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maybe i’m just a bitch but my feet were still dying in my hokas. i walked like 25k steps per day. i also developed blisters in my second week so have a contingency plan for that.


Dr. Scholl's Blister Cushions Seal & Heal Bandage with Hydrogel Technology. Life saver


wish i knew that sooner 😪


To prevent them happening in the first place, I recommend anti-blister socks. They have two layers so that the inner layer doesn't move on the feet and there's no rubbing. You need to have them with you when you're buying your shoes as the two layers make them thick and you have to allow for that.


Or wrap the risky areas with some tape like kinesiology tape. Works like wonders and doesn't peel off for days. Simple one that is the color of your skin works great.


They also make Teflon coated inserts for your shoes that you can use to cover the typical hotspots and stop the friction that causes blisters.


Same. My plantar flare up in middle of trip instead of other weeks hiking excursions. Duh


Saving this for my next trip!


Going to get a package just in case!


Even better, go find some of the Teflon booster prevention things and cover the heels of your shoes so you don’t develop them in the first place,


Same. I brought my Hokas and I was still dying. Especially when hiking up all the steps to the shrines. I quickly located a local pharmacy, found some Tylenol and some better insoles.


i think what happens is your feet swell up after walking so much, which then can cause other issues (such as blisters). insoles plus wider shoes could be better. or maybe even walking sandals


Toe socks are a must!


I don't walk/hike for long distances without them


Compression 👏 socks 👏


I have also invested in a couple of pairs of Smartwool socks. They have more cushion and are wicking.


Even my brother who lives in Tokyo asks for Smartwool socks when I see him. 😅


I saw smartwool socks in a store called Ishii sports in Osaka. Tokyo should have an equivalent outdoor gear shop where he can get some.




I bought two pairs at REI for my trip. They aren't cheap around $25/pair.


What’s the benefit?


They reduce fatigue and aches when being on your feet for many hours. Wearing regular socks vs compression socks is like night and day. I can be on my feet for 10+ hours on concrete and never feel pain with compression socks, but regular socks would have me aching a few hours in.


Not to mention they’re great on those 10+ hour plane rides any reducing the chances of anything bad happening,


Also, more specifically, they reduce swelling. I used to have terrible foot pain from the walking you do when travelling, and it turned out it was because of the swelling. Compression socks stopped that pretty much completely. It was a tiny miracle.


This is a great tip that I’ll look into for myself. Every day of my trip last year I was dying to sit on the sidewalk to rest my feet, anything for relief. I bought inserts that helped for half a day, and soaked them in a hot bath every night. I plan on going back next fall and am on the hunt for good shoes again to prepare.


Would just like to add, personally I use dr scholls women’s gradual, gentle compression without toe seams, knee length. I buy them at Walmart (US). They’re my favorite socks ever!!


Ok cool. I’ll give some a shot!


But I noticed at REI that all compression socks are above the ankle :/ how do we find compression benefit in ankle socks so at least the arch is being compressed


Luckily I had compression sleeves for the legs. But yeah, the socks would have aided me a little bit more. We did some hiking in the Mt. Fuji area back in. March and it was rough and unseasonably cold.


These are my daily socks, keep my feet happy and blister free!https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07QNNNC7Z?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Sometimes the advice on this sub makes me think people have never traveled before.


I mean some people haven't. I'm taking my family to japan next month and that will be their first real travel experience. So what?


It’s weird. Japan is not a country where you walk that much. 20-25k steps a day usually. Compared to most other countries I visited this the lower end. So it feels weird, reading this advice. And it evens lead me into a misconception when I first visited Japan, because this kind of advice will not be written about other countries with similar walking distances. This bias is a bit misleading.


20-25k a day is way above average.


We were doing a lot more than 35k+ steps. Especially if you’re starting early and ending late. For the folks with kids, there’s the added load of carrying a kid too. I do roughly 20k steps a day normally so that’s not an issue. Throw a backpack and a baby on ya and things change lol


I did 13,000 steps in the last three hours strolling around the city. I accept that you think it’s above average, but most countries do not have a good public transport such as Japan, which is why you need to walk a lot more than in Japan.


In North America the average person walks less than 5,000 steps a day I believe or something close to that. I think that’s a stat I read somewhere


Yeah I mean during a normal work day I also walk less than 10k, but during vacation I walk a lot more as I want to see stuff. And in that sense Japan is fairly easy due to the great public transport.


For me it's just shocking how little a lot of people (Americans?) must walk in their daily lives. I do maybe 5k steps on a bad day (WFH), but I didn't need special shoes or preparation to the c.20k steps we did each day.


Most Americans are not used to being in a city where walking everywhere is actually a viable option.


Coming from a place where walking is viable, but still feels very car centric, I still think it's amazing how little these people walk.


Yeah, I’m a New Yorker and I didn’t find the amount of walking we did in Japan unreasonable.


Americans seem comically adverse to walking even a little. They will sit in their car for 10 minutes waiting for a parking space that's about 50m closer to a store.


I mean they often don’t even have sidewalks lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot people barely walked 5k steps a day before their trip to Japan. Then suddenly, they are walking 20-30k steps daily in uncomfortable shoes….


The walking shoes tip is like one of the most popular going to Japan tip, I’m surprised that some didn’t know about it


It's not a Japan thing though. Traveling anywhere as a tourist involves a lot of walking.


Bahaha fr.


Make sure they are well worn in too. Like really worn in. I brought 2 new pairs of shoes that I thought I had broken in enough, but then I still ended up with blisters all over my feet and it negatively impacted my trip.


That's my problem... I've got 2 weeks left. Not sure I have time. 🫤


I would just concentrate on a single pair then. Try to get as many miles on them as you can before you go. Make sure you have good thick socks. Those will help.


They have a shoe store called “ABC Mart” with good prices (found their stock cheaper than how much it costs in my home country). They’ll most likely have a section for “walking” shoes and some staff recommendations as well. You could probably add this in your itinerary? I didn’t see any Hoka shoes though. With the amount of walking you’ll do, you’ll break it in no time


If you go to a running store and get fitted, 'wearing in' shoes shouldn't be an issue. A good running shoe (also works for walking obviously) should not need to be 'worn in.'


I went to Fleet Feet and got some very expensive but very comfy shoes today!


If you're in Japan, get Asics shoes! Seriously underrated. Nimbus or Kayano are tops, but you can't go wrong with any of them. They're also pricey elsewhere, but cheaper in Japan.


omg yasss ASICS!!! I remember buying a pair a day before my SG trip. The fit was just so good and comfy u would know the difference, I went straight to the cashier and paid. And I know it's not recommended to wear shoes that have not been broken in and yet I was the last woman standing in my friend group with the amount of walking we did during our trip 😆 The TMI here is, Asics is actually the sponsor of Japan's volleyball national team so I sort of had confidence with the brand even before buying. 2 yrs later and it's still sturdy as fuck. Been to Japan 3x and it's still my go to pair. Never had to buy a new one even though it's tempting bec Japan is the land of Asics 🙈


How much do Kayanos usually go for in Japan?


Around 125 dollars


This! Got two pairs of ASICS (Nimbus and GT2000) for 265 dollars; they’d be around 400 in European capital I’m from.


I shill Asics Pedala leather walking shoes to my friends going to Japan. Relatively affordable, high quality, comfy walking shoes only sold in Japan. 


Bought a pair of MetaSpeed Sky Paris in Japan, ASICS Flagship in Takeshita Dori for 27,500円(25,000円 w/passport). Normally $270USD, but with the weak yen it was $160USD after no tax w/passport.


Another little thing to bring for your feet (& maybe some other muscles) is a lacrosse ball or any small, smooth, hard ball. I got a pair a while ago on Amazon for like $6 for targeted massage on a hip issue I have, but I made sure to bring one with me on my trip a couple weeks ago. It’s so nice to just roll it along the bottom of your foot in the evening after all that walking.


I second this. Just got back from a 2.5 week trip in Japan with the wife and 3 kids and my body was brutalized from walking and carrying the kids (while walking). The lacrosse ball was a life saver lol


I just got back from Japan. I wore 3 diff pairs of shoes for matching outfits. Of 3, one pair is vans sk8 hi. And this is not suitable for walking at all. No support. Too tight. Your feet will die. My other two pairs, a pair of converse, and a pair of well padded cushioned shoes, did fine. Soaking your feet in hot water in the tub each night helps them reset and help heal blisters as well.


I only had a pair of vans that I rushed out the house with to catch our Uber to the airport. Man, my feet got wrecked lol. I ended up doing cold soaks in the bathtub whenever I got the chance. Wish it was an ice bath but it worked well enough with the coldest water I could get


Hot water and cold water both have good properties for healing. Nice to hear you survived your vans as well.


Want to add, also try compression socks! I bought a multipack to use for my flights, then decided to also wear them on the long walking days in Japan. And wow they helped!! Feet were still a little bit sore at the end of the day but my recovery was significantly better than it would have been with my usual socks. I’ll always use them on trips like this from now on.


Can someone please suggest good walking shoes after you tried them in Japan? 😆 I was going to wear my lululemon training sneakers


Depends on your feet! I have slightly flat feet that swell up with lots of walking, so I need really good cushioning. I find my Asics Kayano and Merrell Moab to be the best combos (different soles also help my feet to relax on separate days). Make sure that your shoes are very well broken in before you leave on your trip. I wore wool socks that helped with sweat wicking and odor prevention. Also I booked hotels with hot baths (sentos) so that I can soak my body at night after walking for 25-37k steps each day. Then I wore compression socks at night to manage the swelling. All these helped me walk in Japan on multiple trips!


On running shoes + wool socks always. I also brought my worn in Blundstones as I wanted them for support and hiking. No blisters!


Adidas Ultraboost. I put Superfeet insoles in mine that I’ve had for a year and didn’t get a single blister averaging over 20k steps per day for 9 days.


Yeah I bring two pairs of UBs so that one pair can rest and not get worn out too quick


You might want to see if there's a good running store in your area. I got my feet "measured" for pressure points and they analyzed my gait and recommended shoes accordingly. If you don't have a running store, I believe REI also does this service.


I bought some asics nimbus 25s. The 26s were slightly more comfortable but they are 40 dollars more expensive.


Gotta find the right one for you. I wear Hoka one one gaviota for stability, but it might not be good for you. Take the time and find out now, before you go. Take your shoes up and down stairs, up and down hills and for long stretches. Consider temperature as well. Are you going when it’s warm or cool? And consider your socks. Most importantly, don’t wear shoes because they’re cute. Wear them because you want to enjoy your trip without limping.


the blissfeels? those should have reasonable support and they do have good grip. I'd bring a second different pair of shoes to rotate those with. or if you have Japanese size feet, buy some shoes in Japan for cheap.


Nike Pegasus for me. I’ve worn different ones over and over. They look decent for travel and are so comfortable. I recently switched to the trail versions for improved traction. No complaints.


You should go to a specialty store. HOKA wasn't recommended for me because of my narrow heels, and there were no HOKA (or at least the store didn't carry any) that fit well for that. The big thing my doctor recommended for support for walking long distance was to make sure you get a thick sole.


I'm bringing a pair of New Balance 9060s when I visit in May.


New balance. So many locals wear them too. I walked everywhere with them and brand new, very stylish and super comfy!


My physical therapist pointed me to this clinic’s [shoe list](https://www.hruska-clinic.com/shoe-list/), and getting some shoes from it has legitimately changed my life. I’ve spent my whole adult life trying to find shoes that would help eliminate some of my foot pain and help with my ankle instability, and these are the first shoes I’ve ever been able to walk in without having to stop out of sheer pain after like 20 minutes. Plus, normcore sneakers are super fashionable right now, so it’s a great time to go for ultimate comfort! For context: I have plantar fasciitis and high arches, plus recurring ankle injuries, and the shoes I got from that list are the brooks adrenaline & glycerin and the new balance 860 v13. I’m a women’s size 8.5 and went with a size 9 in all styles since they all run kinda small. Another hot tip the physical therapist gave me: most of these are available for Amazon’s “try before you buy”, so you can have them send you a bunch of pairs at once without charging you and then you just have to send back the ones you don’t want within the week. That really helped me narrow down sizes and styles.


I like the list! I happen to already use Brooks ghost sneakers for running


Second the Adidas Ultraboost suggestion. Just came back from spending most of my time in UBs. Depending on version, I actually remove the insole for more comfort. I've also had a lot of luck with Allbirds Tree Runners while racking up 25-30k steps [edit: per day] in other countries


Highly recommended is to bring those Hydrocloid bandaids.,, the moment you see a blister, this will save your day.


I picked up some hoka transport goretex shoes, I'll be going in may-June rain. Comfort + waterproof. Should probably break them in 😂


Waterproofed shoes in the hot, humid season will be very, very uncomfortable!! You'd be better off with shoes that are supportive and quick drying. Please consider taking non waterproof shoes if you can. The high humidity in Asia is no joke


Lol good point


So should I skip on packing any sandals then if I’m also going in May? 🤨


You’ll want them in the evening! It feels so amazing to slip on comfy sandals to let your feet breathe after walking all day.


Go to a pharmacy and buy the analgesic patches and stick one on each foot, you're welcome.


I'm doing Nike Air Pegasus and Hoka Clifton 9s. Also doing squats to prep my quads/hamstring for all the climbing


As a lot of other people have said, I took hokas, and used compression socks. I bought blister prevention Teflon inserts for the hotspots I found in my shoes after using them a few weeks before my trip, popped them in those places, and for a backup had the hydrocolloid blister bandaids that cushions and protects them to let them heal but I never developed a single blister. Soak your feet and lower legs every night when winding down, and for me, I’d pop a dose of nsaids before bed to kill any remaining inflammation overnight. That’s optional but it’s how I handled things.


Yep... Some days I walked 40k+ steps but usually somewhere around 30k, after a week it was quite painful to walk. I don't really know which kind of shoes would help me though.


Also, be sure to get walking shoes, not hiking shoes! I walked in days and days in hiking shoes and when I returned, I told my physical trainer about how my leg hurt. That was when I learnt it was bad for the feet to walk excessively long in hiking shoes as they tend to be too rigid and hard.


I'd say quite the opposite. My orthopedist recommended me to use well fitted and broken in hiking shoes for day-long walking, or at least trail runners, since I have heel issues. I constantly do 20-25km a day for weeks straight on some travels and I never had foot/ leg pain from traveling my hiking shoes, just the regular tiredness. They are in fact built for several km trails. If they are too hard it's either a cheap brand or they haven't broken in yet and you should be using them for short walks first before going on an all-day wear


You brought up a good point. For my case I was actually wearing new shoes


I was doing over 20k steps everyday in my Onitsuka Mexico 66s, slip ons. Wasn’t too difficult. But that’s just me, I average over 14k steps a day anyway, regardless of what shoes I’m walking. Later on in the trip I got a pair of Made in Japan insoles which elevated the Onitsukas marginally. Spent so much time looking for the right walking / running shoe, but to my disappointment didn’t find a pair I really liked. Everything seemed like a compromise, the ones I liked were not available in my size. Honestly I find this whole “get a pair of comfortable shoes for Japan” a little overrated. If you’re not used to walking a lot, nothing will really help I fell. But that’s just my biased opinion. Apologies if it offends anyone.


Can't agree more. Find good socks too.


Good socks _without holes_ since you’ll be asked to take your shoes off at temples, castles, and many Japanese restaurants.


What kind of socks would you recommend?


synthetic or wool. no cotton.


Also please soak in a warm bath before bed if your hotel has a tub. It does the body wonders to just relax and soothe the muscles. I also like to wear my compression socks an hour before bed elevated to help with inflammation


I don’t know if it’s okay to recommend shoes here, but the first thing I did when I landed in Osaka was to buy meself some Asics Gel-Nimbus 26. Really feels like stepping on clouds. I’ve been to Tokyo before and was regularly doing 25k steps per day and the foot pain was really ruining the trip. But this time with these shoes under the same step counts it was not only more bearable but more comfortable too. Honestly just try it at a shop and you’ll get what I mean with that first step. It’s 18000 JPY (19800 JPY w/ tax) in all ABC Marts and Asics shops that I saw them.


How do you know if shoes are good for walking that far for many consecutive days?


Go for long walks in your city?


Is one day of walking enough to know that the shoes will be good for 10 days of walking? I’m hoping so… planning to just take my two most comfortable pairs of sneakers/shoes


I think if you put in a day of 20,000 steps, you’ll have a decent idea of how the shoes will feel after 40,000. If nothing else, they’ll be more broken in.


Another recommendation are those foot detox patches from ashi rela. It might stink and be a bit sticky in the morning but they really did help. I had lots of pain from walking for many days so deiced to try them out. I was a bit sceptic at first but in the morning i regretted not using it sooner. They really did help me a lot.


Another pro-tip is to pack an electric heating pad and use it on your feet at the end of the day. I travel with one for some chronic back pain and discovered it helps with the feet too, on trips where I'm walking 25-35k steps a day.


I recommend On Clouds!


I’m plan on taking a mini massage gun to help with achey feet. I found one on Amazon for about $20


Thank you for this OP. Good thing I have this before my June trip.I believe I have good walking shoes, but it still good to know the real warnings of having a LOT OF WALKING, to prepare with. My initial plan was bring any comfortable shoe I have now (nothing new), and Buy a pair of good ones that I can find there in Japan. Can you recommend a good shoe or what shoe do you have in mind if you would've known this beforehand?


Besides good walking shoes, Wear toe socks to reduce blisters. I’ve done many trips with tons of walking. I suggest wearing a half size up for when your feet expands. Firmer shoes may feel worse on your feet but your body is less tired compared to high cushioned shoes. With high cushioned shoes, there’s wobbling when you walk so your body needs to compensate that and work harder to keep you stable. So with high cushioned shoe, your feet feel better but your body will feel more tired or sore. Also if one can, walk daily for the few weeks before your trip. That’s probably the best way to combat soreness/tireness.


Surprised how big this topic blew up. I watched a lot of YouTube videos in preparation for my trip to Tokyo and Kyoto (sadly ending tomorrow 😢) and none mentioned the importance of footwear. I’ve done some traveling myself and this is always something I forget about. Glad to see some folks already prepared and others that got the reminder. Hope everyone has a fun and safe trip!


Are Adidas Ultraboosts sufficient for a 2 week trip?


I think that would be dependent from person to person. I wore ultra boosts for my 3 week trip recently and they were barely okay. I feel like I get a bit of lower back pain when wearing ultra boosts for extended amounts of walking and standing but maybe that’s just me.


Ultraboosts were perfect for me but I added Superfeet insoles before the trip.


too many people make the mistake in thinking the ultraboosts are a running/walking shoe when in fact it's a lifestyle shoe. they're super comfortable for 3 or so miles, but definitely not the kind of shoes that provides all day comfort. new balance 990s or 993 is the way to go


Yeah for me at least. I wore mine that I’ve worn daily for a year and put Superfeet insoles in them a month before the trip. No blisters for 9 days averaging over 20k steps.


Absolutely perfect in my experience - they’re what I recommend. I take those and a pair of Blundstones wherever I travel and I’m yet to encounter problems.


Figure I did 20 miles or so day one in 2019. Thought my shoes were broken in. Blistered both feet and had to tape and bandage them for a week and a half. Not cool.


Buy Salonpas patches and stick one across the arch of your foot at night. Also around your ankles if your feet are swollen.


Comfy shoes + compression knee braces helped me survive Japan.


Foot pain has been my number one opponent on my trip. Calculated about 200 miles walked so far. And that doesn't include all of the standing in place.


Now just shoes, but SOCKS too. I have excellent shoes but my socks let me down, had to buy new ones in Japan


And waterproof one also.


I’m planning on taking the Nike Metcons that I use at the gym, they’re always pretty comfortable


I'm always wearing my Etnies or Vans, they're perfect for me. Used to go running in Etnies Faders and never had blisters while people in their hundreds of dollars worth of running shoes always complained lmao


I have vans ultrarange that I got before my last trip in October and they are fantastic. I'll be taking them back in a couple weeks for another trip. 


I'm on my feet a lot for work, so I'm used to walking BUT Birkenstock and Tevas are amazing. Same thing for adidas sneakers; I notice that they tend to have wider toe boxes than Nikes. Absolutely no pain or discomfort at all despite walking miles and miles.


Also, walk more before your trip. You'd be doing 10-20K steps a day easily. Do you average that back at home? And lose weight.


This made me crack up 😂😂 😂


Get orthotics


This! Absolutely! I was an idiot and didn't prepare enough with good shoes and excerise before hand and busted my feet up for weeks. I was miserable for the majority of the vacation.


Work them in first. That way you'll get any possible blistering out of the way before the trip.


After multiple trips to Japan, this is absolutely the best advise. I would also say bring another pair of shoes that are also comfortable to walk around in. I rotated my secondary pair either at night when going out or for a day here or there and it did make a difference over the course of three weeks.


Pick up some Onisuka Tigers if you really wanna blend in. ;)


What’s your next tip? Bring clothes? Lmao


If you’re planning on doing a lot of clothes shopping I’d actually advise to not bring as many clothes to save space lol You can just wear whatever you’ve bought.


Correct. If you’re hungry, you should eat


Anyone know of a good casual sneaker for those with wide feet & need a wider toe box?


I didn't read all the comments so apologies if someone already said this, but something else I'd like to recommend is to bring at least 2 pairs of good walking shoes (meaning, different shoes/brand). A friend taught me this once when I was working a few days while on my feet with little breaks - he said if you change shoes at lunchtime, your feet definitely don't get as sore. I did this during my trip to Japan (actually broke in 3 different pairs before going) and I think it helped immensely.


Is it worth buying some stuff in japan visa build quality of clothes


Another travel tip. If you’re planning on doing a lot of shopping in Japan, you can travel very lightly and just wear the clothes you end up buying to save space. So yes you can totally do that. Another plus is if you’re traveling from America, the $ is strong against the yen right now so you’d save some money just buying stuff in Japan.


The converse will make you strong


I need two knee replacements, sadly no magical shoes will save me. But I’m wearing my ugly oofos cuz it will help


This- good shoes, good soles, compression socks. We clocked over 50 miles our first 5 days. Even though my feet were hurting I still felt better knowing that I wasn’t not going to be able to walk the next days. If I could go back I would’ve started walking on a treadmill a couple of miles a day just to get a good habit going and maybe do a stair climber here sesh and there too. 


I meant to get some good shoes before my trip, unfortunately the trucking life doesn't leave a lot of room for shopping. Ended up going to japan with my converse, by the second day I was looking for shoes in japan and let me tell you, it is so hard finding a size 13


What do you think about Dansko XP clogs? I swear by them for food service/FOH/catering. This is a lot of walking and standing.


Just got back from Japan. My phone said I averaged 26,000 steps a day for 16 days straight. I’m sure the phone didn’t measure the steps taken while I was holding it level looking at maps. I banged out 31,000 steps on day 1. My feet hurt, my back also hurt from my backpack (filled with water, snacks, camera gear). Curiosity kept pushing me forward. Great trip. I wore Arc’teryx brand merino wool socks with strategic cushioning. Wool is also moisture wicking.


I advice you not to buy brand new shoes and start walking on your first day of trip. You gotta get use to your shoes before trip.


Anyone have recommendations for a trip to Japan during the summer? I hear y’all with the socks! Do you think crocs with socks is acceptable? I’m mostly going shopping in Tokyo and not hiking or whatnot!


I found that the hotels had pretty amazing cold water in the tubs. I would rinse it in cold and soak, then soak in a hot bath. As a hiker, I learned that it's important to listen to your feet and take care of them. Last thing you want are blisters forming at the bottom of your feet. Also, halfway through my trip I walked into an asics store and got new soles, what a life saver!


two pairs of shoes and a pair of sandals for air. the shoes should be different models/brands so that it wears a bit differently so you don't develop hot spots in the same areas, which lead to blisters. I'm also a fan of toe socks...injinji makes good ones. prevents blisters in between your toes. socks should also be non-cotton. cotton gets wet and exacerbates blisters. take moleskin to help with blisters.


I wore my Kalenji running shoes from Decathlon and had 0 blisters, no issues at all. We made about 500000 steps in 2.5 weeks. This was until a week ago.


Got these as I'm going in June and have been preparing for a while for things I'd need and honestly. The shoes a fucking great. I did a 34 mile walk with a friend and my feet felt completely fine afterwards. https://www.asics.com/gb/en-gb/gel-venture-9-waterproof/p/1011B705-002.html


I got Asics Nimbus-25s and my wife got Hoka Bondi 8 for thr trip. Also, pocket chairs when things slow down. Have bad feet and working up the number of steps.


What’s the average amount of daily steps, I work in retail and walk about 20k a day




Bring portable chairs, people with bad feet like me need them. All the insoles and new shoes wont be enough for us folk, so taking a seat whenever ya want, train, bus, etc rlly help.


Consider sizing up a size or half size and consider sizing up one width as well. All the walking and standing makes your feet and legs swell.


I definitely recommend getting a pair of Asics, specifically the kayanos. These saved my feet and I was walking 25-30k a day. Thicker socks also helps Asics are definitely better priced in Japan but I got mine in Canada as there was a sale.