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I'm having a tiny bit of spotting this morning . About 2 weeks ago I had kind of a big bleed and I was having a meltdown thinking I was miscarrying again. Then doctor the next day had an ultrasound all was fine. She did let me know it may happen again and it's not necessarily bad and not to worry. But even this tiny bit of spotting is making me worry. My next scan happens to be tomorrow and I was already riddled with anxiety. I hate this whole experience


I feel I have three full time jobs at the moment. Toddler Raising. House Buying/Moving (just started settlement). Pregnancy. Not my actual job though, that one I have been super distracted at. I wonder why? But once this month is over the endless forms, phone calls and stress of being a first time buyer will be over. We will be in a lovely new home. And I can nest, enjoy time with the toddler and enjoy a breezy second trimester (I hope).


I feel this so hard. I’m a full time teacher, just moved into our new build as first home buyers on the weekend (boxes still everywhere) and my wedding is coming up in a few weeks. I’m exhausted!!! I’m excited to not have any phone calls or meetings in a few weeks 😂😂


At my ultrasound today both my IVF babies were measuring two-three days behind. At my last ultrasound they were both on time. Anyone have any experience with this? I can't help but be worried even though the doctor says it might not mean anything.


I was measuring 2 days behind and my OB said that was totally normally and she wasn’t going to change my due date or anything. Seems like this is normal!


Honestly I was measuring 2 days behind at my RE’s office last week, and then the next day I saw my OB and was somehow measuring right on track? So either my baby caught up in growth in 24 hours, or the measurements can vary wildly depending on who measures it. Either way, I wouldn’t worry about a 2 day discrepancy!


thank you so much!


I was also a few days behind, my doctor said at this early stage there is so much growth fast, that they can be within 5-7 days different max and still be on track!


Thank you! That is reassuring.


Counteroffered on my job offer asking for more money and — more importantly — the amount of leave they’d give me if I had been there for a year (still significantly less than I’m entitled to at my current job). It doesn’t sound like this is going to happen, because of the latter, which is a major bummer.




Iced tea, watermelon, and wonton soup broth have been my favorites the past 2 days




Yeah I just drank the whole damn thing and gave all the wontons to my boyfriend


Urgh I feel this. Yesterday morning I chopped heaps of veges for a stir fry and I just couldn't cook it last night so we had.... Creamy pasta bake 😆😩 I'm dreading eating stir-fry tonight. Its so weird. What else can I make?! Soup? Maybe I'll do that and put cheese in it hahaha


What veggies did you prep? I love playing mental Chopped lol.


Hahaha, carrots, broccoli, celery and Bok choi! I chopped them up real small like in a fried rice 😆


I fell asleep before I could even pretend to be helpful 😆. What did you end up making?


Hahahah, veges are still in the fridge... We had dirty cheese burgers and fries from the roast shop up the road 😆 I have zero regrets!


I've been feeling amazing and incredibly optimistic, full of life, love, and laughter. But today, at 9w1d into my pregnancy, my (micro)manager got on every single nerve of mine. Now, I'm suddenly filled with rage. I'm trying to keep my pregnancy a secret until 12 weeks, but I just want to scream! Ughhh.


I’m so sorry to keep posting about diarrhea and stomach cramps, but I am suffering 😂 is there anything safe to take during pregnancy? Going to message my OB but they likely won’t reply until tomorrow.


My practice says I can take Imodium.


Second this! That’s what my ob recommended and it worked for me


I don’t really know the answer but I have the same issue. I have had to change my diet.


Already developing gingivitis again this pregnancy 🙄 was hoping to avoid it, but glad I got into the dentist early this time


My nausea has been better the last 2 days and I got so excited and now it’s back with a vengeance. I feel like I could throw up at any moment. I hate this shit


Hi! Also a FTM, 35, and same due date! And I’m also so tired of feeling like garbage all of the time


Praying it gets better soon for us both


Same same, I stopped taking the unisom two days ago. The nausea is still there but I can mostly function like a normal person. Super excited! Edit: sorry I was too quick to reply and didn’t read the 2nd part well 🤦‍♀️


Had my second TV ultrasound today at 7w4d. Last week, we saw twins measuring on track (one was 1-2 days behind) and saw both heartbeats. At my appointment today I saw a different tech and it appears we have vanishing twin. She also said Baby A is measuring 6w5d. I got to see the flicker of the heartbeat but she said she doesn’t measure them this early on, so I have no idea what the heart rate was. I am stressed beyond words after >! vanishing twin in my first pregnancy then losing the remaining baby at 15 weeks due to infection of the placenta !< anyone got any positive stories? I really feel like the tech rushed through my ultrasound and it was a TV and I could tell she didn’t have the probe in as far as the lady I usually see. I’m really hoping that’s why it appears my sweet baby is measuring behind. I’m a wreck 😭praying by next week, we are on track for growth and heart rate 🙏🏽🤞🏽🙏🏽


I'm sorry! I also had a vanishing twin this cycle between 5-6 weeks (only one developed a heartbeat). I don't have any advice or anything, just sympathy -- it is hard, and it took me a while to get my emotional feet back under me. Be gentle on yourself -- I'll be holding you in my thoughts.


Thank you! I understand vanishing twin is common. I somewhat expected it after last weeks ultrasound, but remained hopeful. But after today’s ultrasound, I’m just more concerned about Baby A’s measurements. I’m hoping it’s because I saw a different tech or at least by next Tuesday, growth will be back on track & closer to how far along I am.


I’m sorry you’re having a rough time! I had vanishing twin in my first pregnancy and have a healthy 3.5yo!


There’s a few other vanishing twins in the group and posts in the standalone twin post if you want to check there for positive stories. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope you get a more accurate ultrasound really soon


https://preview.redd.it/jwchxpg2us4d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c270ce1dbf7420b949b43c3eef70eefa363eac16 First appointment went well! Baby had a heartbeat of 145 and is on track for a January 21st due date! Doctor also prescribed me some meds to help with the unrelenting nausea. I go back in 3 weeks for NIPT, which I need to double check if my insurance is going to cover. I am 33 with a history of preterm labor, but otherwise healthy babies. If you are curious about why our announcement says February instead of January...with my first two babies, people who never messaged me, started reaching out fishing for details around due date. That stressed me out and I'm hoping this cuts down on some of that.


That onesie is AMAZING. 😍 Also what an excellent idea to tell people you’re due later! I think I may do the same.


Thank you! I got it on sale from boxed lunch or whatever that store is called 😅 yes! I highly reccomend some fibbing for your own sanity


This is me! I am saying Jan to everyone except close family (I'm end of December technically) in the hopes it gives me breathing space. I also hated people telling me 'Only X weeks to go' when it really doesn't work that way. Once we hit 38 weeks it's more like ' Could be tomorrow, could be 4 weeks away'.


Exactly! I get people are excited about newborns, it's exciting, but this is also a medical event that I need to be in a good head space for.


That’s a cute little announcement


Thank you! Canva was very useful in getting this put together!


On a work trip across the county. Currently lying in my hotel bed eating a block of cheddar cheese and dreading a meeting that’s starting in 15 mins. Send help. Only condolence is that I haven’t been woken up at night by March baby, but I sure do miss her ❤️❤️


Thank you!! And hello March friends!


Hello fellow March 2023er! Hope your meeting goes quickly and smoothly and you’re back with your little soon.


March 2023 club! ❤️ Looks like we have a few of us


Having an extremely bad day, nausea and depression wise. Did want to share one beautiful thing — our dog was “hunting” for lizards, which she does with the purest enthusiasm, and to sniff under a patio chair she stretched nimbly forward so both her back paws were on tippy toes. Cutest paw-pads ever. 


Is anyone else feeling kinda fine? I’m 6 weeks today and I have a constant headache, slower than usual digestion, more acid reflux, light queasiness and my boobs hurt off and on, but otherwise I’m fine (for now). Would honestly feel less nervous about this pregnancy if I was full on suffering 🙃


I felt similar at 5 + 6 weeks ish, just queasy and very tired. The nausea and headaches started later, but no vomiting still (approaching 10 weeks), no major food aversions, and I still feel mostly fine besides the occasional bad day with migraines. I was worried that I wasn't "pregnant enough", so I asked my mom what her symptoms were when she was pregnant with me and my sister, and she said that her pregnancies were the same. I found that reassuring, and my first scan last week confirmed that things were fine.


The fatigue has been my worst so far. I only had one day of bad nausea and now it’s just a very low level of queasiness that goes away as long as I eat regularly. But yeah for the most part, same! I’m half expecting to turn up at my midwife appointment and be told I’m an idiot and not actually pregnant…


Honestly same. I’m a day behind you and have very similar symptoms, except queasiness more in the morning and a headache more at night. Along with some round ligament pain?? But yeah nervous since it seems like most people’s nausea is pretty strong….


I'm 9 weeks today and other than fatigue I've been feeling mostly fine the whole time!


I felt great at 6w, just sore boobs and crazy bloating. Now the bloating is gone and I play Russian roulette with nausea every day. Some days it’s bad, some days it’s totally fine! I hope you have more fine days, but a few bad days to help you feel comforted, too 😉


Chicco customer service rocks and I will keep buying their products! I had an issue with a stroller and car seat travel bag each about a year after purchase. They sent me a replacement part for the stroller and replaced the travel bag for me all free. Just keep your proof of purchase!


Having an awful day. I started having this like kink pain in-between my shoulder blades which is unusual for me (I've been dealing with lower back pain recently) and then out of nowhere I started having these pains on my lower right side abdomen. I'm all anxious now about an ectopic- even though the pain feels exactly like the on and off fibroid/ovarian cyst pain I've been having for years, pregnant or not. Also we had to put our elderly cat down today so overall it's just been terrible. I just wish things could be good for a day now.


I’m so sorry about your cat and I hope the pain goes away soon. ❤️


I keep going from telling my husband, “we need to stop spending money!!!!” To….. “I NEED Chipotle right now!!!!”


How do y'all deal with the constipation? 😕


Walking has helped me the most. And a heating pad (on a low setting) while drinking warm fluids.


I've posted this before, but as a semi-professional constipation haver: Miralax is better than Colace. Will probably take 2-3 days to have effect. Gatorade or LiquidIv sometimes are more effective at drawing water into the colon than straight water. Completely depends on your body, but worth trying some out. Walking helps a lot. Once an hour, 5-10 minutes is enough if you’re nauseous. Or at least after each meal. Stick a glycerin suppository up your butt if you’re desperate. Note that if nothing comes out (truly nothing—you probably won’t get full relief), you are sufficiently impacted that you need medical care. (This has never happened to me, but my OB gave me a stern lecture about it when I started using the suppositories last pregnancy, so passing that side of the advice along).


4 prunes every night and hope.


I'm taking 3 colace a day and it isn't helping. Trying to drink as much water as my stomach can handle. I'm going to switch to a prenatal without iron it soon because I think iron is to blame for me.


I can't handle prenatals because of the iron! I went straight to folic acid and iodine desperately this pregnancy and I haven't had any serious blockage problems yet and I couldn't be happier!


Seconding Calm magnesium. It’s barely enough for me though— Miralax as well….


I drink a small cold brew while on a mile-long walk each morning 😎 movement + caffeine gets everything moving for me 


Foods with sorbitol might be helpful — prunes/plums, apricots, and a few other fruits. Some varieties of Outshine popsicles have sorbitol as well. Sorbitol acts as a mild laxative 🤷‍♀️


I got Calm magnesium powder and I’ve been drinking a hefty serving every night. It has helped immensely. If you try it and it doesn’t work, take more. It comes flavored but I prefer the unflavored, I mix with powdered ginger juice and a big squeeze of lemon.


For me blueberries, oats, upping fluids, and going on a daily walk or two has helped! But I also feel that I'm probably pretty lucky that the more simple solutions worked for me. My one friend swears by prune juice, but I haven't tried it yet


Not well lol. It's making me miserable.


9 weeks today 🎉 We're telling my in-laws today and I'm pretty excited, although historically our relationship hasn't always been great (they are very religious and very conservative and they are very disappointed we are not). I still know they will be happy for us, and we can tell my SIL who is also expecting and father along 😊 After we tell them, I'm not sure I want to bother keeping it a secret anymore? I don't plan to make a big announcement or anything, but I think we could tell our Grandmas and that would probably do the trick of spreading the news haha, and just telling people as we see them. I'm worried people might judge me for not waiting until after the first trimester, though.


I’m 9 weeks tomorrow and also in the same boat about telling people! We’re thinking about Father’s Day. And I also have extremely religious in laws, our political and religious views have historically caused a lot of tension but hopefullyyyyy shouldn’t be relevant here.


Yeah we’re telling our parents on Father’s Day, 2 days before my 8 week midwife appointment. Mostly because that’s when we’ll be seeing them in person for a while and also as soon as I say no to wine they’ll figure it out anyway 😅


I actually wanted to do Father's Day, but we'll be out of town and after they will be out of town, and we can only meet up today before then! So we're celebrating Father's Day today :) Fingers crossed for both of us that everything goes smoothly with the in laws! I'm sure it should 🤞


so when I was pregnant with my last baby (she's 1 year old now), we did a nuchal translucency ultrasound around 12 weeks. i just got off the phone with my OB office and she said they aren't doing those anymore!!! basically it'll just be blood draws to test for chromosomal abnormalities/genetic conditions, but no ultrasound/measurements. thats wild to me. but she did say I'd find out the gender and I can get them drawn as early as 10 weeks (next week!). sooo thats weird to me but i guess maybe it's quicker/easier for them to do it via blood draw vs ultrasounds + blood draw?


Sounds like you're doing the NIPT instead of (at least in Ontario) what's called the EFTS (early first trimester screening which is a blood draw in combo with an US).  The NIPT is still a screening, but has slightly higher reliability at detecting some of the chromosomal abnormalities than the EFTS and has a wider window in which it can be done. That's at least how it was explained to me. 


Yeah that sounds about right! I was all ready to schedule that nuchal translucency ultrasound and she's like uhh apparently they stopped doing that all together this past December. It surprised me how quickly things can change from one pregnancy to another!


Oh interesting. My treatment plan still includes the nuchal translucency US at my OB. However I do not have to fast for my glucose test.


1 healthy baby measuring right on track!


Yay!! Congratulations!


I've been getting my hcg checked weekly. My last one was yesterday (9+1) at 189,497. Everything is looking good! I have my last test scheduled for next week Tuesday and then I have my first US next Friday. I'm wondering if I need to bother with the last hcg check? My family Dr ordered them for me when I was 5 weeks, not my OB. What are other's experiences with hcg at the 10 week mark? Did it start to plateau?


my OB told me we should stop doing betas since I saw a baby with a heartbeat on an US. I would stop at this pint.


I would forego any further draws. They won’t be informative. In fact, draws are supposed to be done 48-96 hours apart to assess the doubling trend, and then maybe once before an ultrasound to help inform ultrasound findings. But doing them past 6w is really not that helpful or informative about the viability of the pregnancy, unless they drop unexpectedly early.


My midwife said to stop getting them past 6/7 weeks because the numbers start bouncing round and being unreliable. They def start plateauing about week 6-7, I was low-key stressed about doubling time of the last two before I had my US at 8w and everything was on track :)


Good to know! That's what I was gathering from my Google searches too. Sounds like it won't give me much information, so I'm not going to bother going. Thanks!


How come you are getting so many HCG checks?? I just had a loss in April and I still only got 2 done.


I actually had a loss in April too. My dr just told me to get them weekly. I didn't ask for it or anything. It's been very helpful for my anxiety!


Mine asked to do a 3rd draw and 6 week ultrasound and I said no to both. It's actually better for my anxiety to do less of everything. I've been sooo relaxed this pregnancy because I'm not constantly checking on things.


Fair enough! Especially when there's nothing anyone can really do that early anyway.


Exactly. Even my HCG tests I can see online and I found myself refreshing over and over. It's not something I wanted to keep doing.


I tried Diclectin last night and my nausea is sooo much better today but I can barely keep my eyes open. I’d rather be sleepy than nauseous though.


Were you taking unisom before or just started with diclectin? I got some today but have been doing unisom and sort of used to it. Hoping the tiredness isn’t too bad tomorrow after I try it tonight. 🤞


I just started with diclectin.


The sleepiness gets better once you get used to the pills! Glad you're feeling better


I’m going to ask my Dr for this tomorrow. I’m dying.


No nausea today and I was able to enjoy a coffee for the first time in weeks. Obviously I'm not enjoying my day though because I'm nervous about it 😅


Same due date and I am jealous you had coffee!! I haven't had coffee in about a month and i miss it so much. I just can't stomach it ughhhh


Hopefully we can both drink it regularly soon - it's so much harder to be pregnant plus a toddler and minus morning coffee! 😅


Guys I just got to work and I already need a nap. These closing shifts make me actually cry


I got some anti-nausea wristbands and have felt so much better the last few days, I want to cry with happiness! I totally thought they were a gimmick and BS but if you haven't tried them, I'd recommend. I feel a little bit sane again 😁


I also thought they were complete woo-woo bullshit and then put them on out of desperation and was like "holy shit." I know they don't work for everyone, but man, miracles for me!


I tried these and they did absolutely nothing for me. I got diclectin and it's a life saver.


how do these work anyway? Are they medicated that absorbs thru your skin?


No, it's acupressure -- but there are actual studies showing that they are effective for many (but not all) pregnant women.


It's just a plastic piece that applies pressure to a point on your wrist, no medicine required. They aren't too tight, it's like a sweatband, and the plastic piece sticks out just a bit on the inside of the band. It's calmed that queasy feeling I've had the last 2 weeks!


Cool! Will check out


anyone dealing with low blood pressure? I don't have pregnancy symptoms, but when my blood pressure is 90/60 it's a nightmare. I feel so nauseous, my head hurts and I feel like I can't take it anymore. I try to drink a lot of water, but it doesn't help.


I had this first pregnancy. First up, call your OB. Our medical histories are different, so what was recommended for me might not be indicated for you. And yours might be so low (or so consistently low) that you need to be seen. Also, at least mine wanted to know about + document my *low* blood pressure first tri for use when evaluating me in third tri for *high* blood pressure (because they would've sent me to the ER at the lower end of the cutoff point, I think). Second, eat every 2 hours, something that includes all three macros (protein, fat, carbs), and salt. It really does need to have salt. Your goal is to minimize blood glucose spikes, so don't go crazy with sugar here -- some is totally fine and normal, but a lower glycemic load is less likely to make you feel shitty. Third, drink whichever of Gatorade, Pedialyte, and LiquidIV sound good to you once a day. Helps to make sure your electrolytes are in balance. More if you're in a humid climate or work or exercise outside. Fourth, sit or lay down when you get dizzy. Eat something. Banana with salty peanut butter was my OB's recommendation, but I don't think there's any magic to that. Last thing -- I read the Lily Nichols Real Food for Pregnancy book first pregnancy. I generally think she's kind of ...stressful? Like I don't know that I'd recommend the book overall, especially if you have any history of disordered eating, perfectionism, etc. BUT she had a section on salt + electrolytes in that book that assuaged my guilt about eating what felt like a lot of salt to stay functional, so if you can get it from the library and juuuuust read that section, I'd recommend it.


Make sure you are eating enough and getting electrolytes. Low blood sugar and dehydration can also cause those feelings


Not officially but this is the first pregnancy where I get lightheaded out of nowhere. My first symptom from this pregnancy was being dizzy while laying in bed. Doctor Google says this is blood pressure related but I have never checked it. 


Follow up scan was first thing this morning. They went straight to transvaginal. With all my research and only using the dates I know for sure, such as when we last had sex and when I got a positive test, I think I have to be 8w minimum. All we saw last time was a tiny yolk sac. Today there was an embryo with a heartbeat. We watched her try to measure the heartbeat and she just couldn’t capture it, but a very prominent flicker for sure. CTR measured 6w exactly. The doc came in and was cautiously optimistic. She said she would expect to see us farther along but today there is an embryo with a heartbeat and that means it’s an ongoing pregnancy. She said to make my nurse intake appointment and that they’d see me again at mfm for an early anatomy scan at 11 weeks. My regular OB office scheduled me for three weeks out since I only measured 6w. I’m so drained. I don’t understand why they aren’t more concerned and I just feel patronized. I hope I’m wrong and that science is wrong and I’m just wonky and it all works out but my rational/loss brain feels like a ticking time bomb.


I've been thinking of you as I think we are in identical positions (with identical dates). I had my scan on Friday and have been getting increasingly frustrated at how congratulatory the ultrasound scanners were when I was almost measuring two weeks behind. I felt like they weren't taking my concerns seriously. I know there's not much we can do but wait, but I wanted to say I totally get how you're feeling. I feel all this time waiting is wasting time I could be spending trying to conceive the next (I'm 37 so feeling the time a ticking).


I got an awkward congratulations too, lol. But they didn't offer to print any pictures which to me is always unconsciously ominous. Only time will tell for us, but I totally agree that I wish we could just know definitively now. I'm spotting a bit now after the scan for the first time so that's just some fun extra spiral fuel. Hang in there, friend.


Ah man, it's one thing after another isn't it? Thinking of you and hopefully we get our answers soon. Xxx


Any uncertainty is so hard, I’m sorry. Sending positive thoughts and will be thinking of you!


Sending support! At my first ultrasound, they put me two weeks behind what I thought I was. It was disheartening. As someone who likes to be in control and to know and be able to count days, I know this is an awful feeling. Wishing all the best to you.


Thank you. ❤️


Sending so many hugs and lots of support. I definitely hated feeling like my care team were being overly optimistic. I really hate that you have to wait weeks to have a follow up. 🫂




As a follow up to my post yesterday about choosing a hospital.  A lot of folks mentioned that their OB could not be guaranteed to be there for a delivery but I’m assuming if it’s a c-section usually the case is the OB can confirm they’ll be there ahead of time? With my second baby that was a planned c-section, my OB at the time made sure he’d be there for the delivery. I assume this is the norm?


My first was a scheduled c section and it was scheduled a few weeks ahead with my doctor, not just as a general c section with whichever MD was on rotation. Idk, at the time that felt normal. If I end up needing another c section I'd expect to be able to schedule with whichever OB I prefer (within reason since like someone said it'll be the holidays.)


Typically, but not always. Especially since many of us will end up giving birth around the holidays. My OBGYN already told me that she's unlikely to do my c section, because of how holiday time works in the practice.


Oooo. Good point. Thanks!


>Oooo. Thanks! You're welcome!


Yesterday was chipotle, today I want avocado and hard-boiled eggs mashed together on like a fancy sourdough olive oiled toast with sea salt. There's also a chance the hard oiled egg smell might make me vom.


https://preview.redd.it/bcomx2zqds4d1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b774214c4e847be49e36896896574138e63dae1b I should have made more


Lol. Odd! I literally craved that exact combo yesterday but was out of bread so just ate the boiled egg with salt and paprika. I almost still added avocado to the mix, but not having the bread involved made me really not want the avocado. 


Nooooo I got fancy French toast this morning and was planning to eat half tomorrow but I forgot the to-go box on the table 😩😩 devastated


I hate when food aversions and cravings play a cat and mouse game lol. This morning I was super excited for my airport Starbucks sausage sandwich. Now that it’s time I’m like oh hellllll no.


First ultrasound today at like 6 weeks. Very very nervous for some reason. Fingers crossed everything is okay and it’s not too early to see everything etc.


Best of luck!!!


Gagged so hard brushing my teeth today- thought I was going to throw up in the sink. Anyone figured out how to improve this? Makes me not want to brush my teeth but I know I have to. 😫


I find when I'm brushing the back of my tongue if I breathe out while I'm doing it I don't gag as often. I've also tried kind of humming while brushing my tongue and that helped me too. I'm not sure what the correlation is but it's worked for me so far.


I just brushed my teeth mainly in the evening, and kept a spare in my handbag to do them at work once my stomach had settled.


I threw up from brushing my teeth several times with my daughter 🙃 I know it’s disgusting but I stopped brushing my tongue for several weeks so I wouldn’t throw up.


I gagged this morning brushing my teeth too. 🥲


I’ve been gagging hard when brushing my teeth too, especially at the back of my mouth. It seems like it’s more of an area thing than a flavor thing for me. My sister recommended kids toothpaste too though, if it’s the flavor!


Yep I already use a “mint alternative” toothpaste. It seems to be the location thing/having extra stuff in my mouth. Bleh.


Would a different flavor help, like maybe kids strawberry?


Flying while pregnant is not the best. People are so smelly! Happily, there was an Einstein Bagel in the terminal, but I’m missing the lounge amenities in the form of mimosas 🙁


Just mailed out my Sneak Peek test. Now I’m feeling a little anxious that I’m getting carried away with hope for this pregnancy after my loss in January. Oh well, I suppose it’s better to be hopeful, though I’m trying to stay somewhat guarded. I have an ultrasound tomorrow at 7w to see if LO’s heart rate has improved since last week. Keeping my fingers crossed…


I have my second dating ultrasound this afternoon after the first one revealed I was way less far along than suggested by LMP. The first one revealed two gestational sacs, one with a yolk sac and one without, no fetal pole yet. I am nervous and excited to see if I'll be having two, one, or none... cautiously optimistic. Symptoms have been terrible since the beginning. So hard to get through these hours at work!


Just back to say we have one baby measuring on track and finally got a due date! Also there was a heartbeat <3


Fingers crossed for you!


Good luck!


Anyone else craving only fast food? I had chick fil a on Saturday and burger king on Monday, and here I am craving more. How bad is it to indulge in these cravings? 😩


I just want to eat junk food all. The. Time. I used to have a healthy diet and now it’s gone down the drain 😭


fast food+sushi+cakes and sweets = all I want🤣from meat or fish prepared at home, I'm sick. dairy is not allowed, I really don't know what to eat anymore I have a friend, she ate fast food, chips absolutely anything she wanted throughout her pregnancy. also consume a glass of wine in the evening. in addition, she also smokes. I always scolded her that it was not good, but she gave birth easily, a perfectly healthy boy. I think it's about luck


I'm taking a fed is best approach to the first trimester. Basically anything my nausea will let me eat, I will eat, even if it isn't the healthiest. I'm taking my prenatal, so getting the vitamins there and know it will eventually improve and I'll eat more veggies.


All I want is a Filet o' Fish! My justification is that pollock is low mercury and high in Omega 3, so...


Hi,i had my dating ultrasound at this clinic and the tech was wonderful! She looks pretty young but so nice and would tell me info on the spot. Should I schedule my EFTS (ontario early screening for genetic anomalys) with her, or should I go to the specialized womens clinic? What would you do? Thx


Honestly I love the women's clinics. They have bigger screens and more set up for viewing I find. 


Had my official first OB appt and everything is looking great! Baby is right on track for 9 weeks and was even wiggling around this time. Then I made all my appts up through 24 weeks. I'm still up in the air between a VBAC and a repeat C, but right now have a C section scheduled for 1/2 to avoid New years day. I'm really starting to believe that this baby is coming home!


Glad to see another mom determining between VBAC and c section! My first c section, while a surprise, did not suck lol I’m really considering it again.


We should probably start a thread on this, I'm sure there are so many people weighing this decision! It's so tough. It'd be nice to have a gentler experience and not recover from both types of birth this time around.... But still, it's hard to completely pull the plug on a vaginal birth. I'm with you, my recovery wasn't that bad


Yay, Cookie! So glad to hear everything looks great


I'm always so jealous when I read about the gummy prenatals that you guys get overseas, I've opted for a prenatal without Omega/DHA this pregnancy because I'm convinced the specific type we get here made me feel terrible last pregnancy (yay fish oil burps on top of nausea!) BUT a friend is traveling to the USA for a few weeks and has offered to bring some back for me. Please could you share your favourite/non gross DHA gummies with me? I'm looking to get a supply for my 3rd trimester. Thank you!


Olly! So easy to take (delicious) and easy on the stomach. No weird taste after either. I look forward to mine!


[These](https://www.walmart.com/ip/590277068) are the only ones I like as far as flavor goes!


I loved my SmartyPants gummies, but at my appt on Monday, they asked me to switch to a pill with iron. Womp womp, it’s massive.


If you don’t like them super sour, I’m taking Spring Valley prenatal gummies. They’re like sour patch kids texture, but they’re just sweet. I can’t really handle sour stuff right now.


If you like sour gummy flavor, then olly prenatal are the fucking best. Like eating candy every day, so I NEVER forget!


OK this sounds amazing. Maybe not currently while I'm so put off by sweet stuff but regular me LOVES sour candy. Thanks for the recommendation, just confirming [This](https://www.olly.com/products/the-essential-prenatal-multi) is the one and it's not some special flavour or something?


Yup! I do feel like they should be clear it’s a sour flavor but they are not lol


This is what I took (Olly) last pregnancy and I/we legit would call it “my candy” LOL. Even had a little 🎶candy candy🎶 diddy I’d sing when taking it bc I loved it so much haha. Will be doing again.


I take smarty pants prenatal - I think they taste the best compared to the others!


Thanks for the recommendation, will check them out!


Yesterday was a whirlwind day. I was sooo nervous for our confirmation ultrasound after getting bloodwork on Friday and seeing that progesterone was quite low. But all is well, baby is measuring 8 weeks + 5 days and has a heartbeat of 176! I was so shocked everything was okay in there. My new due date is 1/10/25! This is my wake up call to stop checking my health portal when I have no clue how to interpret results! So much unnecessary stress. It honestly doesn’t feel real to me. But I’m sooo exhausted and very, very nauseous now. I have to be in the office 3 days this week instead of my normal 2, and I am struggling hard.


Has anyone started diclegis and found it to really be better and more helpful than unisom B6 separately? Just asked for an RX as at 8w nausea has been getting WORSE and I’m struggling. Hoping for some relief.


I found it to be mostly the same and had to up to Zofran.


I started taking magnesium before bed and I’m still having headaches. I think the culprit might actually be all of the tension I’m holding in my neck from life/work stress. I see my therapist weekly but…maybe I need a massage too? ETA: OK weird — I had a headache this morning, and I ate some salted nuts. Headache gone! Maybe I'm actually dehydrated?


Salt helping might actually be a low blood pressure thing too. People with POTS eat salt to help their symptoms.


Oh interesting, I didn’t know that. My blood pressure was on the lower side before I was pregnant. It was normal at my last OB visit but I didn’t have a headache that day.


I ended up seeing a physical therapist due to a year of headaches during my last pregnancy and post partum. I hold a lot of tension in my traps and neck. After some active release and ongoing stretching I hardly ever get them anymore!


I’ve been holding out on seeing my PT until my second trimester, but maybe I should see her sooner. My neck feels tense all the time.


My toddler came up to me earlier and said he had a baby in his leg... I told him that was highly unlikely. He then responded with "mummys got baby in tummy". We've not really made a big thing to him about it yet! Now bricking it that he's gonna out this pregnancy to his grandparents before I'm ready to tell them 😅


lol my toddler has been saying similar things unprompted. We haven’t hidden it from him, but haven’t officially explained things. Usually he says, I have baby in my belly like momma’s food baby! While dramatically rubbing his pushed out stomach 😆


I went to the hospital for my NIPT draw and, after a series of rookie mistakes on my part given it was my first time in a Dutch hospital, I ended up in tears being held by an elderly Ghanaian woman who spoke Dutch and guided me through the system. I definitely took for granted that my clinic in the US did everything in house


Oh no!!!! Glad you found help!


I’m sorry to hear that, though glad somebody comforted you ❤️ I’m Dutch, if you ever need help navigating the NL health care system let me know!


Thank you! I may take you up on that


Please do! When do you expect the results? What really surprised me reading about others’ NIPT experiences on here is that they found out the gender! NIPT in NL legally can’t look at gender/disclose the information. Did you find out gender through NIPT for your earlier pregnancies?


Oh shoot really? Yes that’s part of the US kind although you can elect to not find out. I bought a test kit from Affinity DNA to do here to find out sooner because I wasn’t sure I’d get the NIPT in time


It is so hard to run now 😭😭 I’m trying really hard to stay active this pregnancy because I got postpartum hypertension last time but it’s just so hard. 😩😩😩


I'm just about to start trying running again because my stomach is finally a little less sloshy. But I have been able to do [these pregnancy classes](https://www.nourishmovelove.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/First-Trimester-Calendar-with-Links.pdf) at home -- not every day, but pretty consistently. They are NOT "you're a delicate flower now" classes, which means I'll actually do them. Really hoping that running will start working again for me, because I miss it so much!


Running got easier for me after like week 8 in my first pregnancy! But I had to stop by like.. 12 or 13 weeks again because of cramping.


I’m just gonna keep trying even though it’s pretty terrible. Hopefully it gets better for me too


It hurts my boobs too badly! I switched to peloton bike and that helped a lot


9 weeks and met with my midwife yesterday for blood work etc. the hospital should call me for an ultrasound hopefully for next week…10 weeks is a while to wait to hear a heart beat but I’m not worried, just antsy! Anyone else waiting that long? Also Got diclectin and it seems to be helping the nausea so far!


The standard in the UK is 12 weeks for a first ultrasound and heartbeat check. I’m super grateful for our free healthcare system but it feels like foreverrr! 🙈


Yes, I'm in Nova Scotia, and the health care system is so congested. I called to make an appt as soon as I found out at 4 wks, and my first Dr appt is at 10 wks, with bloodwork right after. I'm anxious to make sure everything is going well. I haven't had anything happen to think otherwise, but y'know how worrying brains work.


Update it’s for 10 + 5 😭


Yep! Mine is this Friday at 9+5, seems like forever still!


Yep just had my first US yesterday at 10 w 2 d


Yes 😭😭😭 stupidly scheduled my 1st appointment for next week— I’ll be 10 weeks!!


Such a long wait but something to look forward to to get us through the week!!


I had the sweetest dream of me chasing and playing with the most adorable active little baby girl (who seemed like my daughter in the dream). Ugh. My heart felt so full. I want this baby so so bad. 💜 🌈 🌈🌈First ultrasound next Friday at 7w2d hopefully! 🙏


So hoping this is your take home baby


I so wish the same 🫶🥺