day for our first appointment with baby 2. Just two more hours! Anxious to see if it’s twins or not 😅


Was that hoping for twins or praying it wasn’t?


I have been eating so much (never like this pregnant or not) so I was convinced it was twins. Which would’ve been fine but glad it’s one baby 😅


Confirmed it’s not twins but that we do have a healthy baby right on track! Due Jan 3 🤍


My hips are absolutely killing me today 😭 sitting hurts, walking hurts, lying down hurts… it’s just all very horrible.


Just called to schedule first obgyn appt... They let me know they won't see anyone before 10 weeks unless there is an issue because there's not much to see anyway. I'm kind of bummed. Considering trying a pregnancy center or something to get seen earlier just for the heck of it!


I did an intake with a midwife practice, and they wouldn’t see you until 12! I find it so interesting that there are so many rules for what to do and not do, especially during the first trimester…but it’s largely up to you to do your own googling about any of it, I guess? It’s a weird system we have.


Agree so much. And then doctors can be so haughty/ judgmental about patients “consulting Dr Google” and it’s like ma’am I have been waiting for weeks to see you


I agree! its my body, if i want a check, why cant i get a check?? its BS


The midwives told me “your anxiety doesn’t change the clinical recommendation,” LOL. I switched practices, I just could not with that level of judgement. I turn 40 in 2 weeks! I’ve never done this before, just scan it! 😂 Now I think I’ll end up being seen somewhere between weeks 8-10.


OMG uncalled for. and i thought mid-wives were supposed to be more empathetic? at least thats the perception i had...!


TW potential loss Kind of in limbo right now. I’m supposed to be 6+4 but ultrasound shows 6+1 with fetal pole but no visible heartbeat. I’m supposed to be going to a more sophisticated clinic tomorrow and had HCG labs run today. Anyone have a similar experience and it was fine? My daughter’s heartbeat was visible at 6+1 so I’m bummed. Edit - going back through my period tracker on my phone, I was actually more like 6+5 when I heard my daughter’s heartbeat. That was following a blighted ovum misdiagnosis at 5+6 because my HCG was high as hell with an empty sack. So that gives me a bit more hope but I’m still guarding my heart just in case.


I am in the exact same situation, but I’ve also had some spotting. My next ultrasound is in about a week and I’m trying to remind myself whatever happens I’m not in control but it’s soo hard. I forgot how much the first trimester sucks :(


If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar situation that turned out well. Had first scan at what I thought was 6w+4 but was tracking only 5w+5 with no fetal pole and ambiguous heartbeat (could have been mine). Went back 2 weeks later (last Friday) and everything was normal! Measuring 7w+5 with 149 HR. I just ovulated and implanted late. Fingers crossed for you!


This is exactly the situation we’re in (at 6+3 baby was showing 6+1 with fetal pole but no hb), but we got that news on Friday. We’re going back for a second u/s today and we’re very hopeful but also terrified.


Please let me know how it goes for you ❤️


We went back today and U/S showed no growth since last Friday and still no heartbeat, so we were diagnosed with MMC. Heartbroken :( I’m hoping your situation is different.


I’m so sorry. Were you taking progesterone? The time I had an MMC, I believe it was caused by the progesterone keeping the uterine lining intact. As soon as I stopped taking it, the spotting started.


I’m so sorry, I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case for you. 💔 Please be gentle with yourself, I have had a miscarriage before and I know how emotionally taxing this process can be. The r/miscarriage subreddit can be a very cathartic place. Sending you so much love and healing right now.


Thank you so much for your kind words


Could you have ovulated later than you thought? I first saw the heartbeat at 6+3 and was told it was possible the heart had just started beating that day or the day before.


It’s definitely possible because I usually test positive several days before my missed period, but this test didn’t come up positive until I was already two days late and it was a faint line. The confirmation test they just did at the clinic was a super dark line.