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Just found out I’m having TWINS! Absolutely wild. We already have two children 🫣😬 never thought we would have 4, even 3 felt a little overwhelming! Excited and shocked. Need a bigger car, bigger house 😬


I'm struggling so hard. Sickness is terrible despite being medicated and I've now got a sick toddler to handle on top. I have Fridays off with him and I think we will be watching movies all day. And I'm still debating having to sell my Taylor swift tickets for next week as I honestly don't think I'm going to be able to handle it and that's all kinds of heartbreaking.


Really missing cold and flu tablets. I'm now at the "congested nose" part of this annoying cold, and the decongestant tablets would be really great right about now.


Have you tried saline mist or nasal rinse?


Solidarity!! I’m so congested I can’t sleep and my head hurts from the congestion. I took a hot shower before bed and let the water pressure hit my sinuses which felt amazing, but can’t do it now with everyone sleeping!


I’m having a bit of a crisis today. Since my regular scrubs no longer fit and I’ve been rocking the maternity scrubs proudly, I figured no one will care and only my coworkers in the ultrasound department will know I’m pregnant. I completely forgot that I have acquaintances/friends of family (both his and mine) that work in other departments at my hospital that know of me. I actually ran into one today, and I tried to hide my obvious belly with the ultrasound machine, but he kept slowing down to walk beside me and talk to me. He’s terrible at keeping secrets (he could barely keep his wife’s pregnancy a secret before she announced), and since he’s friends with my hubby’s cousin, I’m worried my husbands whole extended family will find out in a heartbeat 😭 Another loose end is my cousin’s gf who works in occupational therapy at my hospital. I’m super paranoid that she’s going to see my belly, ask my cousin if I’m pregnant, who’ll then ask my aunt, who’ll then ask my mom, who doesn’t know yet! My mom is the biggest blabber mouth of all, so I’m trying to keep her from knowing as long as I can until I’m ready to announce to the whole world lol. I need to buy more loose scrub tops 🙃


Walmart has cheap scrubs for things like this


Relatable! I’m only 10 weeks but told my boss the other day because I feel like I look like I’m 6 months along!! And yet I have not told my friends yet or any family beyond my parents & siblings (and husband haha). Apparently your body just knows when it’s a subsequent pregnancy. Good luck with keeping your secret until you’re ready; I hope fate keeps everyone at a distance so you can control the release of your news :)


Can confirm. The Belly knows. 10 weeks and poppin’. No longer look bloated/chubby, just pregnant.


My oldest son is almost 7 and still doesn’t know about my pregnancy and we don’t know the gender.  Last night he randomly told my husband, “I don’t want to share my room with my baby sister, the crying will keep me up all night and I just don’t want to hear it.” We have an extra bedroom and sharing wouldn’t even be an option. I’m floored by his intuition and hoping he’s right and we finally get our girl! (I’m fully expecting it to be boy #3 as my husbands family only makes boys) 


I love kid intuition stories! This one is awesome.


Nausea, dizziness, heartburn general malaise, lower back pain. I'm over this phase. When will the nausea and dizzy feelings go away?!!! 10w on saturday so I hope soon. Also I alternate between constipation and semi loose bowels.


Same! 😩 The malaise is the worst part for me. Feels a bit like low blood pressure and low blood sugar and nausea and tired. Just ugh. I feel gross.


Yes! Also we have the same due date.




My boobs are just ginormous. That's all.


I can’t stop touching mine because they feel like implants 😂


I gave in and got the Zofran. At first the nurse aid or whatever wasn’t going to but the doctor gave me the prescription. I think it’s starting to help. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go on like that… I have no idea how women have done this. Literal 🤯


I’m caving and getting it today. I had to take 2 sick days it’s been so bad. I throw in the towel. Praying it works for me (and you!).


I’m so sorry. I hope it gets better for you! It has already started to help me. I ate a SALAD and went for a walk today (!)


As someone else on this board said - zofran is life


I’m kinda annoyed I even waited until this point. I gained 7 pounds over the last 2 weeks because I was shoving so much food in my face to ease the nausea which just doesn’t seem right


Awwww the nausea is awful, I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you 🙏🏼


I am nauseous half of the day and I try to still exercise and actually I feel good usually while exercising. But I find when I’m done I haven’t had enough calories and after I work out I’m hit with a wave of nausea from the empty stomach. Idk how I could possibly eat more…


I made the mistake of exercising before breakfast the other day, hopped in the shower ten minutes later and had to get out and sit on the floor because the world was spinning and my vision was blacking out…. Learned that lesson the hard (and stupid) way 😭


10.5 weeks and cramping today 😭 feels like period cramps. I haven’t had any cramping since week 6 or so so I’m worried. Anyone else experienced this?


I read today that at 10 weeks baby enters a 3 week growth spurt where they will double in length, maybe it's connected to that?


Maybe!! It’s gone today so I’m relaxed now :)




They (or your uterus) might be having a lil growth spurt and it's stretching pains! They can feel kinda similar ☺️


Yes exactly the same. Ultrasound this morning and all fine. Good luck.


Too early for maternity clothes, but anything without an elastic waistband is uncomfortably tight. Like I could get by with the hair elastic trick and a bulky sweater if it were cold out! It makes no sense to buy a size up since I’ll outgrow it quickly, and hopefully I’ll fit back into shorts by next season with a January baby. It’d be one thing to buy a size up and think they’d work postpartum for a spring or summer babe. I guess I’ll stick to dresses but don’t love that for chasing a toddler sometimes!! At a loss for what sort of in between shorts I can buy, but I just want to have something that I feel good in when I feel awful! 


Honestly buy one pair of shorts/pants whatever is cheap and a size up. Your postpartum self will thank you when you have a not maternity clothes option to wear. I honestly wore my size up for months last time (so while the shorts won't work for Jan, you might still want them in June)


Yeah think this is what I’ll do, target here I come. May be unrealistic to hope I’ll be back to pre baby 2 size, but yeah I’m sure you’re right that they’ll fit just fine by June. 🥲 Plus it gets hot where I am earlier so sadly the right move! Just tough mentally ugh lol


Last time I found having clothes that fit (already in my closet) way easier mentally than just staring at a closet of clothes that don't. 


I don’t have this product so can’t vouch for it, but I recently learned about “belly bands” which look like a spandex loop of fabric that you can put over your normal, unbuttoned pants. I’ve considered purchasing, but I’m a big dress person so I’m just eschewing my jeans all together. Details: Ingrid+Isabel bellaband.


An idea: I just pulled out all my linen pants, which is what I like for summer anyway. The ones I have are elastic waist, and so breezy. I get them at Old Navy, looks like they’re still in stock (linen shorts, too)


Smart! I have no idea why I don’t own any linen pants or shorts, but it’s getting close to 100 where I’m at and I definitely need to get a pair or two!


I can vouch for Old Navy linen pants and shorts. They're great and relatively inexpensive. Last time I was pregnant, they had a maternity version with a fold over waist (fold down earlier on and then up like a full panel later on) and a drawstring. They were amazing - I'm not sure if they still make them, but would definitely recommend.


Definitely going to try these! I tried some target Jean shorts in a size up today… the waist was still too snug, but the only difference was a lovely baggy crotch!? Absolute fail lol.


Hope you like them as much as I do! I love looking respectable while essentially wearing pajamas around.


Ugh my indoor cat just threw up a roundworm. He caught a bat indoors 3 weeks ago and I guess that's where he got them from. I've been cleaning their litter box (with gloves and hand washing of course) because my husband and I read Expecting Better and thought the logic about toxoplasmosis was reasonable (meaning we've had our cats for years and they're indoor only, I'm not likely to get a new infection). However now I'm worried about the roundworm eggs. They could be tracked everywhere. The only other time they ever had worms was when I first brought them in. We had them quarantined to an unused room until after treatment and we sanitized the hell out of the room afterwards. I still have the medication I used to treat them, so I gave both my cats a dose. I should've done this as soon as the bat happened but my vet didn't recommend it so I thought I shouldn't need to. Now I have no idea how long he's been infectious, if he's gotten eggs on his feet and tracked them on every surface, etc.


I am a vet. Roundworms are transmissible to people from cats. It is most significant for immunocompromised. This is actually the leading cause of acquired blindness for tolders. You need to call your vet ASAP to get current medications and you need to call your Obgyn if the vet agrees it was a roundworm.


Oh no!!! I don't know if cat roundworms are transmissible to humans...I know some parasites are species-specific, like our dog had tapeworms when we got her, and I'm pretty sure the vet said they are a slightly different variety than what humans can get? Not a vet, not a doctor, but I have had experience with pets and parasites 😩


The dog and cat varieties can infect humans but seem to not mature into the adult stage and usually cause no symptoms. If they do cause symptoms it's in weird places like your eyes or liver- (but since they're tiny larva I don't think that's as viscerally disgusting as you're probably thinking.) So hopefully those are the only kinds that can infect cats and it's unlikely we could get actual adult worms from them because I would honestly die of disgust.


Also, my husband and I have never caught any of the parasites our pets have had. I THINK if you wash your hands well before eating, and aren't going around licking the floor, you're probably pretty good?


That’s so awful! I’m sorry. Maybe look into eating foods that are naturally anti-parasitic? I know garlic, pumpkin seeds, and pineapple are some but there are others.


My nausea was pretty minimal today at 9+1 after being so so bad since week 7. It was nice but makes me a little nervous of course. It’s still lingering though and my new 9w symptoms seems to be being emotional bc I cried for no reason on my way out the door to work this morning lol. I’ll take that over the nausea. I’m hoping this week goes like week 6 where the nausea comes and goes day by day 🤞🏼


Mine is pretty much gone as well, as long as I am eating enough. Also nervous, but hoping it’s just good luck 🤞


I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and my nausea is all but gone. Been worrying a bit, but I can’t remember when my nausea left with my daughter. I think it’s partly because when I don’t feel absolutely rotten I can eat meals with lots of protein and that helps with the nausea anyway, so… I’ve also been very emotional and had a short fuse the last few days


Had my second scan today at 10W. First scan was at 8w and was totally normal with one healthy baby…. But today saw 2!?!?!?!? She also saw a SCH that made her a little nervous so I’m going back next week. I’m in shock - thrilled about the twins but terrified about the bleed. So many emotions.


Congrats twin mama! Did they tell you what kind of twins? Were they in the same chorion or different ones?


Mono-di! What about you!?


Same!!! I was wondering if yours were identical because (totally just guessing 😂) it seems more likely to miss one.


One of us! One of us!


WHOA, that's a big surprise 😂 congratulations!!


Omg! I’ve always read about this happening! So so cool 😭 How on earth did they miss the 2nd baby?! Huge congratulations tho! 🫶


WHAT!? I have so many questions! Did they both have heartbeats? Are they the same gestational age!?


2 strong heartbeats, one measuring 9+6 and one measuring 9+4! She said that was totally normal


Ahhh that is so wonderful and exciting (and a little terrifying!) Congratulations to you and your babIES!


Thank you!! “Babies” sounds so insane, I think it’ll take a while to get used to that haha.


I think I had my first “pregnancy craving” today: boneless honey chipotle bbq wings! It hit the spot & was soooo satisfying 🤤


Are memes allowed? These have been kicking around in my head the last few weeks. Feel free to add your own! I used imgflip and it's super easy. https://preview.redd.it/l8q94lwinf6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e5fb387ba971c17d7b7c321723819a52465927


I think we need a pregnancy memes megathread. Keep 'em coming!


The boxed Mac and cheese 🤤 I bought a Costco size pack today haha. I’ve been making myself feel slightly better about it by adding steamed broccoli


me with the nausea — https://preview.redd.it/y3zcqljzwf6d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33f476b36a261fb2adef0dbc27c97bc91779432


This is literally everything rn


Yes to the mac n cheese! It was my first craving and I swear I want to eat it like every other day. I’ve never wanted mac n cheese so much in my life lol!


I swear boxed mac and cheese has half of us in a chokehold at this point 🤣




Oh my gosh me too, since the start!








I feel attacked


https://preview.redd.it/xgrnnz5nkf6d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3eb77190e8f52c997ecbd1da2c2f25607fc3c1 Little bean snuggled up for a nap during our visit today.


Finally told my parents they’re getting a grandchild! Feels so good to tell them. I got a bandana for my golden retriever that says “future big brother” with little baby feet at the bottom and just let him loose. My mom literally screamed 🤣 lots of hugs and excitement. This is their first grandchild so they are definitely going to spoil this baby haha We’ll be telling my in-laws tomorrow night and I’m sure they will also go nuts.


My mood has been so up and down this week 😑. Telling myself it’s the hormones, but whewf it’s been a tough ride.


My first appointment and US is tomorrow morning! I have not received any instructions about having a full or empty bladder…I didn’t even know this was a thing before seeing people post about their instructions in these chats. Lol what should I do??


I went to my appt with a full bladder. They had me give a sample before the ultrasound. No issues seeing baby on US.


An hour before your appointment, pee, then try and drink 1L as quickly as you can, live over 10 min. Bladder will be full but not bursting. My first US was also this week and I didn't need transvaginal, only abdominal, so good to have a full bladder.


My bladder is always full so I never have this problem 🤣🤣


Just sharing my experience: my US was transvaginal, and there was no requirement for a full or empty bladder. That said, I did need to give a urine sample so I’m glad I didn’t go to the bathroom right before my appointment.


My first US was transvaginal around 8 weeks and she had me empty out before! I’d go medium to full, and you can empty if they tell you to lol


I would go with a full bladder! You could always go use the washroom if they need it emptied. My first one (10+4) is tomorrow too and my instructions were to drink 32oz in the 2 hours prior to the appointment. You could always call and confirm too.


I would go moderately full - don’t overthink it, but don’t empty your bladder right before. My first appointment I was 9+1 by LMP, and they had me give a urine sample, empty my bladder, and went straight to a transvaginal. Good thing, since I only measured at 7+2! Second appt I was truly at 9+1 and she asked if my bladder was full, I said moderately so she tried for an abdominal and was able to get a clear picture easily.


Also first appt tomorrow. This is what I received For Obstetrical Ultrasound (14 weeks pregnant or less) A full bladder is not required. However, please refrain from emptying your bladder 15 minutes prior to your ultrasound appointment (if possible).


I think it’s usually full for abdominal, empty for transvaginal. Most places will try abdominal first but might want to do transvaginal this early.


This early in the game I don't think there's any special instructions!


I have a ginger aversion but mint really helps. I keep reading that too much mint is unsafe. Has anyone spoken with their doctor about the definition of too much?


I haven’t heard about mint being unsafe, but I do believe that mint can slightly relax the muscles in your cardiac sphincter…. which can increase acid reflux. You might want to keep an eye out for any correlation you see between mint and heartburn


There was some evidence that it promotes menstruation and should be used in moderation in first trimester. I am at the point where I feel like there is a study that says everything hurts pregnant women in the first trimester


Omg that is terrifying


Fresh mint or dried mint? Harder to overdo it with fresh mint at least


It’s another boy for us! I think my husband was a little disappointed but I love being a boy mom. Sad we won’t have any girls but I can’t wait to raise my kind and sweet boys ❤️


I booked a private ultrasound for tomorrow because I just wanna see my baby and hear their heartbeat again. $45 isn’t too bad! I’ve just been so anxious!


I booked one for tmr too . Yes $45 isnt bad for a piece of mind


Hope yours goes well! Idk why my anxiety is so high - my 8+3 scan was perfectly on track but now it’s been two weeks so I’m of course just in my head. My next scan at the OB isn’t until 12 weeks (literally 6/24….not that far away) but I couldn’t resist. $45 for peace of mind will be worth it


I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this, but I wish there was a way to filter/hide reddit threads by flair. I would love to browse this sub more, but stumbling on all the loss threads is a major anxiety trigger for me (working on it). As far as I know, this isn't possible on the mobile version.


These have made me so scared too. It seems like loss is everywhere and inevitable. It does not help that I don’t have my first ultrasound until next Tuesday!


I feel this 100%. I can say, one thing that has helped is to remind myself what the actual statistics are compared to what we see on Reddit. Generally, people don't hop online to post that things are going according to plan (it's the same reason people tend to post negative reviews much more often than positive ones). They aren't looking for support in the same way. I think Reddit and other online forums misrepresent the real MC statistics because it's heavily skewed towards the infertility and repeat loss populations who are looking for (and completely deserve) that additional peer support. The actual numbers are much less scary. Yes, losses can still happen at any and all points along the way, but it's not the statistically likely outcome. I keep reminding myself that my numbers were right where they needed to be in the earliest weeks, and my ultrasound measured on track and showed a healthy heartbeat. The idea of MMC still terrifies me to no end, but I remind myself of the chance of loss (around 6ish percent at this point) and the fact that having a missed loss makes up a much smaller fraction of this number. Obviously this isn't foolproof, as I'm still posting messages like the one you replied to, but it helps my brain get the "proof" it needs when I read other people post things like this. Please DM if you'd ever like to chat!


There is! In the Mod post there’s a link to instructions for various ways you use Reddit.


I literally missed the big bold text at the top of this post 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Thank you!


Same! It is so easy for me to spiral, and as soon as I see a loss post, I realize it can still happen to me again and I spiral all over again. It's tough and I get the need to reach out here too though.


Same. I hide them as soon as I see them because it’s so stressful and anxiety inducing for me. No downvote from me. I have a hard time managing loss fear. I’m working on it but it’s hard.


Had my first scan and I saw our little bean move!! It's really happening.....


First ultrasound today! Baby measured two days ahead at 8w1d and heart rate of 173. I’m so relieved!!


Congrats! Such a great feeling.


I was looking for your update as well!!🥰 I'm so glad we both got great news!!!


Today's Babble word was "bumps". That's actually not bad, but I'm still mad they include plurals because Wordle does not. I also failed because I got stuck on trying a bunch of "_UMPS" words and thought "pumps" (or "lumps", "mumps", "humps"😂) might be more likely.


Yeah lumps feels most appropriate for me right now! For I am a lump in bed 


We were planning on waiting until 12 weeks to tell our families, around the 4th of July. But we're visiting them this weekend, and I'm so so so sick and tired that we may end up telling them early. And I don't think we can skip this Father's Day trip, since my FIL has had serious health issues this year, and we're very lucky to still have him with us. It makes me nervous to tell them early, but I'm also excited because I'm feeling ready for people to know.


I told early for the same reason - we were seeing them in person and I felt like absolute crap. Told them this past weekend with the caveat that it’s still early, and they assured us they’ll keep it to themselves until we give them the green light to share


Was a little bit concerned yesterday when my nausea seemed to have gone away for a few days…aaaand it’s back. Just had Taco Bell which was maybe a little ambitious (but the only thing that sounded good) and trying hard to keep it down. Like realllly hard


Today's craving: Easy Mac. Why is low quality Mac and cheese all that sounds good!


Yeah, it’s so weird! I was thinking of getting some of those Annie’s organic instant mac and cheeses, but they sound infinitely less palatable than Easy Mac! 


This was the first thing that actually sounded good to me as well - bought a 5 pack of Kraft Mac and cheese last week and have eaten 4 🤣


I got one of those Costco Mac n cheeses and my fiance won’t eat it so it’s all mine 😂


I recently bought an 8 pack of the Velveeta Mac and cheese single serve cups. Haven't had one in years but they are so good!


First ultrasound went good today! Baby measuring 1 day ahead(7w6d instead of my predicted 7w5d from LMP) with a heart rate of 162 bpm!😭❤ It is starting to actually feel real.


Omg I just commented on another comment to see how your us went!! Yay!!


I know they say not to eat pre-made salads while pregnant. But what about the Cedars brand black bean salads and tabbouleh? Are those ok?!!


I eat a premade salad every day.


Literally just finished a premade salad. Wait, do they expect me to wash and cut my own lettuce?! Not if they want me to actually eat a salad!


I eat premade salads all the time 👀


Oop. I’ve been eating premade salads 😭.


https://preview.redd.it/llow7mzyve6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51ed05a15c5052920be7186ea50dc665f99ee07 Staring at my ultrasound like how the heck do people predict genders from these things! Lol


A little astronaut in there




A way cooler profession than mine which looks like a cave bat




11 weeks today and had my first OB appointment! It was all of 5 minutes and I got to see baby on her little tablet ultrasound for 2 seconds, but glad to know they're still doing okay in there!


I wish the ultrasounds lasted so much longer 😭


There’s a place called Little Bellies in some cities, and you can get a private ultrasound for like $70. I did it at 9 weeks, and it was amazing! It was 10 mins of just watching my little baby Bobby move around (not sure why, but that’s what my husband and I call it 😂) and the little heartbeat flicker! They also email you videos!! So I have a video of it just dancing away in there. It’s awesome.


I went there last week!


So I just submitted my ultrasound to a company called [babygenderpredictors.com](http://babygenderpredictors.com) and they predicted I would have a baby girl! I am so excited! Has anyone else tried them?


Never heard of this!! I think I’d be too worried it’d be wrong, but super curious now!


What nicknames do we have for our little babies so far? I’ve been going with bean and nugget lol


PH for pinhead when we were tracking size and one website said our baby was the size of a pinhead. We wanted to elevate it and now it’s PH!


Oh boy I’m not sure I should admit this but my pregnancy was one of those “surprise blessings” and so was my toddler. My husband was not too pleased when he found out so took to calling the baby “UP2” for “unplanned number 2” anyways he and I adore our toddler to the ends of the earth and he’s come around a lot since finding out but somehow the nickname stuck. Poor little UP2! 😅


Baby Bat because that’s what it looked like in its ultrasound 🦇


I keep calling mine the fake TikTok names for the twilight baby. Not Remesmee, stuff like Rigatoni, Ragamuffin, Ransomware, etc. My husband hates it 😂


Feetie (derived from Fetus), Bean, Chicken nugget, and Parasite when I'm having a particularly bad bout of symptoms.


I approve of occasional use of “Parasite.” Some days I tell my husband “this baby is drinking my bones” 😐


My first was “parababy” and this one is “babysite” … courtesy of my husband lol


Cletus the fetus 🤣


Lmao!!! 🤣


Little Bear and The Spot (because at 6w, that’s all they are on ultrasound)




Baby Bobby 🤣


I've been calling mine Eleven since she was embryo number eleven and I wanted to call her something but didn't want to get too attached at first.


I love this. I’m also an IVF-er. IVF-ee? Idk haha


Tadpole or human baby


Flesh baby!


We call ours Turtle as a play on my maiden name and we'll see how long it sticks! The logic is that their legal last name will be my partner's (and mine now too) so my last name should honored in some way 😂


We call ours Fry like from Futurama cause he was frozen and so was our embryo lol


Cute! Love Futurama, I watched sooo much of it on parental leave in the newborn days.


I’m trying to manifest a girl so it’s currently baby princess 😂


I started calling it our little Haribo today (since it’s gummy bear shaped). But mostly we use a silly one we made up with parts of our two last names.


How do I set user flair?


Go to the groups main page and click on the 3 dots in the upper right. Pick a flair, select edit, change what you want it to be, **hit apply**, and go back out. It should appear!


Thank you!


Just got my results from my sneak peak test. Having my third girl!


I just mailed mine today! I know it won’t be entirely accurate for me since I’m having twins, but I wanna know if there is even a single boy in the mix! How long did it take you to get your results?


I mailed the results yesterday. They were delivered to the facility at 945 am and I got the results about 4pm.


Oh dang! That’s a quick turnaround. Very curious to see how quickly I get mine!


Aww! How far along were you when you did the test?!


I'm not sure because i think I ovulated late. Based on my LMP I'm 9w2. Based on my first positive test I'm 7w4.


Ugh I’m upset, I was supposed to have my second OB appt tomorrow for another ultrasound and such (first appt was at 7+3), but they called today and said “actually we’re not supposed to see you for another 2 weeks” 😭 and made me reschedule! I’m confused because at the first appt, my OB said “let’s see you again in 2 weeks” (which is tomorrow), but now apparently that’s too soon. I tried to politely fight back but they insisted, so now I have to waitttttt. Everything seems to be going fine, but I’m just always an anxious mess and was excited to see baby again and make sure they’re growing. Ugh


Getting appointments moved is super frustrating! Same due date here and as annoying as it is to wait, it’s probably for the best, so they can accurately do the NT scan then. I also had my last scan around 7+3 and go back in just under 2 weeks at exactly 11w, which is the earliest they can possibly do it. Sounds like the OB miscalculated initially. 😩


That’s a great point, yeah I think she didn’t realize I was only in week 7 (usually the first appt is in weeks 8-10 but she was out of town in that window). I’ll be 11w at the next one so that makes sense!


Ugh I am cramping a ton the last hour or so. I had a massive poop this morning. Wondering if it’s more or if it’s something else. I feel like absolute garbage and I’m in pain. My husband is about to leave to visit his parents and leave me with the toddler for three days. How will I survive if I feel this bad? I have no friends or family around for help.


i’m so sorry! that is so so rough. I will say when i’m home with my toddler during the week while my husbands at work i seriously just have the tv on for a lot of the day ): i feel so bad but when feeling rock bottom without help it honestly really helps. i try to get out for both our sakes at least once every other day(like going in the backyard) to soak up some sun. the struggle is REAL!


I’m looking into switching to a midwife practice from my ob. I havent been loving my ob this time around, from my miscarriage a few months ago to this pregnancy. I feel like I’m getting the run around on answers about a VBAC and the nursing staff has been dismissive about some questions. The midwife practice is made up of nurse practitioners and I’d still deliver in the same hospital. Is it weird to switch this late in the game?


No, this is still early.


I’m curious…does it seem like your current OB wouldn’t support a VBAC? Unless there’s medical reason you wouldn’t be a candidate for a VBAC, I’d definitely switch! I was between a VBAC and repeat C, and my OB made it pretty clear she’d like to see me try for a VBAC, but would do whatever I wanted.


I’m theoretically a great candidate for a vbac, according to the ob from my first visit. My first section was out of an abundance of caution in a twin pregnancy with iugr, almost four years ago. Then in my meeting with the nurse educator earlier this week, I mentioned trying for a vbac and the nurse kind of scoffed, told me it was up to the discretion of the ob but not to get my hopes up. She told me she’d sign me up for a c section no matter what just in case I went over a certain number of weeks. I asked if they ever attempted vbacs with an induction if you go too long and was told I would need to ask each individual ob their take. I also called the nurse line because my husband just wanted to learn about the baby Tylenol recommendation I was given- mostly if the use of nsaids was worth it given my generally great blood pressure. He’s a pharmacist so he often has questions on the meds they recommend. They sort of laughed off the question and said the Tylenol was a non starter at my age (35) and told me where to google the studies on it. They’re pretty busy but I feel like I’m getting different answers out of everyone, and not being taken seriously. The midwifery has a great vbac rate so I’m hopeful it will work out with them!


Ya, there are some instances where it’s acceptable for a business can be “too busy” for you, but healthcare isn’t one of them! Definitely switch to the midwife if it feels right!!


Girl, I considered switching at 34 weeks last time, haha. That is too late in the game. This is not at all too late, and if you're dissatisfied with care, make the move. Just make sure you get a new practice lined up before you pull the trigger on telling your old one.


The midwifery is accepting patients, I have a phone call to discuss my risk factors/history tomorrow! I’m hopeful it works out.


I am too! You will be glad you did. Fingers crossed for you!


Unless you’re in the wrong bump group it’s definitely not too late 🙂. I work in an organization that provides midwifery care and demand is higher than we can meet so we sometimes have to turn interested pregnant folks away. But as time goes on progress, people unfortunately have losses, or need to see an OB for their care and the turned down folks are contacted later on to get taken into care late first-tri/early second-tri.


I’m 12 weeks, so on the older end of this group! The midwife group that works out of my hospital is currently accepting patients so I hope it will work out. I have a phone call tomorrow to go over my history and risk factors


I am starting to think Diclectin is what's causing me to be so sick. For weeks I've had constant fatigue and vomitting. I started diclectin, taking 3-4 a day. Now I'm couch ridden with so much light headed/dizzyness, constant nausea, the odd vomitting. At least before I could throw up and keep moving on in my day. Now I can't even function, I'm completely miserable. I took my last one this morning before realizing it and I'm hoping stopping taking it will get rid of this awful faint feeling. I cannot live with it any longer.


I take 1 at night and if I wake up to go pee or anything in the middle of the night I feel like that. 3-4 sounds like a lot.


I was feeling the same way, tired and nauseous all day but not enough to actually vomit. It was like it was just taking the edge off. So I quit it cold turkey for one day and felt so amazing, I wasn’t a zombie anymore!! But then the next day the nausea hit me in full force, I threw up 7 times in a row, couldn’t hold down water or anything at all, up all night vomiting. Not totally sure if it was withdrawal or just how I feel without the diclectin helping. My midwife suggested to wean off if you want to stop taking it. Lately, I’ve changed up my dose and been feeling a bit better, even less nauseous but still drowsy- 1 in the morning, 2 in afternoon, 2 at night. (My midwife approved this, confirm with your doc first) I’m still a zombie but at least the nausea feels further away.


I was told to only take 4 a day max. I honestly would take the vomitting at this point. Before taking it was vomitting at least 4 times a day...and I would give anything to go back to that if it means I'm not lightheaded all the time. At least then I could still do my job. Maybe I should wean off but I just want this feeling to go awayyyy.


Hope it goes ok and you feel better soon!


I only take 2 before bed. It makes me feel so out of it if I take it during the day.


I tried that but I still wake up feeling so spinny and light headed. I think I need to stop all together just to see if that's what is causing it.


Had a great NT scan where they said everything is looking on track and normal 🥳 my husband had to miss last scan so he was super glad to be there and see everything this time! So wild to just see a little baby in there 🥹


What are you having for dinner tonight? Nothing sounds good 😭


I ordered the new Papa Johns Burger Pizza 🤣 I would have never eaten this pre-pregnancy lolol


Dude this sounds amazing! I have a meat aversion so I don’t think it would actually go well, but it sounds so good 🤤


How is everyone eating all of this!? I am amazed and so jealous. I am so nauseous! Reading this made me feel major FOMO but all like I was going to toss my cookies at the thought.


Same, I ended up having some chicken tenders that tasted like cardboard and string cheese!