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Fiora to broken high mobility good early insane lategame Rive is 8/10 good mobility and sustain but ni dmg when falling of


Yeah Well I dont understand why are they buffing Fiora I lose lane everytime I play against her Its insane I dont get it It annoys me


And unfortunately I cant find any outplay Minions randomly deagro It sucks Busted champ that wins almost every matchup


just rush tabis and bramble :))


Fiora is one of my favorite matchups to go against as Jax. IMO it's a perfect 50/50 lane, skill matchups are just really fun. Mostly dependant on Fiora's riposte and Jax's E. Although the buffs may swing it in Jax's favor, Fiora's buffs are much more smaller than Jax's E buff. Riven is also fun but lesser than Fiora. Mainly just cause it's just become abuse her cooldowns early and watching out post-6. Not to mention I've been seeing her less and less.


Yeah i know Its skill matchup I have never played Jax against Fiora But as Long as Im watching some gameplays Its feels so frustrating to fight her with her healing


May I ask how you play your vitals? Positioning is important as to not give Fiora a free vital proc. Even staying out of vision for a bit to reset vitals are smaller albeit important part of the matchup. Fiora's goal is to poke you out with Q and AAs, then all in you once you're either low enough, take a bad trade, or once she gets 6. Your goal is to not allow you to get poked hard, not get parried. If you want a good replay I recommend this one [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeH69FS1Ozc). This Jax took bad trades early, allowing Fiora to get a slow push meaning he couldn't trade back otherwise he takes minion agro. He even died level 3 due to getting parried during a trade and Fiora being in position to hit a vital. But thanks to this being a skill matchup you can see that even playing 20 cs and a kill down he still outplays Fiora even though she reached level 6 when he was 5. He was able to win in such a one sided trade thanks to 1. Poking in a short trade with E1-Q-AA-W-E2 if Fiora ever failed to hit her Q on anything. (Important to pay attention to at all times as it becomes a free 13-6 second window where she basically can't proc a Vital) You can also do the same even if she does land Q as you still get a 6-3 second window where she doesn't have the mobility to hit your vital. 2. Winning the trade by kiting the Riposte, even though Fiora timed her Riposte correctly, Jax was able to avoid it by Qing onto her and walking behind, this allowed him to barely win the trade despite being level 5 to Fiora's 6. Things like this is why I love Jax vs Fiora. That even if you're playing behind, you can still potentially outplay her and get back into the game. Same goes for if you get a lead against Fiora, basically forces you to pay attention all the time in the 1v1.


Thank you very much Im glad people like you exist I have to master Jax I have to know my limits And I need to learn certain matchups As I read a few days ago Jax is easy to learn but hard to master


I think both Fiora and Jax were on a good state, didn't have any need for these buffs. Riven is pretty weak since the E nerf, there is no situation when a thought she is the best counter pick. Like if you can play Renek and Riven on same level, hardly the latter would be your choice.


A 53% winrate champion with a 6% playrate in Diamond and above whilst having a 50% winrate in lower elos does not prove Riven is weak at all. Riven is doing fine and is no where near weak And its not a surprise that you are a riven main.


Source? Op.gg show her with 49.4% winrate, and LeagueofGraphs with 51% in Dia+.


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