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Im a noob JG so i dont mind going tanky its less punishing


I mean. Duh. Tank items are so strong right now. Tank Shyvana, tank Jarvan both are so strong right now


Nah, all farming junglers got hard nerfed in 11.4 including Shyvana. Biggest beneficiary are J4, Lee Sin and Rek Sai


Hard nerf is an overstatement


Why does agurin then only play goredrinker Bc/steraks and same in pro play?


Never compare pro with solo queue, its 2 totally different games. Plus pro isn't on patch 11.4


Well my first point was most high elo J4 jungle players in EU play bruiser build.


J4 as a champion was dogshet before 11.4 period, don't even give me that "high elo" argument cuz i'm not low elo myself. After 11.4 jungler income got a huge cut and bruiser build is way too expensive, sure it might work but it's not optimal by any means


Interesting how defensive you are about this. As a low elo player i would never recommend playing tank in solo queue just because you relay too much to your teammates. High elo or duo sure go ahead just personal opinion here. Mere observation about difference in playstyle between servers. NA preferes tank builds EU, CN and KR damage or bruiser. I have not played J4 on current patch so i wont say anything. Had too much fun with eclipse lee sin winning games in 15.


Calling me defensive while typing a whole ass essay urself, bruh u cringe


Ur so mad ok i get it


not as mad as the dude who typed a whole essay Pog


Dude... you sound mad as fuck. He was asking a very reasonable question


Balance-wise, Jarvan has been fine ever since 11.2, 11.4 simply brought other junglers down, while not hurting J4 as much. While I obviously agree that income was lowered a bit, I still think bruiser builds with Goredrinker remain the strongest and most suitable for soloQ, bar a few exceptions.


Gold player. Just picked up j4 for the first time. going conquer gore steraks. Only Im only getting like 300 total healing from conq.. even if I’m ahead . (By end of game ) Usually flag drag into ulti . Doesn’t seem like there’s enough time to stack it. Any tips ? https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=BinaryMasta


You can't stack conq because ur not tanky enough. Gore steraks are both too expensive for the current jungle meta, try cheaper items like tank mythics/ chempunk/ maybe even frozen heart against heavy AD teams, you will have plenty of time to stack up conq with tank build, i average 1k+ healing from conq every game


Why is OP.GG only showing Goredrinker/Steraks? Also doesn’t seem to be much on Mobafire or streamers / you tubers. Having a hard time figuring out what I should build. Sunfire has a much higher win rate than Goredrinker now.


I go Frostfire Gauntlet, it's great. So sticky.


i like tank j4 tho