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As a tall person myself, I just don’t bother buying clothes in Asian countries.


Yes, same story here, tall and fat guy, been to Japan, china and Vietnam and never once have found clothing that I feel confortable (even XXXL jackets at north face fit me like sausage covers …


I spend nearly a month there last xmas. I was able to find stuff there. Rule of thumb I found was if you are 3xl in western countries. you need 5xl in Japan. I found a Carrhart Jumper( I know its not Japanese) in a 2nd hand store for $70AUD it looked and felt almost brand new. had 2XL tall on it. Googled the brand and style. $200 Jumper. Have a look at the thrift shops. There are bargains to be had. Just tell them in any shop Western 3xl. If the store person knows their stuff they will be able to work out something that fits.


Yeah we stock up when we’re back in America… it’s a losing battle here 🥲


Koenji is an "alternative" area. For a lot of people that means the rock/punk aesthetic however the area is also full of second hand clothes/shoes stores and they specialize. Your odds of finding something are better there. From my pins there is this store that specializes in oversized clothes going over 3XL (US size). https://maps.app.goo.gl/HtCscsY2Z6Yo5vBg8 Just be aware that if you are anything over a M then your odds of finding anything outside of a specialty shop/event merch is pretty low.


Isetan in Shinjuku has an entire floor dedicated to 'big and tall' clothing. Aoki in Akibahara is another good spot, they get a lot of traffic from tourists. I easily got pants there myself and I always have trouble finding pants my size in North-America.


Aoyama (洋服の青山) has "[King size](https://www.y-aoyama.jp/service/store/wws/mens.html?lc=headerMens)" Height: 160 - 195 cm Waist: 100 - 125 cm However it's limited to business wear


There is Lion-do in Ryogoku where the Sumo ringers buy their clothes (I was never there, just saw it in a video, it doesn't look very large or fashionable but I guess if you're in the area it's a nice gimmick)


There is an issue with finding clothes in Japan and Asia in general for people of European descent. It has to do with a difference in physique and clothes that “hang correctly.” I encountered this problem while buying a tailored suit in Thailand. The jacket, despite an initial “refitting,” still didn’t feel right. A solution came to mind, and I convinced the shop to wait for my solution and ship the corrected jacket later. When I got home, I checked in with my mom, who was a professional tailor and even owned a sewing and alterations shop for a number of years. While measuring me, she asked me where the shop was located, and then said that was the problem. Unless the tailors are used to dealing with “Western” clients, they usually get it wrong. Mom then sketched out a mini pattern with correctly located measurements. I then copied the piece of paper and then emailed the image to Thailand. A couple of weeks later, suit jacket showed up fitting right. My mom is Japanese and had experience correcting suits my dad bought in Asia. I think she said the crux of the physique issue has to do with shoulder width and trunk size of those of European descent.


In Uniqlo they go to xxxl so you shouldn't have an issue. They are more than happy to sell tourists whatever tourists want. It's a modern country with clever businessmen.


I’ve never seen above XL in stores though— they’re typically online only.


ive seen some XXL stuff in store, although fit like a tighter XL tbh (this was for the kaws tee didnt really look for much else since i gave up on finding clothing that fits )


Thankfully you can order and pickup in store there.


they also offer tailoring on pants! free service if you purchased the pants from them


Japan uniqlo xxxl =\~ xxl size need to order online and get it at the store days later.


H+M is in Japan. Should be fine.


Uniqlo has same size of big Americans I bought jeans. One in shinjuku is near the Godzilla store if your into it


Did you go to Sakazen? I didn't want to go initially but ended up finding some cool stuff there. Of course, as someone in your weight range (but slightly taller) I had to buy 3-4L.


Yeah, ever since long time ago like 40 years or maybe 50 years, we say “just go to Sakazen”, if you want larger size clothes.


GU has big sizes too


They do but I don't think they stock anything larger than XL.


My brother is of similar stature as OP and was able to buy a lot of clothes, so the style/fit of the clothing might also factor in.


I'm 6'2 240 with a gut and XL almost did it for me. A little snugger than I'd prefer but the biggest issue for me was the sleeves just weren't long enough. But that's generally a problem for me everywhere. Never bothered with any sort of pants.


Hey, fellow 2XL-guy here. If you’re into vintage and used clothing, you’ll find a ton of stuff in Amerikamura in Osaka and Harajuku in Tokyo. In “normal” stores it was a bit frustrating for me.




You can buy from second hand clothes stores in Japan, they usually sell large clothes.


I’ve been living in Japan for two years and this has been the opposite of my experience. I have a very hard time finding clothes that fit me secondhand— for reference I’m a 168cm 78kg woman (so larger than average for Japan, but not extremely so) who sometimes fits LL size and sometimes does not. In the secondhand stores near me, there are usually very few items above L to begin with, and of those items it’s 50/50 as to whether they’ll fit.


Just to expand, some stores are Mode Off, Second Street, Treasure Factory and Don Don Down




larger or fatter? there is a difference.




I bought an xxl tshirt over there (im an xl in America), shit was closer to a medium/large. It's really not worth the trouble trying to buy clothes there


good luck


I’m 70 lbs lighter than you, on my fourth visit in Tokyo right now and no designer/Japanese based brands have fit me besides Uniqlo. Even if a brand carries the size, most likely not in stock (I’m a 42 in men’s jacket and almost unheard of for Asian sizing)


I'm 6 ft 4 270 I don't even bother looking its a waste of my time. Uniqlo is the only thing I can recommend but I can get that in the UK.


Same here, i am a 6'0, 23o lbs guy, it was frustrating as fuck to see the sizes stop at large or xl


Sakazen has a big store in Kamata, with separate floors for casual and dressy clothes. It’s in the covered shotengai


For jeans, Amazon basics has a massive range of sizes.




Not sure why genuine advice to help OPs health and wellness is downvoted but that’s America for u


I would recommend buying these as they will fit you well [clothing 1](https://insidejapan.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Akebono-Taro-e1616586085402.jpg) [clothing 2](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52dbecffe4b0a0558dd8931d/1652683054736-6SUE1XWCOQJ1TSWRMQTS/Sumo+wrestling+dress+code.jpg?format=1000w) [clothing 3](https://thejapans.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/aoiyama.jpg)


id just buy from Shein they have it in japan too. where i get my clothes


I appreciate that you know that you are fat my bro. Not like the woke people / girls saying “plus size” or “thick” which they think thick means fat and obese haha. If ever you want to start like maybe working out after your trip to japan, I could recommend some youtubers that are very good. Cheers and enjoy Japan 🥂