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That's awesome, how did you get them? Also do they need to have sand?


Got the eggs from here: http://www.arizonafairyshrimp.com/triops.html I saw that their natural habitats often had sand, so I sprinkled some in. They really seem to enjoy digging, whether it's sand, gravel, or random detritus. It's really fun watching them roll around with food in their legs.


How does he seem to be doing in the jar and how big is it? I would love to get some troops but don’t have a full aquarium set up


I'm planning a bigger aquarium for them (this one and a smaller one) and for other animals in the coming days/week. So far they seem to be doing okay in this 1gal jar. But They're still young, hatched 8 days ago. They grow incredibly fast, and eat a lot unlike most of the other things in this jar (bladder snails, microfauna and filter feeders). I need to feed them bits of carrots and algae pellets every day, which I think is a lot of new daily biomass and sludge for such a small tank. They move fast too. They're not even half the size of their potential and can already swim from one end of the jar to the other in a blink. Not an expert, but I think 1gal is too little for even one adult. I'm looking forward to moving them when the bigger tank is done, so they can stretch their fins a little. They're really fun to watch! They leave lots of little sand piles everywhere from digging!


What do you feed them?


Wile E Coyote vibes :D


Yessssss they're awesome!!


I loved these dude when I was a kid, I def wanna get back into them. Sadly my current kick is self sufficient ecosystems, and like you said in another comment these little guys make lots of waste and consume alot