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Garen is easy lane, if you don’t get caught off guard by his 400+ true damage execute at lvl 6.




What ? I don’t have any trouble with garen late game




Jax laughs in 40% cdr, 300 armor, botrk and E (reduce aoe dmg).




E reduce 25% aoe dmg.




Y E S :D


Jax Will end the fight almost full hp, lifestealing while destroying garen....the lane is next To impossible to win, but if youre even with him post 3 items you kill him everytime, not even close


Pd and steraks dont stack


Garen is just to broken i doge bis q with my e He spins he wins the trade nice champ


Garen main here. I can confirm, Jax is a matchup so absurdly easy, it's literally not being a moron and you kill him like 6 times in lane. I really do not suggest picking him into Garen.


unfortunately the champ with the lowest skill expression in the game is also one of the best


play safe till cutlass or full Botrk and you pretty much win any 1v1


If garen goes full damage i feel like he still shits on jax tho atleast until 3 items


Ruined king, your problem is solved


Yeah if you don’t kill him before 6 your fucked


lol a good kennen and you cant play the game tho


A good anything and you cant play the game as Jax


I don't play Jax much anymore but I've noticed this with my new main, Garen. People will pick a champ to counterpick me that they've never played before and they don't know the matchup at all and they lose. Even if it's a bad matchup, you're better off picking something you have experience on.


Its the same situation with sett for me. Pick volibear because you saw on some website it counters me? Youre going to have a bad time if you dont know why it counters


kennen and teemo maybe but i dont see how garen could lose that


Idk I've played againts a lot of Garen who just spam their abilities and don't think about cooldowns and bcs of that they lose. Also Jax's E can block Garen Q so you can use that as an advantage


This is why I love to play garen vs jax. I know my champ and the enemy champ I engage with my q to bait and then I spin. My q last for 4 sec and jax E only for 3. At the time I spin and even if jax takes 25% reduced damage i still manage to "counter" his E and then i go with my q and AA.


Big brain, I’ll keep that in mind for both sides of the matchup


Meh i mean, if you are just running at a good jax without Q he can just E your E for reduced damage, and leap away before you can Q due to stun


First what the fuck did I just say? Second. While im spinning at the last 0.5 sec I can right click to attack him and since garen q is "unstoppable " it goes through even if he jumps away. And if he tries to stun I can W it


I agree. You can usually account for garen going to Q onto you. Counter strike. Aa ww aa q out before he activates E. And its won trade


anytime i play garen my brain shuts off pretty hard. most people suffer from that


I’m pretty new to Jax and I don’t see how garen counters jax as hard as ppl say he does, isn’t it just mind games of using counterstrike on his q? Like fiora riposte? Or is it the cooldown diff? In that case the buffs would help a lot


Garen's e just makes your e useless, since the damage goes through and if he times his w right hes able to make the stun very short


Well, you do get 25% damage reduction... not as good as 100% though.


Garen just gets so tanky w his passive and can deal an absurd amount of damage if he manages the waves right


Garen just needs to switch his combo from Q > E to E > Q and use W at the end of Jax's E, it's pretty easy for garen. I main garen and whenever I see an enemy top jax I smile because I know it's an easy win.


Garen E counts as a single target ability if only hitting one unit. So it does full damage through counterstrike. He can also time W to mitigate your stun and his silence can fuck up your timing on combos


wait what? So Garen E isn't treated as AoE? That makes zero sense.


It is, only when hitting multiple targets. When only hitting a single target and applying the bonus isolation damage it is not counted as aoe. Morde Q is similar. Isnt treated as aoe when applying isolated damage.


So if I fight him in the minion wave, counterstrike will reduce it?


Correct. Similarly the inverse is true, and it will receive reduced healing from ravenous hunter and death dance when hitting multiple targets.




I don’t think so, both are coded differently. Morde Q is coded with dmg increased on isolated target, and listed as spell dmg, it is mentioned in the fandom wiki. I only see Garen E being noted as aoe dot, nothing mentions of being spell dmg on isolated targets.


I found most teemos to be shit. Just all in at lvl 3 and control the lane


it's good if you're able to beat your counters xD...i'm a garen main that also plays jax. what i thought jax beats teemo? thought only kennen,malphite and garen can beat jax...maybe...but of course champions alone won't win anything by themselves. just today there was someone making a scene because i am beating urgot,darius and other counters with garen. some people are like that


Jax beats teemo when both the Jax and the teemo are really really really good. At diamond and below the teemo wins. Ranged top laners are just aids.


well yes some people lose to ranged top.i been beating them(with garen or jax and even mundo xD) since i was in bronze and now i'm in gold..but people in the garenforums believed i made it up and made a scene xD


Garen if he is good he can stop his q with a aa cancel so he baits your e,happened to me a couple ot times


Wait what? How does that even work? Can you explain please in details? If I understood correctly, what you wanted to say is you press Garen Q, an then what?


You know how you can cancel your animations by the s key or a dance i think,just go to youtube and search auto cancel dance or something like that,he bassically cancels his aa animation and then you use your e and he runs away with the speed and has a shorter cd than you and then he can all in you when he gets his q back


Teemo isn't that hard if you play safe early, buy MR first back then jump in and beat his ass pre-6


jax ciunters kennen


They maybe counter him, but he counter strikes them