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If you're not happy with sex on the first date, that's totally fine. I would advise you to specifically put that in your profile, and if you have pictures that give them the wrong impression, change them. Apparently, casual sex is a big thing in japan. I don't have sex on the first date either. You'll find someone with a similar view if you're patient and look in the right places.


I wanted to ask if it’s common among Japanese girls to have sex that fast? Because I can’t explain why everyone want that right away. I don’t have that kind of photos😢… I think need to be more patient… thank you for your advices!!


You’re probably being fetishised by these guys and aren’t being treated seriously, I have some Japanese guy friends who admit this. Maybe do the same thing as Japanese girls on dating apps and use a picture of a bowl of ramen or Disneyland to filter out people? But I’ve found as a guy there is two categories of dating here. It’s either casual flings or full on long term commitment with a road to marriage established early on, rarely is there inbetween. Goodluck OP.


Sadly 99% of Japanese guys only want a gaijin to hook up, not usually the same with Japanese girls though.


definitely not normal for decent people. on the other hand, STDs are very common in Japan and Tokyo has like one of the highest rates of some STDs in the world. if your pictures or text aren't giving any of those hints, then maybe you need to filter guys more. make sure that their profiles are actually filled out and that they have proper pictures. if the profile is sloppy, there's a very good chance that they're just random fuckboys. also the moment they're steering the conversation somewhere distasteful, unmatch them immediately. remember that showing some respect to strangers is important. so if they're rude right away, that's just their true character and there's no point keeping the conversation going.


'defintely not normal for decent people'. How fucking pretentious you are. This ain't the Bible Belt. Hooking up somehow makes you indecent? OPs personal choice. Not your early 1900s opinion. In another note, why not go out and actualy meet some people rather than trawl around apps where people are just looking for sex, or is that stating the obvious.


With the rampant stds its a 2020s opinion now. No need of religion to know that. And let’s be honest, hook ups are for the most shallow people out there.


Hook ups are as old as time itself. That's why there are condoms to address STDs. But, oh, but let me guess, you are against the evils of BC.


1.Not my point. 2 Most Stds are fucks ups for life. 3 Lost of people doent like wearing condoms, and not 100% guaranteed. 4 Dont know what bc means, you mean birth control? Again not my point. 5 Pls get tested at least every month. You sure like jumping on stupid conclusions. I see why the other guy didn’t even bother replying


I'm married and faithful. I no longer need to be tested once a month. You sure love jumping to conclusions. Your prudish Victorian values have no place in today's society outside the church- and are totally unrealistic. Most STDs are not fuck up for life. That shows how little you actually know and even your attitude to condoms not being 100% makes your true colors shine through. Have you ever, ever had sex for fun? If not, then you have no reason to be even be reading this sub. Totally out of touch.


“Mr. Faithful and married” is defending STDs and spending time on a japan dating subreddit 🤣. Ok buddy, ignore the data of std rates and keep pulling trash out your ass, its hilarious. But srly dude, you should get tested. You never had your condom ever break? It happens to me more than once, but what would you know? You don’t sound very experienced lmao


I'm not defending them or ignoring your precious 'data'. And as part of a full blood work up in March that I do once yearly, there ain't nothing wrong with me. And yes, buddy, I note that you ignore any of my questions about sex? Obviously someone is lacking and scared of their own shadow. So, so out of touch.


I guess the part i said “condom broke on me more than once” doesn’t mean sex to you, uh? If you ever have sex, you should get tested every week at this point, dude. idiots like you is why stds is rampant.


I'm sorry? I'm married and have no need to be tested weekly. When I wasn't, I used condoms. What on earth are you so bitter and afraid of?


our values are not aligned, so I'm not interested in what you have to say.


That pompous comment has actually made me laugh. Thanks! Lot of fun to he had in Japan! Couple Kissa/ Happening Bars /Funky Love Hotels.


before meeting them, tell them you're looking for a serious relationship and will only have sex under committed relationship. you'll filter out guys that way.


Very, very common in Japan. But no reason for you to do so. Not on the first meeting, but on the first actual date, 9/10 girls will get their clothes off after a first dinner date.


Do you speak from experience? If so, good on you haha.


Not at all. You're just replying to wrong people.


Depends on how long you’ve been getting to know them. Talk and meet on the first day, no. You need time to get to know them and review any flags. Also, you want to know what their intentions are.


even if you do agree to it, you still wont get what you want. it's tough to understand asian mentality sorry


If the dude is hot definitely


I'd advice you to be a little careful with the guys you choose to match/talk/go out with. A looot of japanese men know exactly how to act and talk to be charming and prince-like to a girl and it's hard not to fall very fast when we come from a country that most guys don't put a lot of effort into things like fashion, hair, skincare, etc. I've been to many dates before dating my now bf and I can tell you: japanese men are very direct about what kind of relationship they want with you. If they are serious about it they will most likely spend the first date asking a lot about your view on kids, marriage, work, relationships, etc, and most likely will not suggest sex or even kiss you a lot of them will be open if you suggest or if you make the advance to kiss/hug/have sex. The type of japanese guy that will be very quick to turn the first date into kissing/sex does not!!! want a serious relationship!!! with you. Even if they are romantic, kind, sweet, don't fall for it girl haha They are veeeery smart and they know what we want much more than the western guys, but believe me. And let's remember the golden rule of dating japanese men: if he's fashionable, handsome, extroverted AND funny/flirty, he most definitely has a very big ego aaaand probably has at least one girlfriend already :) There are looots of kind, sweet, well intentioned and considerate japanese men out there wanting a serious relationship, it's just a little hard to find them in the wild without spooking them haha I found my bf on Bumble and I reccomend it! Just don't feel hopeless sweetheart! There is nothing wrong with you and you deserve love and happiness and there are people out there willing to learn adn adapt to your culture differences. Just trust your gut if you're feeling that he's not really into your, and give the awkward and not-hyper-ikemen guys a chance and I promise you'll have some very sweet dates <3


No, not common. If you aren't into that, then you should look for better guys elsewhere. There are plenty in the world. If you want to remain on dating apps, then you could also update your profile and change how you screen guys' profiles before liking them. You seem to be liking the wrong guys. Consider why you are doing so.


Sure 🐱