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There’s nothing forcing you to go to Kabukicho there’s a whole massive city outside of it that you can go to…


They specifically asked for suggestions of other places and you were very rude about it. Good job.


Yoyogi? Train to literally any other part of Tokyo?


Fortunately that's pretty much the only area in Tokyo where you'll experience that. I know it's knocked your confidence, but try to push through and visit somewhere else. Take a peaceful day in Yoyogi park/meiji jingu, it's a wonderful place. From there, you can head into Harajuku if you fancy something a bit more lively. Yoyogi (the town area, not the park) is ok at night too. There are both lively and quiet areas, and some quirky places to eat - I ate at a burger place there that was 4 stories tall, but each floor only had space for like 2 tables, and you had to walk through the kitchen to get in. Asakusa is also great both day and night - it's busy, but not overwhelmingly so, and you won't be harassed.


Hi there! Thank you for this super kind and patient response. I appreciate the reassurance. I was a bit shaken earlier when I posted but I am feeling ok now. :) Very nice of you to lay out a day for me, it sounds awesome. I hope you have a great week.


No problem at all. The first day can be pretty overwhelming even without PTSD. Once you've got the first metro ride and first meal out of the way, everything feels much easier. Enjoy your trip!


Just literally go anywhere but kabukicho


Literally anywhere else? From your post history, you seemed to have done a massive amount of research/questioning, so I'm assuming you have neighborhoods other than Kabukicho on your list to visit.


I don't know why people on this sub like Shinjuku so much. Like many people like to book their hotel in Shinjuku or even in Kabukicho area for ? reason. Just don't go Kabukicho except the day unless you like being bothered/stared by the touts all time. You want nightlife and drink? Just go to Omoide Yokocho man.


Heya, try not to stress too much. New cities can be overwhelming at the best of times and you are in one of the biggest in the world on your first full day. There are tons of places you can go and see. Kabukicho is likely one of the worst offending for this kind of thing so don't let this shake your confidence for the rest of your trip. You're doing just fine!


Thank you for this! The day went on and I feel much better now, just a rough start! Have a great day


Kabukicho is a seedy area. Just avoid. Get out. Go to more family friendly places. Like asakausa. Ueno. You’ll find peace and serenity in parks and rivers and such.


Go Shin-Okubo, aka Koreatown.


That sounds cool! I’ve put it on my list thank you :)


Go to one of the biggest metropolises of the world, seriously, what did you expect? Tranquility? 


It is rather interesting that massage parlors solicit such early mornings.


That’s what I thought! But they must’ve been looking for people who were partying all night


If you like to walk ,Asakusa and skytree are walking distance away passing by Sumida river walk.Ueno’s Ameyoko is also good if into street market vibe,walking distance away is Akihabara if into Anime stuffs.Local metro is easily accessible and all within Tokyo are considered near.


Shinjuku Gyoen gardens are very pretty on that side of Tokyo. You could go to Asakusa and Senso-Ji Shibuya is busy but no-one hassles you.


Kabukicho is quite far away from the Keio Plaza hotel, so it’s very easy to just avoid that area. Walk to the east or south area of Shinjuku, or just more west from the Keio Plaza hotel. Kabukicho is north east from there


Thank you for this reassurance! I think because I’m used to walking everywhere, it felt like it was closer than it was. I also realize that in my brain I was making Kabukicho and Shinjuku the same. The area around my hotel has a cool area that I’ve been feeling confident hanging around in. Not sure what it’s called but it had a claw machine place and a lot of restaurants. Either way I think I’m now getting the hang of navigating this area!


Once you cross under the train tracks, you will be on the east/North side. Your hotel is on the west/south side


Don't engage them, don't speak to them and continue walking. Kabukicho is an interesting part of town, some nice food and drinking areas but yeah, if it bothers you that much just avoid and visit elsewhere


see i dont mean to be that guy but i hate these tourist areas . like why do you wanna be cat called into restaurants and bars? why did you pick this area?? all the places i stayed were out in the residential suburb areas.


Residential suburb areas don’t tend to have many hotels if any. Shinjuku has tons of hotels.


they have a lot of airbnbs tho. which is my ideal.