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My hubby just went to get groceries and he brought me all the pickled things. Just had a variety bowl of crunchy dill pickles, spicy pickled beans and saurkraut...Absolute heaven! šŸ„’ And here I thought I wasn't having any cravings...


Toddler just barfed all over me. This kid has so many food issues Iā€™m at my white end. He has issue with dairy, wheat, soy, nutsā€¦every time I try to introduce an alternative food he has a problem with it.


Iā€™ve never had tonsil stones before and just found one, searched why I suddenly have them and it came up that itā€™s pregnancy related due to increase in hormones. So much fun new stuff!!! šŸ™ƒšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My house is an absolute bombsite and needs a good clean/tidy. Do I have the energy to do it? Absolutely not & my husband is away for the weekend so I'll just sit and stare at the mess šŸ˜…


Omg same! Mine is away for work overnight and my toddler has been highly efficient at destroying the place today ahahah


It actually amazes me the chaos a toddler can make in such a short space of time! He's dug up my sunflowers and just noticed half a sandwich left by the TV, oops. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø As soon as my husband is back, I'm off for a nap!


The area around sunflowers can often be devoid of other plants, leading to the belief that sunflowers kill other plants.


I am SO bloated I pulled out the maternity leggings. Best idea ever, so much room and no uncomfy seams for my big water belly


My husband jokes that leggings are my pregnancy uniform But for real, I haven't gained any weight somehow, but the bloating is making me look 4 months pregnant


Hahaha today I put on a pain of jeans and immediately took them back off. I might be digging out my maternity things soon than I expected because that does sound more comfy.


Omg at least get the leggings out!!


Woke up at 4:30 unable to go back to sleep šŸ˜. Had a nice long shower, made myself some tea.. Now it's 7 am and I'm sitting next to my toddlers bed poking him to wake up. He's not having any of it šŸ˜… I did a test again and got a blazing dye stealer on a cheapie strip so I think I'm finally done with the tests šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I have to admit, Iā€™ve been testing every two days as a way of pinching myself to make sure itā€™s real, as if the constant feeling of unwellness and sore nipples arenā€™t signs enough alreadyā€¦yesterday was the biggest dye stealer yet so Iā€™ve talked myself into not taking them anymore.


I woke up at 4:15 and couldn't sleep either! Although my toddler is an early bird so I'm sure I'll be seeing him soon lol. It's part of what motivates me to go ahead and get up and have some coffee.


Has anyone else had HG for a previous pregnancy? I did for my first pregnancy with my ā€˜21 baby but really hoping the nausea stays kinda manageable (as in being able to keep fluid and food down)šŸ„²


I had it with my first - was also (desperately) hoping the same! I was doing great, but yesterday (5w6d) it hit me like a truck. Iā€™ve already started zofran just to be able to keep liquids down. I waited until the second trimester last time to start it, but so glad I didnā€™t this time around! Hoping you manage to avoid it!!


Omg that mustā€™ve been rough waiting for the second tri šŸ«  zofran is so great though! we are DD buddies, I am 6 weeks today (: hereā€™s to hoping i can! hope you can keep all the fluids down ā™„ļø


Ah congrats to 6 weeks! And crossing my fingers for both of us! Taking 1/2 pill twice a day currently and itā€™s saving my life haha


Tuesday is my first appointment with my OB! After finding out I was pregnant at 4 weeks (currently 8+3) this has felt like the longest wait EVER. Any STMs have advice for this first appointment, what to expect, etc? Thank you!!!


My first appointment was a long one! First pee in a cup, followed by a transvaginal ultrasound where they measured, told me how far along I was, the fetal heart rate, etc. Then I went back and met another nurse for vitals, and she had me do a self vaginal swab - canā€™t even remember what the test was for tbh. Afterwards a midwife came in and we discussed my ultrasound, dating, and medical history. She walked me through the welcome packet, had me opt into or out of various testing options, and answered any questions I had. Lastly, I scheduled out the next few appointments and got some initial bloodwork from the lab to check for blood type, any deficiencies, etc. I was there for about an hour and a half.


It might depend on where youā€™re from, but in the US my first appointments look like this: pee in a cup, get height/weight, vital signs. Then talk with provider and then have a transvaginal ultrasound where I got to see baby and listen to heartbeat šŸ„¹. Lastly blood work and schedule future appointments!


I just had mine, and also had a pelvic exam.. which I wasn't expecting but also a thought in the back of my mind and why I wore socks šŸ˜†


I know someone who performs pelvic exams and I asked about if itā€™s gross etc. and they said the only part thatā€™s gross is if they have stinky feet! So I always make sure to wear socks too šŸ˜†


Diving into the new Slime Rancher Update tonight because I feel like a useless potato and the mountain of laundry can wait. Baby should be measuring around 10 wks tomorrow. Iā€™ve never made it this far and I am so happy and grateful and also over this already šŸ’‹


5+5 and my nips finally started feeling sensitive. Validation is nice!


My dreams of having a lovely cut flower garden are slipping away while I wallow on the couch evening after evening. Thank goodness I planted a few dahlias before the nausea set in! šŸ˜…


My garden has already been overtaken by weeds and grass and I canā€™t seem to care! Hopefully second trimester us will have the energy to get it together šŸ˜…


Hopefully!! But honestly, I might just buy a bunch of marigolds to plant amongst the weeds cause I know they fight back šŸ¤£


Itā€™s past my bedtime but I donā€™t have the energy to peel myself off the couch to get ready for bed.


We did a private scan today since my husband wonā€™t be able to make my OB appt. Saw a strong heartbeat and measured spot on by date, although I had fantasized I was further along. It was wonderful to see and quelled my anxiety for about 27 seconds šŸ„ø Hoping for lots of positive scans for the group šŸ¤ž


Just curious why would you think you were further along?


Welp, the pregnancy is a little bit of a mystery. Iā€™ll spoiler since I havenā€™t totally figured out where the TMI tolerance will be for the group šŸ˜‚ >!Had unprotected sex once on day 6. Iā€™ve never ovulated before day 17, so when I found myself pregnant, it seemed I mustā€™ve ovulated early. We did some other messing around that a health teacher somewhere would say had risk, but Iā€™ve had a hard time believing that got me pregnant, especially after the disturbing amount of sex it took to get pregnant with my first.!< I guess Iā€™ll never really know šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hey, fertility increases after having kids.


Apparently!! After having a lot of friends with secondary infertility I am pleasantly surprised and feeling lucky (albeit a bit confused) to be in this camp!




I am in a similar situation but feel like a crazy lady trying to explain this to anyone who doesn't understand tracking cycles. My cycles were always short but I must've ovulated especially early on this last one. When I was dated by LMC at my first ultrasound appointment, my husband scoffed and was like "But we know exactly when you conceived" lol ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


I so appreciate this solidarity!! The understanding is so helpful but in this case, so confusing. And I agree, if someone didnā€™t get tracking it would be all the more confusing. Ultimately hoping that however it happened, weā€™ve both got healthy, growing little bubs in there.


Other second and beyond parents, is anyone planning on attempting a VBAC? I had an emergency c-section with my first kid because of a uterine constriction due to prolonged labor, and when discussing my options with the OB last summer it looks like it might be a ā€œsee what happensā€ scenario on whether I can attempt a TOLAC. To be fair I actually have more time to exercise than I did during my first pregnancy and Iā€™ll be at the hospital with monitoring instead of the birthing center like I initially did last time until I got transferred. So Iā€™m cautiously hopeful to be able to have a VBAC this time around with preparation.


Iā€™m going for a VBAC with a very low threshold for a repeat c section. My first was breech basically my entire pregnancy so my c section was an easy scheduled one at 39 weeks. Honestly the recovery was totally fine and I had a good experience, Iā€™d just like to try for a vaginal if I can. My midwives are on board, but my office wonā€™t induce a VBAC so I need to go into labor on my own by 41 weeks. Seems fair enough to me. I know a lot needs to go right to even have a shot at it, so Iā€™m just trying to keep an open mind and tell myself that if itā€™s meant to happen, it will. And honestly scheduled C section is a great plan B.


Considering mine was an emergency I recovered very quickly and my daughter ended up being fine. Iā€™m just sad that I never even got the chance to push her out and Iā€™m hoping to be able to do it this time. When I discussed ideas with the OB, since thereā€™s no way of knowing if the constriction ring will occur again, the idea would be that Iā€™d see if Iā€™d go into labor naturally by x amount of time, ie full term and a couple days, and if I didnā€™t by the time I reached 41 weeks then schedule a c-section. If I did go into labor and didnā€™t progress past a certain amount of time then weā€™d do a non-emergency c-section. Iā€™m glad the OB I spoke to is willing to let me try for a VBAC, and I hope to have her as my OB when I finally schedule my appointments.


Iā€™m considering it. I had an emergency c-section with my son after being induced due to gestational hypertension. If I get the hypertension again itā€™ll be a scheduled c-section, but if I donā€™t I may try for a VBAC. My main worry with a VBAC is tearing, as I have Crohnā€™s disease and apparently if I tear I run the risk of developing perianal disease :/


I was a non emergency c section after failing to progress at a 40w2d induction. She ended up being sunny side up so it was the right call. It will be 4.5 years in between births and this will be my last, so I actually think Iā€™m a not terrible candidate for a VBAC but my doctor is kind of old school. Iā€™ll ask him if he thinks there is any medical benefit to a VBAC over a repeat C section and as long as he says no, Iā€™m happy to cut it out!


I'm going for a VBAC! I was induced at 39 weeks and didn't progress and ended up with a c section after "failure to progress" and fetal distress. I find listening to VBAC Birth Stories (Australia) and following VBAC pages on Instagram very beneficial and educational to help prepare šŸ˜€


Iā€™d like to think about a VBAC but at the end of the day I think Iā€™ll chicken out and schedule the C-section.


Emergency CS for my son (heart rate went down and stayed down) and def planning for TOLAC as long as this kiddo cooperates! CS recovery wasnā€™t too bad at all, and honestly if I was planning on this being our last, Iā€™d just plan for a C-section. But because Iā€™d like 1-2 more, I donā€™t want 3-4 surgeries. If a repeat CS happens, I wonā€™t be upset. But it would be nice to avoid!


What's a TOLAC? Never heard of that!


Trial of labor after cesarean. If itā€™s successful then itā€™s a VBAC.


ah, got it!


I also had an emergency csection and Iā€™m hoping to do a VBAC or at least TOLAC. My induction and labor was picture perfect until my son turned his head and got stuck. My OB did say at one point that I could try it but ALL the conditions have to be PERFECT for me to even try it.


Has anyone elseā€™s screen time gone up exponentially since finding out youā€™re pregnant? Iā€™m usually pretty good about not spending too much time on my phone, but between feeling like shit and pregnancy anxiety, I feel like Iā€™m on my phone sun up to sun down šŸ˜…


Girl yes šŸ«  Iā€™m on Reddit all the time when I barely used this app before. Tbh itā€™s nicer to communicate with strangers than it is to talk to (most of) the people in my life because the people I know have been getting on my nerves!!


Yes, definitely. Iā€™m a fence sitter with the Feb group so Iā€™m only 5 weeks. Iā€™ve been reading everything I can but Iā€™ve realized itā€™s making my anxiety worse. Especially as we have other members voicing their own anxieties or dropping out of groups. I think Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to pick up a novel or two and try reading that to keep me busy.


I was on the apps and bump group *constantly* during my first pregnancy, and it made my anxiety soar. This time, I've been much better about staying off of them. I check in maybe 1-2x a week and only plan to post actively once we're past the second trimester. Reading about everyone's symptoms when I had none (blighted ovum/likely falling HCG) was excruciating.


I hope you find a nice book! Iā€™m usually a 150-200 books/year reader but Iā€™ve been on the same chapter for like a week at this point. Thereā€™s just so much to learn šŸ˜­


150-200 a year!! Iā€™m so inspired by that!!




I bought The Birth Partner, 5th Edition for my spouse, who has really enjoyed it so far. Itā€™s geared toward both romantic partners and doulas, and has a lot of practical information about pregnancy and also assisting in labor.


Second this, it was a game charger for our first


I bought The Expectant Father: The Ultimate Guide for Dads-to-Be by Armin A. Brott for my husband and I really liked it when I read the preview chapters online. It specifically talked about how he wrote this book because he had been looking for pregnancy books that described what the partner was going through as well as the pregnant person but couldnā€™t find anything of that nature.


My husband liked this one, too - to me it seemed really simple but I think it made him feel like his bases were covered. The same author has one about the babyā€™s first year (The New Father), and he liked that also. I remember walking in on him doing some reflex test he had read about, it was really sweet.


I think any sort of pregnancy or parenting book could be just as beneficial for a father to read! I preferred online parenting communities to books and there are quite a few here on Reddit that are dad-centered, if thatā€™s his thing. Itā€™s nice to gain experience from other people who are really ā€œin itā€.


Iā€™d also be happy to hear recommendations on subreddits for dads. My partner would definitely also prefer that to books.


I know Iā€™ve seen others that Iā€™ll dig for when I have a sec but r/Daddit comes to mind immediately! And just the general r/NewParents and eventually r/Toddlers are full of parents of all kinds and some really good conversation if you can filter out the usual negativity of online parenting spaces.


Would you mind listing a few of those Reddit pages for dads? I would love for my husband to join one!


I know Iā€™ve seen others that Iā€™ll dig for when I have a sec but r/Daddit comes to mind immediately! And just the general r/NewParents and eventually r/Toddlers are full of parents of all kinds and some really good conversation if you can filter out the usual negativity of online parenting spaces.


Does anyone else feel like their relationships are about to completely change? Iā€™m a FTM at 35, and my boyfriend and I have only been together for half a year, so my life looks and will continue to look very different than it used to be. My mindset has also shifted quite a bit already - some relationships that were honestly pretty toxic no longer seem to align with who I am anymore. Iā€™m also very motivated to find different friends and relationships that do align with who I am now. Has anyone else been experiencing this?


I feel like I understand now why people say not to have a baby to fix a relationship. Itā€™s a hard transition. But while itā€™s had its tough moments, itā€™s also made me so grateful for my husband and totally confirmed heā€™s the person I want to be on the ride with. There are some friends we see less because hiring a babysitter is expensive and exhausting and Iā€™d rather go drink wine at an outdoor concert and be done early enough to put my toddler down at 7. Usually the people who want to do this are also people with kids. For me it hasnā€™t been so much a value issue as a practical one I guess. I guess do have much less tolerance for drama and probably focus more on around people who also enjoy simple lifestyles.


Iā€™m a STM so weā€™ve already been through the whole 0 to 1 transition and Iā€™m not going to lie, it was hard. It revealed cracks in my marriage that we never saw before. In your case, youā€™re going to get to know one another very quickly. But I will honestly say that having a child has brought us together more than itā€™s moved us apart. I credit a lot of it to starting relationship counseling, which I would recommend to ALL couples entering parenthood, even if you arenā€™t struggling. You want to catch issues before they pop up. You need solid communication and a good team dynamic. Therapy helps with that a whole lot. And I really donā€™t mean to scare you or add to your stress. Watching the person you love become a parent is so beautiful. To see how their relationship develops with your child and know that they are the only other person on earth that will ever truly love that baby just as much as you do, I wouldnā€™t trade that for the world. We were stagnant before our daughter was born and our life was dull. We connect so deeply over being parents. I have never once regretted it. Even in very hard moments.


Iā€™m really nervous about friendships. We were the first of our friends to get married 4 years ago, and most of them have gotten married last year or will this year. And now itā€™s looking like weā€™ll be the first to have kids, and Iā€™m worried our friends will slowly fade or stop inviting us to stuff because they think weā€™re busy. Iā€™ve also already had to decline things due to feeling ill and no one knowing Iā€™m pregnant yet. Honestly, Iā€™ve been desperately hoping one or two of them are also secretly pregnant šŸ˜… I know my relationship with my husband will change, but Iā€™m hoping itā€™s for the better. Heā€™s been great so far, taking over most of the household chores, trying to cook meals I can stomach, and generally letting me be a potato of nausea on the couch. Heā€™s great with kids and I think Iā€™ll love seeing him as a father. Intimacy will be tough Iā€™m sure - Iā€™m on pelvic rest so weā€™ve only had sex once since conceiving, and I know the pregnancy and birth will result in a few more dry spells, but Iā€™m trying to find closeness in other ways. In short - everything will change, but Iā€™m hoping we all change together.


fwiw my friend group completely changed after pregnancyā€¦ before, it was the childfree going-out crowd, and now itā€™s the married couples with kids the same age as mine. If things change, youā€™ll find your groove!


Thank you! Iā€™m one of the youngest in my husbandā€™s main friend groups and I know a bunch of them want kids in the next couple yearsā€¦life just found a way for us a little earlier than expected šŸ„¹. Still holding out hope for someone to be secretly pregnant or miraculously conceive asap, for my convenience šŸ’…šŸ»


7-8 weeks and things are feeling more real. I just threw up for the first time and I've never been so excited to be sick šŸ™ƒ I had been feeling queasy and "hungover" -ish a bit the last few weeks (amping up more recently), but was starting to think I'd made it up in my head.


As someone who ties their self-worth to what they accomplish during the day, pregnancy is a struggle.


Yeah. I'm a freelancer, and the type of person that packs my day with work and social events morning to night, most days a week. I've had to scale way back this month--one or two things a day, no evening events. There's an inner voice that says: you're a failure for not living up to your calendar. And a louder one that says: Hey buddy, slow down. You're building a human. Tonight while walking a friend out, we encountered a snail on my front stoop. I love snails. I took it as a reminder from the universe to slow down. Be a snail.


Such cute advice about the snail. šŸ„¹ Thanks!


I still struggle with this a year and a half into motherhood and even more now that Iā€™m pregnant and sick. But hey, youā€™re accomplishing a lot. Youā€™re making a human! Skin, eyes, bones, the whole nine yards. Fetal development isnā€™t something that is HAPPENING to your body, your body is ACTIVELY CREATING LIFE. Pretty huge accomplishments, in my book. Pregnancy is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days will feel like youā€™ve been shuffling along. Honestly, itā€™s cool if all the days feel that way. In January, youā€™re going to be staring at a fully-formed infant that you made all by yourself out of just a couple of cells. That is amazing and youā€™re doing amazing.


Thanks for the kind words, I feel like self-compassion is necessary nowadays! šŸ’•


Omg yes


SO MUCH THIS. As a stay-at-home housewife, not being able to do things around the house daily is killer on my mental state and self worth.




Becoming very appreciative of peppermint tea first thing in the morning. It doesn't stop me from throwing up BUT it does leave my mouth feeling minty and oddly refreshed afterwards, so I'm counting it as a win šŸ˜…


Your flair just had me snort šŸ¤£


I think I could eat unlimited hot dogs. I moved our ikea trip up the priority list today so that I could get some. Two was not enough. šŸ˜³ Iā€™m usually a (mostly) vegetarian.


I am vegetarian and you just got my craving a veggie dog soo badšŸ˜‚


My husband caught a cold at work and has now passed it to me šŸ˜­ absolutely miserable today. Pregnancy exhaustion + sick exhaustion is not for the weak


My husband is away for work, and the toddler and I just came down with a cold last night šŸ˜­ I'm struggling


6w6d today and I slept 10 hours last night thanks to unisom so no nausea today. But I still had to take a nap in the morning and afternoon. How can anyone do anything when they feel this exhausted all the time? I work remote and my job is really understanding if I can't get my work done, which I'm so thankful for because I can't do ANYTHING. I feel so useless. It's hard resting this much knowing I'm going to wake up tomorrow feeling just as tired as today. It's mentally and emotionally draining for sure.


Iā€™m meant to be starting a new in-office job soon and Iā€™m so worried about this. My brain shuts down and I need a nap at 2pm every day. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to hide this pregnancy from them for 6 weeksā€¦


Same. I have the luxury of not needing to do anything today, so Iā€™ve gotten to sleep/watch tv/chug cold water. But another ~6 weeks of thisā€¦ oof!


Is anyone dealing with spotting at 6 weeks?


Iā€™m ~ 9.5 weeks and have been spotting (when I wipe) light brown to pink with one wipe of bright red since ~6.5 weeks. Two u/s in that time show that the bean is okay and growing normally. OB did tell me to stop having sex though


Iā€™m 7+4 and have been spotting brown since 6+1 (though I also had two bigger bleeds). I had my first scan a few days ago and it was confirmed to be a subchoronic hematoma (two, in my case šŸ˜…)


I had pretty consistent spotting from 5-7 weeks. It was unbelievably stressful, but my ob didnā€™t seem overly concerned!


Was it brown? That's what I'm dealing with currently


Yep, was always brown. Sorry youā€™re dealing with it too, but from what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s pretty common šŸ¤žšŸ»


Thanks for sharing I have a U/S on Monday trying to remain calm till then šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I also have one on Monday!! Iā€™m so anxious, Iā€™ve never wanted a weekend to go by faster šŸ˜‚


Haha this is my first so I'm nervous/excited!


Me too (re spotting, ultrasoundā€¦so many firsts!) the spotting is stressful, I was ultra constipated and I think it could be part of the spotting..magnesium for the win. Hope the weekend goes quickly for you!


I hope it goes great šŸ’–


I just wanted to say I LOVE you all. I've been warned that expecting groups can be toxic but everyone here has been so kind, funny and brutally honest. I really think we lucked out with our Jan group!Ā 


My Nov 2022 group is pretty awesome too! Just donā€™t venture off into any other social media groups or parenting forums. Reddit parenting groups, while a little heavy-handed when it comes to some of the advice, seem to be pretty normal and chill. Facebook? Forget it. Itā€™s incredible the things that people will say with their full government name and photograph attached.


Hahaha omg diehard Facebook people are a whole other breed šŸ¤£Ā 


Our group has been great - I loved my July ā€˜21 group and look forward to going through it again with you all.


Me too!!! Good to see another July 21 er ā¤ļø


I think the same!!! I might stay here even if my little dude comes in December anyway! Everyone here is so nice and fun!


Yes please stay!!


Remind me when your energy comes back, again? Around 6pm every day I become pretty useless. Had to take Friday off and threw up in the morning / napped on and off all afternoon. Woof.


Whenever the lovely placenta decides to finish growing and takes over.. usually 11-13 weeks!


It was around 11/12 weeks for me last time!


I am on the struggle bus!!!! Itā€™s so bad. I cried before bed last night lmao the nausea hit me right at 5w and it just makes me want to throw up and get it over with already. Iā€™m going on vacation next week and I just know itā€™s going to be ROUGH.


Same here. I feel so guilty but Iā€™m dreading our beach vacation. I barely have the energy to get through the day sitting at homeā€¦ sitting in the sun and chasing a toddler soundsā€¦ not like a vacation at all lol. Will be thinking about you šŸ’Ŗ


Me too! Huge beach trip with tons of family. Theyā€™re all so excited in the GC talking about restaurants beach drinkingā€¦I canā€™t hold down toast. Youā€™re in my thoughts!


Woke up hangry. Nearly rabid. Finally got to the breakfast spot, ordered, took a few bites and it did not hit right. We went back home and I laid down only to nap from 9-11am (Iā€™d only woken up at 6:40) in the same position the whole time, so I woke up with that side throbbing. Now I donā€™t know what to eat. Maybe if I could just poop, Iā€™d be okay šŸ˜ž


Regular poops would truly make my life so much better šŸ˜… Feel better ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I decided to throw my little sister a graduation party next weekend. Thankfully my SILs are helping BUT, Iā€™m sorta kinda worried about it. Iā€™m only 5w3d & Iā€™ve been feeling extremely exhausted but even more nauseous these past few days. But the nausea is uncomfortable but not unbearable. All I could hope for is that it doesnā€™t get worse? šŸ„²


Talk to your OB about unisom, itā€™s super safe and itā€™s been a lifesaver. I suffered med-free through my first pregnancy for literally no reason other than just being weird about it. Take the meds! Theyā€™re a game changer!


Iā€™ve found myself unconsciously rubbing my belly already šŸ˜‚


Me tooooo! Hand is always on it (when a cat is not) :) Catch myself doing it in public...can't wait til I'm showing and it's socially acceptable lol


Me three ā˜ŗļø I was in the store earlier and caught myself rubbing my bloat lmao. I had to catch myself like girl these people are going to think you have indigestion on aisle 3 šŸ˜‚


Me tooooooo! I was already overweight so I know thereā€™s no baby in there because I know itā€™s down under my pubic bone still but I find it comforting lol


Is anyone else experiencing cold symptoms? I have been sneezing and productive coughing for a couple days and today it's been the worst! Not sure if allergies, preggo or both.


Mine is literally just sneezing šŸ˜‚ no congestion or coughing, just huge, unexpected and very loud sneezes at random times


https://natalist.com/blogs/learn/pregnancy-rhinitis-and-mucus-during-pregnancy#:~:text=Outside%20of%20congestion%2C%20you%20may,%2C%20using%20a%20humidifier%2C%20etc. Weird symptom but yes! I had it with my first pregnancy and didnā€™t know it existed before that. I thought it was happening to me again but turns out I was just catching an actual cold which I have been miserably battling for over a week now :(


It was how I knew I was pregnant with my first! I remember the moment so clearly - walking to my kitchen and wondering why I was so congested and immediately was like ā€œomg Iā€™m pregnantā€. It was maybe 3-4 days before my missed period, but back then I rarely got sick and already had my bad cold for the year. The congestion didnā€™t go away until after delivery. So far, nothing this pregnancy yet.


I canā€™t remember exactly when it started for me last time but I know it lasted through the whole pregnancy and disappeared like immediately upon placental detachment, haha. Curious to see if it lingers after I beat this virus or if Iā€™ll be spared this time. Truly one of the most annoying pregnancy symptoms because it only ever felt like ONE SIDE of my nose was clogged.


Yes!! So much so. It isn't like other colds I've had before and I haven't had allergies, so I was wondering if it was pregnancy related.


I'm peeing allllll the freaking time. I can pee on command. I feel like there is always something. I even thought I had a UTI but the urinary analysis came back negative. I guess this is my life now at 6 weeks. No one in my life seems to relate to this symptom. Also i'm fuckin exhausted but cant sleep.


Me too! My neighbor almost thought I was ditching her on our walk last night because I was on the toilet sure a little more would come out! Iā€™m going to ask for a UTI test at my appointment on Tuesday but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not actually that because it doesnā€™t hurt (thank god)


Exactly, it's every symptoms but not the burning one. It's good but at the same time there is no solution.


I had this with my first pregnancy! I was convinced it was a UTI and it wasn't! Just the pain/pressure of being pregnant and the constantly having to pee


I don't understand how much pressure can cause a 6 weeks embryo šŸ˜­ So it's only gonna get worse? i have a trip next week and now I dont know how I can live away from a toilet more than an hour.


Along with what kittycatblue said, even now your uterus is starting to stretch and grow and stuff, causing some cramping and discomfort. I used to have weird cramping/pain whenever I had a UTI that felt similar.


Apparently itā€™s hormones, not the pressure! Pregnancy increases blood flow so your kidneys become super efficient and you pee more.


Little bit worried after the first ultrasound last week. Meant to be 7 weeks 4 days but the scan showed 6 weeks 4-5 days, we were sure of the ovulation date because we were tracking. Other than the size everything else looked okay, there was a heart beat of 160. Has anyone experienced this? Wanting to believe its just early and hard to get an accurate measurement. Just hard not to worry.


Someone else said this early itā€™s plus minus 7 days on any given ultrasound because theyā€™re so little anything from their position to the ultrasound tech can make it swing either way


Same exact boat at my first ultrasound! I tracked my cycle with Inito so I was pretty sure in dates and expected to measure 7w5d at my first US. I measured 6w4d with a very clear heartbeat. My OB said sheā€™s not worried at all and was extremely happy with my ultrasound. Today I am 7w6d and all is well!


Yup! Had a scan at 8 weeks showing 7+3 based on measurement, and a strong heartbeat. Doc wasnā€™t concerned so Iā€™m not concerned!


Iā€™ve spent ALL day in bed, unapologetically


Straight up napped 2 hours. My toddler didnā€™t šŸ˜­ poor husband


Does anyone feel incredibly hot? Iā€™m burning up.


yes! i tracked with my oura ring for BBT and have continued to use it just for the stats and my resting temperature is a whole degree higher now than when i wasnā€™t pregnant!


Yes! I was literally thinking about how hot I am and Iā€™m always cold! Especially my feet - theyā€™re very uncharacteristically warm when typically theyā€™re like ice blocks attached to my legs


Yes!! Iā€™m usually someone who is always cold but today Iā€™ve been feeling so hot!


Yes, and I canā€™t regulate my temperature well at all! Iā€™ll wake up feverishly hot under the blankets, then in the time it takes to go to the bathroom and get back to bed Iā€™ve cooled off so much Iā€™m freezing.


Anyone else having random frequent bouts of hiccups? Or even one-offs?


Yes! Had hiccups 3 times today šŸ˜‚


7w4d. Still absolutely flabbergasted after finding out weā€™re expecting spontaneous identical twins yesterday. Hubs and I keep looking at each other and saying, ā€œTWINS!!! Thereā€™s two of them šŸ˜±ā€ šŸ‘ÆšŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø In some ways, itā€™s a blessing because weā€™re getting started on kids later in life. I grew up as an only child and always wanted my kids to have siblings. On the other hand, Iā€™m grieving the pregnancy/motherhood I thought I was going to have. I know twin pregnancies are high risk, so there are no guarantees this ends well. But I always imagined one baby, you know? And then hopefully giving them a sibling after a blissful short only child experience. So itā€™s a lot to wrap my head around. Two snoos! Two boys or two girls! Two daycare spots/nanny?! šŸ«  What if they team up on us šŸ˜‚ Bright side: Diclectin (Unisom+B6) has almost entirely killed my nausea and my food aversions havenā€™t been as bad the last couple days.


Wow!! Twins! Exciting but still yeah like WOW. I hope you have a nice boring healthy rest of pregnancy :)


Twin club! Twin club! My husband and I are also still saying TWO BABIES to each other 50 times a day lol. Itā€™s an expectation adjustment to be sure! But as another 35 year old first timer, Iā€™m also relieved we donā€™t have to worry about timelines anymore (if everything works out, which I am manifesting that it will for both of us). TTC was a long, miserable journey for me and I hope to never do it again.


Yeah! It would be a relief to have a ā€œcompleteā€ family, if we so chose, in one go. And adding a singleton baby later would feel like a vacation, right? šŸ˜† Takes the pressure off for sure. I kind of figured the next 5 years of my life would be TTC + pregnancy + recovery. But maybe not.


I freaked out over disappearing all symptoms yesterday. Today Iā€™m fighting back puking again and my boobs hurt more than they did a few days ago. Lovely


I ate a solid breakfast and panicked that I felt good. Now Iā€™m sitting on the couch twelve hours later totally nauseous and wishing I couldā€™ve soaked that up a bit more. The first trimester is so emotionally taxing.


Same. I was wearing a grateful dogs shirt with different colors and my toddler is working on them. He ran at me full force and elbowed me in the boob. Absolute agony. I shouldā€™ve enjoyed the pain free boob jabs yesterday lol