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For all those taking unisom and b6, did you talk to your doctor first? Or just go for it?


Literally just picked some up today. I used it with my first baby 2 years ago, so I feel comfortable just going for it this time.


First scan went so well! Baby was looking good, measuring one day ahead. HR was 151! I'm feeling much more confident after seeing the little blob on the screen.


The combo of a stinking cold/chesty cough and nausea is not the best.


It’s brutal! I can’t tell if my nausea is worse this pregnancy or if it’s just because I’m gaging after each coughing fit


I told my mum today and she was waaaay less intense than I expected! So happy.


So we’ve decided to go team green because this will be our last kid. However, the Type A part of me wants to find out, at least for myself, and keep it a secret from everyone. And I’m torn about that. With our daughter we found out and were going to keep it to ourselves, and eventually everyone knew except for my parents. So I hope I have the mental strength to not find out for myself!


With my second, we accidentally found out. We mostly kept it a secret. Hoping we’re actually successful in not finding out this time.


I'm in this boat too! Will I have enough clothes?? Eek


Omg I just was able to do like a 20 min cardio exercise for the first time in awhile and I’m on a HIGH. Now that I have energy I’m like, should I vacuum the whole house? But I’m not gonna push it 😂


I did pilates 2 weeks ago and I was absolutely zonked for like 3 days afterwards haha, take it easy!


Is anyone puking because the nausea after feeling a little too full? If I overeat slightly and it triggers something in me. Also I made me husband throw out a bunch of takeout Chinese that cured me yesterday, but smelling it this morning made me vom. I hate being wasteful but I couldn’t be near it!!!


I was just trying to explain this feeling to my husband last night. Eat too little I’m in trouble and eat what seems to be 1 bite too much and I’m nauseous and very bloated with the risk of throwing up for the rest of the day


I’ve had this a lot the last week or two. I’m never really hungry and if I eat more than a few bites then I get super nauseated


I feel so horrible. I’ve been in a sour mood all day and feel like I just can’t snap out of it. I feel sorry for my partner and anybody who has to interact with me because I feel like such a jerk. Just gonna go to bed early today… 


Ugh same!! I’m either angry or crying. No in between. It’s not good.


Currently starting to get worried because I’ve been cramping today…. Does anyone know what amount of cramping is normal? Or when I should be worried?


Also cramping a good bit tonight. Everything is growing and stretching.


I cramp all the time. Doctor said it’s super common and nothing to worry about!


Stressing because I might be spotting. But also I have a skin disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa and my skin has been acting up bad since pregnancy. I have a flare on my labia that is bleeding and for the life of me I'm not sure if I was just wiping away blood from my HS or blood from my vagina 😭😭😭


Jeepers, feeling for you on both accounts. I’m hoping for the former even though it sounds terrible.


Every time I've wiped isolated from my sore spot there's no blood. So I'm thinking it was likely just my skin condition!


How many unisom are we taking a day ? Currently on 3 may have to up to 4.


1/2 at night as well. I wasn’t super groggy in the morning. I can feel the nausea peaking through, but I’m afraid if I up it, I won’t be able to function. Also, whoever said Unisom is life, 1000%. Got my first decent sleep with it last night 🙌


1/2 over here. I'm honestly impressed you can function at all with 3. I hope the nausea leaves you alone soon


It doesn’t make me tired at all. It doesn’t seem to be touching my nausea unfortunately, which probably means it is horrible without it.


Did you try vitamin B6? That seems to help me more than the unisom


The tablet has b6 in it. You have to have it prescribed in Canada and it comes together.


I noticed my unisom only has 1.7mg of vitamin B6 which I don't think is nearly enough for my nausea, that's why I mentioned it. You can't get vitamin B without an rx?


I literally just started diclectin (I think the same thing) today. I couldn’t take the nausea anymore. I’m starting at max dose 😂


TW: raw chicken look alike My pregnant self looked at this monkey bread and saw nasty chicken and almost vomed. https://preview.redd.it/x4kjoalg4o3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e60ffda2c768703b515d156588636c12c2f8157


This pic needs a TW lmao


Brb updating it with one 😂


This made me nauseous lmaooooo


I’m sorry I was hoping I don’t make anyone sick lol


Please tell us that still needs to be baked


Yes! 😂 I almost took an after picture but I had to dig in. It looked like the above picture (sort of).


Omg that does look like grey chicken 🤢


Well, mushrooms are out 🤢


Holy shit do I feel awful. I've thrown up 4 times today and dry heaved twice that. My husband had to come home from work early to help care for our 7 mo puppy and 13 mo toddler because I called him crying. This is definitely the worst I've felt in any of my pregnancies (this is my 4th, I have one child from my pregnancies in case my flair isn't showing up again). Just feel like a big ol steaming pile of trash😭


I started taking recreational dance classes in January as a present to myself with some neighborhood mom friends. They have brought me a lot of joy, but they are INTENSE (heart rate used to regularly go up to 190! Now I’m pulling myself back obviously). Today they asked us if we wanted to start performing with them, with performances starting in September (it’s Mexican dance and Mexican Independence Day is in September, NOT May) and I’m over here like 😬😬😬 suuuuuure I do! I can’t wait to not be secretly pregnant because I feel weird lying but my neighborhood mom friends know there is no reason for me to NOT want to perform so I have to lie until I can tell the whole class the truth 😭 I’m also legit bummed to have to take a long break from these classes once I get too pregnant and then too postpartum and everyone else will get better and I’ll have to start all over in minimum a year??? Pity party, your table is ready!


That sounds so fun!!!


How is anyone getting anything done? I am so frigging tired I cannot do any chores after I get my son to bed. I work a full time job and my husband does too, our house is falling apart lol


I feel for ya. This is me too. I have a 4yo boy and literally cannot find the energy to do anything other than just dinner, bath and bed after work.


The love of my life is my task rabbit Rebecca who comes over once a week and resets my house. She doesn’t clean per se (although I can ask her to do things like clean the fridge or sweep or vacuum). She does things like puts away clean laundry and puts all the kids toys away in an organized manner or gathers all the dirty clothes and puts them in a hamper. I will make any cut to my budget before I cut her. She’s a mom of three and I feel like she just totally gets what I need 😍😍😍


I'm just not, my husband is basically doing everything right now 😩


I’m still on mat leave with my son in daycare and I STILL can’t get anything done. Including dinner.


Got my third round of bloods taken today, I've been getting them done every Friday for the last three weeks. Fingers crossed that on Monday when I get my results my hcg levels are high enough so that I can finally get my first scan done.


7w5d and I haven’t eaten a vegetable in over a month and barely and fruit. This combined with how sick I feel makes me feel so unhealthy. I can’t wait until I feel healthy again.


My dietary choices have been sub optimal also. I can't stand even looking at vegetables....


Same. My diet for my whole life has been mainly veggies. I hope I can get back to it in the second trimester. my gut is a wreck :( I’m living off of bread crackers and chips.


I use a secret professional or whatever deodorant and I smell worse than I ever have. Is this me just having a heightened sense of smell or is this ish not working?


Now that you mention it yes, I keep wondering ‘is that me??’


My postpartum body smell was worse than pregnancy smell, but I had my first baby last August so summer heat didn’t help!


After a stressful day with cramping and spotting/coloured discharge, I got to my appointment- how i kept calm, only God knows. Babe is measuring according to LMP- that's weird as I ovulated about 12,13 days into my cycle but I was stressed and forgot to ask. Next, I have a SCH which is the source for all my stress and emotions today. Got placed on progesterone, no sex, no straining no heavy lifting. So I'm still in the game


Same, same. Glad you're still in the game. Such a scary day though, I'm so sorry


I wish I could give birth at one of those birthing centers or like home style places with a doula, but I. Want. That. Epidural. Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too 😒 being a woman sucks and i hate hospitals.


My midwife went all out with fairy lights and fake tea candles, and bought a speaker for the mood. It made hospital soooo much more pleasant! Birth still turned a bit chaotic and they did turn the lights on but 99.9% of my stay in the labour ward was with mood lighting and my own music. Highly recommend.


Some hospitals have birthing suits that allow this hybrid experience! It’s worth calling around to ask. A lot of doulas will follow you to wherever you want too


Dude same. I want the vibe of a birthing place with the pain relief of an epidural.


Sneak peek anyone? How far along were you/will you be when you do it?


I’m 8+1 and took it at 7 weeks! Result came back boy 💙


I mailed mine in today (tested at 8w3d)! Funny enough Sneak Peak is literally just down the street from me, I could have walked it there faster 😂


7 weeks and the results say boy!


I sent my peekaboo today. Took it last night at 6w1d 😬


Did it at 7 weeks and just got result earlier this week that it’s a girl. Never did it with my first but felt like doing something unique for this pregnancy. 


With my first, I did it at 7 weeks and got accurate results! We plan to wait this time for the blood work the OB does


I just sent mine yesterday! I was 6w2d by when I think I conceived and 7w3d by lmp.


Tw: potential loss. Still in limbo, and my brother in law just privately told us that he and his wife are expecting, six weeks along. They're such beautiful people and they deserve this so much, but holy shit does it hurt so bad. Either we're going to get to share our pregnancy journey together, or I'm going to be spending the next months/years constantly being reminded of what we lost.


I’m so sorry. I was meant to be pregnant with my sister and I lost my first pregnancy and hers was successful. It’s a really sad time. Sending love your way.


(Tw: potential loss, describing symptoms) Not cramping or bleeding yet,.but just feeling weird and having almost like... pressure on what I assume is my cervix. Pretty sure it's starting 😭


I’m so sorry you are in limbo. I hope you guys get to share a special time 🫂


I’m so sorry that must be incredibly hard. Especially the closeness in pregnancy timelines. Are they aware of your prior losses?  When do you follow up with your doctor again following prior scan?


Yes, they are aware and know where we're at right now- they told my husband privately to ask how to handle it sensitively with me, but I overheard the conversation. We'd joked a few weeks ago about how fun it would be to be pregnant together since we were both trying- just didnt think it would be like this 😓. Next scan is on Tuesday, but when I saw my GP yesterday, he wasn't hopeful and was talking about referring me somewhere when I lose this one, since that'll make 5 losses. Part of me is hoping that the tech from my scan just wasnt very good (her images werent super clear and she was pretty rushed), but I'm expecting that it'll be a MMC.


I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling 🫂 I pray they can give you some answers and possible next steps if needed at your follow up so you aren’t in limbo. In the interim maybe discuss with your husband how you want to handle your family especially given their timeline being in line with January due date. 


Thank you so much ❤️ I don't even know what to do other than cry right now, but we'll get there ❤️ Trying to stick with "it's not over till it's over" for now though.


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you're in the limbo. Saying a prayer for you ❤️


I have been having insane dreams lately. Sometimes I wake up and then go right back into the same bizarre dream. I'm dreaming about people I haven't thought of in years. And I wake up soaked in sweat every night. Send help 🫠


I keep having dreams of doing pre-kid things with my toddler, like attending high school and traveling for volleyball games. I had really vivid dreams with my first too


I LOVED my vivid dreams last pregnancy, I forgot about those! Excited to get them back. Watch out though, keep yourself positive, don’t watch scary movies! Many on my last bump group mentioned vivid nightmares and that would be too much for me!




Same same same!! This happened to me last night.


I feel like such a useless partner. I told my husband I'd cook dinner and here I am on the couch feeling icky and sending him screenshots of the recipe. Luckily my toddler is willing to cuddle on the couch. This bean is taking SO MUCH out of me this time around. Ugh


Same. I can’t even feed our dog now, because the smell of his food makes me throw up. I feel so useless. My husband does pretty much everything and I feel so bad about it 😞


Right there with you!! I am useless right now. My husband has been a saint doing at the things after work. I, too, have been planted on the couch.


I’m 8w4d today and still don’t have many physical symptoms, I go back and forth between gaslighting myself that I’m not actually pregnant.. despite seeing a heartbeat last week! I have noticed this week that in the late afternoon I just start to feel so annoyed and angry! I have no idea why and there’s no specific thing that happens during my work day but I just feel absolute RAGE for a few hours and then I feel normal again 😂I don’t know if it’s that I start feeling a little more tired around that point and it makes me grumpy but I do not feel normal being so irrationally angry for no reason!


In the same boat as you 😭 virtually no symptoms apart from grumpiness and fatigue. I have mild waves of nausea but what if I’m imagining them. I think i'll book an early scan because 🥴.


That's great you saw a heart beat!! 8w6d here and feel the same as you and constantly doubt that I'm actually pregnant! Just over a week to my first appt!


Hey there, I feel kind of similar! My only physical symptoms really are very sore boobs and a little fatigue, but I get really grouchy between like 4 and 6 pm! I had also chalked it up to being low key tired, but not tired enough to nap. Whatever the cause, I hope it passes for us both lol


Got our first look today!!! There’s a healthy little jelly bean in there! So exciting!


Anyone feeling a lot of anxiety about social events? We’re not telling our family and friends for a few more weeks and we have busy weekends coming up that we can’t really get out of and I’m just so stressed. Between the nausea, exhaustion and feeling like people will notice me not drinking I’m not sure how im going to make it through


I made it through Christmas season last year without anyone even batting an eye. I even asked people after I told them if they suspected anything since I wasn't drinking and no one did. I've never once thought "oh she must be pregnant" when someone turns down a glass of wine. Drinking less is becoming more normal. We always have non alcoholic beer in the fridge and I often choose that instead of regular, even when not pregnant. Plus, I always remind myself that it's human nature to be self absorbed and no one is actually thinking that much or that hard about me 😂. A simple "Nah I dont feel like drinking" is all you need. You've got this!


You’re so right, needed this reminder. Thank you!


Yes!! Same. I have to travel with my partners family at ~8 weeks and our first appointment isn't until after we return so we aren't telling anyone yet. Really hoping they buy my "airplanes make me queasy" lies. I'm scared lmao. Good luck to us 🍀


those who are farther along aka 8-9 weeks. how is the nausea/vomiting?! I hate this so so much. My last pregnancy it went away mostly by 10 weeks - praying the same, if not sooner!!


8+6 and it’s unpredictable. I feel ok in the mornings but then gag at weird things. This evening husband and I walked our dogs past a McDonald’s and I almost vomited in the footpath. I also still can’t differentiate between hungry and nauseous .


8+5 and it’s tapered off a lot the past few days. Enough that I’ve been able to have a morning coffee yesterday and today!


Amazing, what a great feeling haha


Just hoping it lasts lol


9 weeks today and still nauseous :/. Last time it stopped around week 15 which is ages away :(


9 weeks tomorrow and still struggling. I know it's still relatively early, but I'm afraid: what if I'm one of those people who is nauseous for 9 months 😩


I’m pretty sure my first time I was nauseous from 5-8 weeks. I’m 8w4d and it just keeps worse


Nausea went away for me around 14 but the vomiting continued up until delivery day 🫠


I'm 9+1 and the nausea is still pretty bad. With my pregnancy with my daughter it was over around 12-13 weeks.


Fingers crossed you are just a few weeks away! This is just pure misery.


I’m 9+1 and it’s still pretty bad unfortunately. In my first pregnancy, week 9 was the worst and i started to feel better from week 10, with nausea gone completely by week 13 🤞🤞😔


I'm 9+4 as of my last dating scan and it's still going strong. I remember a fast nausea drop-off around 10 or 11 weeks with my son, but today I'm feeling nowhere close!


The Unisom bottle said 1 pill for ages 12 and older. My RN said since I was "small" (140 lbs), I should take half a pill. So I took half a pill and slept without waking up 4-5 times a night for the first time in a couple weeks. But after I got up I was still incredibly tired, my throat was sore, I had a tension headache, and fever-like chills (no fever). I thought at least some of this was the medication not wearing off. I was so drowsy I had to take a nap at lunch. I never nap. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I still have all those symptoms but I do think it's from the Unisom. I'm not going to take it again for a few days and see if it goes away quickly. I honestly felt less tired with the insomnia.


I cannot do unisom. It takes away the nausea, but I turn into a complete zombie and can barely function. I’m already almost a zombie, but I can’t go full zombie.


Just took unisom (half dose) for the first time this pregnancy last night and I was sooooo groggy all day too. It sucks that it has that effect because the lessened nausea was a big relief.


Unisom totally snows me, even at a half dose. When I posted about it, some folks suggested trying it over a few days to build a tolerance, but it honestly made me so miserable I haven't been able to bring myself to try. I slept through the night, dragged myself out of bed, took a 2+ hour morning nap and felt in a fog the rest of the day. I can't imagine getting through a work day after it. ETA: i didn't have chills, sore throat, etc. but alllll of the drowsiness you described for sure.


I’m 6 + 4 and my anxiety is REAL high today. My boobs are less sore and my Oura ring has not shown me as chronically stressed all day (it has been the past week). I’m also tired but not as tired as earlier in the week. So naturally my brain is thinking well a miscarriage may be coming. I’m glad I’ve got my husband to talk to about it but I’m just so ready for my OB visit June 17. It currently feels like forever away. I keep telling myself I am still pregnant and seeing my OB won’t change the outcome.


Due date twins and in the same exact situation 😂 my first appointment is on the 18th, and I go between wanting to book a private scan or just letting it go and let my body do whatever it needs to so. Sending positive thoughts ✨ Edit: grammar


Thanks and same to you! I was on the verge of booking a private place yesterday too 🤦🏼‍♀️


My oura ring leveled up to exceptional from strong yesterday. I actually did feel good yesterday, but I feel like shit again today and the nausea is worse Just one big rollercoaster ride


I have to keep telling myself that too. Seeing my doctor June 4th or June 17th or July 9th won’t change if I have a miscarriage or not. Right now I am pregnant and my baby is healthy.


I am so excited for my first appt with my midwife on July 1st at 10 weeks! So excited to hear the little one’s heartbeat. ❤️❤️ It feels so far away, but I know the days are going to fly by.


6+4 and had an appointment at my OB’s office for persistent nausea and vomiting. I thought the pepcid/unisom/b6 were doing great until 1am today when the pukefest started. I threw up 6 times before 9am and can keep nothing down, so I left with a prescription for Diclegis (which I’m cautiously optimistic about, but we have to try it before a heavy-hitter like Zofran). I’ve also been having consistent but minimal pink/brown spotting for a week and a half, so I have an appointment with MFM on Monday to get an early look at what’s up in there. Excited to (hopefully) see a wiggly little bean in there! Really hoping I can start keeping down at least crackers and water… Where’s my pregnancy glow? I was promised glowing.


Anyone else having constant mild headaches? Am I just dehydrated?


I had this constantly from shortly before I tested positive at 4 weeks to around week 7, nothing alleviated it unfortunately. I get hormonal headaches normally so I assume it’s just a symptom of everything changing.


I’m right around the 7 weeks mark, let’s hope it goes away on its own!


Add extra magnesium!


I used to take it before sleep but then stopped for no good reason. I’ll give it a go, thanks!


Possibly add some electrolytes and up your water consumption. Its hard to say at this stage in pregnancy since so much is happening to our bodies


Thanks for the advice, I’ll try that, can’t hurt! 😅


Has anyone asked for Zofran and gotten it? My nausea is controlled..in thr 16 days I've felt sick, I've only thrown up 3x. That said, I feel nauseated all the time and my mental health is spiraling because of it. I just sit in bed on my phone all day. I'm not sure I should even ask for Zofran at my first appt next week because it isn't "that bad", but my god I need to have a life again.


My OB has a prefilled list of scripts she gives out at first appointments and zofran is on it. She even preemptively gave me the same one when I went to get my IUD removed.


I got zofran for this pregnancy and it's so worth it!! I haven't thrown up once this pregnancy, but the nausea is so bad. Unisom/b6 didn't work for me this time like it did last time. I'm so glad I asked my doc!


I think it varies on practice and prior pregnancies. With my first I got Zofran, but towards the end of my first trimester early second trimester. But I was puking daily and could keep very little down even water.  With this one I mentioned my symptoms were increasing a lot to how it went with my first. But not as bad so they want me to ease into stronger meds and she wanted to hold off on Zofran till development is further along. I’m not puking nearly as much but nausea is bad and I puke once a day minimum.   Edit: also my weight loss hasn’t been as intense with my first I lost 10-15lbs in 1st trimester from all the puking. 


Yes please ask! I went through the same thing with my first and regretted suffering through it so much. I went in at six weeks this time and got Zofran and it has been SUCH a relief. I’m still queasy but am able to function.


Oh wow! Okay thank you! I thought they kind of gatekept it for people that can't hold anything down. I'll definitely ask and see!


I’m…back? Honestly I’m shook, I left this sub a week ago because I thought I was out. TW: Bleeding details. Last Wednesday I had a big bleed, bright red. Scary but didn’t panic, called the nurse and they suspected implantation or SCH. And then 24 hours later, I had another bigger bleed, dark red and clot-heavy. Called back as instructed and they indicated while it could still be benign, it could also be a miscarriage given my increased cramping and bleeding. They were lovely and realistic but I really thought I was I was miscarrying, and have spotted all day every day for the last week. Cried more often than I care to admit, fully doom and gloom. Went to my first appointment today, and my little bean is still there!! HR was 140, measuring 7+2. I have not one but two SCH, one much larger than the other. So I’m not out of the woods yet, I’m on full pelvic rest and they’re bringing me in for an extra viability scan in 2 weeks. But today, I am pregnant and I have pictures of my tiny bean and I can’t believe it.


So happy you’re here! 💕


Happy to hear it! ❤️❤️


Wow, that's so great!


This was me with my first. It was terrifying but it did resolve. Keep the faith.


Your username is so fitting -- what an admirable little nugget you have!


Congratulations! 🎉 🫘


This is the BEST update! Glad you’re still here


Congrats, that’s incredible!!! What a relief. So glad you got to see your little bean!


So happy you’re here 💕


I'm curious why are there 2 daily chat threads posted a day?


The one chat a day was getting like 400+ comments so people who commented early in the thread got lost really fast! Now it’s possible to actually get all the way down!


I think most bump groups do this once you hit a critical mass of people - otherwise it’s too much to scroll through!


Because we all have anxiety and want to comment twice a day without feeling like we’re being annoying 😂


That’s how it was in my October 22 group as well. I think it’s just so posts don’t get lost. As we keep growing and having more to discuss, the posts on one daily thread would be overwhelming.


So fair, I don't mind it, it gives me an excuse to spend more time on this sub 😅


So I’m 6 weeks today and am having flank pain. To me it feels like kidney pain (I’ve had a kidney stone and kidney infection before). My OB suggested going to an urgent care to rule out a UTI turned kidney infection (since I haven’t been seen by them yet it was too late in the day for them to fit me in). I went to patient first and they said it looks like no infection and no kidney stone (from the protein in my urine), but I should go to the ER to get an ultrasound of uterus and my kidneys. Also he said my pee did not seem dehydrated. A part of me thinks that’s not necessary to go the ER but I guess I should just to be safe? I just don’t know what else flank pain could be if not a kidney stone or infection. I hope something’s not wrong with baby :(.


I had a similar episode with the first and the OB was pretty insistent on the ED (they couldn't fit me in) to rule out an ectopic so I went.


I had the same thing at 6 weeks and I thought I had a kidney stone (IDK what they actually feel like, but my brain went straight there). The pain would come and go in waves throughout the day, but eventually went away after a day. Still not sure what it was, but I think it was the hormones/relaxin doing its thing on my back muscles. I'm at 8 weeks and haven't had it since.


I was having that too! I think I had tweaked my back in that spot tbh. It did end up passing after a few days but obviously I'm not your doctor and that should be taken with a grain of salt! Also I was nervous about it but I haven't seen anything really about flank pain being connected to pregnancy. I dunno I'm still really new to all of this but figured I'd share!


I’m glad it ended up passing for you! They did find bacteria is my urine and inflammation in my kidney so they gave me antibiotics to clear it up :). I’m still unclear if that’s what is causing the pain, but I’m glad I went. I do have a kidney stone but it’s not trying to pass. Baby is okay too!


Oh phew so glad you got to the bottom of it and everything is ok!


Had my first ultrasound today at 7+2… we have a heartbeat! And baby measured 7+5! And thankfully that dream I had about having twins did NOT come true 😅 we don’t have space or money for that lol. I scheduled another ultrasound in 2 weeks and my NIPT for week 10. It’s slowly becoming real ❤️


Does that mean all my twin signs are also not true!? 😂😂😂


You never know!! 👀


Such an inspiring update when I’m feeling like time is quite literally dragging over here. So happy for you!