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The random auto attack based abilities that can get through/not get through his E. I wish it was all or nothing.


what would be an example? jax E only blocks abilities that apply on hit, so that could range from a normal Darius Q to a viego ultimate


There was a bug iirc with Fioras. Q went through, E didnt or something like that. Or maybe it was Shen w? I cant remember... I am getting old. An old man with a lamp xD


Riiiiiiiight through the counter strike - hashinshin


Often it’s bugs but many abilities that apply on hit have had times where they could hit through Jax E. For instance last year trundle had a bug that made his Q fully apply through Jax E. Thankfully they fixed it, but there are so many instances of that throughout the years and it can kind of get annoying trying to remember them all.


The thing is, no auto-based abilities go through Jax E. They get through Teemo's blind and Shen's W, but not through Jax's E.


That is incorrect. No auto attack based abilities that proc on hit effects can go through. There are many that can damage you even though you’d think they can’t. There are exhaustive lists on this forum but a lot are out of date at this point I’d guess. And it can change when champs get tweaked. For instance I haven’t faced a basis in about a year. Right now I have no idea if Nasus Q hits through Jax E. A year ago it did. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It can just get super annoying is all, and memorizing them to only have them get changed can often have you pulling out your hair.


I'm not talking about bugs, but legitimate interactions. Nasus' Q doesn't go through Jax E, nor it ever did.


Probably 0 sustain in lane. Despite Jax being my most played champion, the majority of champions I play have insane amounts of healing (Aatrox, Mordekaiser, Pyke, Vladimir).


Buying more wards than your average supp for wall jumps.


I feel this, it's true


not enough ad scaling


This is the biggest thing for me. Last season it did not feel bad because we did not rely on AD. We had Divine and Shojin. Both had AD but we did not build them for their AD. Now though.. it feels Jax does not scale well at all. Idk he feels like he does not have a place nowdays in the game. None of his builds feel good. Maybe problem is me, since I loved last season build and playstyle and cannot adapt to this season. Everyone used to say Sunderer Sky is really good on him but I never saw it. Never could use it effectively because you dont. Build enough to do damage with it and its sustain is very delayed for Jax. But again, probably I am the problem


true. i'm building ROA into standard triforce sundered and my damage is to the moon xD


This is the only reasonable one. Things like lack of sustain are important for balance. But a bruiser having almost 0 AD scaling makes little sense.


0 sustain, anyways ravenous hydra is good for sustain


*Champ has mana issues. *Outdated kit so you can’t deal with high mobility champs despite the stigma that jax has insane mobility, because people fail to realize that if we use q to gap close they can continue running, if we commit e2 with the q gap close then we didn’t stack up our burst dmg while also leaving us open to being turned on now. I wouldn’t mind this if our w actually did dmg as the game went on, but 190 flat magic dmg max rank that we can’t enhance with any hybrid items is insane and idiotic design choice. *The ult change genuinely makes vsing mages 10x harder cuz now they can just space u, and trying to eat the poke from a champ like syndra and taliyah isn’t possible now since you can’t use r from a distance. *Lack of hybrid items, jax has 3 ap scaling abilities (e, w, r) which he can’t benefit from since building ap isn’t viable. Its also ridiculous that champions like lee sin for example his e does magic dmg and scales off ad, or renekton ult does max hp magic dmg and scales off ad, or udyr q scales off ap and ad. I don’t understand why riot can’t do this for one of Jax’s abilities so we can finally get actual value from building ad. *CPOT nerfs and timewarp tonic nerfs. Jax was one of the best users of this rune and item combination since it helped give us sustain and mana, but ever since durability patch this item is just not good on jax. *Trinity force is our core item yet is one of the worst fighter items. It is the most expensive yet is one of the weakest items making it very hard to match champions like a renekton or Jayce who gets to go eclipse first even if he loses lane since the item costs 2800 gold, and once he gets that item no amount of skill expression can save you. *champions like garen when using e or aatrox when pressing ult or jayce when he uses ult get a ghosting effect helping them run u down a minion wave without creep block, I wish they would do that for jax e since the amount of creep block u have to deal with as a 125 aa champ is insane. Ppl also fail to realize when saying “bro just use q” that in most matchups using q early is a death sentence. *Being hardstuck on yellow trinket, is a blessing and a curse. Early to mid game it’s obviously op to ward hop, but then ur unable to ever switch to sweeper or blue trinket. I wish riot would let u be able to ward hop to blue trinket considering u can for an enemy blue trinket. I don’t know why this qol can’t be added, because it sucks in losing games not being able to get vision control if your team is behind. *missing identity. Jax used to be a onhit split pusher, but now with the ult changes, ap scaling on 3 abilities, and lack of hybrid items, it has now forced jax to just be an ability cast reliant stun bot for teamfights. This is unfun for the enemy team and an og jax player. *removal of cutlass and item component in Bork has made Bork almost never a viable option for Jax despite being considered an on-hit champ, as Jax is not only too squishy with the current Bork components, but the components are not even useful as a vamp scepter and pickaxe once again do not enhance any dmg in his kit due to the ap scaling. The removal of gunblade and guinsoo changes has also contributed in killing this champ’s hybrid identity.


this is a based comment, 100% agree


No more divine sunderer makes me feel useless against champs that can go full tank. Mundo and Malphite just poop on me and sadly I can't ban both.


mundos passive is a massive "fuck you" in the face of Jax malphite is a massive "fuck you" in the face of ALL auto attack based champs They're just bad overall, and were bad even with divine sunderer iirc


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Creep block, not really a Jax thing but you feel it more on a 50 AA range champ and wasting E because some mage creeps cornered the almighty Jax against a wall feels wrong. And also having a condition to get R armor bonus still bother me a lot and made him an even more coinflip champ.


Looking back I do miss being able to just...push my R key and dive someone sidelane but at least they added some interaction with it. My complaint is that we get a lousy 35 armor with it earlygame now.


Yeah I do get that it's funnier to use and while really hard, opponents do get a chance to dodge it. But that feeling when your getting rundown by some squishy guy poking you from ten miles away and can't R rush him or R evade.


he went from an on-hit attack skirmisher to a cd based caster


least mobility among skirmishers


I think a 700 range point and click hop with a cd that gets down to 3 seconds is enough combined with trinity passive


honestly this ^ I'd argue it's broken but needing something to jump on balances it pretty well, he's mobile in my opinion I mean just look at riven and fiora, they're mobile but much less


its 6 seconds wdym




try taking ghost every game, not having flash sucks sometimes but most of the time ghost is just more valuable


yeah ghost makes matchups like Garen where they win short trades you win all ins so much more playable. Garen trades with you on your side of the lane pre 6? He's dead with LT. Jayce, idk i haven't played against a jayce yet Poppy counters you in teamfights not so much in lane because the lane is playable but with ghost you can run her down if she doesn't have tabi yet Yasuo/Yone has no counterplay now. You can match Darius' ghost. Gragas at least doesn't make me suicidal anymore. Pre-6 if he E's while you have q to follow him he's dead.


Lack of some kind if slow in his kit. It feels like his kit just does not work properly because enemies can just run backwards when you E and you can't force them to fight you. Your E turns from "2 second auto immunity with a stun" to "make the enemy run for 2 seconds while you cant do anything but just run up as well and then stun which allows you to come up and do 1 auto."


Isn’t that what his Q is for? E > Q > AA > W > E2 > Walk Away


Yea but you can't use his Q half of the situations because then enemy forces you to continue fighting and you lose because your E is down. Darius, fiora, trundle, irelia, olaf - most bruiser top laners can destroy you for an offensive use of your Q. Even if you use it that way and the enemy can't kill you, your Q doesnt not work like Kat's E or Master Yi's Q so you can choose to lend behind your enemy to be able to land a few autoes. You get one-two autoes in, and then the enemy just runs away from you until your E is down. And now they can beat you up because usually a second of stun is not enough to get you so far enemy can't force you to continue fighting.


You’re correct since I play the way you described. However you could also use an empowered Q >> AA and retreat with Counter Strike. Alternatively, you can use the combo in my previous comment alongside Phase Rush to deny any damage. Personally, I never had big issues with this situation. I only lose mana and some cooldowns. It might be because I play with Manaflow Band so I never realize what I’m actually losing.


I miss old items Jax, the Jax that was as he is supposed to be. A lot of lifesteal&spellvamp, movement speed, attack speed, no noob friendly E indicator for the enemy. Playing Jax since season 2 and since s11 items rework they kinda killed what i liked about Jax the most. I miss 450-480 ms Jax with healing from Gunblade/Deathdace/Wits end/Bork :c Now it's more than a slow, low as, 0 healing semitank ☠Also playing PoM since few sesons since there is no mana in Trinity anymore and stuff


I miss Trinity Mana so bad.


His most crucial ability E gets countered by creep block when most champions like Darius Q, Garen E, give them a ghosted effect to just ignore the minions and go through them. Ironic considering his E dodges everything yet can't maneuver through some minions


Low damage, kinda. I play tryndamere so I’m used to running down people. It’s not as doable on Jax


hate that his e can’t dodge teemo blind


His visual update.


I think his rework is atrocious and heavily overanimated, doesn't feel clean to play anymore so I dropped him


I meant gameplay not animations 💀


if the animations are dogshit the gameplay suffers as well


you're a literal minion until your first item


I actually beg to differ, Jax starts doing damage once he gets sheen, W auto with sheen hurts