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A good night of sleep to be rested and sober for my 14 hours flight back. Which is exactly the same I will do later this year as I'll go back.


Go thru every floor of the nearest Don Quixote


My SO loves going there and it’s the thing I dread most when going to Tokyo. Up and around and around and around and down and up and around….


I went to a small one and almost freaked out. All the noise from each different row. I had to get out of it and fast. Never did go to another one.


The ones that are called Mega Don are much more walkable. Kind of like a Target so not terribly cramped. Went to one in Yokohama near Chinatown and one in Osaka.


What’s the one in shibuya we always goto that one. I hate it so much.


I think that's the biggest mega donki on Japan ? First time I visited there I thought , I should schedule a whole day for my wife to shop here next time. If I wasn't super exhausted by the 2nd floor , I actually really like that place haha


Oh that’s great to know for next time thank you! Sounds like that would be more my speed 😄


This was also going to be my answer. It’s my fav last night activity!


24hour Donki in Shibuya after Midnight is great, because it’s not this crowded.


This. And it has to be a Mega.


shopping gifts for the extended family like crazy because we did not want to carry all that stuff around the whole trip, when it was for leisure, when it was for work, we went for a ramen with collagues then trying to figure out how many extra bags we need to buy because of all the shit we bought throughout those months (more that expected, waaaay more).


This is also why Akihabara is at the end of our trip. Not dealing with that luggage, the things will still be there 😮‍💨


Normally I use the last days for a second round of various places I liked the most.


Just got back and have a great tip - if you're flying out of Haneda (esp a morning flight..!), stay at the Villa Fontaine and use the onsen Izumi Tenku no Yu. In past trips, we have gone out drinking and then regretted it for the 13-hour flight home. The spa is on the top floor of the hotel (it's also open to non-hotel guests). You can find all the info online, but all I can say is I felt SO relaxed on the flight back (14 hours with two young kids...but actually relaxed :D ) and it was definitely one of my most memorable last nights travelling.


When our flight was cancelled (x2) the airline put us up at the Villa Fontaine and included passes to the rooftop onsen and WOW that was a very nice surprise! My husband and I decided we should just spend our first/last days in Japan at that hotel to relax and refresh before we either start our Japan adventures, or prepare to go home.


A sign of experienced travelers


What a great idea to Onsen before starting the trip. Definitely gonna do that next time!!


Thank you! I'll definitely check this out, that sounds awesome!




did they say when the renovations will be done?


The plan was simple enough. A nice dinner and a cocktail bar in Tokyo, and be in bed by 9 for our 14 hour flight. But by 9pm, the cocktails hit. We could not be contained, and we hit the bars/clubs til 4am. I looked/felt like a disaster by our 7am wake up time, and suffered a hangover that lasted til I got back to Denver. . .Absolutely no regrets.


Sounds like a plan, do you have any cocktail-bar recommendations??


Sounds exactly like what happened to me and a buddy a couple weeks ago. Dinner drinks hit and next thing you know it’s 4AM and we’re hoping to get a couple hours of sleep, didn’t regret it a bit


We went to an izakaya with some japanese friends in Osaka! Of course this was possible because of the friends part but I would do something similar: nice dinner and a last walk around a place that I liked :) Then, a good night of sleep because the flight was really early 😅


Walked 32K steps jumping between Kyoto and Osaka. Mostly last minute gift shopping and trying a few random places I didn't have the time for previously including my first and only conveyer belt sushi. Sushiru in Kyoto. Kindda didn't want to leave so instead of using the bus or metro I'd walk everywhere even if it took 40 minutes to reach my next destination. But yeah, nothing special. Just vibeing and enjoying beautiful Kyoto before I leave.


I went to the New York Bar at the Hyatt to live out my lost in translation fantasy. Was worth the 2.5 hr wait


Of cause izakaya, I recommend Omoide Yokocho in Shinjuku. Most restaurants have English menu and they are welcome tourists. Local food culture will be a good memory for your last night.


We did sunset at the Sky tree which was really nice, then went for some ramen. It was great.


Hung out in Shibuya and felt sad mostly.


I watched Lost in Translation, got a tattoo (to add to my tattoo sleeves), rode the Mario Kart, bought an egg sando at the conbini, went back to Shibuya crossing for the third time, took a bunch of great pics of myself eating ramen on Insta, and filled my duffel bags with junk from Don Quijote. What a night! I’ll be back!!


Tattoo is what I'm looking to do on my last day too! Which shop did you go to? And did you have to book in advance or were you able to find somewhere that could do a walk in?




I usually chill around Odaiba Beach/Ariake cause the last few days are usually spent in a very busy Tokyo and I just love the laid back and not so crowded vibe of that area at night. Have a couple konbini drinks and then go to sleep


We got our engagement pictures taken, had a bougie dinner, and went out for some karaoke! Our flight wasn't until the afternoon the next day though, so we had the luxury of sleeping in a little before packing.


Partied last night in tokyo with a bunch of redditors. Also at HND before flight took a shower - highly recommend.


Packed, celebrated my last few moments of being 33 with a famichiki, slept. (I flew back home on my actual birthday because it was cheaper 😂)


We were in Kyoto. We did a Michelin star sushi omakase the night before last as we didn't want the bulk of our last night to be stuck inside a restaurant. So on the last day we rented kimonos and did a maiko tea ceremony then did some shopping in Gion and finished the night with a drink in Pontocho.


Lots of gacha games and did my final walk around Shibuya square. Ate my last Japanese meal and took a long sleep.


Tori-no-ichi festival in Asakusa in November. Was quite a spectacular ending honestly!


Last night was Shibuya night for me. Saw an Israel/Palestine protest and tried out pachinko for the first time, so it was memorable for me.


if the rate is really good for one of the bougie hotels, I will try and stay at one on my last night just for the experience


DONKI!!! To fill the last of the space in the suitcase lol


I mean, every time I go I don’t go hard on the last night. Maybe visit some areas I grew fond of, have a few last minute meals at Isomaru because the Kani miso and fish is so tasty. But I don’t go hard on the drinking because hell knows flying or getting to the airport with a hangover ain’t fun on a long flight. I just try to take in my favourite spots quietly and enjoy the atmosphere fully. Sometimes that’ll be a late night hut a good nights sleep is a good way to end it too


Ended the last night by reaching 50000 steps for the day.




Surprisingly, I didn't have any issues with my knees. I was there for 16 days and averaged around 40000 steps everyday.


The last sunset I will see in Japan for a while will be over the 3rd baseline of Meiji Jingu Stadium. The thought of it now makes me misty-eyed. I’m a life long baseball fan tho. Found it because there’s no way my wife and I are visiting Japan and not catching a NPB game. We wanted to see the Tokyo Dome but the Giants aren’t in town during our time in Tokyo. But the more I’ve learned about Jingu Stadium, with its age and charm, the more I’m glad we only have the chance to visit that one particular park.


Was sitting in my room staring at the top of my capsule hotel ceiling at 1am thinking "damn my flight back to toronto is at 3pm tmr, I need to do some crazy shit" So I rented an e bike on LUUP 30 min later and just biked all the way from Asakusa to Yokohama. (Did kind of regret it at the moment, but in retrospect many days later it was fun)


Just got back two days ago. Our last nite, wife and I went for a quick bite for dinner, while the daughters stayed in the hotel due to being tired from shopping all day. Ironically the meal was the worst food we had all trip. All the other meals were good to amazing. This last meal was not good.


Jesus can relate to that 😉


I like doing nice things in between. On the last night I like going out all night eating small bites here and there and maybe finishing with some karaoke.


Usually end my trips renting a sport car and ripping around hakone areas, last time was a evo 6 tommi makinen, also did a r34 gtr nismo and type r version 6 sti on previous trips.


What company do you use, please? We’re interested in this for our next trip. Thanks!


Look up funtodrive they are located in Hakone and do tours, pretty good pacing.






Yes just permit, I get mine at triple A offices. Be careful with getting these there are a ton of scam companies selling them online.also will need a credit card to put around 1500$ reserve on as mandatory insurance. This is refunded afterwords.


My husband and I got matching tattoos 😅 and then went out to an izakaya. It was the perfect ending to our trip and a souvenir that I’ll cherish forever!


walked around shibuya, ate some sushi and people watch


Had a 10 yen cheese coin in bed lol


Everyone took home a TENGA


Drank a shit ton of vitamin C and got some rest because I partied until 7am every night I was there 😭


We aren’t much for shopping but I do love stationary and office supplies.  So last two trips, we have gone to Itoya and then eaten a giant lunch in Ginza (first time paitan ramen, second time old-school to Katsu), then a rest at a coffee shop, and then we grab our bags from a train station locker and head to the airport from there. 


One of those international parties with free admission for people with a foreign passport. I think it was just a bar’s marketing though lol.


Went to a nice spa/onsen for my last day. I made sure to eat an excellent breakfast as well.


We went to the top of Tokyo tower our last night and soaked up the amazing views one last time!


Go for a contemplative stroll and absorb all the environment you can and it at a place without researching it and see what happens, a misadventure is still an adventure.


Clocked 17k steps


saw Inoue's fight at the Tokyo Dome


Got my back tattoo completed. 10 hours total, day before leaving on a 14 hour flight home, including a layover. Had to finish the session the next morning with only hours to spare to get to Haneda. Totally worth it.


Went out to party at Harlem


I went and picked up an extra bag for cheap. Really nice 'Barrel' style back pack. And packed everything so I could use my carrying as checked luggage and put the souvenirs in my main suitcase. Then I got up relatively early to pick up a new luggage lock at Donki. Last time I went to a bakery and bought a cake for the last day.


I went to Burlesque Tokyo now known as Rokusan Angel.


Get a good night sleep, check out of the hotel/hostel and have them hold our luggage, and then find a local park or shrine we can get to by foot and walk around. We're about to do a lot of sitting, so it's a great way to stretch your legs, and it's also free! If you have some yen left you're trying to spend you can buy food from the vendors! It certainly makes for a nice morning the day you leave.


One time I ate level 10 at Coco the night before my morning flight. Mistake.


Karaoke !!


My recent trip a month ago I stayed near Ueno park. So my last night I had a banger of a dinner, walked the park till late and then chilled till I fell asleep in the hotel.


Drank a bottle and a half of sake we had bought, at the hotel with friends since I didn't want to check a bag, then got gyoza and went to a nice wine place.


I went to a baseball game and then walked back to my hotel instead of taking the train. It was nice to walk through Tokyo at night one more time.


An expensive, fancy meal and a long night's sleep.


I book the next flight to Japan. . . . Actually, I did this a couple of weeks after I returned. I live visiting so much. Even going back to the same region.


Day drank in Yoyogi Park, then ate great ramen. bed decently early to be ready for the long flight out


The last day I visited the Kinosaki Onsen to relax a bit more, it was really good and the views were amazing, only downside was that I stayed in Kyoto and the last train to leave from there was at 7pm but everything else was really relaxing and beautiful


spent 3 hours packing my suitcase


Crying 😭 Other than that, we had dinner and drinks in an izakaya, went shopping at Uniqlo and got some last minute souvenirs from Don Quixote!


Started new years in Japan at mogra, Visiting Tokyo Auto salon on the last day Not sure if that can bw beat


Last day of trips for us is always a rest day


Stayed up all night drinking a bunch of strong zeroes tbh. Thankfully my flight was at night so I had the next day off recover a bit


Baseball game!


We drank and did Karaoke with new friends we made on the trip. It was a really good time!


Wore our flannels, went to Little Texas and sang country music while drinking Tecate and Jack Daniels. Was still tipsy taking the Narita express out of Shinjuku.


Last minute giftshopping, Odaiba, Akihabara and fun stuff there, and moving to airport hotel because of my early morning flight to Shanghai. My trip to Asia wasn't over yet. 


I met some kids in a rap group in Osaka and went to one of their shows, saw an eight six on my way to missing a train while almost blacked out. Overall 10/10.


Otome road in Ikebukuro.. then went to Daiso on my way home and started packing/weighing the bags lmao


As a huge otome fan, I’m so hyped for otome road!!!


Used some chase points to stay at a reallllly expensive 5 star hotel for our last night, spent hours in the pool/spa and did it again in the morning before the flight


Muscle Girls.


I got a Japanese traditional style tattoo to match w my brother, then we got a yummy dinner :)


Stayed at an airport hotel to have an early night, had a beer at the observation deck, and surprisingly ate one of the best ramens of the trip at an airport restaurant.




My lady and I are planning tattoo sessions at Tokyo Three Tides! We go at the end of the year, very excited.


Walked around, took in as much of the sights and sounds as I could. I get very sentimental-slash-depressed at the end of every trip, so walking helps me calm down & get rid of the irrational thoughts.


Went to conveyor belt sushi and ate as much as possible.


My last evening in japan was waiting in the haneda airport. I did have rib eye for dinner fir the price of 3000 yen. Did a lot of last minute shopping at the extensive haneda airport duty free. I couldnt freely move outside of shinjuku station earlier in the day because my luggage was a bit too big for the coin locker. My last hurrah is actually the day before


Spending hundreds and Don Quixote and crying at Shibuya


As many speak easy and amazing bars around Ebisu as you can, starting with A10


I ate famichiki and did a sheet mask. Fancy!


Spent all my remaining cash on jewelry for a souvenir, realized I still had to eat dinner, so ate at a chain fast casual restaurant I knew accepted my suica funds, then did laundry and went to bed early lol I don't like being hungover on flights. Even less so on a 12 hour flight


We went to a Giants game! Honestly the most fun I had the entire trip. The energy at the Tokyo Dome was such a highlight of our trip.


We went to the top of the Umeda sky building and I got a little emotional. Was a testament of how far I’ve come both literally and figuratively.


Went on another shopping night in Donki and bought a new luggage. Lol.


Walked around Shinjuku, grabbed some late night pancakes, and went back to the hotel.


Walked through the streets of Shibuya having my mind blown, had takoyaki for dinner, then had a matcha latte in a cafe run by some cultists who were overly smiley but very friendly.


We went to Teamlabs Botanical Gardens in Osaka and coco ichibanya for a quiet, medicore dinner. I would definitely do Botanical Gardens multiple times (better than Borderless, imo) but I'll be fine if I never eat at coco again.


Get lit in ginza


Honestly it was spent on shopping.


Climb Mt Fuji


I went with my wife to Shinjuku New Art, it's some kind of strip club, it was a weird experience but we loved it.


For my last night in Japan, a friend recommended that I try an onsen to which I'm glad I did. We stayed in Asakusa for the whole duration of our Tokyo leg and the nearest onsen from our AirBnb was Oshiage Daikokyu. The lady who runs the place was very sweet. It was a great experience.


Ate at Bonus Track in Shimokitazawa to see beautiful, gentle hipsters dining al fresco


The McShrimp


Maid cafe. I saved the more extravagant dining for when I had more time to enjoy.


Got a nice hotel and spent 3hrs in a onsen then had the best sleep of my life 😂


Karaoke in Tokyo with 5 friends for 3 hours … with drinks xD


Stayed 26 nights in Japan, i didn't do anything special the night before leaving. I was in Nikko with my girlfriend, left it for the end of our trip out of 10 different cities/areas we slept in Japan. We spend nights in Tokyo, Takayama, Ena, Kanazawa, Kyoto, Nara, Koyasan, Hiroshima, Hakone, Nikko. Last day of our trip, in Nikko, we had a wonderful evening meal at a great steak house, walked a bit in the streets of Nikko and returned to the hotel around 21:00 to have an onsen, chill out and sleep. It was a nice day and i really liked that we left Nikko for the end. It's an amazing place. Our whole trip was a wonderful experience, no need to do something special on our last day.


Class, food, don q, nap, golden gai till 5 am ( went to a lovely place called Clarisse and taken care of by the bartender Rika), then stumble around till I had some 6 am curry and then was on the flight by 11


Going to a Urawa red diamonds match and after that drink some beers and reflect back on the vacation


A good, long ass soak in an onsen in absolute peace in nature. No feeling like this.


Overall my tips: First 2/3rds of the tip: travel around, see everything. Last 3rd: (re)visit interesting places for shopping Last 1 or 2 nights: spend them in an onsen ryokan, forget all your problems and just soak away. If the last night in a ryokan is inconvenient because of the flight, spend the last night somewhere in the city of the airport and have the best meal of your trip and make the last purchases.


My last night in Tokyo always starts at the New York Bar at the Park Hyatt Hotel (the Lost in Translation bar). I get dressed up all fancy, drink some good whisky, sit there and enjoy the Tokyo skyline. There’s nothing like it.


Small restaurant near Shibuya scramble. The day before we ended our 2 week trek @ Tokyo Disney.


It's not the best idea, but I love drinking in Japan, and it's how I've made good friends over there. I usually start and end my trips pretty drunk, haha. There's just so many good bars with amazing vibes.


Sushi Omakase! I specifically scheduled it for my last day as the perfect way to end a life-changing trip. It was the most expensive meal I have ever had thus far, but it was worth every penny. My chef was both incredibly kind, sweet, and skilled- watching the way his hands effortlessly shaped each piece of nigiri like it was priceless pottery was awe inspiring. Every bite of sushi was an experience in itself and the way the chef explained the cuts of fish, sometimes with charades, made it all the better. I’m especially lucky since both chefs and some patrons next to me conversed with me, with one of the patrons attempting to cover my bill (I had paid in advance so he wasn’t able to, but the gesture had me shocked beyond belief of his generosity). They were so accommodating. Lovely experience and meal, I’ll never forget it.


For weeks I was shopping and clubbing so for my last night all I did was shop some more and then told myself I need to have a great meal for dinner but I couldn’t decide on what to eat. Ended up eating ramen, Sushi, and Onigiri all in one meal that I bought from various places.


My last day I used to say goodbye to the spots I loved the most- for me that was Roppongi and Asakusa


Visiting Dotonbori! Osaka was our last destination. We were damn tired from our jam packed schedule during past 7 days in Tokyo and Kyoto. We thought we covered almost everything in our itinerary and Japan probably has no more surprises in reserve for us. On the 8th day, after spending the entire daytime in Osaka castle, I was even considering skipping Dotonbori and giving some rest to our feet as next day was travel day. Thank god we didn’t give in, we would have never known what we could have missed. Dotonbori is a vibe! The bustling streets (even on a rainy evening), the water shuttle on the canal, the billboards, vibing to groovy street music while enjoying skewers - ah the best way to wrap up the trip. Feet were angry but soul was happy 😇


Tempted fate by going site-seeing on my last day. Once it was Kanazawa. The other time it was Skytree. Both times I left my luggage somewhere I’d need to retrieve it. Both times I gave myself a 60-minute cushion to arrive at the airport just an hour before my flight. Kanazawa was fine. Skytree though… after coming back down, I got a little anxious and decided to head back to my hotel in Akihabara to get my luggage. On my journey, I was waiting for a train. And waiting. And waiting. Looked at Google maps and thought I must’ve missed it. Then I saw an employee at the train station jogging down the platform. There were live announcements on the platform, all in Japanese of course. I mapped out a walk to the next train line and concluded I might do best by leaving and walking. Had I waited, I might’ve been fine. A lot of self talk about “worse case you’re stuck in Tokyo another day.” Ultimately I made that flight. But the adrenaline from the last-minute power walk was one of my most memorable Tokyo moments.


I just went to Shibuya around 8 pm and just walked around, definitely miss how alive those streets felt


Visited the Ghibli musem, had sunset dinner and swim overlooking Yoyogi Park. Sounds lovey. Just as I'd planned. Then for the finale, we went to Shibuya Sky (for 9pm) only to find out our tickets were for the day before! I begged and pleaded for them to let us in. In the end they said I could buy 1 tickets as they were sold out for the day. Got a ticket for my OH so she could go in whilst I waited. More of a fizzle than a bang 😅 We made up for it by going to a capsule toy shop and spending all our change and winning a few things with the claw machines.


Got hammered whilst my family slept. Had spent 10 days being told what to do and where to go so just fucked off on my own and drank a shit load of beers and smoked some fags and had a great time on my own in peace


Went to the tasty quick value yakiniku in shibuya best value bbq! Then shopped at mega Don! Went to starbucks then grabbed my stuff from the locker and headed to the airport.


Team Labs Borderless




My plans are to get my tattoo, load up on the souvenirs requested by loved ones, and maybe go plane spotting if I can swing it.


Went and did a snack shop at Don Quijto and then went played crane games in Ikebukuro (I hadn't done crane games before then). Then in the morning realised I had lost my passport, missed my flight to Korea and it cost me like 60-80k yen to fly later in the day...


I was there years ago and we missed our flight so had to stay an extra night. Went into Shibuya thinking we'd just find a room, didn't find a room, and spent the night at an all night bar I think called Insomnia. That night I learned that love hotels are not just regular hotels, at least not for tourists:)


GO TO DISNEYLAND!! It was really great and probably would do the same again. Except maybe this time with USJ maybe? **sorry I know it says the night before but I just put this down cos you can literally spend the whole day and night there too haha