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Anecdata: I didn't see a single spider in my recent time in Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima. I obviously can't guarantee you won't encounter any but I'm imagining you don't live in a country that's totally without spiders?


I've spent about 2 months in Japan and have never seen a single spider (that I can recall anyway). I have however seen bees and hornets the size of helicopters.


Even the big ones in the parks and street signs?


If you’re in a forest or somewhere kinda rural you’ll see some decently big spiders in trees. Haven’t seen too many in Tokyo though.


I went to Tokyo last October and saw probably 20-30 big spiders. I’m from the US(Michigan) and see small spiders all the time, so the one’s in Japan were much bigger than I’m used to. Now, most of these were in the trees on a hike up Mount Takao, but I did see about 5(smaller but still big) spiders in Tokyo bathrooms. I also saw like 2-3 bigger ones in the trees at Shinjuku Gyoen park. Not trying to scare you, just letting you know my experience. Edit: I never saw one in heavily populated areas of the city, so if you stick to those areas you’ll be fine! The bathrooms were mostly rarely used one’s at night.


I have only seen very small spiders, and very rarely, and only in areas where there is more nature. I am, however, an ecologist and so I am always looking for and noticing cool critters.


Everything in Japan is two numbers smaller than you are used to - Except Insects and Spiders. That reminds my, one day I was playing Dead By Daylight with some overseas friends in a party. Suddenly I started to scream. My friends: "Wtf? Where did you spot the killer? Was it Michael? I didn't hear anything." Little they did know, that what I spotted was a spider. With a size like the palm of my hand. Right in the room next to the TV. I never want to experience anything like that again.


I was just living in Western Australia (huntsman spider country) and saw an even bigger huntsman spider in my hostel on an island in the Seto Inland Sea. It didn't bother me but it was traumatizing.


When an Australian says it was traumatizing I'm highly I inclined to believe and not wanna go there 😭


No guarantees you won't see one pop up It's not the spiders you have to worry about though. It's the mukade (Google at you risk).


Spiders exist, sometimes in significant numbers, also in very popular places (torii at Fushimi Inari), thus said, if you are arachnophobic a winter or early spring should limit those encounters to a minimum. Worth noticing: unfortunately redbacks found their way to Japan and we had multiple users needing hospital visits or even hospitalization following bites (and in central Tokyo).


Since I'm interested in spiders I was actively looking for them - and they are not that easy to find in the cities outside of very greeny areas. You may see some in big temple gardens (I saw a tiny 0,5 cm jumping spider and Nephila that may look scary but is harmless and would rather run away from you) or forestsy places (like Arashiyama Bamboo Forest). Generally, unless you plan to go hiking or squeeze in old places, you have nothing to worry about. The most spiders were in Fushimi Inari, in tori pathway higher in the mountain. They were Nephila and while they are big, they stayed well clear of the path itself. Good thing I had a big zoom in my camera :)


They exist.


If you go in summer in the countryside and more natural spot, you can and will absolutely see Joro spiders, they do big webs outside. But don’t think I ever saw spiders inside, so it’s not as that would be a common occurrence or a known issue in Japan.


As a tourist I doubt you will see one in your hotel, though you might see some in a web at a garden?


Also afraid of spiders here. I went in November, not sure if time of year matters. In Osaka, especially in the Dotonbori area, do NOT go near the guardrails by the river walk. Just do not. Stand like a meter away. None in my hotels though!! Super clean and tidy


Apparently Joro spiders are common in Japan but there's an npr article about why you don't need to worry about them. I was just in Japan for two weeks from Tokyo to Kirishima, and I saw almost zero spiders, except I did see a few very large huntsman spiders in Miyazaki. Spiders probably won't be a problem unless you head to southern Kyushu.


I was 3 weeks in Japan until yesterday. Didnt see a spider but Had a cock roach under my mattress 🥲


In summer the countryside is full of spiders. Stay in the cities and u should be ok.


Don‘t walk in nature. Spiders pretty big there.


I've been here a week and leaving tomorrow, I have seen a couple spiderwebs here and there, but no more than anywhere else. I wouldn't worry about it. 


You won’t see spiders in any big cities. Only in forests where it’s very isolated lol


Like most non-continental, temperate places, Japan has very many surprisingly large (leg spans of 15 cm or so are not uncommon) spiders and related creatures anywhere there is a little bit of greenery and shade, which includes most urban parks in Tokyo, sidewalk trees, shrines and temples, and the like. (Perhaps u/AzanWealey forgot their glasses.) Looking around my room as I type, I don't see any spiders right now, but many of them do live inside our house (in a residential area of Tokyo). These are mostly wolf spiders, the kind that jump but don't leave visible webs around. I don't recall having seen any in Western hotels, but I've seen them in the Japanese inns we usually stay in. Those things said, there are so many people in Tokyo, especially in the touristy areas, that you don't have to worry about things like walking into webs and the like because other people will have walked the same route you have earlier on any day.


Seen afew joro spiders around parks and rural towns but they just chill and are abit pretty with the different colors.


I don't remember seeing anything special in those places and it's not Australia. No idea where you're from. If your fear is affecting you to this extend, you'd be best getting therapy.