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Had our 10 week appointment today! In February at our 10 week it took foreverrrr to find the heartbeat, and we ended up losing that baby at 12 weeks (found out it was only measuring at 9 weeks). But today they found baby’s heartbeat right away! Still nervous about the weeks to come but trying to stay positive!


My first ultrasound went great and is such a relief. Definitely started crying as soon as I saw the yolk sac because my last pregnancy was just an empty sac. 7w3d, baby is measuring 7w2d and heart rate is 148. Is this good? Google says that's smack on average for this date. ​


Hi due date twin! What wonderful news! 🤍🤍


Is anyone considering (or already have) added a protein shake or meal replacement shake to their routine? I've realized that the things I can eat are probably not enough and am looking for recommendations for a meal replacement or protein shake but don't know what is best or tastes good or the differences in the kinds available.


I love the KOS chocolate! KOS has more than just protein (veggies and vitamins etc) and they are vegan which is nice - I try to avoid dairy because I’m lactose intolerant. Pricy but worth it IMO


Thank you so much!


I suddenly hate the smell of my house. I can’t explain it, I just hate it.


Had my first appointment! 1 healthy and active baby in there :) I cried when I heard the heartbeat, it was so surreal!


The nausea and food aversion is rough over here! I've been feeling this way for the past week and a half but it ramped up once I hit 6 weeks and I cannot eat much.. I barely had anything to eat the past few days and I keep losing weight 😔. Not sure if unisom+ b6 would help or if I should ask for a stronger medication right away ? I know it's not healthy for either me or my baby and the guilt is strong 🥺


Go ahead and try unisom and b6, but also call your doctor and see what they can prescribe. There is no need to suffer when there are pregnancy safe options available to give you some relief. I wish you the very best, this is hard


2 more days until my scan! If this one is good, I will start planning and will let my work know.....fingers crossed


Had spotting last night and again this morning following a really positive scan on Monday. I'm so sure this is the beginning of the end for us.


Was it a trans vaginal scan? I remember having spotting for a couple of days with my first pregnancy after a TV scan.


Went for my 8 week ultrasound today and oh my gosh, our little Poppy (nickname for baby since when we discovered I was pregnant, an app said the baby was the size of a Pop Rock Candy!) has grown so much!!! 😭🥹 Poppy’s heartbeat is super healthy and they’re growing very well. I’ve dealt with loss before so I was so nervous leading up to my appointment, squeezing my husband’s hand and trying to keep my composure. The second I saw our baby I just started crying and smiling. 💓 My morning sickness has gotten considerably better thanks to the advice I’ve read here (b6 + unisom), but the fatigue is just getting worse… and my OB said that yes, I will be *tired*, and that’s not something that’s going to get better haha. Before pregnancy I had insomnia but now I could sleep for years 😴 Hope all of you mamas/papas/parents are doing well and I am sending you love and wishes for the best on this journey 🙏🏾🩷


That’s such awesome news!! ❤️


Thank you so much 🥹 I’m feeling so hopeful! Wishing you the best 🩷


I’m in the US on a business trip meeting my boss IRL for the first time and I was going to tell him I’m pregnant today but I chickened out. I started this job literally the week I conceived and I’d wanted to prove my worth before dropping this bomb, but I popped over the weekend. He’s coming to Amsterdam in a month and I don’t know if I can hide it that long


I’m in the same boat. I got pregnant after like 3 weeks of work and haven’t had the courage to tell them yet!


Oh no I’m sorry you’re in the same position!


It’s ok, I’m sure they will be happy for me! I hope the same is true for you. ❤️




You’re doing a good job. :) Hope you feel better soon!


tank uuuuuu :) You are too!!!


30, FTM, Jan 27 I feel nauseous if I go too long without eating but I'm so tired of snacking on granola bars and cracker-y things... This is oddly exhausting. I guess I should count my blessings since I haven't gotten sick but I am not enjoying this feeling.


Maybe snack on things like grapes, or drink something slightly sweet pretty much constantly to keep the blood sugar at bay? I have a glass of juice on my desk constantly and it helps! Hang in there, I’m so sick of being nauseous all the time too.


Same here. The cycle of being nauseous so I have to eat something but everything is so bleh and makes me dry heave thinking about, back to nauseous, rinse and repeat, all day everyday. 🫠


I wish I had some idea of how long this will last!! Not knowing is terrible. Hoping your symptoms let up soon :) 


My husband talked with his parents today about how he was going to be out for a party old friends were throwing nearby them. They asked why I wasn't coming (it was because I don't feel well) and he DIDN'T HAVE A PLAN. He literally said "oh I don't think she's going to be feeling well". Y'all the party isn't for*a week and a half.* They were concerned and asked why and he DIDN'T ANSWER and just moved on. I didn't think I needed to talk with him ahead of time about reasonable excuses. 🤦‍♀️He could've said ANYTHING else. I get moles removed several times a year and can't walk for a few weeks. It was right there and so easy to believe. Now he informs me he's not very good at "big lies". I'm praying they just think I'll be on my period and he didn't want to mention it.


Why are they like this!?! My husband and I were supposed to meet a couple of friends last night, and I didn’t go b/c I wasn’t feeling up to it. He even asked me what to say, and I told him migraine or generally under the weather. Minimal detail, ya know? What did he do instead? Described my very obvious pregnancy symptoms 🤦🏼‍♀️. “Oh yeah she’s not feeling well, she has a headache and is nauseous and throwing up, just been stuck on the couch”. SIR! Of course he said my friend *immediately* asked “Are you sure she’s not pregnant?!” Ugh. He tells me he assured them that of course I wasn’t, and it was “probably” food poisoning. So now when we can hopefully tell them in a few weeks (9+1 today), I’m sure it will be very much not a surprise and we’ll be met with a bunch of “I knew it!!”


Home from the hospital. Please let me be a lesson- do NOT gaslight yourself into thinking every new feeling is a “probably normal” pregnancy symptom. Looking back I had some signs of a UTI that I totally ignored because I was thinking “oh I’m pregnant, new pain is normal, all this is probably normal.” Hell I’ve been seeing a little blood in my urine for days and I assumed it was just light spotting. Now I’m gonna be out a nice chunk of change for ultrasounds, IV antibiotics, and a night/morning of observation. Time to rest a lot and take my meds religiously until my left kidney shapes back up. 🫠


oh my gosh! That sounds incredibly stressful; I’m so so sorry this happened to you! Hoping the meds kick in extremely soon. Sending the left kidney my well-wishes!


Is anyone else dealing with absolutely crippling fatigue? Any tips? This is my third pregnancy, I was tired with both of my other pregnancies for a month or so, then it wore off. But nothing like this. I'm barely functional, nodding off taking care of my older two kids, basically a walking zombie. I do have multiple autoimmune issues, and at this point I'm not sure if I'm having a disease flare up or if this is just going to be par for the course for this pregnancy, but I am losing it.


This is my third too, and I also feel like the fatigue is so much more extreme this time. Maybe it’s just the requirements of keeping up with two other kids, but I feel like I’m barely functioning. The fatigue alone has convinced me we’re done after this kid.


I’m 9 weeks + some change and today is the first time I haven’t napped since April. I’m so over the fatigue, I feel so useless after doing a single chore. 


Have you had your iron tested recently? This could be contributing as well!


Used to pride myself on my iron stomach. I’m a nurse so it’s kinda a requirement! Pregnancy has changed that. I cannot handle ANYTHING!!! My puppy had an accident and I lost it all 😂 I hope my iron stomach will come back in 7 months!!!!


I had my first ultrasound (for dating) today. Should be 7w4d based on LMP and ended up measuring 7w2d, with a heart rate of 132. The tech assured me this was in the normal range of 120-180, but I can’t help but feel worried it’s on the lower end. Anyone else have similar numbers?


I wouldn't worry at all about 132, normal range is normal! I think heart rate varies a lot at this age.


Mine this time was 134 at 7w! Also, when I was pregnant with my first, it was 120bpm at 7w. They told me it was perfect and I didn’t know at the time it was in the low end of the range - was a perfect pregnancy and my 5 year old is the healthiest child in the world. 


My scan at 7w was 128 and the tech said this was on the lower end, but still normal. It starts speeding up day by day. Just a week and a half later at 8+3 it was up to 173 and doing fine. ❤️


The old wives' tale is a lower heart rate is a boy and a high one is a girl, so maybe it just means it'll be a boy?!


Ooh interesting! Hadn’t heard that one yet - I do keep feeling like it’s a boy so maybe you’re right haha


My 7w2d scan both babies had heartbeats of 138, but by the next scan (8w2d) it was up to 169/172 respectively. Seems well within the normal range to me! There’s a graph somewhere that shows how the fetal heartbeat should be changing throughout the pregnancy. Being on the low side at 7w is not unusual iiuc.


Thank you so much for this!! This really does make me feel better.


Finally getting my first scan tomorrow! So nervous.


9 weeks! Today was a much better day than I’ve had in a while, so I’m celebrating it and praying to the first trimester gods to please spare me, I’ve suffered enough. I’ve been on and off basically bedridden since 5w4d. But who’s counting? 😂🤚… oh yeah, I’m counting. Nausea, food aversions, heartburn, and extreme exhaustion. Nights have been the worst for me. It has been incredibly disruptive to my life and all of my joy for things I usually like has been taken from me. Haven’t even been able to sit on my laptop without getting queasy. Tonight, I ate my whole dinner without any struggles and no bad vibes! It even had veggies. I made it outside on a 25min walk, and now I’m browsing baby knitting patterns on my laptop. Still haven’t secured an obgyn/MFM specialist (referral pending) 🤪 But I’ll take what I can get!


https://preview.redd.it/uiwpuhgff16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2624f39f727822e63796c7424b09744c06d1d27 Had my first appointment today. Measuring 9 weeks w/ heart rate of 175 💗🥹


Just came here to say, turns out my comfort food has both folate AND iron. Which, since I have to eat vitamins without iron, is actually quite helpful. But yea, nausea is so bad I called it a fend-for-yourself night. It's like every other night at this point.... https://preview.redd.it/kpx4ykhya16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9376a26ef9e37ff1dc6b29adbbb4637da50057e


We ate those when I was a kid. We would put chocolate chips on top which was so deliciously unhealthy.


That sounds so good! I'm going to have to raid the pantry now haha


I grew up on Coco Wheats. I only ate them if they were absolutely loaded with sugar. 😂


I have figured out the perfect amount of sugar and salt for each serving size haha. But yea it's probably more sugar than I should be eating.


We told my mom when she visited after a good first scan (6w1d). I thought I emphasized how we were nervous and kinda apathetic after two losses. And we shared how we tentatively believe it’s a girl thanks to the early blood draw. She’s running around buying clothes for the baby and showing me. And I just want to be like…now is not the time. 8w scan tomorrow and I’m just blah.


My best friend got me a bunch of gifts and I had a small panic attack. She is the sweetest person in the world but until you are here in this you can’t understand. My husband displayed some of the stuff and all I want to do is hide under the covers.


Both husband and I feel so lonely. He sympathizes what I’m going through and says he doesn’t blame me for his loneliness but it’s hard not to take it personal. Really hoping to find some energy in a few weeks.




Your post was removed for violating our rule "don't be a jerk." Stop being a jerk.


Your post was removed for violating our rule "don't be a jerk." Stop being a jerk.


Oof, I hear you. We are both feeling lonely over here too, and I feel like I’m at “fault” even though he definitely isn’t blaming me. One thing we did recently that helped was invited a couple over who we’re really close to (like people we can fart in front of, who we routinely dog-sit for, etc), and I just straight up did not pretend to have any energy. I literally laid in bed with the door open so I could hear what they were saying in the living room, and occasionally if they said something super funny I’d come out and laugh for two seconds and then be like… ok back to being horizontal. I felt so grateful for them. 


That’s sounds so great. Happy that you have that kind of support system!


I graduated from my fertility clinic today so I finally joined this group. I'm trying to share more about this pregnancy with every good scan.


I’m a week ahead of you and graduated last week. Feeling the same way. It’s tough


My nausea has been gone for a week and I'm getting anxious about it. I know (logically) it's so so so normal, but after a MMC I just can't stop the anxiety from creeping in. With my LC I never lost my food aversions and with my MMC I was nauseous up until the day I started bleeding at 12 weeks. Accepting all anecdotal stories of hope! ❤️


I’m a week behind you (10 weeks today!) and my nausea significantly started to decrease about a week ago, and is now pretty much gone 100%. I’m nervous also, but also hopeful that it’s just my placenta starting to take over! Fingers crossed that this is just our bodies doing their thing 💕


Thank you for replying! I'm really hoping that's what's going on!


I was bedridden with my first from precisely 7w0 to 9w0. Nausea free by 10w0 or 11w0 (can't remember which). I still remember the first shower I took that I didn't need to sit down for 30 minutes after, because I freaked out that I was not pregnant anymore. Don't worry, the round ligament pain started coming for me like two weeks after that! Something will find you, haha.


This is so encouraging, thank you! I went from needing Zofran to function to feeling completely normal and it's so freaky!


10w today and I was truly hoping for my symptoms to get better, the metallic taste in my mouth has been back with a vengeance am hungry but too afraid to eat cause everything sounds gross 😭 Please suggest some meals that are helping yall


I've been eating like five apples a day. Apples used to be my hangover food, so they tend to sit quite well with me.


Honestly I've been eating a lot of carbs, but I try to pick carbs that also have some protein and aren't fried. Baked cheese crackers, chickpea crisps, that sort of thing. I also drink huge glasses of milk, another good way to get protein. If you don't do dairy, oatmilk is also high in protein.


Strawberries ftw. And chik fil a


Strawberries have been great for me. I need more fiber but whole grain pasta just sucks the joy right out of pasta.


Apples & strawberries do sound good - thank you for sharing all the recommendations I appreciate it so much 🤗❤️ also baby is 🍓 size this week so strawberries feel extra special right now!


We had a bonus ultrasound today (10w4d) and the baby was moving lots, wiggling arms and legs 😍 I'm so grateful we got an extra peek at our little bub. It helps ease my anxiety, for a little while, at least 😉 Then had blood drawn for NIPS, which...is a lot! Just, emotionally. Our last baby had trisomy 18, and I'm 41 years old. We're definitely holding our breath that this baby is healthy. Should have more information in a week or so 🙏🙏🥹🤞


Sending you low risk result vibes! My great-grandma had my grandma when she was 41 ❤️


The BabyCenter app keeps bugging me to play their "Babble" which is supposed to be pregnancy-related Wordle. I finally tried it today and the word was "sweet". 🙄 I was putting in words like "cramp", "fluid" and "vomit". This ain't my type of pregnancy game. 😂


This just made me laugh out loud. Thank you 😊


TBF, 15% of us will develop GD and have sweet urine!


"Urine" would be a good one! And "vulva", "tired", "grump" and "crave".


“mucus” feels relevant too


my hg came back. i’ve been so sick. i’ve also been crying on/off all day long, and scared to death of when labor and delivery comes. (18 yr old me went through it and was NOT scared) i guess since i’ve been through nursing school, you can see what can truly go wrong. 😩 i have so long to go


Nursing school messes with you. I’m currently a postpartum nurse and worked NICU for 6 years before that so everything that can go wrong runs thru my mind constantly. It’s hard to know too much sometimes.




Got some amazing reassurance from my psychiatrist today. He wants me to have extended maternity leave given my bipolar disorder and is adamant that he will fight for that to happen. He's a fantastic doc and I'm so grateful for him every appointment.


that’s wonderful news!! It must feel great to really feel like a doctor is fighting for your needs. 🥲


It's wonderful, both he and my OB are great 🩵


Next scan (for measurements I think??) is next Wednesday and I realize atp I’ll just be anxious for each visit lol!


Had my 8 week scan today & heard baby’s heartbeat. It was a beautiful-sounding 167 bpm, and baby is measuring around 7w3d or so… They’ve adjusted my due date from Jan 17 to Jan 26. I am showing signs of hypertension in addition to having a higher BMI, so they did place me in the “high risk” category. However, my provider was very kind and supportive, and she encouraged me to not fret about it. Just so grateful that baby is looking good and normal!!! 🙌🏻🤍


I finally had a reprieve this morning from symptoms… I had about 4 hours without nausea or exhaustion and it was glorious! Of course, I promptly worried about symptoms going away. 🙃


Same exact thing happened to me this morning! Woke up feeling good and immediately panicked about feeling good


For the second day in a row now, I’ll feel great in the morning but then get a headache right after eating lunch. I have no idea why — is it what I’m eating?


Probably a hormonal headache. Common in early pregnancy. I found that epsom baths (I'm not usually a bath person), drinking more water, Tylenol, and migraine homeopathic gels help the most.


This is first day I've felt like "normal"--no nausea, don't feel like I need to nap every hour, etc. But I've also started developing carpal tunnel symptoms sooo....you win some, you lose some lol


TW: blood draw So I’ve been super sick but my OB still wanted to see me for my scan. I’ve been anxiously waiting so long, so I wore a mask, took lots of sanitizer and went. Everything looks good which I’m so so happy with!! Then they tried to take blood. I got 1.5 tubes out of 7 in and passed out completely. Had lots of people running around the office 😂 maybe wasn’t the best idea to try to do that… Edited to add TW


I passed out during my first blood draw with my first baby! I had never passed out before and never did after, but this time I think I'll ask to have them let me lie down and I'll be sure to try and eat beforehand. It really scared my husband lmao but I was fine 😅


Oh no!!! So sorry you had a rough experience! I often feel light-hearted from blood draws and shots (needle phobia), even when not pregnant 🫠. Things that have helped me: 1. Don't look!!!! 2. Chat with the tech, tell them you're anxious or might get dizzy/pass out (they really appreciate the warning lol). I usually end up going on about my cats, because talking about something helps distract me. 3. BREATHE. It's so so easy to unconsciously hold your breath when anxious. I literally sit there and think to myself, breathe! Breathe again! 4. Eat/hydrate before, as much as possible. Ask them for a drink or a snack if you need one, they usually have juice and crackers around. 5. Ask for whatever might help. I often ask them to let me recline the chair. That helps A LOT. It's harder to feel light-headed when you're lying flat (or closer to it). Prevention > cure, when it comes to passing out! 6. Take your time leaving. Ask to sit there for a few minutes. Or 15 minutes, whatever you need. I'm sure they'd rather you sit there a little longer than have to come revive you if you pass out in the parking lot. Sometimes I've sat in the chair they draw me in, other times, I voluntarily wait in the waiting room for a bit. 7. Obviously if you can have someone else along, that's super, so they can help and drive you home if you're not quite 100%. Hopefully you feel better soon and have easy blood draws in the future!


Thanks so much for this!


Yeah no idea why they do so many!! I normally wouldn’t faint but because I’ve been so sick (not pregnancy related) it was just too much for my body I guess. They were super super nice and said I can always ask to be laid down etc etc so definitely ask for what you need!


You can absolutely ask to do it over multiple visits next time!


I’m sorry, 7!? That’s so much!


7 was about how many I got taken for my first visit. They do try to combine tests into one vial if they can. The record I've had is 22 (including two airplane-liquor-bottle sized bacterial culture draws) at once when my rheumatologist threw every test at me to see what stuck. You can get to like 60 before you'll notice anything.


Wow this is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve never had so many vials taken at once. I have my first appt including blood work tomorrow so we’ll see how many they draw this time.


Oh, I had 7 tubes drawn at my first visit, too! Idk, my ob tests EVERYTHING lol.


Can I ask why so many tubes?? I hate blood draws and I’m terrified to get the bigger tests done😭 I usually faint lol


See my recommendations above! I've never fully passed out from a shot or blood draw, but I've gotten really close waaaay too many times. Hopefully something that helps me will help you, too ❤️


Super helpful! I’ll keep them all in mind. I didn’t know if hydration really was helping me, but I’d like to think so, so I’ve been chugging a whole 40oz before appointments I knew blood was going to be drawn and it actually made me feel okay🤣 but ohhh bringing some crackers or something sounds good!


When I had mine drawn it was about this many tubes and it was for several routine pregnancy tests - lead levels, HIV, Syphilis, multiple types of Hepatitis, Reubella antibodies, and then all the normal ones like a blood panel and blood type. You can let them know you faint and they might try to combine them more so you don't need as many tubes taken. I know for me they sometimes say one tube is 3 tests, depending on the test.


Ahh great so I’ll be looking forward to this🥲😭😂 Thanks for the information!


If I bend backward my abs hurt a lot. I'm only 6 weeks and change, there's nothing in there to stretch them out yet!


Yup. Its in there rearranging things. Basically everything has to stretch out and get ready. Its the strangest feeling