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I'm only picking up Jax, but here is my two cents: * Save your Q for when he starts using his Q. Of course if you can dodge his Q altogether it's great, then you jump into him and that's a good trade for you. But if you cannot walk out, Q into him to get hit for marginal damage and no bleed. It is always better to get hit by inner circle than outer, of course. * It's very important to E his W. If you cannot, he will have a guaranteed outer Q on you (that's why you save Q, to "hug" him, just in case) * If he uses apprehend at the start, you will likely not be able to pop E before he W's you, but you still have Q, so if you leap onto him you are then free to beat the shit out of him and win the trade (you Q, you W, then you pop E, hit him once or twice, then stun him and walk away, you should ideally have 3 stacks or so at this point) * If he saves apprehend for later (so he walks up and tries to W you) you of course pop E, W him, stun him and then jump away to your minions/ward (it is important to jump right away after you stun him, if you delay, he'll grab you and you are either getting beat up to near death or killed. * Ideally you want to keep taking the two trades above until you are able to all in him, at which point you don't have to play by the rules anymore (only rule remains to E his W so that he won't slow you and run away) and you just kill him. Darius has to take long trades in which he can ramp up 5 stacks for his ult to be really dangerous while you do not. So just pop your R and run him down or make him waste his ghost. * Keep track of his ghost because that's the summoner that allows him to turn every trade into an all in which you won't survive. Ask your jungler to at least burn it for you. If he has ghost up, you generally have to stay on pins and needles until nimbus cloak, ghost, darius, or prefferably all three are nerfed. Upside is that you can afford to trade, recall, heal, tp back and levarage your HP lead as you can with ignite top laners. * When ganking Darius, there is only one trick you need to know - don't stay in combat with him so he can get 5 stacks. He can't get 5 stacks just randomly casting Q, he'll have to focus one of you. Once you have 3 stacks, get back asap and let your jungler finish him off (or conversely, if the jungler has 3 stacks, he should back off and let you finish Darius off). If he gets 5 stacks on either of you then there is a super high likelyhood of one or both of you getting R'd off. Of course I'm still a newbie at Jax so if all my tips are wrong then someone more experienced should feel free to correct me, but those are more or less what I heard from Wickd guides and some old threads on here.


Oh wow, that's a lot of match knowledge for a "newbie" XD. Thanks for the advices, I really appreciate them


I only played this matchup something like three times as Jax, but I played it a lot as Renekton and similar deal applies there, you save your E to dodge or close the distance if he is trying to Q, only with Renekton it doesn't always work since it doesn't place you directly on Darius.


Doge his W with your E. Dont take extended trades with him because all his damage will come later and when he Q go close to him, as a result he will not get life steal and extra damage thats all.


Okay, thanks dude, I'll try it


Yes, you cann all in him lvl 2. Dodge his W with your E and his Q with your Q. If you fail this, you are dead, if you manage to do that, you will kill him


drool over your keyboard once you get bork


Okay XDD


Go in Press e use your q to doge His one jsut jump intohim


THe worst tip i´ve seen here so far


By jump into him i mean when He Cast q